How to Win the Lottery by Predicting Winning Numbers

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to increase your chances of winning the lottery  regardless of country there are a few important   things that you need to know in advance spoiler  alert none of this is to do the law of attraction   or positive visualization because data and maths  tend to be far more reliable so depending on the   lottery you're playing the numbers may vary but  the underlying core principles are exactly the   same because all lotteries profit from selling  short-term hope to a group of people that don't   understand the longer term numbers a prime example  of this might be the uk national lottery where   there's over 45 million different combinations to  pick the winning ticket which also means there's   more chance of you being struck by lightning  four times than there is if you pick in that   winning combination however you can drastically  increase your chances if you do the right things   now there's only one defined strategy that works  and is guaranteed to work when playing the lottery   we'll unpack that shortly and how people have  done that in the past but for now i want to   focus on the uk national lottery as our example so  it's important that we understand the game if we   are to create a strategy that's going to allow us  to win so there's six different numbers that are   available in the winning combination picked from  a total of 49 numbers there's 49 million 57 474   possible combinations it costs two pounds to place  a combination on the national lottery and you can   buy 10 lines at a time at the time of recording  anyway because the wokies aren't telling us how   we can live our lives on that one just yet so how  can you lower your risk and increase your chances   of winning more well first of all it's obvious you  just need to buy more combinations okay so it gets   complicated and we'll explain how syndicate  has done this previously in the past shortly   but the next result is not influenced by the past  result when it comes to lotteries it's totally   independent of one another like a coin flip so  just because a combination has appeared before it   doesn't mean that it will appear in the future and  in fact the bulgarian lottery in 2009 actually had   the same numbers two different draws back-to-back  at the time people wanted an independent   investigation and you can see why but the reality  is they were totally independent of each other and   it certainly wasn't fixed so it's a random event  with a random ball random drop random person no   characteristics are significant that allow us to  influence or understand and create characteristics   around this situation that will routinely  happen okay even with your law of attraction   [ __ ] however you can influence your chance of  winning a bigger payout now to do this we need   to understand the group of people that are playing  the game so we can make logical entries to ensure   that we get more money if we do win to illustrate  this point on the flip side it's estimated that   around about 10 000 different entries each and  every single week pick the numbers one two three   four five six so if you were to pick those numbers  and eventually win the lottery you'd have to split   the pot with ten thousand other people bearing in  mind the average pot is usually around about four   million pounds that would mean that you get 400  quid for picking the right lottery numbers so it   doesn't make sense to pick the numbers one two  three four five and six also if we look at past   entries you can see 133 people won the jackpot  all at once in january 1995 with four numbers   below 31 something i want to talk about in just a  second now that group of people won a total prize   of 16.2 million pounds but by the time it was all  divided down they only got 122 000 pounds each now   we can get around this by identifying hot and cold  numbers so a prime example would be hotter numbers   and numbers below 31. this is because people  routinely pick numbers on the lottery which are   relative to key points in their life and dates on  the calendar so you know birthdays anniversaries   deaths divorces all that kind of stuff looking  at the data you can also see that the top three   numbers are actually 7 17 and 23 with the  hottest number being number seven which is no   real surprise lucky number seven right on the flip  side the coldest number would be 13 because 13 is   known to be an unlucky number so understanding  which numbers that people are likely to pick   means that you can then choose different  numbers so that you don't have to share the pot   if you should win it doesn't just stop there  on individual numbers though because people   routinely pick strings of numbers like i already  said numbers one two three four five and six   also pick things like prime numbers two three  five seven eleven thirteen seventeen two of   those numbers there being the hottest numbers  of all now i appreciate at this point you might   be thinking well that doesn't actually tale me  how i can predict the winning lottery numbers   or how people have actually done it in the past  because they have so if you want to guarantee   that you win then you need to do what syndicate  of individuals did back in 1992 on a warm bank   holiday in ireland where they attempted to secure  a 2.2 million jackpot it included some simple maps   a lot of audacity running the numbers and then  actually doing it which is all explained here   in this video in the end screen it's quite a  remarkable tell make sure you check it out see   how they did that also while you're here please  don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel
Channel: Caan Berry Pro Trader
Views: 276,748
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Keywords: How to win the lottery, predicting winning lottery numbers, winning the lottery, lottery, predicting lottery numbers, how to win the lottery, lotto, winning numbers, lottery strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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