How to Win More Auditions | 3 Voice Over Tips

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what is happening my friends bill duis full-time voice over talent as well as high performance voice over career coach and i'm so glad you stopped by the youtube channel if you haven't yet make sure you hit the bell so you get notifications when i release new content which i do on a very regular basis and i hope that you will uh give the video a thumbs up if you like it share it and check out all of my many other hundreds of voice over related videos all aimed at helping you become more profitable that's right remember if you're not making money in voiceover you've got a nice hobby and i want you to have a profitable business in voiceover so to do that we have to what well we've got to win auditions and that's what today's video is all about i'll be talking about four and sharing with you four audition tips to help you win more auditions and the fourth and final tip will be a tip that you never saw coming are you ready let's do it tip number one do more auditions now going back to the last video that i that i shared with you i talked about voiceover as a numbers game business is a numbers game regardless of your talent level it is a numbers game because with some some work you can actually calculate and know your your batting average your win percentage and if you're more experienced and more developed in your skill and your talent then you're going to have a better win percentage but it doesn't mean you can't be successful if you're newer and you haven't gone up the ladder quite as much yet you just may have to do more have larger numbers to get the results that you need to stay afloat until you can continue to improve in your work and your craft and your marketing and become more profitable that way but to be successful you have to do more auditions how many auditions well that varies wildly from person to person and there are a number of factors it's not just a matter of skill and talent certainly that has that has something it has a lot to do with it what's the the quality of your audio perhaps you'll have more success on one platform than another and the only way to do that is to get out there and to do it experiment to keep track of what's going on uh i'll never forget you know i i transitioned into um voiceover after being in radio broadcasting for for quite a while and we're talking 2006 and that was back in the very early days of and voice123 and i remember signing up on both of those platforms but i remember thinking to myself how hard could this be i remember logging into the dashboard and seeing hundreds of auditions posted i felt like a kid in a candy store i thought this is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel because i've been in radio for all these years you know look at all of these auditions well you know it took me a hundred auditions to get that first job now some people who are watching this you may be thinking well i've done 200 auditions 300 auditions the number doesn't matter or you may have booked your very first job what matters is that number one you keep track so that you understand you need some you need a large amount of data to be able to get accurate an accurate read on what your win rate is in other words doing five auditions and losing the first five auditions does something does not mean you're bad you just don't have enough data collected yet once you've done 100 200 500 auditions now you've got some data to work with you have a pretty good idea of where you stand and then from there you can work to improve but you've got to do more auditions all right now that in and of itself is not enough but it's that's where you begin number two here's an easy one you want to double your chances of getting the job do two takes or three takes on your audition if you're only doing one take you are you're minimizing your opportunity and let me break this down for you very simply in my experience and i've recorded now over 10 000 paid voice over jobs over the past uh 10 years actually 15 years sorry 10 years as a coach 15 years as a working full-time talent and it's interesting the language that clients use because they always almost always break it down into one of two categories one is they want it they want it softer or they want it with more energy so essentially more energy or less energy those are the that's the way they see and that's the the way they hear things so what i do on my auditions i give two takes one is a lower energy a little more laid back the other is a higher energy more excited version of that and another thing that i do is up front unless i'm specified otherwise and told not to i will slate by simply saying two takes that way the client knows that if they don't like the first take but maybe there's something in there they like but they think oh the energy's too low or the energy's too high that's not appropriate well they know there's another one coming so maybe they'll hang around for the second take or the third if you feel really ambitious but if you're not doing at least two takes you're really cutting yourself short number three do your auditions with more what more what emotion attitude intention this is not about and i cannot i cannot emphasize this strongly enough this is not a contest for the person who sounds the best that's not what voiceover is the person who wins the job is not the person who sounds the best who has the best voice who is the smoothest who makes the fewest amount of mistakes who sounds the most polished that's not the person who wins the job the person who wins the job is the person who is most believable because that's the person that connects with the person listening that stirs something inside of them that makes them feel something so when you when you allow yourself to express to feel emotion attitude some intention in other words when you look at a script how do you feel about that script what do you think if you were that person and maybe that you know maybe that's not your experience but if you're in that kind of scenario whatever it is you're talking about whatever you're whatever it is you're promoting or selling or training if you were in that scenario if that was if that was your product if that was your training if that was your company how would you feel about it how would you communicate it i guarantee you you would have a lot of intention and you would have a strong you would have a strong emotional connection to the content so being a voice talent is being a voice actor which means that we have to connect with the story that's how we become convincing because remember it's not the great voice that gets hired it's the person who is believable and you're only believable if you can make somebody feel something and they only feel something if you feel it first so do more get more emotion more attitude more intention that will increase your your win rate number four here's the one you didn't see coming how many times have you been told to speak in thoughts maybe never so let me talk to you about that just a bit one thing that i've noticed a common theme and and what i do in my coaching and i've worked with hundreds of talent i look for the common themes that happen because as human beings we tend to be wired similarly in many ways and you know we share a lot of the same patterns and mistakes and so if i can identify those patterns i can usually help most people when i work with them because most people suffer from the same basic two three four issues and one of them is is that most people especially early on in their career and sometimes even when they've done this for a long time is that they don't they don't connect with the script by thinking about what it's saying it's more about how polished can i sound which is kind of going back to what i was talking about earlier but beyond that it becomes a straight read through with no there's no there's no speaking in thoughts there's no acknowledgement of what's going on in the script it's either there it sounds that most of the time it sounds like they're in a race so i always tell students you know just slow down just start by i don't care how fast you think you're going just slow down it allows you to see and visualize and feel what's going on so speak in thoughts let me give you an example okay so i've pulled up a recent audition that came to my inbox and i want to share this with you okay so what does it mean to speak in thoughts well first of all let me just read through this script for you so you can hear what it is what it's about shouldn't finding the nutritional support you're looking for be easier this and they don't take they don't put the name of the company so i'll just say our brand our brand gives you access to expert nutritionists prescription medicine and a support system to help you all from your phone check out our affordable plans with or without insurance at okay most people would try to make that as smooth and as evenly paced as possible for instance shouldn't finding the nutritional support you're looking for be easier our brand gives you access to expert nutritionists prescription medicine and a support system to help you all from your phone check out our affordable plans with or without insurance at smooth it flows it's even paced but that's not how you want to do most voice over audio books uh narration documentaries e-learning commercials you need to acknowledge what's going on what are the thoughts here shouldn't finding the nutritional support you're looking for be easier ask when you ask a question ask a question ask it as if you expect them to answer you our brand gives you access to expert nutritionists not just any nutritionist expert nutritionists you have to acknowledge that prescription medicine and a support system to help you all from your phone now we're selling a convenience it's all from your phone acknowledge the intent the thought and a support system to help you all from your phone check out our affordable plan our affordable plans not just any plan it's an affordable plan acknowledge that share the thought with or without insurance again another big benefit but when you read it the same all the way through regardless of how polished you are it loses any sense of meaning intent or dynamic so speak in phrases don't try to be smooth what's the phrase there's this thought shouldn't finding the nutritional support you're looking for be easier pause for a moment our brand gives you access to expert nutritionists get excited about it if that's if it's all about being excited get excited pause a moment prescription medicine and a support system to help you all from your phone like it's a big deal so you have to acknowledge what you're talking about you have to speak and share in thoughts because when you do that now it makes you even more believable and these little things are not little things at all these are the things that help you win big when it comes to auditions and so when it comes to auditions you've got to start to win the auditions obviously to be successful in voice over and i want you to be profitable so take these tips use them and once you do the audition let me share some advice with you set it forget it don't go back if you're doing these like on pay-to-play sites don't go back and check and look you move on you do it and you move on it allows you to do a higher volume of auditions number one and number two it doesn't get into your head long ago i learned i i disciplined myself to not go back and look because it served no good purpose if somebody is hiring you they'll let you know you going back and looking to see if it's been opened yet has been listened to yet that is nothing but get into your psyche and it destroys your productivity and finally just this thought you should be tr if you're tracking your numbers your win rate should be increasing maybe not quickly but it should be increasing over time and if it's not make sure you talk to a coach who can give you some object some objective feedback hey i appreciate you stopping by and checking out the video if you want to find out some more resources to help you in your voiceover journey becoming a profitable voice over business look in the description below thanks for stopping by and i look forward to talking to you again very very soon
Channel: Bill DeWees
Views: 2,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: win more voice over auditions, how to audition better in voice over, how to audition voice over, voice over audition tips, Voice over script reading, Voice over script tutorial, Voice over technique, Voice over lessons, Voice acting, Voice over techniques, Voice over teaching, Voice over school, Voice over questions, Voice over artist, Voice over training, Voice over tips for beginners, Voice over tutorial, Voice over tips, voice over classes, Get started in voice over
Id: 8yjYsl62_CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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