How to write a business email in English // 26 phrases to improve your email writing skills

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what's up everyone it's dasha and welcome back to my channel where i'll be teaching you guys english giving you personal development tips and so much more in today's video i'm gonna help you guys up your email writing game and go through a whole bunch of useful phrases that you can use in a work email just a heads up most of these expressions are quite formal so if you want to learn more informal and friendly phrases then watch out for one of my next videos so let's get into it [Music] we'll start with opening sentences and emails that usually come after for example dear mr robinson one of the first things that you could write in an email is thank you for writing or thank you for your email it's a nice way to acknowledge someone's email and to not just abruptly jump straight into the point i hope this email finds you well you could use this phrase when you're approaching someone emails tend to be quite cold because they're not a very direct way of communicating with someone so the intention behind this sentence is to let the recipient know that you kind of care or have an interest in their well-being i personally find this phrase a little bit cringe because it's overused and doesn't sound that genuine i prefer to say i hope all is well or i hope you're keeping well or even better i hope you had a lovely week or weekend i might have missed something so let me know in your comments below if you think that there's any other phrases that you could use please accept my apologies for my tardy reply if you've taken quite a while to reply to someone you could start your email by saying please accept my apologies for my tardy reply or instead of tardy you could say late alternatively you could also say i apologize for my radio silence or if you really want to impress and sound formal you could say my silence was occasioned by and say why you took salon to reply shameless self-promotion if you guys are enjoying this video do not hesitate to hit that like button and if you want to see more of my content my next topic will be on the most common phrases used in the workplace so make sure to subscribe to my channel to not miss that video or any other video for that matter okay so what can we put in the main body of the email this will obviously depend on what kind of email you're writing but these phrases are relatively general so that you could use them in any email as requested or as per your request if someone asks you to send over some information or a document you could say as requested please see below the number of sign ups that we have so far or you could say as pair your request which is slightly more formal i am writing to inform you that this one is pretty straightforward and very common if you want to sound a bit less formal you could also say i am writing to let you know that we have received your request i am delighted to let you know that if the purpose of your email is to inform someone of a good thing let's say their application has been accepted you could say i am delighted to let you know that further to my email below this is a follow-up phrase to a previous email that you wrote to someone so let's say that you told the client that you would get back to them about something you can then use this phrase to refer to your previous email forgive me for chasing but i was wondering whether a great way to send a chaser email to someone is by saying forgive me for chasing but i was wondering whether you had a chance to review the document that i sent you last week by way of reminder or this is just a gentle reminder another way of chasing someone or to just repeat what you said in a previous email is to say by way of reminder you could say by way of reminder we need these documents because we need to file the accounts by the end of next week if you want to simply remind someone that for example a payment is due you could say this is just a gentle reminder that payment is due by this friday thank you for providing me with this one is pretty straightforward if someone sent you some documents you can thank them by saying for example thank you for providing me with a copy of your utility bill following today's meeting or telephone conversation let's say that you just got off the phone with a client or had a meeting with them and then you promised to send them an email or an attachment or confirm something or even summarize what you've just discussed in that case you could say following today's meeting i confirmed that we will submit a visa application on your behalf likewise you could say it was a pleasure speaking to you a moment ago or earlier this morning and then continue saying what it is you need to say unfortunately i was not able to reach you on your phone earlier today if you tried to reach someone but they didn't answer you could follow up with an email and say unfortunately i was not able to reach you on your phone earlier today and then ask them whatever it is that you wanted to ask them via email please note that depending on the purpose of your email you could draw the attention of the recipient to something so for example you could say please note that the attached invoice does not include the deposit amount keep in mind that you don't use the phrase i note that when you refer to yourself for example it's not entirely correct to say i note that i sent you the documents last week accordingly further as such additionally however if you're looking to use a transitional word or a conjunctive adverb in your email then try using accordingly further as such however or additionally so you could say something like i'm writing to let you know that we have made a transfer of five thousand dollars in payment of the invoice however please note that you will receive the money in three to five business days please find attached and of course if you're attaching documents to your email you can use the phrase please find attached for example please find attached a copy of an executed power of attorney okay so now we know how to start an email and how to build the main body so now let's talk about the ways in which we can end it please confirm by return email this is a very formal and archaic way of asking someone to confirm that they have done something by replying to your email a better alternative would be to say please confirm by replying to this email i will be in touch with you once i have an update you could use this phrase as a subtle not so subtle way of saying don't call us we'll call you you're also letting the recipient know that you might be quiet for some time but that you will be in touch with them eventually with an update at some point in the future i would be grateful if if you want to ask the recipient to provide you with something like a document you could say something like i should be grateful if you could please provide me with a signed copy of the agreement another formal way of saying it is i should be obliged if instead of i should be grateful if if you don't want to sound like you're from the 17th century and instead want to be more informal you could say it would be great if at your earliest convenience a formal way of asking someone to do something in a relatively short time span is to ask them to do it at their earliest convenience so you could say something like i would be very grateful if you could please forward me a copy of the 2019 accounts at your earliest convenience should you wish to cancel or should you wish to proceed say that you're writing an email about a service that your company is providing you could end the email by asking the recipient if they're interested in proceeding with your service or maybe if they wish to cancel it so you could say should you wish to proceed please let me know please let me know if you're happy for me too if you want your client to give you instructions to do something you could ask them please let me know if you're happy for me to make the payment on your behalf feel free to give me a call should you wish to discuss now let's imagine that your email was quite wordy and full of lots of information you could let the client know that you're open to discuss what you've outlined in your email if they need any further clarification in that case you could say feel free to give me a call should you wish to discuss this matter by end of business day eob cob cop eop and end of play you've probably seen these abbreviations before they're used to emphasize the time in which something should be done cob is short for close of business and means the time that you're supposed to finish work so if your working hours are from 9 till 5 then 5 pm is the close of business you might also see the term close of play or cop for short eob on the other hand stands for end of day that is a business day which is normally 5 pm you could also say eop or end of play because these terms sound very similar my advice is not to use them unless you know for certain that everyone's on the same page and they have a clear definition of cob and eob that would work best if you're sending emails with deadlines internally rather than externally i look forward to hearing from you i look forward to hearing from you is a great way to let the recipient know that you look forward to their reply because you really need it and if that's the case then you can end your email with this phrase just before your salutation and by salutation i mean stuff like best regards kind regards yours sincerely and so on if you have any questions please let me know depending on the situation it might be appropriate to let the recipient know that they can reach out to you if they have any questions here you could say if you have any questions please let me know or should you have any queries please let me know or if you want to sound less formal you could say feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions that's it for today thank you guys so much for watching remember to give this video a like if you found these tips useful and make sure to hit that shiny red subscribe button for more awesome content and if you loved this video then make sure to check out the 50 most common english phrases that you can find over here see you later goodbye
Channel: It's Dasha
Views: 27,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business email, business english, how to write email, how to write a business email, learn english, business writing, emails in english, professional email, english lesson, english vocabulary, email writing tips, email expressions, professional email writing skills, business email writing skills, write emails in english, email writing skills in english, english emails, business writing emails, professional email etiquette, professional email writing skills in english
Id: qxKJOyuYXm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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