How to Win Millions Playing Slots from The Slot Guru

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but some people say winning a slot machine jackpot is just the luck of the draw but our next guy says he has a tried-and-true method to success here was now I know we're gonna find out here with us is Ernest Cobb aka the slot guru who flew in today all the way from Detroit Michigan so thanks for making the trip only the best but CT style thank you see all right so how much money have you won Ernest I've won just a little bit over $2,000,000 since 2005 ten million in jackpots yes sir yeah but you have given a lot of it away I have over eight million dollars I've given away to strangers and you know just from my heart how do you pick these people out do you just see him in the casino and say hey here's a million random casinos I mean random people and it's inside the casino and outside the casino you know that brings the good karma to my gaming so so that's kind of what helps you just it does I think it does because if I hit a jackpot and someone isn't hitting the jackpot for me to just give them a hundred to two hundred dollars and I just won 50,000 that's the best that I can do in nine times out of ten it's the elderly person so that's one of the secrets give give back here one of the secrets is to give back to love people more than you love money all right so let's let's talk about your casino experience how often do you go I go once or twice a month so that's not really a lot to be getting these big jackpot well I go and I stay probably two or three days if I'm if I'm gaming good I stay about two or three days max bet and doing my thing so max betting that's the key there right yes ma'am that's one of the keys is the max bet because if you hit a jackpot and you're not max betting you won't get that top dollar on mine well what else do you have to do I mean you max bet you have to stay on the same machine do you move around well no I move around a lot I play over eight machines sometimes ten or twelve machines at a time just to be like an octopus you have to have 8-iron sort of kind of with the exception of you got to move instead of your arms yes sir yep so you have a lot of your tricks here in your book when was this published the book was published in 2009 December 2009 and we're kind of talking about your experience in the casino talking about my experiences talking about what I do inside the casino and outside the casino as well very important I mean to actually master loving people more than you love money is something that that's not easy to do that's going to be hard to do especially say you win ten million dollars I see where you can get wrapped up in that pretty easily and you know it kind of takes over you've more than half of that away right what are something and that's because of my belief I don't want to get off into the religion and then like that I just believe in God you know I played when I prayed play slots like most people do you know I'm just like a everyday person with the exception I hit extreme jackpots Wow and this has happened many times many times um most of the time when I go into a casino I'll I probably do a hundred to two hundred thousand in jackpots and then sometime I also lose so you know the book covers how to handle winning and how to handle losing as well how do you end up losing well you leave you right now you cut your losses you cut your losses and a lot of times when I'm playing slots and I'm and I'm having a bad day and I'm noticing that the money is not is not one of those days I stopped from playing slots and just go around the casino giving away money you know what's doubly your reaction when you do hit a jackpot are you like used to it do you even get excited you know you can never get used to hitting the jackpot because the adrenaline rush is through the roof and that's something that the slots are giving me you know to be able to hit a jackpot and do 70 75 thousand on one hit of the button is what most people don't make in a year so that is a lot going I take that and then I go on a giving spree so how about let's say for instance hypothetically speaking Theresa and I go to either Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun tonight which I think you should come with us I'm just saying or maybe some of our viewers we can hang out with earnest tonight but say we go in there what are some of the things that we should look out for when we get on the gaming floor soon as you get on as soon as I get on the gaming full-floor I'm gonna find out for one we're high stakes are is you know and then I'm look at each slot machine because everybody can't afford higher stakes so I'm gonna look at the nickels and the pennies and then I'm gonna look at the dollar amount that you can actually win in a jackpot so if a top dollar amount let's just say is three hundred thousand credits on nickels well or on pennies that's what I want to go for and you know it with the casinos they don't you know me I don't think casinos cheat I think they're awesome you know not you know the slot machines you won ten million I'm pretty awesome what's your website it's the slot guru calm and we can find some tips there too I love your books a lot of tips yeah okay good well we appreciate you coming down all right good luck appreciate you guys having me absolutely earnest bird we're gonna go to the casino tonight anything three I totally think you should come here we don't want to go
Channel: Connecticut's Morning Buzz
Views: 309,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CT Style, Community, Studio8, slots, casino, gambling
Id: zu-0lbi6Sc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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