How to wire up remote/external switches to a VFD

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[Music] [Music] and everyone Clefairy me I'm going to use me old Union Jubilee would like we have a date I mean wouldn't work with broke I converted it about four or five years ago to it was a free Fae it was pretty phase when I've got it but he had an old free phase motor on it and I used to run it off a rotary free phase converter all night had no speed control were me so I am converted it to three-phase with a dual voltage electric motor and a VfB and it's the VfB that's picked up not quite sure what's backed up that it was right last time I used it I went to use it this time and it's just showing out to earth stripping the fuse as soon as you put power on it and even when I disconnected the Earth's have a belt stay on it it's still work so I can't I can't do anything with that tell you i eyeball with no one and I thought I'd take this opportunity to show you how to wire up the remote switches on it let me show you the unit so this is the VSP I'll bolt was so our false power once suit me our false power my I've got on this live I'm quite impressively it's quite a bit bigger it's called much bigger eating than the little IMO one I had it's a lot cheaper than the one I bought last say four or five years ago I was ooh Matt and I will put some power on it I've just got a little spur underneath it don't judge me but not having it I'll drop the screws down the back of the live when I took it off I'll go fishing me out anyway so what I'll do is just show what I have before I started doing it off well I'll show you how to wire up the remote switches to it it's saying that I had a lot of trouble with when I've got the old IMO one it was a little bit easier this time because I had some idea what I was doing but like most things if you don't know how to don't do it and I thought it might be a help to someone out there let me just show you what I mean so this is the switches I've got on the live I just took the old switch playoff made another LM in your mum put these switches on what only eight years ago this is a little 10k potentiometer then on the back of that it's got a little one off switch soda you turn it a little bit actually switches your on and off which actually puts the VFD into run mode and then as you probably a pair on it off she goes now on this one which I didn't have on me last one you've got this reversing switch or you've got the potential I should say to reverse it and you can reverse this while it's going so why push Nadine which slows down stops and goes into reverse undo it comes back atcha it's not soured use way off and on a wood life but it's there so what you will need to be able to do this is obviously a VFD in a motor that's was set out for Delta and a 10k potentiometer and some sort of on/off switch or two or three depending on how many functions you want but a fair minimum you'll need is a 10k pot and at least some form of on-off switch some of that further ado I'll show you how I did it now this is just how I did it this is not a technical thing on out I work or anything else this is just to help anyone who doesn't know how to do it to get the remote switching away from the VFD and on your machine so here we go hi so hopefully add a box you've got something like this this is obviously a unit and you get a little instruction leaflet and I have noticed that the bigger ones don't seem to have this rotary switch for the speed control it just operates with buttons laughing this is for our false power incidentally I mean they're all pretty much the same they might not be you'll have to make your own minds up on that when you have a look at it it should go without saying but I'll say anyway you do have to have your three-phase motor configured for Delta naught star and it won't work all motors they got to be a dual voltage motor if if it's a really old motor some of them can't be configured for Delta but anything reasonably modern you should if is a joe voltage motor you should be a configure it for Delta but there are plenty of youtubes and Google's to find out that how to do that if you don't know how to do it right so let's have a look at a bottom for a start alright so due to the bottom of our one we've got a date at play here I don't know air clear that's gonna come out on me on the film but it says it's 220 50 or 60 Hertz capacity 1.1 kilovolt kilovolt amps and it's point 4 kilowatts which is our fourth power and the output I don't over you can read that Karen it it's free amps and it's the Jingsheng swung one company they need but the important is this is where your plug goes live and neutral you've got the earth over here and this is where the three wires and the earth obviously have your motor come to so I mean it really is pretty simple just to wire up to work it off the box but I would advise why I'm working off the box before you do anything else just to make sure it does work if by any chance when you do put these wires in and you run it then your motor goes wrong way you can just watch any two of these wires over and it will reverse the direction so that's how to get it up and running before when you start messing about with the switches I see issues I've got it all cabled up and I'm just going to turn the power on so then it pops up with a frequency so you have a look up I don't know where the cameras going to pick out very clearly you've got your forward and reverse lights up there it's on stop at a moment we some forward for press run and turning up a bit it's now running in forward [Music] if I press forward in Reverse here it will go into reverse Presi again Guyana forward [Music] christop now this this is a little joke function on it just a little momentary switch that will jog it in forward or reverse whatever you've got selected up here alright so that's how I run it if you can mount this somewhere near your live drill wherever you're going to put it but the point of this video is to show you a wire up the remote switches so let's have a look at it alright so if you remove this little cover it reveals this little strip here now if you have a look at the instructions they all refer to these instructions here so to get it to operate on the on a potentiometer you need to connect it up to here right so this is the little potentiometer I mentioned earlier so if you're already up like this so that the the switch is pointing up and things are pointing towards you this is terminal one this is terminal so this is terminal 3 and those are your terminals on the right hand side of the terminal block in the same you can see from the right common you've got common sp1 5 volts I mean that looks a lot of VI 1 B should be a VL or vo anyway but it's gonna be a V or a c4 there now then you've got the next common which is a bit hard to do trying to hold it and point out here we've got this common and these switches of these terminals are really to do with the switching which we'll saw earlier and the way you want to connect that out I'd like that so terminal number one on the VFD to the five volts terminal number two till it will be VL VI 1 or C 1 CL depends on what model you've got and terminal 3 will go to comment well so this is my switch which on the introduction was actually in the lives I couldn't tell you I couldn't show you this but it's just the 10k pot but this one the rotary switch continues through it so this is the on/off switch so I've got it going all in one in one operation but these are the terminals for the potentiometer one goes to the 5 volts 2 goes to the V 1 and free goes to the common so I'm gonna wire them up into the live into the into the VfB now and then I'll show you what happens with that right here we go they're wired up into the terminals as in the little drawer in now now what you need to do is it just a little bit of programming and you come your instructions and these are my instructions these are where my ports are if you've got a slightly different one they may be slightly different if we look at this one program tend work and frequency source 0 panel cable one panel potentiometer to external analog signal and three is an rs-485 so we want an external analog signal so we go into the machine in at a control box you press program and then he will come up with a program to use these buttons to go up to program 10 press function and there it comes up it's set on one at a moment can one was the panel potentiometer we want it on the external analog signal so we just change it to two press function names we come out of programming by pressing the program button again so now that should work after I press the Run button or the potentiometer on my night on the one I've just wired up now on the control box on V live so I'll run it that's not working and that's not doing it if I come over to me live I'm switching out on the mind that's not going to do anything drive and Gaudette can switch connected up here but I'm turning up there you go you can see that it is working now for this switch did do that again for you now if I was to press the buttons on the lay on the control box for the lift right there fry forward and reverse and jog on out I would still work but now I want to connect you up for the switching this little box so on the switch here which is on the back and while potentiometer and operated by the same knob I've got the black and the brown of this four corner of cable I've got coming through here connected up to that and basically that is just an on/off switch so now we'll go back over to the VFD and connect that in the right places on the VFA you need to connect one leg of the on/off switch to the to the comm column to the common that is on the left and what I'm doing now I'm just going to connect up a fly lead with it so I can show you the other functions without messing about too much I ignore that fly and Libra minute but my the other legatee on/off switch the run switch really wants to go in the terminal for as per this drawing here ignore the reverse which I'll just I'll talk about that in a minute at a moment you're just connecting the common and Terminal four with your switch to break it and now we have to program that as well if you look on your descriptions you get start stop control source its program 11110 is the panel keyboard number one is the rs-485 and number two is an external port and that's what you want the external pull so it's just like we programmed before use your program go out to program eleven press function we're on zero at the moment and we want number two I got one so press function press program again to go back to the functions so now if i press this run the live shouldn't start if we come back over to the switch I've got on the live I'll switch it on now and start turning it we're up and running so just turn him off and that's it if you want that justice stop and start your life that's fine but probably also want it to reverse and okay we go back to the instructions all right I don't feel s focused you've got speed select program 27 speed selection settings ears but you've got one two three and four four is the one I've put it on and that will just run it and it will work off of the potentiometer one two and three these button these these terminals here one two and three they're preset speeds so will get me flying lead yeah it does have to be switched on you have to be in the wrong mode so you would have to operate your on switch you run switch now I'll put it on go straight up to 45 Hertz if I put it on the number 240 Hertz okarin what this one is but and three areas so you could have a rotary switch connected up to this and so you can have preset speeds on it the number four will run it through the potentiometer if I turn that all right now the next one is I've got this the common lead again so if you want to reverse in switch on it you go into five or six don't touch you in one they say as a fifteen volt output but if I go to five or six it will stop the live and it will reverse it take it off the label running forward now however in these five or six we'll do that I'm not absolutely certain why there is two of them may you've got two you can connect a reversing switch up to up from the common to this to five or six and that will put it into reverse that's what the other switches for above my rotary switch that is my reversing switch flash showed you earlier so that pretty much covers it the only other thing our I'll just briefly mention if you do want to have your preset selected speed scenes if you want to change the speed you just go into these probes programs 27 28 and 29 and you can change the frequency you just go into the program in add you're going before and you can change the frequency so if you've got some sort of measuring device for measuring the speed you can do it by trial and error and set them to speeds that you commonly use if you want I haven't got it on this slave I'll just use the rotary switch and on me would world life to be probably honest we all very rarely use the reverse in switch but that's how easy is saw you switches out on here well I hope that's been of some help to someone a nice easy if you know how to do it and it's not so easy when you don't know how to do something hopefully that's helped someone made a little bit clearer if there is any up to you this video stick us a thumbs up leave us a comment and I really would appreciate if you subscribe even if you don't want to watch another one of my videos I'd appreciate if you stick me on your subscriber list could help me out well thanks for watching if you go any questions or anything chuck in the comments box I'll see you again on the next one bye bye now [Music]
Channel: Cliffs Shed
Views: 83,761
Rating: 4.9161048 out of 5
Keywords: VFD, VFD remote switches, wire external switches up to a VFD, invertor wireing for external switches, wireing a power invertor, wireing up a VFD, VFD wiring, VFD wireing, Three phase motor control, controling a three phaase moter, three phase lathe motor, lathe motor speed control, contolling a machines motor speed, drill press srpeeed control
Id: euLuaY8wZ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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