How to Wrap Your Hands - BOXING (best method)

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Hey everyone I'm Johnny with expert boxing i'm going to show you how to wrap your hands today all you need to get started just some hand wraps rolled up with the loop side out and let's get started ok when you first put the loop on your thumb make sure you don't go this way because as soon as you close your hand you see this this wrap is going to slip right off your thumb it's going to get loose as you fight which is not what you want you want your hand wrap to stay tight so we go away from the thumb so as I make a fist inside the glove tightens up the hand wrap which is what you want so first we go three times around the wrist one two three now we're going to go three times around the hand one two three ok now we're going to go back of the thumb go three times with 3 x's between the fingers first one goes between the pinky and the ring ok here's the first sex now the second X is going to go between the ring in the middle right get back to the back of the thumb last text goes between the middle and the index is between fingers outside around and again to the back of the thumb now we're going to go once around the thumb ok now I'm going to flip my wrap over I'm going to wrap around some again but this time watch what happens it goes straight down it doesn't go all the way around the thumb this is reverse and then wrap locks it into place so it doesn't slip out as you're fighting turn my hand over and go three times around the knuckles one two three now if you're a person with big hands you're probably you're probably out by now and you're done if you got small hands like me you're just gonna try to waste the rap so I'm going to make some some X's around the back of my hand might go around my wrist like around my knuckles again I'm just trying to use up the wrap ok and what I'll do is I'll secure it on my wrist that we secure the wrist and that's my favorite hand wrap there's actually more than one way to wrap your hands but this is my favorite feels the best the hand wrap is not to protect your knuckles it's not to pad your knuckles that's what you have the boxing gloves for the hand wrap is actually to secure your hand and tighten into a solid fist like a rock that way any time I close my hand becomes a solid fist of my fingers don't break on top of the each other each other or my knuckles don't break on top of each other keeps the hand from collapsing it into itself so that's all have supposed to do just tighten your hand anytime that you close your fingers close your hand and tightens it to a hard fist text and that's all there is to it and thanks for watching
Channel: expertboxing
Views: 11,295,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing handwrap method, how to wrap hands, kickboxing mma, wrap your hands for boxing, wrap your hands for mma, wrap your hands for fighting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2011
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