How to Weld 4130 Chrome Moly: Part 2 of 3 - Tube Welds | TIG Time

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welcome back to TIG time I'm mr. TIG today's session is going to cover 41 30 again but this is part two it's got a little more advanced information in it and we continue to get questions on 41 30 so keep those questions coming we're going to cover a half a dozen issues today in this segment alone now some of the benefits of 4130 chromoly happened to be that 4130 chromoly has higher strength to weight ratio in other words rather than by mile steel tubing we buy 40 130 because it's strong and it's stronger by about 30% now because it's stronger we can go thinner wall which makes it lighter weight so if we're building structures like bicycles and airframes and things like that it's a good choice now remember 40 130 is in the in condition when we're building things they're going to be left as welded and that really leads into some of the questions that came about over the recent months now one of the questions is can you gas weld 41:30 an answer is yes you can now this isn't a gas welding show but I got started gas welding it's a great process TIG welding is faster it's got more control but if you still gas weld it does a great job now in TIG welding we're going to specify different filler materials so be very careful to select the right filler material and now the next question is what about the cooling rates when you finish welding does it have to cool down to a slow rate and do you have to preheat post heat in a heat treatment well let me answer it this way there's been a study that was done in the last decade on 41:30 tubing and sheet metal and I want to make that distinction 120,000 small thickness and less would be identified as tubing now before that study was done everything was all wrapped up into one meaning that you had to look at the 4130 procedure and it may have required a heat of 300 400 maybe even 500 degrees that goes away with tubing just remember a hundred and twenty thousand wall thickness or less does not require the preheat Minh that you normally think you have to have so in today we're going to be welding 1/16 or oh six to wall thickness and in later sessions we're going to do is then is a thirty five wall thickness so to answer the next question is what about the weld size now do you have to have an oversize well to make sure that it's a good weld and the answer to that is no I've got a part right here that was TIG welded now the wall thickness of this is 60 mm the Philips size is about maybe 100 and 120 thousands and that's plenty in fact it's oversized when you evaluate the cross-section of the amount of linear inches of weld it's more than enough string so typically you don't have to put a second well pass on but the one in always add filler material after all these studies were done there was a number one recommended filler a number two and then number three number one is a filler called ER 80s D - the number two selection is er 70s - and the number three selection is er 70s six if you're using any one of the three you're in great shape each of them has just a slight advantage it's not major but there is a certain advantage with the ER 80s D - now chromoly we talk about chrome moly 4130 chromoly it only has 1% chrome in it and it only has a quarter of a percent moly in it so sometimes you hear people call it chromoly without the 4130 okay now we're going to do a procedure today that you would use on your on your frame whatever it is and we're going to put in for tax on this tubular project now you probably notice I have two samples here I have one that's pre cleaned and one that's not if you don't pre clean at least wipe it down with acetone or your favorite solvent I like to use acetone but you can notice how shiny the one that's been prepped when you weld this one you're going to find that it's going to be a clean weld you're not going to have these little floaties in the puddle so it doesn't take much I just have a deburring wheel that I take this off and literally take seconds to pre clean this so just pre clean it up about a quarter of an inch away and you're going to find good results with it so the best way to get started is to to get started so I'm going to put all my safety gear in place and we'll get this thing done get a neat thing about TIG welding is you go in any rotation you want you can go full 360 you can break it up into quadrants but you don't have to get in any hurry if you get out of position you merely stop reset and restart you a thing I like about Oh 4 or 5 diameter you just seem to have better control of the puddle we were almost finished it's doing a final wrap around I see the beginning of the world I'm overlapping about a sixteenth of an inch tapering off on the IMP reach and then now this is a finished weld you probably notice the size of the weld it's it's about a 1/8 inch fill it maybe even a little bit less I use the ER ATS D to filler dc-dc straight polarity I've got a gas lens I'm using a 1/16 tungsten 1/16 diameter and it's 2% thoriated well thank you for your interest in 4130 chromoly we're going to do more segments and the next time we do a segment it's going to be on-site doing full fabrications and weldments that's it for now I'm mr. TIG you
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Rating: 4.8502202 out of 5
Keywords: tube welds, Welding, TIG Welding, Weld, How to Weld, How to Weld 4130, Chrome Moly, Welding 4130 Chrome Moly, Welding Tips, Welding Projects, Learn How to Weld, TIG Time, Mr. TIG, Mister TIG,, how to weld, tube welding, welding resources, learn to tube weld, welddotcom, Weld chrome
Id: IBg84md1Ut0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2012
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