How To Win Government Contracts As A New Business (45 min Training)

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hi everyone I'm so prepared I have my lights on what is happening welcome to you just started a business you're new you have a new business Alexa stop and you want to get a government contract so that's what we're going to talk about as I turn on my lights because I forgot about that and you know what's okay it's completely fine it's like when you start a business right you may be thinking that you don't qualify for any government contracts what's up everybody you may think that you're too new to get any contracts and that is not the case whatsoever so be prepared we're going to really dig deep into this today okay so the thought is oh I don't have a business I'm new to Government Contracting why would the government want to work with me if that's something that resonates with you I want you to um you can give a heart you can t type in the chat and I also want to say welcome to everyone here my name is Dr KY parks been awarded over $50 million in federal government contracts if you're unfamiliar I have my amazing book winners winners way so here's the thing about Federal Government Contracting you just you just need a business so let's dissect what does that mean because people I often will ask when somebody reaches out like do you have a business do you have a cage code do you have things like that I'm disabled please can you help I'm on um okay I can help all of you so and ask any of your questions feel free to ask put your questions there I appreciate each and every one of you being here I know it's extra late first and foremost you need a business it can be an LLC that's okay y'all the curls are popping too by the way little they need little moisture boost but they're doing their thing it can be an LLC it can bull be a sold proprietorship it can be an S corp it can be a C Corp it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what your business name is it doesn't matter if you're doing hair if you're selling pens here's what's matters this is what matters are you willing to do what most people won't do and what most people won't do is they're not on a live late at night they're not on a live at all about Government Contracting uh okay and they're not even thinking about this as an option they're not even thinking about it at all so the first thing is you need a business and you may think well but wait a minute I mean I braid hair why would the government do business with me because if you're selling something that they need it doesn't matter it doesn't matter at all IBM international business machine that's what IBM stands for so if you have a business with a very specific name just create a doing business as here y'all I'm GNA switch my mic it's kind of annoying me I'll put it up higher thank you Angela and um that's what's key is don't get caught up on the things that the government is not interested in they're not interested in your name or your website how many years you've been in business they're not interested in these things and you may say well KY how are you so certain because on Tik Tok on Monday through Thursday I go live typically pretty late and I have the pleasure of having Jonathan who's a Contracting officer deployed and he answers tons of these questions and he said it time and time again he's not looking up your website he doesn't even know how how many years you've been in business unless you tell him so if you're looking let me give you a great example right now on Unison I don't think it's closed yet it's called Unison Marketplace and depending on the vibe for the night I may show you the website if you guys want me to show the website let me know and please make sure you like hit the notification button you share you do all of those things you subscribe to my amazing Channel Channel you check out my book winners way please check it out okay please please please what's up Warrior Rose please please please okay so I'll share the website so just give me a second this is my first time sharing on YouTube studio so I'm really excited to do that and I don't really know what's gonna happen oh okay so we have wi okay okay makes sense and the reason I like doing things like this is I want you all to realize it's not about being perfect it's not about being perfect at all it's about executing that's what it's about you know [Music] um that's what's super important and if you don't execute then I don't know what you're getting I execute sometimes it may take me a minute like with weight loss my goodness you know but other than that I am an Executor so what I'm doing right now and I will share my screen in a second is I uh just logged into unison find comments let's see if I can do both here okay great you're so sweet for saying you're so inspiring okay I don't know if there's is there a lot much of a delay I can't really tell let me take this off of here okay this is a little no delay okay good so not really where did go so you can see this is a a platform that predominently they buy the weird they definitely buy weird unusual things like that you need a cage code to go on here which those are all just basic things because we're talking about if you're new you're a new business can you sell to the government because you may also wonder well don't I need experience no you don't need experience you can use the experience of the company that you subcontract to that's what you can do so you can see right now there's 20 opportunities let's take a look at the launch service I want to make sure you guys can still see okay and you can which is beautiful so you can see they need all of this Lawn Service to be taken care of at the end of the day lawn service is lawn service and they're telling you we're going with the lowest price that's no different than hey like when I was growing up my mom was like okay we're gonna get these items at Aldi's and we're goingon to get these items at grocery store it's the same thing uh this is true my debrief stated my C because it was three companies yeah okay so what's important to know is they're telling you we're we need lawn services right we don't want to pay a lot of money so if you're brand new company how challenging would it be to locate lawn services I want to say it's in Louisiana I mean we have no problem knowing the latest and greatest about Drake and Kendrick Lamar about glorilla about our local news so why not apply those same skill sets to finding a lawn care service and thank you journey to behold because it is possible when I say everything is possible it's not some BS it's not some stuff I just pulled out of the sky it's because I know I know from my own life just thinking of just my start and how I even came to be in this world so it is possible and thank you Carina I adore you for saying I'm inspiring thank you Jana for saying I make wigs and notary and some of you are stuck like Jana because you're stuck in that mindset of I can only sell wigs and notary you can sell lawn services all you have to do is find the right company you add a margin which is profit now remember this is they're doing the dollar store thing right so they don't want to pay a lot of money so as a result you're not going to double or triple your offer now you can I know there's people out there who talk about that and that's cool if you want I don't know how likely it is you're going to win sometimes just having that win even if it's a 5% margin like just break this down what if you won this work and you received $300 extra a month now that's not going to give you a yacht and Financial Freedom but it's $300 more dollars than you have before and then what happens when you get 10 of those what happens when your next one is a thousand a month what's up health and fitness what's up David what's up Dr Nicole so that's the play here yes there are million dollar contracts there's billion dollar contracts there's all of these things that are out there but what about the contract where you make maybe a few hundred dollars a month because most people like turn their nose at that like oh I don't I don't I what's the profit I what's this I don't know about that thank you so much Lori the book is Winners way winners way and so I suggest that as a small business and as a business new to Government Contracting you have to shift your mindset shift the mindset from oh man you know I'm in this one specialty I'm in Roofing I can only been on Roofing and I need every Roofing opportunity to be a grand slam you don't need that whatsoever so going back to Unison you can see all the opportunities they need ice a standing desk now I will point out because this happens all of the time and and I would say at least the one of you watching right now you see something like that and you're like oh my gosh I can get 82 standing desk and then you start dialing and calling up companies and then you're getting these quotes or maybe you're mad that you can't get a quote where are you getting the money for the 82 desk where are you getting the money so what happens is some will win something like this and then they DM me talking about I don't have enough money to pay for the desk Jasmine I'm so glad it helped you ghost of Boston thank you so much for the kind words and I'm so glad um Kia that you're getting Dr Kia you're getting your um your book so this is what I want to point out there are tons of places that you can go to look at opportunities State local Federal but this is especially geared towards those of you who you don't have a business or you just started a business or maybe you're just doubting yourself maybe you think like yeah we know ky's cute she got her hair popping and everything but I I can't really you know I can't really win a contract that's not for me like I can't do that sorry y'all my new amazing beautiful desk uh but I I'm telling you now you can look at the interview with shad Chad with an s look at Nikia look at Mike's go to all my interviews there was a woman I interviewed she didn't have her cage coat and she still won no I'm not suggesting you do that because times have changed okay so you can you can sell Services you can sell your services to Veteran Affairs yeah I mean almost anybody can Jana open my mind I really learn can find opportunity fied got your book okay awesome yes is so good um Derwin I'm trying to get 1,300 per month I mean that could be one two wins and this is not like those people like you know I'm going to get you this much money a month and and and then you find them on uh on a YouTube special about how they're scammers this is not that this is for real this is the not this one but the previous one I had up for lawn service was a multi-year contract as long as you don't mess it up you're still going to get the money because all they want is the lawn service does that make sense with everyone here hold on let's go back so these are posted in the last 20 uh what does that say three days but does that make sense for everyone okay good where you get your UEI can I learn everything in your book yeah of course you can exactly how can I get a oneon-one with you Lori about government uh Roll Tide Roll Tide okay um we don't do one on ones just here let me do this send an email to Melody and thank you all for being real flexible with me I didn't have my lights on I got a door open I need to go to bed soon but you know what's more important than that is helping all y'all so I'm going to answer these questions but I want to go back to this this helps get you what was it Dewan and others if you're wanting to get $1,300 a month this helps you with that a UEI is a unique entity identifier issued by you get your cage code on so what you need to do is I'm sharing what's really important for you is you need a physical business address and you need to have a legal business because what happens is some of you you registered a business at some point in time in your life but then you didn't pay those Annual fees so your business is no longer legal or maybe you registered and got a tax ID but you didn't register with the state so you need to make sure of that and you need a physical address has to be a physical address it cannot be a virtual post office or something I'm looking into the fats chicken removal contract that's amazing do do you keep track of your win contracts we are now we have in the past uh but we are ramping up for that how do I get my cage code we talked about that can you talk about how the people who had to give their contracts back did they have to start a new LLC no they continued with the same one some of them kept going on I think some are discouraged I appreciate all your time too Derwin you're amazing any creative funny ideas um Shelton friends family credit cards 401k MD uh thank you for sharing this knowledge submitted two proposals good I'm really proud of you ordered my book the ball oh I love that you love the bonuses about to submit my first in unison and want to ask about the scrum software producer form um Miss adwa excuse me just you got to direct me to it I need like a link is it possible someone who's never done this to get a contract yes that's the whole premise that's what this whole live is about I just showed a lawn maintenance opportunity in Louisiana and all they care about is price you got to find somebody in MIM Lawns and on the surface you may say that seems way too easy why does it have to be hard why do things in life have to be hard why does it have to be this is so hard and I understand that for some of us we may have had life experiences where we were told life is hard or making money is hard or the way that we present ourselves to the world makes things hard I got that and it's not to take away from these life experiences it's to let you know you can release that that's a burden why is life have to be hard is life isn't hard for me yeah there's some challenges I mean I had a whole breakdown the other day but you know what okay an but life is not hard to me everything is easy it's about light it's about love how important see how important is consistency and staying patient extremely important does a physical address have to match the business address you just need a physical address you're I mean excuse me you need a physical address connected to your business looking at the questions y'all wow I'm from Louisiana you should is probably due soon no the LLC can be in any place David how do they correlate please elaborate chance on your channel I see the positivity in this Nana how do I get started yeah get the book winners way it's the best investment ever I mean I I've interviewed people who've won contracts from reading my book I mean that's pretty amazing to pay less than $40 for a book and then you win a contract where else can you really do I mean I'm being really serious I'm I'm not trying to just hype up my book the book is amazing I'm just letting you know like if you want to copy winners way winners way uh Erik ER Erin it's a it's a thirdparty platform and it's just for federal government profit J Jason profit margin varies yeah I would love likes you guys if I can get some more likes likes more thumbs up some more Hearts if you want your question answered immediately you got to give me a badge I'm just letting you know it's just how it works you know just I ain't making the rules just how it is also [Music] um uh share subscribe hit the notification button I love that Warrior the book gives you ring rings SB I'm interested in Government Contracting however when I called SBA seems that they were so discouraging and not helpful at all I'm not going to let that discourage me though I will do this you should there's a lot of people who are discouraging I had a college professor who was like you're really nice but I don't really know of grad schools for you I mean I'm Dr Parks now so clearly it was hi KY thank you for sharing I'm trying to sign up for your coaching program when will available I purchased 97 class by need more help mij or um soon I I'm very blunt I'm very open I'm very transparent whether I'm here on a live I'm on a Tik Tok live I'm on Instagram I'm on LinkedIn I'm here in person and I don't really know what I'm offering I know that sounds kind of weird and strange but things have changed so I know I'm offering something soon I just ask for your patient uh that's that's just best to tell you I know I know it doesn't solve your situation I know you're looking to buy something now or to act and I got that I just have to do what's in the best interest of me and what feels really good so I just want you to be aware of that I will let people know about your book we knew to Government Contracting 16 of us oh good money boy film I love that Sarah Sarah I love your lives I'm so glad that you're here I'm so glad you're on the zoom call so Derwin how's score and Apex helping you tell us more candy I love the time taking time to break great offer and product yeah because it just it doesn't all feel right like some of it's good some of it seems to be better and I don't like that how turn our contracts for military veterans housing so okay Long Beach Joe so we're gonna hit okay Jared I got my cage code in two JS oh oh my gosh I'm so excited I got to take a photo of that well how do do both I guess I got to do it like this I you can see the badge yeah you can okay cool I'm so excited in two days Dang or two days ago I love that that is so sweet so I really love that Jared and thank you for the badge that's really sweet of you um yes Miss adawa send the send it to her sure no you need no no no no Miss no don't send it to Melody you got to put the link here you got to put the link in the chat so back to the the the veteran housing and this is important because you may be new to business you're new maybe you're new to Government Contracting and like this person you heard that veteran housing can be lucrative so let me break this down where are you getting this house where are you finding the people how are you paying for all this just because you hear something's lucrative how do you know it's really lucrative have you explored the source that's what's key uh there I did interview somebody who is doing some things with veteran housing but she had a lot of that set up what's important is as a new business you want to bid on something that you can actually fulfill and make some money on it doesn't have to be the biggest profit because you just want to be able to show that hey I can do it thank you so much um Kel for buying the book okay this is all amazing I love all of this I'm so proud of you Derwin you're so sweet I'm so so proud of you guys it's going to make me want to cry but I think I'm too tired give me I'm going to take a couple more questions because um I need to sleep and I do want to say a couple more things you have to find what works for you when I first started out in this space 10 years ago training that was my thing that's what I was good at that's what people said I was good at and I love to do what people said I was good at and that's what I did I did training I was like you said I do training I do training I do training training but that may not be for you maybe for you you want to sell ice or you want to sell rice or you want to sell beds or you want to do real estate it doesn't matter what you want to do you just do it it doesn't matter if your business is for oil changes you can still sell rice do we all understand that if you all understand that type yes in the chat type yes in the chat White Rose no it's not the same if you understand what I just said please type yes okay what's NN what's Nancy Sierra Nancy Jackson what's NSN which agency is that okay good okay Marvin very good content you're a kind woman and God go will bless you and God will bless you too will bless us all oh this a Tama Tama Grace been in my first it's okay okay the first Unison bid for handling storage is lowest price but a tech proposal how detailed should it be what did they ask for tamaa what did they ask for or you if you want I can pull it up from Unison you said handling and storage okay let me look for it before I share my screen you said is it's still active on Unison handling and storage is it of artwork handling the storage of artwork Tama I'm so glad you got the the um book so this is what we're I'm GNA do we're gonna do a live review listen y'all this is what happens when you come on live we don't play over here we don't play I got my hair up like I'm going to the gym we don't play so we're going to do a live review of what this particular opportunity wants and what Tama or anybody else biding on this has to put in and I also want to shout you out to M because you have an abundant mindset a lot of people would have never done that they would have been like no I don't want to share somebody may take it and again I get it these are things that may come from childhood but we have to address these things as adults if we don't deal with all of our inner child and all these things going on in our lives is not going to serve us it's not going to raise us up and I firmly believe we have God in us and we have so many abilities and we're not able to tap into them because we're still stuck on the stuff that happened when we were seven so with that said Jackson you're talking about stuff with dibs is that what you're talking about dibs nobody dibs I hate dibs it's ridiculous I'm not saying anything else unless you're already a seller on dibs okay okay so this is due 22nd 1500 okay okay lowest price so tamaa did you find somebody to do it do you find a vendor to do the work Shay you got to send me an email okay you did great so what I'm going to do is let's just take a look at the statement of work I'm going to see I don't think it's shared in your window anymore one moment I need to open a different window okay this is it oh because so it's lowest price okay what I'm looking for is the part that ask about [Music] the technical just give me a second I'm going to another screen I'll share the screen with you all so you can part and thank you all for being on here in case you're wondering who is this beauty is Dr KY Parks okay where did you see that it wants a technical response oh I see it right there technical proposal man I listen this I I'll tell you what I'm going to do this is what I would do I found it I found it this is what I would do let me stop sharing and give you the other document this is where you use chat GPT and you ask these people because you basically need to explain how you're going to do this so what you would want to do is you're going to have like an about you section then you're going to go into technical approach and you're going to go into how you're going to make sure all of these tasks happen that's what you're going to do that's it and you can use chat GPT you can ask the vendor um you may even want to throw in three examples of past performance I mean they just want some kind of um peace of mind that you're not going to mess things up and we know you may go to mess things up but that's it that's all they're looking for so that's what I would do for something like this how do I find my cage code um Dr Alec you gotta make sure You' go through all the steps on when it's when I get started SM requires his attachment got it do you have the $97 starter kit I do oh God I gotta find it y'all I'm working on my salesmanship the the KY selling live is is definitely an f+ so we're we're trying we're trying to get that up to an a we're trying to get that up to an A and it's definitely f+ f+ I don't even I don't even know where these links are okay let let me see where these things are oh yeah well first off have to put the wi-fi back on my phone um but does this make sense everyone I'm going to stop sharing what we just talked about does all of it make sense okay think well that's that one well okay I'm looking for something clearly that is not it I'm sorry I told you my my sales are an f plus right now okay so what you're GNA have to do is email me just send me an email or send an email to Melody I know this is terrible okay uh the starter KS everything you need to get started to get your UEI and cage code military logistics all this model where would you start so dopes all day I mean I always question this whole notion about like wasting time what what does that mean what does that mean when you say you don't want to waste time break that down for me what does that mean I don't want to waste time because if you're bidding if you're learning to bid how is that wasting time if you're finding opportunities how I found the link you guys how is that wasting time so break it down for me I'm going to put the link here from the $97 course just give me a second thank you Lori for putting the book in here Lorie's here in um Mexico thank you for buying the book winners way okay I haven't heard anything from dopes all day I don't want to look in the wrong place or look for opportunities asn't help my business grow well if you if you're completely new to something so it would be as if you just learned how to play baseball and you expect every time you play baseball you're G to catch everything and every hit's going to be a home run is that realistic expectation I would say that instead you you look at it like what are you willing to sell so I mean it's great you do Logistics and and transportation but is I mean is that is it really a need is that what you really want to sell the government I don't know it's more about you being open and honest with yourself than I would say about learning where to go you go to and you find Opportunities and you bid you go to Unison you find Opportunities and you bid is that simple it's how it works that's why if you're a brand new business you don't need to have past performance are there some where you do of course but a vast majority you don't need past performance you can p use the past performance of who you're partnering with often the people who win especially new businesses are those who are taking a leap those who realize oh my gosh I can actually win something and I don't have to have I don't have to have past performance crap I walked away a second yeah I did just one no worries you're you're good there you go thank you all for being patient with me I'm trying to like I said up my sales I know I'm listen I'm in the middle of this transformation y'all I mean it's it's like a deep amazing transformation that's why Lor's here in Mexico so here I'll put it in there again it's a great course it's amazing you get some free bonuses uh it's great to check out and start with I left okay got it well Malcolm sometimes the there's there's lots of right ways it's learning applying adjusting learning applying adjusting learning applying adjusting that's what it's all about that's all it's about it's another it's an a course Nana it's an upsell how much money do you need to get a contract depends on what you win which part of Mexico Tulum I appreciate you we're in Tulum I love Tulum um I think it's now it's getting close to that time Time to Say Goodbye I'm so grateful to all of you thank you it is beautiful I'm beautiful you all are beautiful I I'm so appreciative of you all being here it's really late I'm on Central time and I want you to walk away with the following number one you just need a legal business number two you don't have to have P past performance you don't have to overthink it you just need to know number three the government wants to buy what you can offer them if they want Lawn Service sell lawn service they need gravel sell gravel if they need books sell the books if they need rights sell the rights you don't have to have businesses in these areas will you need money for some of these contracts of course are there do you need money for every contract of course you don't is there a particular profit you're going to make on every one of these no it's going to VAR because that's business and you have to figure things out learn apply adjust and begin with what is your goal how much money do you want to make every month is the proposal writing opportunity still available yes yes um you need to email me oh goodness I don't you gotta email me though oh my God poor email is gonna get blown up just send the email there get like 500,000 emails this is funny I'm GNA tell you about the proposal writing opportunity I'm looking for the four people to write proposals on behalf of KPC you will get a percentage of the profits and you have to be dedicated this isn't just something you do on your off time if you have oh I don't have a lot of time but I'm broke and I don't have a lot no so if you're somebody who has time you're interested in making money and you're willing to put in the work this is the opportunity for you you're going to be bidding on a wide variety of middleman opportunities so you're gonna have to call people you going have to do this thing called writing you're going to have to do this thing called reading if you're down for Reading Writing calling and just using our beautiful brains then this opportunity is for you if you're like N I want none of that then that's cool I still love you just don't email me 500,000 one what does that mean what does that mean Mike hold on Jared can I reply to you dang here send actually you send it to me don't don't send it to Melody just send it to me it's not about full time because you only made a commission you're only it's only a commission I mean you can do it full time I'm just saying you're only paid when you win that's the other thing you're only paid if you're win here this is there you go here it's in the chat okay and then let me give you the link to the course here get this hi can I start having an SBA what does that mean having an SBA I don't know what that means and thank you again Lori for being here and for being so helpful Dr KY I learned so much from you just a just a just a black dude I appreciate you I learned so much from each and every one of you just find you releasing like to learn how to do this now I need one simple quick return okay shy well I think this is a good ending point if you're interested in writing proposals on behalf of us you got my email uh just find okay got that God bless you make sure you share you give a a thumbs up you like you hit the notification button take check out the starter kiss $97 I mean what else you get for $97 pair of shoes maybe a couple drinks few drinks or something KY just got on what is in the starter kit um a lot of amazing things to get you to the to get you where you need to be to bid on government contracts here just get the link take a look and make a purchase if that's for you if that's for you if you're like no I don't want to that's cool don't do it either I'm starting a cleaning business how do I get government contracts Choose You in Ministry bid on cleaning and bid low can a business trust get a govern I if you yeah I think if you do you have a business trust what what is happening uh why did I get so aggravated you know I got aggravated about that question do you really have a business trust and and are you from another country are you from outside the United States I'm so glad that you got the book too thats really good you got to be able to write read and make phone calls and be diligent if you can write read make phone calls and be diligent then it's for you if you don't like reading if you you're allergic to it don't email me if you don't want to pick up a phone don't call don't email me if you don't want to write you don't know how to type if you don't have Microsoft Word don't contact me because this is all about helping new businesses get contracts this is one of the number one ways look at all that hair okay y'all it is that time I appreciate you I appreciate each and every one of you here is the book can you tell I always wanted to be Vana White you know oh my God you guys are so good it does it smells like money okay I adore each and every one of you I'm GNA take off I'm equal excited and we reached our goal I wanted to have 200 people in here so I'm really proud really excited I thank you all appreciate you all don't give up don't give up so check out the starter kit get the book winners way book I'm gonna call tonight I will be here next Sunday I'm on Tik Tock Monday through Thursday at night I go live almost every day in the Facebook group I go live occasionally on Instagram and I go live occasionally on LinkedIn I'm always here for you I'm the number one source for Government Contracting small business information news inspiration motivation don't play with me Dr KY Parks coming to you live from Tulum Tulum Mexico okay y'all I gotta go bye until next time everything is possible for for a long time Bri um for a long time there's no bait and switch everything is possible everything is possible uh I everything is possible bye y'all
Channel: Kizzy Parks
Views: 18,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G-jyQVSJs6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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