How to Weld a 6G TIG Root Hot Pass 7018 Fill and Cap

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hello my name is jack dolls director of training at tulsa welding school in jacksonville and today i'm going to walk you through a 6g tig root and hot pass 7018 filling cap this is one of the more common tests that people face out in the industry and you know i wanted to go over it today with you so let's let's talk about this process let's talk about actually the doing the 6g so uh let's go to the just the beginning you want to make sure that all of your pipe is clean okay you want to make sure the inside of your pipe has been cleaned out at least about an inch a half inch to inch back inside the pipe then you want to clean the outside of the bevel and your bevels when you're running the tig process you want everything to be clean you want all your stuff to be nice and clean and everything's sharp and ready to go so we've gone ahead and cleaned everything up i've tacked it already i got it in the 6g position i've went over my tungsten setup my tig rig's set up and got my tunsin set up the way i want it you know and you can watch one of my other videos that will tell you about talking about how to set up a tig rig but uh i've got everything set up here and so what we're going to do is we're going to get in the six we're going to get in this position what i like to do is i like to put my right leg forward my left leg back that way it gives me room to clear my hips out of the way reach down in here get into position and i'll bring my wire in and i'll just rock it back and forth as we're filling our wire and as i'm moving up the pipe i'm going to bring my left leg around over to my right move my right leg over that way i can clearly get up on top and i'll rock it right on over the top and we'll go ahead and get around the top half then i'll move down and we'll do the bottom half so i've walked you through this process like i said when you're taking a test okay the qc is going to want to see your tax he's going to want to see your stack it up in position if everything looks good he'll give you a thumbs up and then put your root in one thing that you need to really watch out for when you're doing this process uh especially when you're taking a pipe test is watching out for your pinholes and your fish eyes okay so as you are welding along and you come to a stopping point whether it be on attack whether it be on your route whether it be on a hot pass every one of those processes or positions or whatever passes you want to call them when you stop you need to make sure that you walk it out okay what i mean by that is take your tungsten and walk it down into the bevel or the top entirely up to you you can walk it down into the bevel then break your arc don't just stop right in the middle and break your arc why is because you're going to have a pin hole there a fish shaft and those pin holes will cause you to fail x-rays and causes you to fail bin test and won't get you that job that you're looking for so it is critical well as you're coming to a stop with the tig process you remember to get out those pin holes and remember to get out those fish hides okay so let's do it got my wire gas is on everybody ready so just keep it nice and tight you can see it in there just keep it nice and tight right over the tungsten just nice little fusing it in take your time this is not a race as you get it filled up here i'm gonna move around so i can see the other half over here just rocking it back and forth nothing fancy keeping a nice tight arc length just going barely wider than the wire okay went around it got it all in there nice and tight you can see it kept it just small in there nice smooth and consistent it's very simple all it's doing is just giving it a little rock up and down not much you know if you're doing this much this is entirely too much okay you don't need to do that much it's just a little rock like a little motorcycle remember you know what i mean that type of deal easy nice and smooth so let's go ahead let's finish up let's do the route on this side everybody ready [Music] okay got up one side let's move over here still good oh don't stick it all right we got our nice little root in there okay and if you take your time you know and uh like i said if you were to stick it in here you know you jabbed the wire you did see me just slightly bump it just there for a second uh you know it didn't quite really mess up the tungsten but if it did kind of mess it up i would have stopped and just take out your tungsten flip it around re-sharpen it and use another end you know don't don't hesitate especially on the root and hot pass you know with a trying to run with a dull tunsin or a messed up tunsin i mean it's just pointless don't don't even do it so make sure that you got a nice clean tungsten nice sharp tungsten and uh a little time and practice you can put a nice little slick root in here as well so what we're going to do now is what would happen is the qc would come around he would check your route you inspect it you look in there yep jack it looks like a nice wedding band got you a nice root in there go ahead and put the filling cap on it so at this point once the qc came around said you're good to go i'll come back i'll put a hot pass on it then i'll go in to put my fill and then we'll put a cap on it so let's go ahead and put a hot pass on okay excellent so we're back to putting in our hot pass so we've completed our route the inspectors came by and gave us a thumbs up so now i'm gonna change up my i've already changed out my tungsten got a nice clean tungsten and we're going to go ahead and put the hot pass on when i put my hot pass on a good rule of thumb is always turn it up 10 more amperages than what you already had you know so whatever you ran the route let's say if i ran at 115 then i'd like to bump it up to about 125. i always try to bump it up at least 10 whenever i'm running the hot pass that way i know it's melting into the previous pass and we're getting good fusion in there so uh i've turned it up everything's been cleaned everything's right let's go ahead and put the hot pass in and when i'm running the hot pass i just want to take it just wider than what the route was hold your wire at the top and bring your metal down the cool little trick if you ever run out of wire you need some more wire just move the tungsten down look you let go of the wire re-grab the wire you can grab it go again okay so we just got the root the hot pass down on that side let's come around over here and complete the hot pass on this side [Music] [Music] oh so we just completed our root and hot pass went ahead and got it all in there looks nice nice and flush nice and smooth all the way around like i said the inspector may want to see it again maybe not but once he comes back he'll check it all and if you can get in there and look and see i got a nice little wedding band it looks good up in there like i said everything's going very nicely so what we'll come back do next is we'll actually switch over to the stick process and then we'll come back and start running our filling caps and as we run our fills we'll start running stringer beads first run the stringer bead along the bottom the string will be along top run however many stringer beads it takes to fill it up flush and then we'll come back and put our cap on so if you'll give me just a few minutes i'll get everything switched over and then we'll start running our 7018. all right so before we put our fill in we got everything switched over but let's let's kind of walk through this a little bit so we're going to start running this i like to run a 332 maybe a 1 8 7 18 but either way whatever rod it is i'm going to i've got a 332 and so when we run our pass here and if you can see this i'm going to run my rod about right here or so okay and i'm going to come in and run a stringer pass and as i run this pass here i want to try to keep the rod head on with the pipe you know straight in on the pipe the whole time i'm not trying to get an angle like this okay if you're running at an angle coming up your pipe like this this is wrong okay it's not right you should not have that much of a push angle and then vice versa if you're coming up your pipe and you've got this heart of a drag angle this isn't good neither so what you want to do is keep a head on now you can have a slight five to ten degrees either way it doesn't really matter that much but like i said you can't have long you know you can't have these harder angles this isn't going to work for you and let's say you want to keep the head on keep a nice tight arc length as you're moving around and as you're running your field pass don't take it over the beveled edge okay don't take it over this beveled edge you want it maybe to come up to it close to it maybe a 16th just below it but don't go over your beveled edge why is it because it's your guide to put your cap on if you cover up your beveled edges when you've got to put your cap on you're not going to know where it's at because you've already covered it up and it's going to look like a wandering snake so keep it inside the groove like i say keep a nice head on the whole time keep a nice tight arc length and don't let it go over outside the bevels and uh you'll run a nice smooth couple beats in here so we're going to come back we're going to uh i went ahead and got a test dummy uh not a testimony but a uh somebody to come in and weld in in between just to save us some time on me running multiple passes here i mean if you want you come by to school i'll run in as many as passes you want but it saved a little time here we've got a stunt devil that's kind of came in ran a few passes got it filled up flush for us so i can show you what a flush looks like and then we'll go ahead and put our cap on okay so like i said before i brought in a stunt devil uh you know ran this fill pat ran and fill here and filled it up flush and like i say i could have ran the beads in here but just to save us time and save you from watching me run you know another 10 15 rods and just burning rods i went ahead and got one that's already filled up flush i wanted you to see it you can see where he's kept the rod in there nice and tight kept a nice smooth bead in there and no undercut and the bevel's still got the bevels all in there so this is what you're looking for as you as you go to fill it up just make sure that it's all cleaned up and you know and all the all the defects are gone if you got any high spots go ahead and take your time and grind them down and clean them up just in case if you're allowed to use a grinder and uh like i said once you get it all in there nice and smooth then you're ready to put a cap on okay and so i've went ahead and brought in my test my stunt devil again my welding dummy and he went ahead and brought us this one and showed it to you all filled up nice and flush and capped out and if you can see here it's nice and smooth beads like i said it was ran in the 6g position he's got nice overlapping beads in here um you know and this is all around by keeping the nice rod angles and keeping a nice tight arc length and so like i said what will happen is the qc will inspect all this he'll look over it if he gives you a thumbs up then what he'll come back and do is we'll actually mark out some strips out of it we'll take it outside cut the strips out and we'll bend them and hopefully everything turns out nice so this is how you run a 6g tig root and hotpass 7018 filling cap and like i say let's walk back through it just to kind of touch bases on everything make sure that your all your metal is clean okay that your your inside of your pipe has been cleaned the outside of your pipe has been clean as you run your root pass make sure that you cut your wires and make sure you get use good wire every time if you stick your tungsten make sure you change it clean it every after every pass and like say once you run your root pass in there everything looks good always turn it up another 10 for your hot pass and also make sure you get rid of your fish eyes don't leave any fish eyes prevention is the key don't let them be there make sure they're out and then let's say you go on to run your stringer beads you're gonna run stringers in there multi passes probably take you you know 10 12 passes to get it filled up another 10 or 12 passes to get it put a cap on it and uh a little time and practice you too can run it like that as well thank you for watching today hey everyone thanks for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something today and if you want to stay up to date and get tips and tricks to become a better welder then subscribe to our channel and if you would like to learn even more right now click on our video thank you and we'll see you next time
Channel: Tulsa Welding School
Views: 105,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weld, welding, welder, tulsa welding school, welding school, skilled trades, vocational school, vocational training
Id: 3ZtwySC0bE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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