Derren Brown | The Events: How To Win The Lottery FULL EPISODE

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this Show refuses magic suggestions psychology misdirection and Showmanship if you watch my show live on Wednesday night you'll have seen me correctly predict the national lottery tonight I'll show you how I did it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay no no no no no no no thank you thank you very much thank you on Wednesday on Wednesday I was handsome enough to predict Her Majesty's Lottery live on television uh I didn't profit in any way from it as Channel 4 didn't allow me to buy a ticket uh but it's been fantastic reading all the conspiracies and speculations around at the moment lasers writing numbers onto the balls and moving them somehow and split screens and balls of a special LED readouts and impossible sleight of hand but if you missed it here's what it looked like the BBC broadcast the lottery the lottery draw absolutely live 100 live to the second we are doing the same here and when I turn the television on uh when I'm allowed to uh I'll get a nod in a second when I can do that um you can flick back and forward between the BBC and this one to see that we are absolutely live and in sync with the BBC the most you'll get is like a tiny whisker of a delay about a second because we're taking a BBC feed essentially and then passing it through Channel 4 to get to you and that takes about a second or so but the BBC are live 100 live the lottery draw is live we are 100 live here um I'm being told there's a little bit of a little bit about 30 seconds before we can uh turn the television on um I should say this is the culmination of like years uh obsession over this I've had lottery numbers all up over the wall of my house um I'm feeling uh a little bit sick please wish me luck and if it goes wrong as I'm after five out of the six if it goes wrong I'll only get a couple or not at all I'm really sorry and I'll apologize about that in advance I'm really sorry but this this hopefully hopefully will work again I've done nothing illegal uh I've done nothing illegal there's there's nothing that will affect your chances of doing this and there'll be a show on Friday at nine o'clock showing you how I did this as well so you can watch that you can find out how I did it and if you like uh you might want to try the same thing too I we can turn the TV on we can turn the TV on so so come on in a second you can flick between the BBC and channel four if you want this one warm up in a second to see that this is absolutely live um and uh here we go God so this is from Lottery HQ um oh this is still this this is still the dream number isn't it okay so this is uh this is just oh no this is it this is it this is it it's not the three number we're now into it so yes here we come from the rather shiny lovely Studio the BBC's at the lottery HQ they have a glamorous assistant every week to help present this week's glamorous assistant is MJ board there he is and uh I've got there oh two thousand two million rather 400 000. there it is there's the drawer Master with the white gloves oh the balls are now the voice is the voice of Alan delicate uh the voice of the balls this is an initial production for the BBC and the National Lottery Commission I'm required to say that that's a close-up there so you can see there's no trampoline going on uh and uh yes I hope you're talking you through them fantastic and he's about to press the red shiny button that they pressed to make a lot of people very rich there's been two thousand oh there we go he's gone he's gone oh God that's the first one number 23. let's not forget to date National Lottery players have raised over 23 billion pounds for the good causes next time he's number 35 with his last Wednesday night as well that 183rd time as a main ball and the third to be drawn how'd she comes that's number 11. draw the Wednesday before last two you'll recall if it's one of your Chosen Few 225th Lotto outing here's the next one and that is number 28 don't forget baby Pound spent on the national lottery around 28 Pence goes for the good causes next out is number 39 we've seen it over the last two Saturday nights as well 205th Lotto adding for that one and the sixth spot that could make you very rich he's right there number two foreign [Music] 23 28 35 and 39 those are the lottery numbers for this week 2 11 23 28 35 and 39 and uh ladies and gentlemen my prediction for the lottery numbers this week are 2 11 23 28 35 39 in numerical order those are the numbers that's a year of my life right there I hope you can see those two 11 23 28 35 and 39. magic um [Music] thank you so there are a lot of questions I get frequently asked what am I thinking why are you in my garage I'm sorry one question however I would hear more than any other was gone then what the lottery numbers go on then what are they what the lottery numbers not always say shush shush we're supposed to be having sex but having been asked so many times I started thinking about it and I thought to myself how would you go about predicting the lottery so ignoring the Bonus Ball which is mainly for women and gays how do you predict six random numbers spat out by a machine my chances of correctly guessing at random are the same as anyone else's one in 14 million which is an interesting statistic if you're a healthy middle-aged man the chances of you dying over the course of the next year are roughly one in a thousand therefore the chances of you dying in any given hour are one in nine million so that means if you're sat at home with your lottery ticket an hour before they do the draw you are more likely to be dead before they announce the numbers than you are to win I needed a better strategy as I saw it there are three ways to predict the lottery one fake lottery ticket two genuinely predict the numbers and three fix the machine I disregarded the first option faking a ticket wasn't the same thing it seemed to lack imagination and it would be illegal so maybe there was a way of predicting the numbers this was to lead me down a fascinating path into mathematics Superstition and a powerful beautiful secret that can only be achieved when we all put our heads together see you after the break so on uh Wednesday night I predicted the lottery today I'll show you how I did it so the question is how do you predict a machine's random outcome I knew I could certainly predict people's random choices so I took that as my starting point be honest put your hands up if you don't like mice put your hands up if you don't like Mars good to hang up the hello come up here for me what's your name what's your name Charlotte love you to meet you you don't like mice come with me come with me [Applause] um so Charlotte thank you Charlotte first of all be honest do you just sort of not like mice very much are you probably mickeyphobic um I don't like them at all well this is the game um there are four boxes there's a mouse in one of the boxes I put a mouse in one of them but there are no mice in the other three okay the game is you've got to put your hand into three of the boxes and have a route around through the little holes on this side here um but only three and I'm hoping and I presume you are too so the three you put into the three without the mouse and so that you'll miss the one with the mouse in does that make sense yeah that's what I'm hoping will happen I put it into the one that I think you will avoid okay okay now a couple of things first of all it's very important that your choices are entirely random so um if you think I'm trying to influence you or if you've already sort of got numbers in your head and ideas as you look at them now just disregard that it's very important you make utterly random decisions as you're doing it and feel free to change your mind as many times you like before you make a decision and also just so you know that I can't somehow move a mouse around from box to box uh there are these numbered cards one two three four and um they're all blank on the other side apart from the one that corresponds to the mouse box and that's got a little picture of the mouse on the other side of the number just so you know he can't change anything around or move it so you begin with a one in four chance of getting the mouse which one you're gonna go for one two three or four entirely up to you please make sure it's ready three three are you sure yeah happy that's random yes okay well this is how we're gonna play get your hand ready but don't put it in yet I'm gonna want you to close your eyes and I'm gonna reveal what's inside to the audience first all right I don't want you looking you must keep your eyes closed all right [Music] I'd like you to put your hand in keep your eyes closed put your hand in have a feel around [Music] make sure you go right into the corners because they can hide [Music] foreign there's no mouse it's just droppings but there was no mouse there was no mouse no mouse there uh and of course uh there was no bus there was no mouse in the box number three um there was no mouse in box number three so congratulations uh why don't you like them what is it about Mars that you don't like Mama made me terrified as a child oh really and now I just don't like the peel or the look or the moon they Scamper don't they yeah they do Scamper and bite okay um so you now have one two and four left we've got a one in three chance which one are you gonna go for an extra remember has to be around them so feel free to change your mind as many times you like one okay all right so come here for me um so that'll be uh box number one so get ready and I'll remove the cloth first so everybody else yes close your eyes [Music] handy [Music] now you can open your eyes there's no mouse it's just some truth for the mouse lights but there's no mouse at all congratulations uh no mouse no mouse in box number one there was no mouse all right you are now however down to the last two um box number two and box number four so it's mainly the way they kind of move around and so I like them I think they're fascinating creatures mice I didn't know this mice can live for up to three days in a human intestine I find that quite interesting um so number two on number four you've got a 50 50 chance this is the last one which you're gonna go with number two on number four the last one you're gonna put your hand in two are you sure yes change your mind if you like no I'll stick with two you're gonna stick with number two all right it's only 50 50. now so the odds are no longer in your favor come and stand here for me okay get ready with your hand s [Music] good no peeking audience [Music] okay you can open your eyes there was no mouse and number two either she got the tree over congratulations congratulations um would you like while you were here would you like to see our little mouse you'll see it definitely it's quite friendly I'll I'll just come and have a look he's perfectly friendly [Music] you must have got out oh he wasn't there there is no mouse there was no mouse there was no mouse at all however it was important to get you frightened important to get you thinking that there was a mouse there because it's only by getting you into that state that I can make you fall into a predictable pattern uh which is exactly what you did you did it absolutely brilliantly you left box number four and uh box number four of course was the mouse box number four even though there was no mouse you ready for the correct one you left number four well done second now excellent so well done now with fear comes suggestibility and it's easy for me to manipulate your decisions for you when you're in a heightened State like one of fear but remember this is just my starting point for predicting Randomness we're still dealing with people not machines and this is only one in four but adds up the stakes here's an example of predicting human Randomness when the odds are one in 20 and this time with real Jeopardy you got off lightly [Music] thank you I want to see how far fear can increase predictability so I've had to call in medical backup for this test our volunteer Matt is about to face something far scarier than a pretend Mouse Matt I'll explain the game there are down there 20 polystyrene cups like this upturned yeah and numbered on the tops you've got one to five yeah and six to ten eleven to Fifteen and sixteen to twenty you're gonna go and stamp on 14 out of the 20 so you can leave six untouched yep one of those Cups has a knife underneath in fact here's a replica that's what you're avoiding yeah um if it goes wrong yeah and you do get a knife through your foot which we both want to avoid then uh how much money would you demand to stick a knife through your foot through my foot um a lace 500 000. 500 000 pounds yeah yep okay I'm writing out a check for 500 000 pounds in case Matt fails my test and requires compensation uh can you hang on to that if you'd like to stick in your pocket earlier I placed the knife under a cup whose number I calculated Matt would instinctively avoid if I'm wrong the paramedics get to do more than stand and watch and Matt gets 500 000 pounds compensation wasn't a bit cold there okay those need to clean your feet to just sterilize there also just need to give you a tetanus all right because uh obviously what's going to happen [Music] predicting Matt's random choices is a starting point for predicting the random outcome of the lottery you're leaving six untouched can I just ask you one more time if you're happy to do this yeah okay in your own time then there you go that's number one that's two in this game as he stamps on the cups Matt has a 70 chance of getting a knife through his foot [Music] seven you're halfway through you've only got to do another seven yep that's fine [Music] you scared the life home you know [Music] nine [Music] you got four more [Music] three left [Music] two more you've only got to do one more sure no hold on congratulations thank you now these six that are left which is 1 12 13 14 and 15 and 18. that's random isn't it those are decisions that you were making as you were going in terms of you leaving those six there yeah those numbers are uh I'd like to think of them as your lucky numbers don't ever forget the number one 12 13 14 15. and uh and 18. the reason why I'm drawing attention to those is because of what's written on the back of the check that I gave you when we were up there uh you've got it haven't you've got the check we've still got it on you there's a check here yeah people undo the envelope [Music] if you read out what's on the back I want the camera to be able to sit over your shoulder back yeah yeah you will leave 1 12 13 14 15 and 18. one 12 12 13 14 15 and 18. and 112 13 14 15 and 18. I'm going to take this back now because uh thank you very much I'm just wondering whether you want to carry on because that's quite a lot of money well look it's not under 18. but you've only got four left to do now that still stands okay [Music] three left [Music] we've got to stamp on two of the final three maybe one cup untouched last one at this point Matt has a 50 50 chance of stabbing a knife through his foot sure congratulations again so I have to admit to you the only way that I could do this and uh know that you'd be safe predict the six that you would not stamp on was to get you into a state of fear that was what that was all about that made you fall into a certain predictable pattern there was no knife under any of the cups all right the injection we gave you was not a tetanus it was just a saline solution which is perfectly safe you're fine you would never have got hurt uh you wouldn't have got hurt but Jenny would have got hurt I'll show you Jenny look number 13 you didn't touch no I was nervous obviously because I'm saying anything there's a chance I'm gonna get a knife from foot and then my adrenaline's got any of it but I'm shocked that the numbers just the six that were left were the numbers written on the back of the check that's pretty amazing [Applause] thank you we actually have Matthew with us tonight in the audience thank you Matthew thank you very much thank you so thank you so far so good people's random decisions can be predicted but I knew that because people can be influenced the question is could a machine be influenced now I thought that was a non-starter and impossible because obviously machines can't think they don't have Minds however I then read about an amazing experiment that took place in the 1980s by the pair group The Experiment was to see if willpower could affect randomness it involved a bag of tail board like this and balls were dropped in from the top and the idea is they would randomly drop down and could end up anywhere along the bottom however the scientists had a load of people willed the balls to end up on one particular side to try to psychically influence the direction of the balls as they dropped and a curious result emerged more balls did indeed end up on the side that the people were willing them to fall on Willpower did seem to make a small but significant difference but I wanted to try the idea for myself could a group of people influence for example the toss of a coin have a look at this [Music] can a group of people influence the toss of a coin I got a group together and chose a volunteer he would be trying to throw his chosen combination of three heads or tails if you were to toss a normal coin three times in a row there are eight different possible combinations of heads and tails that you can get up so these are the eight possible combinations you're going to choose one of these for yourself and I'll also choose a combination for me I'll let you choose first so which one do you want Triple H Triple H I'm gonna give this one here all right so Martin is going to go for headset head my lucky one is Tails heads head so I'll go for that one here's what we're going to do you're going to be tossing a coin if your combination comes up first if headset says that is a point to you if my combination comes up and Tails heads Heads then that's a point to me all right so I can't cheat another volunteer is chosen to flip for my team the Reds the rest of the group would make up the red team this is to help you support your red team [Music] the Reds get dressed up and we'll be cheering in support for their red team [Applause] Martin however is all on his own excellent so red team you know what you're doing it is up to you to make this happen to use your energy and your willpower to make Angela win for her combination to come up more than Martin's they can switch coin at any time from the hundreds in the Box to keep it fair so Martin's chosen heads heads heads and Angela is trying to flip tails heads Heads this is important Martin and Angela's combinations are exactly as likely to come up as each other there should be no difference they'll take turns tossing the coin until one of their chosen combinations comes up and then that person gets a point the first person to 10 wins as they're doing this I want you guys really focusing on the coin will it in your mind what seems to help is just saying that combination again tells I said just in your mind again and again with the red team willing her to win Angela soon scores again [Music] and again [Applause] find her there's no stopping Angela hey five plus five nil Martin oh man it seems that the combined wind power of the red team does have an influence on the toss of the coin [Music] [Applause] Martin manages to get one winning combination Angela steams ahead to 10 points [Music] Oh Martin you know I I don't know I don't know it was all against me I was just on my own me personally I do believe in psychic ability so the fact that I had a team behind me willing me to win um enabled me to actually do so [Applause] real evidence for the Bagatelle experiment yes well not quite it does seem like the Bagatelle experiment probably doesn't hold up and as for the coin it's not psychic it's a kind of deep maths and the kind of deep math that's going to help me with the lottery prediction I'm going to explain how the coin trip Works to you so that you can go out place a bet yourself and win every time here's what you do ask the other person to make their choice first this isn't courtesy it is vital and from what he says you work out what you'll say now you do this by taking the middle one of his three reversing it and putting it at the start so if he says heads heads Heads you would take the middle head reverse it to a Tails but at the beginning you'll have tails then heads heads and then you ignore the last one you then play just as we have and you'll see you win more times than the other person does and for further information you can go to the channel for website on this why does this work why this works will be in our program in itself but suffice it to say it has nothing to do with willpower or psychic ability it is deep maths but this deep maths finds predictability in Randomness just think about that for a second it is taking something as random as a fair toss of a coin and finding predictability in it could I apply that to the lottery for months I live with a Year's worth of lottery numbers written up across a wall in my house trying to think of how you could make predictions from Randomness and then late one evening I was having a bowl of oxtail soup love it and a memory of something I'd read hit me foreign 1906 a scientist called Francis Galton stumbled across a bizarre phenomenon at a country fair 800 members of the public competed to guess the weight of a prize Ox that was on display and the person who got closest won but after it was all over golton worked out the average guess in other words he added up all the estimations and divided by the number of guesses and the result was the exact weight of the ox as groups we make far better decisions than experts on their own ever do this real Phenomenon with huge implications has been called the wisdom of crowds so keeping an open mind I got a group of people together to try the same Theory with the lottery the idea was to have them look at lottery numbers from over the last year and have them guess which ones would come next and then work out the mean average of their guesses if there were a pattern as a group they would unconsciously find it even though none of them would know individually what that pattern was so two Saturdays ago 25 for volunteers here they are they all studied the chart and wrote down what they thought the next six lottery numbers would be then we wanted to get the average guess for each ball so they'd all been asked to bring calculators with them and they added up their guesses for each ball and divided by 24 the number of people making guesses that make sense yeah yeah we ended up with six numbers and then the group went out and they played those numbers that evening guess how many of the numbers were correct one two one it was one it was rubbish um so I was ready to ditch the whole idea but then I thought I'd give it one more go this time changing one factor good emotions like greed or the anticipation of winning psychologically get in the way of picking the right numbers does the emotion behind wanting to win somehow stop you from winning we all got together to give it another go to avoid the greed factor and hopefully get a better result I asked our 24 volunteers to guess the next six lottery numbers and write them down but we would not do the maths till after the lottery result had been announced again they studied the previous year's worth of draws and went with their instincts what would the next six numbers be everybody writes down what they think the first ball will be so we can add them up and divide by 24 to get the average for ball number one and then we'll do the same with ball number two and so on the front row came up to represent the six balls and they noted everyone's guesses [Music] 26 19 40 33 18 24 27 then we watched the lottery the Moment of Truth does anybody else like [Music] now we haven't got the necessary clearance to show you the lottery results that we were watching but look online if you want to check this drawer's results it was Wednesday the 2nd of September Yates seven four two 37 35. good so you've each got a list of numbers for each ball uh you're going to add them all up now and divide by 24 which is the number of people in this room uh so off you go so our six number crunchers we're now working out the average of everyone's guesses we waited for the results of the calculations would they match the lottery numbers that have been drawn so Terry uh well you first will turn around what you have [Music] you have number 19 which is not one of the balls into the heights Lottery uh Eleanor will you please turn around yours [Music] 23 was also knocked in tonight's lottery will you please turn yours around Sally has 28 which was in tonight's lottery a round of balls Rachel Lee turn yours around 24 no again there is no 24 um neela can you turn yours around please we have 35 that's two out of six and Kevin turn yours around 27 we have three out of six numbers we have three after the first session when we just got one I was really surprised at how we got three this time so that's really exciting just really impressed that we got the other three numbers so it's kind of a good moving forward from from last Saturday maybe it's different now that we've seen the result um we got through the bowl so now maybe we feel more like a group than we can do it is promising you know I mean now seeing this it's like come on team we got this in the back and and they would have literally won 10 pounds between the 24 of them so that was a great start but how was I going to predict all six balls I'll tell you after the break [Applause] good evening tonight tonight I'm showing you how you can predict the National Lottery by taking you through how I did it on Wednesday using the wisdom of crowds phenomenon a group of 24 volunteers correctly guessed three out of six lottery numbers I brought them out for another session to see if we could get any more right I thought it'd be a good idea for them to get to know each other a little better first so I set them out for a bit of team bonding [Music] our group shared in team building activities this brought them closer together their individual psychological barriers dropped as they learn to relax on each other's company and this should lead to a better outcome for a lottery prediction it was time to introduce my next technique I'm gonna try something called automatic writing which some of you may have heard of that was a technique used by spiritualists quite a lot when they're supposedly channeling the dead and this is about utterly detaching yourself from what your hand is doing and writing to the point that you're barely even aware of what you're writing I got the group to practice the new method [Music] automatic writing has been attributed to the idiomotor effect a psychological phenomenon where people make movements outside of their conscious control which offer a clue as to their deepest feelings and processes [Music] the signs were encouraging but one subject Tyler found the technique tricky so I removed him from the test and made him responsible for calculating the group's guesses instead I then set the rest to work predicting the lottery by using automatic writing they were allowed to write minus numbers or numbers larger than 49 in fact anything that came out of their hands [Music] get into Tyler here up on the table please thank you I stand back so that Tyler can interpret the writing and begin the calculations while the lottery begins to play again look online if you want to check this draws results it was Saturday the 5th of September [Music] I wrote down the results as the group watched them come up live on the television 22 12. foreign as before the totals for each ball were divided by the number of guesses which in this case was 23. [Music] divided by 23 equals [Music] 63. will the wisdom of crowds phenomenon combined with automatic writing be potent enough to give us a better result this time 42 so we've got one number around the wrong way and one number is one off 22. we have one twelve oh 19. no [Music] if this last one is well to come out to So Gone it's 598 divided by 23 equals foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God okay 36 we got 63. 41 we got 42. so those two are those two are wrong but these are correct we got 22 and there's even the same order 12 19 and 26. [Applause] I can't believe it when I was writing them down everyone was getting excited it didn't actually clue in at first that we were nailing some of these numbers and to see 22 12 19 hours and that's not gonna happen it's not and see it it was really it's not something that I believe in or I would never ever expect me to be so excited about it wow all right in a row four Right In A Row possibly a coincidence maybe but I was very excited perhaps the key to predicting the lottery lies in the hands of groups of you working together although annoyingly maybe it'll only work when you're not distracted by the possibility of profit we had no more time to practice the next time we would meet would be Wednesday just gone the day of the live Lottery prediction after the break all will be revealed [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] numbers came up live in the lottery yet I knew what they would be beforehand but not on my own I had 24 very excited people hoping to predict them for me this is what happened it was the big night this is what was going on around the corner in a secret location the group assembled and studied the chart for the final time are you excited so uh you've had a few minutes already again I had them relax and use automatic writing to come up with the six numbers close your eyes now would the group's collective subconscious the wisdom of the crowd yield the results we were after we didn't want them to know the numbers until the draw so I performed the calculations by averaging out their guesses and I took the six correspondingly numbered balls from a box containing all of the numbers and sealed them in an opaque tube the prediction was set first one um [Music] that is the lottery prediction here we go [Music] now we've known and it's Wednesday the 9th of September 09. tonight I'm going to try and predict at least five of the Six lottery numbers these here this is my prediction uh a little bit sick uh we can turn the TV on we can turn the TV on [Music] 2 11 23 28 35 and 39 and uh ladies and gentlemen my prediction thank you goodbye [Applause] I can't believe that we've just pulled six numbers out in front of the mates I just completely shocked that I'll just shocked we saw him do all the wars and Ryan it's live all of us believing that we can do it is what made it happen we've done what needed to be done we pulled six numbers out I think we're a brilliant team and um I've it's been a pleasure to work with all of you that concludes the tale of how we reached Wednesday night all of my 24 people who were there know what happened and the success they had but it's quite possible that many of you simply won't believe it you may choose not to believe any of what I've told you maybe you still believe it was some sort of super technology whatever you choose to believe is up to you but there's still one route we haven't looked at remember the three options one to fake the ticket two to predict the numbers and they're still option three fix the lottery machine so here's the option three explanation and you can decide which you prefer to fix the lottery I would have to have done the following which of course if I had done I could never admit to so I certainly did not do any of these which would clearly be illegal but if I did which I didn't of course I would have to have done the following firstly get somebody working on the lottery show to act as an inside informant we definitely did not do that secondly because the balls are regularly checked would have needed to have found a window of opportunity when the balls were not going to be checked so that we could do the stunt didn't do that either next we got some special balls made which were identical to Lottery balls but would weigh a hundred grams that's exactly 20 grams heavier than the real balls we definitely did not get these made and certainly didn't get the necessary eight sets made next we'd have found out from our informant where the balls were secretly stored in sealed containers and have got access to the containers I'd have had to have hypnotized the security guards my God I certainly didn't do that then I'd have added the weighted balls to each of the eight possible sets from which Wednesday's balls were going to be picked and then sealed them back up and on the night the weighted balls that we didn't put in were certainly not picked up and spat out by the machine before any of the others then the day after the lottery we'd have got our Insider to go back and switch the weighted balls out and replace the ordinary ones which she did not do and that's how the lottery was predicted or not it's ridiculous if I had fixed the lottery which I did not then I would have known ages ago what numbers would have come up and the guesses of the 24 people would have been meaningless they could have picked any numbers they liked and I would have just switched their set of balls for the numbers that I knew were going to come up I.E the numbers on the heavier balls that I put into the machine but I would never admit to it so if I'm ever asked how I predicted the lottery I'm going to say it was just a trick good night [Applause]
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 448,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derren, brown, Derren, Brown, (TV, Actor), illusionist, mind, control, influence, channel, trick, treat, scary, amazing, Derren Brown Events: How To Win The Lottery, How To Win The Lottery, lottery, Derren Brown, Darren Brown, Magic, physic, mind control, mental, medium, psychology, illusion, tv, actor, British
Id: ygrSZ_XpO3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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