- Now, no matter what you do for a living, you are always selling in some capacity. Whether it's actually selling
a product or a service, an idea or even yourself. (gentle music) But here's the thing, because sales has this reputation
of being slimy and sleazy, a lot of people don't take the time to actually learn about it. So whenever these people
are in the meeting doing a presentation at work, or even just talking to
people on a daily basis, they don't have the basic knowledge of selling to do this effectively. And a lot of times, without any training, people are just gonna ramble and talk about things that nobody cares about, and ultimately, come off as
not very persuasive at all. So what we're gonna do in this video is we're gonna break this habit. And we're gonna show you exactly how you can craft your elevator
pitch or your sales pitch so that you can sell any
product, any service, yourself, ideas, literally anything. Even if you're not
necessarily a salesperson, by crafting your elevator pitch, you're gonna be able to
literally communicate anything in a clear and concise way, in a way where people will actually care about what you're saying. And by the end of this video, you're literally going to walk
away with a simple framework you can use and apply to
literally sell anything. And before we go ahead and begin, make sure you like a like in this video if you're excited to learn how to craft your elevator pitch or your sales pitch. And if you wanna see new
videos every single week, make sure you hit that
subscribe and notification bell. And so with that said, let's go ahead and dive right into it. Now, the first thing
we gotta talk about is developing the right mindset when it comes to crafting your elevator or sales pitch. Now, I can give you the templates and show you exactly what you should say and how you should say it in a pitch, however, it doesn't necessarily mean it's always gonna work all the time. And the reason is because
you have to understand who you're crafting this pitch for. So the first thing you really have to do is understand your audience. Who are these people? What do they care about? And what value can you
bring into their lives? And once you answer these questions, it's gonna be a lot easier
to craft your pitch. But if you get this part wrong, everything else in your
pitch isn't gonna matter. Let me go ahead and give
you and example of this. Let's say you're selling a
marketing software, okay? So when you're selling
a marketing software, there's a really big difference
between selling it to, let's say, a startup company
that has 10 employees, versus selling into a large company that has 1,000 employees, right? Even though you're selling
the exact same solution, how you wanna approach these
two different audiences is going to differ. For example, for a startup, they might be a little
bit more price sensitive. They might wanna move faster, and they really want
meaty results right away. Whereas maybe a large
company has more budget, and they're willing to
spend more time and money if you can do the job correctly. So maybe they don't value speed as much, but instead, value security, right? So a startup wants to move fast, try it out, see if it works. And a large company might
wanna move a lot slower, and spend more money doing that if the long-term means that
it's actually going to work. So what I'm saying is you might be selling the same exact solution, but
how you approach these two different audiences is going
to be completely different. And so not only do you have
to understand your audience, the second thing you have to understand when it comes to your elevator
pitch or sales pitch mindset is understanding what the
purpose is for the pitch. Now, a lot of times it might be your pitch is to actually sell something,
and that's totally fine. But however, not everybody
will buy something on the first meeting. So in that event,
sometimes the only reason for why you would even do a pitch is to get them to the next step. So let's say you're looking for a new job. So maybe once you do the first interview, you wanna pitch yourself in a way where it leads you into the
second interview, right? So what is your goal
when you are pitching? Whether it's yourself
or a product or service. Or if you're selling a, let's
say a high-end solution, not everyone's gonna
buy on the first call. So the whole point of your
pitch on the first meeting is just to get them interested enough to take the second meeting
where you can share more about how you can help
solve their problems. So when it comes to pitching, whether it's an elevator
pitch or sales pitch, you have to understand what your goal is and optimize for that goal. Once you get these right, then
you can actually move into how to actually pitch whatever
it is that you're selling. All right, so when it comes
to the elevator pitch, the first thing you
need to learn how to do is pitch whatever it is that
you're selling in one sentence. Later on in this video
we're gonna show you how to do the full pitch, but you have to be able
to demonstrate your value in literally five seconds to
get someone interested enough to listen to everything else
that you're gonna say later. If you don't get that
first sentence right, everything else just goes down the drain because people don't care. Now, a simple formula to do this is "I help X achieve Y by doing Z." So let's go ahead and explain that. X is your ideal customer. Y is the value that you bring. And Z is how you're actually doing it, whether it's a product or service. So it's really, "I help my ideal customer "achieve a certain value by
doing this thing," right? So let's go ahead and
give you some examples so you kind of get a feel
of what I'm talking about. So if you are selling
Facebook Ad services, right? You could say, "I help real estate agents "generate more seller
leads with Facebook Ads." See, very simple, right? In this example the real estate
agents are your audience. The value that you are
bringing is generating more seller leads for
these real estate agents. And how you're actually doing it is you're using Facebook Ads. Let's try another example. So let's say you are looking for a new job and you are a recruiter
trying to get recruited, okay? So what you can say is, "I help high-growth companies
hire the best engineering "talent in Silicon Valley by
doing recruiting on LinkedIn." So that's how a recruiter
who recruits on LinkedIn might pitch themselves to a
company and offer a service if they're an agency or try to get hired as a recruiter at a large company. So as you can see here, no matter what product or
service you're selling, or even if you're selling
yourself in some capacity, all you have to do is
understand, "I help my audience "achieve a certain value by
using this method," right? If you use this simple formula for whatever it is that you're selling, people are gonna get
a gist of what you do, who you help, what value you bring, and exactly how do it,
all in one sentence. So real quick in the
comments using this formula, go ahead and put in your one
sentence pitch in the comments. I wanna check it out and see
what you guys come up with, and hey, maybe even
give you some feedback. So let's go ahead and move on, on exactly how you can do your full pitch once you do your one sentence pitch, and people are actually interested
in what you're offering. All right, so when it comes
to the actual elevator pitch, there are gonna be three
different elements, right? The first one is your challenge,
second is your solution, and the third one is going to be your why. So we're gonna break
these down step-by-step so you know exactly what I'm talking about and you're gonna be able
to use this for yourself. So when it comes to challenge, that's really just
understanding your audience, and what problems that they have, right? Whether it's maybe they
wanna generate more revenue. Maybe they wanna lose more weight. No matter what it is,
people have problems, right? So what are these problems
people are looking to solve? And why can't they solve it by themselves? So that's challenge. Number two is going to be your solution. So whatever their challenge is, how does your product or service actually help them solve that problem? And when you're talking
about your solution, it doesn't have to be super technical. You don't have to go into
the depth and the trenches, all you have to do is
show them on a high level, how you might be able to help them, right? So that's the solution. And the third part of the
elevator pitch is why. So it's why this, why now, why you? So when I say why this, it's essentially, why should they invest time in
understanding your solutions? So what is this thing, and
how does it bring them value, and how does it exactly
make their pains go away? Then you answer the
next question, why you? Why should they invest in your solution versus every other person out there? What's your unique factor for
why they should work with you versus someone else who might
be doing something similar? And last why is why
now, because sometimes, people might see the value in
whatever it is your offering, but you have to explain to
them why they need to make the decision and investment now versus a month down the line, six months down the line, or
maybe a year later, right? Why should they do it right now? Because if you don't have that urgency, then people aren't going
to invest in your solution and they're not gonna buy into your product, service or ideas. So on the fly, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you an
example of how I would use the elevator pitch formula
to sell a certain product. So this is actually a
product that I've bought after I heard someone talk about it in a podcast I was listening to. So I'll go ahead and
try to sell it to you, and explain the value, and you
can kind of see the elements of how I'm using the elevator
pitch to actually do this. Now this product is about 200 to $300. Normally you wouldn't really
be selling it over the phone or in person unless you
went into a retail store, but I'm just gonna use it as an example. First you gotta understand your audience. So let's say we're selling it to somebody similar to me where they meditate, but they never bought
any technology to track whether or not they're doing
well in their meditating, and they're interested enough
to invest time to understand whether or not this headband
thing actually works and can help them get more results for whatever they need, right? Now, let's go ahead and
start with the challenge. "Now, if you've ever
tried meditating alone, "you might find it difficult to sit still "for even five minutes, right? "And a lot of times your mind is "just kinda racing everywhere "and it's hard to just zen out "and completely not think about anything." Now I'm gonna go into the solution. "Now, essentially what Muse is, "it's a multi-sensor
headband that you wear "while you meditate. "What it does is that it
tracks your brainwaves "and gives you realtime
feedback so that you can "actually meditate more efficiently. "So here's how it works. "When you're sitting down meditating, "and your brain is going
crazy and it's thinking "of all these different ideas, "because Muse is tracking your brainwaves, "what you're gonna hear is rain. "The more you think about random things, "the more rain there's gonna be, "and the louder you're
gonna hear it in your ear. "So once you're aware that
your brain is going crazy, "you gotta calm down,
meditate and breathe. "And the more calm you become, "the lower volume that rain will be. "And over time, the rain
is gonna go down, and down, "and down, until eventually
you don't hear any rain at all. "And suddenly you hear something else. "Maybe it's birds chirping
or whatever it is. "So by Muse tracking your brainwaves, "it's giving you realtime
feedback that you can use "literally while you meditate
to calm your mind down, "be conscious of what your brain is doing, "and really breathe and focus more "on your meditation practice
so you can actually get "into the flow state
that you're looking for." So real quick, I gave the challenge, and I gave the solution of how
Muse solves that challenge. Now I'm gonna go into the why's. "So why even track your
meditation practice? "Well, the reason is because
you can meditate on your own, "and you can kinda get a feel "of whether or not
you're improving or not, "but by tracking your brainwaves, "you're gonna see exactly
what you're doing right, "and what you're doing
wrong, and with that data, "you can make corrections
so you can literally improve "your practice and measure
it against yourself. "Because if you don't track something, "it's difficult to know whether or not "you're getting results or not. "And of course, there are other tools "you can use to track your brainwaves, "so the reason for why
people use Muse is, one, "because it's already proven to work "where we have thousands
of happy customers "and testimonies on people
who have used the product "and gotten the results
that they were looking for. "And not only that, but for
the technology that you get, "the price is very affordable compared "to what's already out
there in the market. "On top of that, by
purchasing the Muse Headband, "you're also gonna get a
one-year subscription to Muse, "where you're gonna be able to
go through guided meditations with leading industry experts
so you're not doing it alone, "and you can actually
improve your practice. "And now, at this point,
you might be thinking, "okay, you see the value and
you can see how it can help, "maybe you might wanna think
about it, and then, you know, "may make a decision six
months down the line, right? "And I totally understand that. "You're already meditating "and you're already doing it daily, "but from what you told me, "you seem like you're not getting "into the right flow state, "and you're not sure whether or not "you're making progress in meditating. "And you might even think, well, "why are you even meditating
in the first place, right? "Since you're already
gonna meditate anyways, "by investing in Muse now, "you're gonna be able
to track your brainwaves "and see where you're currently at. "And by using that data, "you're gonna be able to
make tweaks and adjustments "to actually better your
meditation practice, right? "So why do something blindly
when you can get results "in realtime feedback right away? "And the thing is, "when you're investing
in something like Muse, "it's not just investing in Muse, "but you're actually making
an investment and commitment "to yourself to better
your meditation practice." And so after you do your pitch, obviously the prospect
is gonna have questions and you're gonna answer them. You're gonna handle
objections when they come up. And then eventually, you're
going to close the sale. But with that pitch, what
you're essentially doing is you're finding the person's problem. You're solving them and
you're explaining why this, why you, and why now? So what you're really
doing is you're covering a lot of the objections
that typically would happen, and you're basically answering
them all in the pitch before you even get to the part where someone can have an objection. So the idea is that if you
answer all of the questions that you know someone's
gonna ask before they make a decision to buy and you
incorporate it into your pitch, that person's a lot more likely to buy once you get to the end
of the sales meeting, or whatever it is that you're doing. So even if you're not necessarily selling something directly, if
you're selling an idea, doing a presentation at
work, whatever it is, you can use this formula
in anything that you do to clearly articulate
the value of your offer or your proposition and show them why they should make the
decision in your favor. Now, to summarize everything
we talked about in this video, the first thing you gotta do
is understand your audience and the goal you have for your pitch. Next is doing the one sentence pitch, giving a high-level idea of
exactly what value you bring to your ideal customer or your audience. And then from there, if
people are actually interested in whatever it is that you're offering from your one sentence pitch, then you're ready to do the full pitch and explain to them exactly
what problem this person has, how you can solve it, and why it's important for
them to make a decision now. So that's it, guys. That's how you're gonna
do your elevator pitch, your sales pitch, and literally, that's how you're gonna
sell pretty much anything. And if you made it to
the end of this video, make sure you give this video a like, because every like, it does help. And if you wanna see new
videos every single week, go ahead and hit that subscribe
and notification bell. And one last thing, go ahead
and leave your number one sales challenge in the comments because I'm literally
reading every single comment to get new video ideas for you guys. So if you leave your number one sales challenge in the comments, I'd be happy to use
that in a future video. So with that said, my name's Patrick Dang, thank you for watching. And I'm gonna see you
guys in the next video.