How To Wash A Quilt - Step by Step!

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hey guys it's kristen with welcome back to my channel today i'm going to talk about something that i actually get quite a few emails on every single week and that is how do i take care of my quilts how do i wash my quilts what steps do i take to preserve them so we're going to go through that whole process today because it's time for me to wash all of our normal family use quilts the ones that we cuddle up with on the couch so quick fact here um a lot of people don't realize it but you don't need to wash most of your quilts more than i don't know one to four times a year at most and the less that you actually wash your quilt the longer that it is going to be a part of your lives long term for instance the laundry that you do your shirts and um pants and clothes and things those you watch quite often because they're in contact with your skin and with your body for the entire time that you're wearing them normally when you have a quilt you just have it laid on top of you and it's keeping you warm but it's not really touching all the skin oils and things that you have okay really not getting dirty it's just laying on top of your body the quilts that are stored in this corner right here where i am are our family quilts they're the ones we watch movies with on friday nights are the ones we cuddle up with on the couch and i generally watch them about like i don't know one to three times a year or so just because the dogs crawl all over them and i mean we use them day in and day out so today is going to be one of the days that i wash those quilts the first thing that you want to do is take a good look at your quilt and see if there's any areas on the quilt that have torn or any areas that might have a stain these are the areas that you're going to want to pay more attention to when you go to take your quilt to the laundry room okay now if there's any tears in your quilt you want to go ahead and make sure you fix that before you throw it into the wash because then it could make it a lot worse if you have a stain you'll want to pre-treat that before you wash it as well as a family we have been like ditching and switching all of the chemically laden products in our home such as your laundry soap most laundry soaps you know the little pods that i'm talking about those have so many chemicals in them that breaks down your fabric it's not really good for your skin to be in contact with it all of the time it's better for your quilts it's better for your family it's better for your life it's one of the easiest products that you can ditch and switch just like that absolutely my favorite laundry soap has got to be the thieves line from young living it's 100 plant-based so i know it's safe for my family i know it's safe to have on our skin all day long our clothes are clean trust me we put this stuff to the test okay i have two kids they definitely put it to the test it's non-toxic and it is super ultra concentrated so actually when i dilute it into the three bottles that you see here it works out to be about 17 cents per load that i am washing this is the soap that i use on my darks on my lights on my quilts on my sheets pillows towels everything i love this soap and i love how clean that our clothes get so when you're going through your quilt perhaps you see like a spot or stain or somebody spilt something on your quilt what i like to do is i'd like to take a little bit of the detergent okay and i put it on the stain and i'll let it sit for like five to ten minutes not like forever okay just five to ten minutes to kind of like get that stain out a little bit let it go in i don't dilute the soap at this point i just put a tiny bit on there and i'll let it sit so that it can start to get that stain out here's another product that i really really like to use they're called color catchers sometimes while they're washing in the washing machine those spots of color will come off of your quilt float around in the water and then they will end up being deposited somewhere else on the quilt where you really don't want them these shout color catchers are your safety net okay these are magnets for the color die another thing is when i gift a quilt i will definitely add one of these color catchers in a little baggie so that they know how to wash their quilt and they use this when they wash their quilt to make sure that that quilt stays in the best condition it possibly can be in another tip is i always wash my quilts on cold water not only does it save energy but warm and hot water settings are harder on your clothes it can encourage shrinking of the fabric it makes your quilt age faster cold water makes your fabrics last longer and honestly we watch 90 of our laundry on cold now simply because of this we seem to get more wear out of our clothes when we're washing on cold water versus when we're washing on hot water let's take a look here at the color catcher that i threw in with my quilts and you can see that there is just a little bit of a difference between the two shades between the brand new color catcher and the one that came out of the wash here and these are on quilts that i have had for probably years in our living room ones that we use quite often but you can see that there is still some dye transfer that comes out that is exactly why i will continue to use these color catchers when i wash my quilts so when it comes time to dry your quilts you can either hang dry them or you can just use your dryer on a low to medium heat setting if you want to add a lovely scent boost to your quilts this is the perfect time to do it in the dryer i love to do this when i give quilts away because it adds an extra layer of personalization i take a dry washcloth that i have in my laundry room i have tons of these i like to use these microfiber cloths for cleaning around the house they're really really useful i'll take five to ten drops of essential oils and throw it in the dryer with my wet quilts and then i let it go it really freshens up the quilt it adds a nice scent boost to it and that's that now we have wonderful fresh smelling clean quilts again and oh they're still warm i love love love that feeling it feels they smell so good i hope that you found that video helpful if you have any questions please feel free to leave them down in the comments down below i'm happy to answer those questions for you also if you have any questions about the products that i shared about today i truly love everything that i share with you i stand behind all of them i have links in the description down below to where you can get your hands on those products if you're a quilter and you would love to educate somebody else on how to wash their quilts and keep them for a very long time and well used at the same time because honestly that's the most important thing right we want our quilts to be used and loved on not just put in a box and put in a corner so that they never ever see the light of day we need to use them so send them the link to this video or i have a free form that you can download that you can gift with your quilt i will put the link to that down below as well we want our quilts to be well taken care of and well loved i hope that you enjoyed this video make sure that you hit subscribe please it really helps me out i post new videos every single week on quilting i share all of my tips tricks and tutorials i look forward to seeing you again next week my name is kristen with i'll talk to you soon bye [Music] you
Channel: ISeeStarsQuilting
Views: 1,097
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: modern quilting, quilting, beginner quilting, how to wash a quilt, how to wash a quilt in washing machine, how to wash a quilt at home, how to wash a quilt with cotton batting, how to wash a quilt for the first time, how to wash a quilt blanket, thieves laundry detergent, thieves laundry detergent hack, thieves laundry detergent reviews, young living essential oils, young living hack, crafty mom
Id: kOfcFhri0zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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