How To Write Cold Emails And Get New Clients Even If Nobody Knows Who You Are

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- Now in sales, a lot of people focus on, closing, closing, closing. But the thing is, if you can't even generate meetings or generate any leads, you literally have nobody to close. So in this video, I'm gonna show you, some of my best strategies, on how to write cold emails and get responses, even if nobody has any idea who you are. (upbeat music) Now if you're ready to learn some of my best strategies, when it comes to sending cold emails and getting responses, make sure to give this video a like, because every life does help this video reach new audiences and if you wanna see new sales training videos, every single week, make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell. All right, so to get things started, in this video, I'm gonna give you, my high-level overview strategy, on how you can basically get a meeting with anybody, using cold email. These are gonna be the most, foundational things you need to have, when writing your cold emails. If you don't get this right, you're just not gonna get any responses. In this video again, I wanna focus on the high-level strategy, so we're not gonna go super in-depth, on exactly word-by-word, what to say, I'm gonna give you the strategy first, so that you can have the right approach. And then maybe in future videos, if you guys want, I can do video tutorials on exactly line by line, how to write your cold email. So if you want that type of training, go ahead and let me know in the comments, so I can make it for you guys. But for now let's go ahead and go into the high-level strategy, on how to write your cold email, to get responses and get meetings with your dream clients, so you can close more business. Now the first step when it comes to, writing your cold emails, is first, uncovering your customers pain. So essentially this is how sales is gonna work, right? Somebody has a problem and they're pretty much willing, to pay money to someone, to make that problem go away. Same as, let's say somebody is sick, right? They're gonna go to the doctor, pay the doctor money and the doctor will make their pain or illness go away and it's the exact same thing, when you're writing your cold emails, no matter what product or service you are selling. So a lot of you guys starting out there, whether you have your own business or maybe you're starting out your sales career, right? You might be thinking, you haven't got any meetings with anybody yet, so how do you even know, what a customer pain is, if you haven't even generated your first meetings, right? And so this is a great point, that helped a lot of people, with a lot of my students with. But the thing you have to know that, you're right in that, if you haven't talked to anybody yet, you don't exactly know what their pain points are. You can only do research and make an educated guess and try your best to hit that pain point, so that they are willing to take a meeting with you. Once they take a meeting with you, then you can improve, what you're saying at the email, but in the beginning, you gotta just do some research and take an educated guess and I'm gonna give you an example, of exactly how to do that, right now. So let's say, you are selling Google Ad Services, right? You are helping people do pay-per-click advertising, on Google search. Let's say you wanna help coaches and consultants, get more business, by helping them with their Google Ads and then, you run the ads, they get more business, they make more money, okay? Now, if you let's say are going after coaches and consultants and that's the people you wanna work with, all you gotta do and this is just an example, is go on this person's LinkedIn profile, see how long they've been in business, get a feel of what type of clients they're working with, go on to their website and a lot of times, they'll put what type of clients they work with over there. And then from going on their website, you can kinda use some tools like SimilarWeb or things like that, to see, where their traffic is coming from, right? Whether it's from paid ads, like Facebook or Google or maybe they have organic traffic, whatever it is, right? And if you find on their website, they don't have much traffic, they're not running any ads, any Facebook Ads or Google Ads, then they have a pain point, right? You don't know for sure, but based on your research, you can kinda see that, "Hey, that their website's, "not getting any traffic, "they have no funnels to generate leads, "with Google Ads." So now, here is your opportunity to pitch your services, for Google advertising and they may be willing to take a meeting with you, because you're solving a problem, right? And their problem is that, maybe they're doing business, maybe they got business from referrals, but they don't understand this internet thing and they don't know how to get new business, using Google Ads, right? And a lot of people who are maybe older, they don't have time to spend, learning how to do advertising, so they'll just pay someone else, who is very savvy, to do all the work for them, right? And if you can generate them more business, they're of course willing to pay you. So in this example, the pain point, that someone may be facing, whether they're coach or consultant, is that, they want more business, they don't understand the internet and you are going to be that person, that helps them solve their problem. So that is basically a guess of, maybe this person has this problem, maybe they don't, but it's probably likely, that they do have this problem. Now when you make this educated guess, there are a couple things, you have to keep in mind, right? For some people that you want to reach out to, they may already be aware, that they have this problem, right? They may think, "Oh I want to get more business, "but I don't know how to do, XYZ." Whether it's Google Ads, Facebook Adds, it doesn't really matter, right? And if they already have that problem and if you happen to email them at that specific time, there's so much more likely to take a meeting with you, because they already have a problem, you demonstrate empathy, you understand what their problems are, you say, "Hey I have a solution." Then they're gonna take your meeting. Now for other people, they may be doing business and they never even thought about, let's say, doing Google Ads or doing internet stuff, right? And if you make them aware, that they have a problem, they might think, "Oh, you know, I'm doing pretty well, "but I don't see why, "I shouldn't take a meeting with this guy, "if he can make me more money." Right? And if you're able to convince someone, that they have a problem, even though they didn't even realize they have a problem, then they're also likely to take a meeting with you, so they can learn from you and see how you can bring value to them. You know, taking all these concepts, basically in the email that you're writing, you essentially want to, have empathy and show that you understand, where this person is coming from. And just kinda list out, what problems, you guess that they probably have and in the next part, you're basically going to create this, desired dream scenario and this is all happening within the same email, right? So you talk about the problems, then you talk about what life would be like, if you made all their problems go away. So here's basically how you do it right? You understand the person's problem and then you create the scenario where, you know, "Imagine what it would be like, "if you had clients knocking on your door "or sending you emails every day, "trying to work with you. "How amazing your life would be, how amazing, "how much more revenue would you be generating, "if you were able to figure this out." Right? So basically, it's this dream scenario, of what their life could be like, if they were to work with you. And you wanna think of it like this, right? Everybody has a place of where their currently at and there's always a place of where they wanna go and if you're helping people generate more business, you're helping them make more money, that they wanna get to the next stage. So, if you show them, that you can bring them to the next stage, that's essentially how you're gonna get people, to respond to you, even if they have no idea who you are, because it doesn't matter, I mean having a brand name does help, however, not everyone has that, right? Some people are solo entrepreneur, so how is anyone gonna even hear of you right? And at some point, every business has to start from somewhere and when you're starting from nothing, nobody knows who you are. But how you get people to respond to your emails is that, you show them, that you understand their problem and you understand where they're trying to go, right? And then you wanna bridge this gap and show them that whatever it is that you're selling, will help them get to where they wanna go and that's basically enough, to build enough trust, to get that person to agree to take a meeting with you. So now we're gonna go into step number three, which is essentially, positioning your product and service, as the solution to their pain and essentially the vehicle, that gets them to where they wanna go. So I'll go ahead and give you an example here, right? So this is a, you know, calming example of sell me this pen, okay? So in a regular everyday scenario, if you're tryna sell let's say a $50 pen, most people aren't gonna buy it because, they're not really looking for, a $50 pen, because why would they be, right? But there are certain people, that are in that market, that would want it right then. So for example, let's say you're talking to an artist, okay? You just see them on the street and they have this amazing idea and they wanna write it down, but they don't have a pen, but they have paper. If you just happen to be right there, at the right time and you say, "Hey you need a pen, "to write down your amazing idea? "I can sell you one for 50 bucks." This person, because they want to-- They don't wanna lose the idea, maybe pay you $50 for that pen, right? You're not really even doing any selling, it's positioning, you just happen to be at the right place, at the right time, to solve their specific problem. So in an email, it's basically the same concept, right? You know, we're not just selling, commodity products like a pen, let's say you're selling a service like Google Ad Services. If somebody has tried Google Ads in the past, but completely failed, they lost money on it and they need help and you happen to email them and you say, "Hey I understand that you wanna run ads "and you want more business "and you can't figure it out by yourself. "I can do everything for you, for a fee. "Do you wanna have a conversation, "to see if it makes sense to work together?" And in this scenario, you're not even selling anything, you're just kinda saying like, "Hey I already know what your problems are, "I can help you out with it." And if you're able to do that, they are so much more likely to take a meeting with you, you don't even have to hard sell them, it's just like you're solving their problems, that they already have. So essentially in the cold email, what you're really doing is, you're not selling, you're actually just doing the right positioning, to convince someone, to take a meeting with you and then once you're talking to them in person or over the phone, then you can actually sell. But in that first cold email, all it really is, is identifying a problem, understanding where someone wants to go and showing that you can get them, to where they want to go. And at the end of that email, all you have to do is, have a simple call to action. Something like, "Hey, so if it makes sense to talk, "let me know where your calendar looks like." And then they're gonna give you their schedule and then you could set the meeting from there. So as you can see, the three-step strategy is, understand their pains, understand their dream scenario and then show them that you are the vehicle, whatever product or service you're selling, can get them to where they wanna go. And people are going to be taking meetings with you, left and right. So essentially, those are the main critical factors, when it comes to writing your cold emails, right? No matter what kinda templates you find online or whatever you try to do, it basically always follows these things, find the pain, solve the pain, call to action and that is essentially it. So if you made it to the end of this video, make sure you give this video a like, because it really does help this video reach new audiences and if you wanna see new sales training videos and lead generation videos about, cold email or LinkedIn, make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell. And again, you know, in this video, I give you a high-level overview of how everything works, however, we can go a lot more in-depth and show you exactly line by line, how to write your emails, who to email, how to follow up and things like that. So if you wanna see that type of content, let me know in the comments, exactly what you wanna see about cold emailing or using LinkedIn, to generate leads and I will be sure to read it, to make more videos for you guys. So with that said, that is it for me my name is Patrick Dang and I will see you guys in the next video. Hey, so if you enjoyed this video and you wanna learn more about cold email, I actually created a free guide, for you to learn exactly, how you can develop your own cold email strategy. If you wanna get your hands on this free guide, all you gotta do is click the link in the description and it's gonna take you there. So again, if you want your free guide, go ahead and click the link in the description.
Channel: Patrick Dang
Views: 17,367
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Keywords: patrick, dang, patrickdang, how to write cold emails, cold email, cold email strategy, how to send cold emails, cold email template, get clients with email, cold email to get clients, how to cold email clients, cold email tutorial, cold emailing new clients, how to get email leads, how to, lead generation, cold email for sales, cold email sales, sales email, cold message, best sales email, cold email pitch, cold email subject line, cold email marketing
Id: F5Dqaf7WE0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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