How to Walk In Favor In The Last Days | Ev. Tiff Shuttlesworth

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I am so proud of you for being in the house of god tonight and I mean it's great weather out there. If you're a duck but not necessarily for coming into the house of god. but this is proof that people have an appetite for the lord. How many brought your Bibles Psalm chapter 25 If you're sitting next to someone that does not have a Bible, if you'd be kind enough to share As always, as you're turning in your Bible, please don't forget your lost lamb covenants. If the lord tarries even after I'm gone and the month later or 3 months later, you can't remember whether my name was Jeff or Skip or Tiff, It doesn't matter. Just don't forget to keep praying. for your friends and loved ones. Prayer changes things. years ago, I was a guest speaker at The Cove in Montreal, North Carolina. Billy Graham's retreat Center and it was quite an honor to be there but at the end of the evening service, it happened to be a service Christian leaders, Christian pastors have been invited and I think they were somewhere in the vicinity of four or 500 Christian leaders and pastors and at the end, I felt quickened by the spirit and of course, you're not allowed to feel quickened by the spirit in the baptist event. but and I was on a timeline. I mean to the second on a timeline but I felt so quickened by the spirit that I ended just a little early and I said, I don't know but I can't get away from a burden that there are some pastors here that have children that if the lord were to come tonight, your children are not ready to meet the lord. You've served the lord, You've dedicated your life to ministry but you carry a heavy burden and broken heart because you have sons and daughters that aren't saved and I want to conclude by asking you to meet me at the altar area and I'd like to pray with you and for you and to my amazement. The entire front left to right and quite a number deep was filled. with pastors and pastor's wives and Christian leaders that their children were not serving the lord. Long story short, we prayed and that was around 9 o'clock which was my time to conclude and the next morning as I was headed to breakfast, the elevator door opened and the pastor and his wife has the elevator door opened and they saw me he came and and just bear hugged me and said it was tears running. He said, I have to tell you what happened. He said last night when we got back to our room after the service and after prayer, my son had called and had left a message on the phone and the message was no matter what time you get this message, please call me. We were afraid that perhaps there was an emergency but when we return the call, he said, I have to confess. that I had a party at the house tonight and had invited a lot of my friends and I'm sorry because I know that I had promised you that nothing would happen while you were gone. He said and in the middle of that party with the music and the DJ and the drinking and the dancing, he said, I don't know what happened. I just remember that it was almost exactly 9 o'clock. when something changed in my heart and he said, I felt as if the ground underneath me was going to split open and I was going to fall into hell and he said, I tried to dismiss the thought but it wouldn't leave me. He said, I began to scream at everybody and tell them that they had to leave immediately and everybody left and after everybody left. He said, dad, I just want you to know that I just got up off of my knees moments ago and I've repetitive sin and I've asked Jesus Christ to be my lord and savior and I wanted you and mom to be the first ones to know never give up on praying for unsafe family and friends and if you're listening to me tonight and you don't know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, as I always say, if you're the worst sinner within the sound of my voice tonight, I'm your best friend. I'm not here to beat you up with the Bible. I'm not here to make you feel guilty. I'm not here to heap a burden of shame upon your past. The things you've done wrong. I want to make it abundantly clear the last hour or more before I came to the church tonight, I felt the burden in my heart and I was walking the floor in my room and I was asking the lord and I don't know why I felt that urgency but I said, lord, please don't let anyone tonight who's not ready to meet the lord. leave without Christ and help me to make the gospel clear tonight. Help me to make this message abundantly From the youngest to the oldest and when I give the invitation, do what I can't do. Do what no preacher can do. Do what no sermon can do. Come by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit and speak to people's hearts who need Christ and call them before it's eternally too late because I'm not just preaching on prophecy as a college lecture. Jesus is coming soon. That's right. You are watching the final events of Bible prophecy unfold before your eyes and if the lord come tonight. You need to have that peace that you'd be ready to meet him. How many can say a big amen? As always, thank you for your kindness to us. Thank you for such a nice place to stay. I was joking with the pastors every time I come to Calvary, My suits were always tighter when I leave than when I came and I don't even fight it anymore. I've been coming here for 40 years. I don't even try. I just tell wife when I leave. I'm just letting you know, I'm not doing protein salad and fruit when I go to be with the Farris, I'm going to eat everything they put before me with a thankful heart and then I'll behave when I come back home. So, thank you for all of your kindness to me and I appreciate it so much as always, God is the one who stands by this ministry. I think some of you know that unprecedented has happened in the 48 hours and I have no explanation for it but there have been one of our prophecy videos and another one right behind it have gone. I don't know whether the proper word is viral but they've had over 600 650 thousand 650 thousand growing every hour over 600 650 650 thousand views and it's not even off of my personal ministry website. It's on a church website that had posted our messages from 4 months ago but something happened that caused them to trend and in the last 48 hours, maybe by the time I'm done tonight, it'll be over. 700 thousand. I don't know. All I do know is that our office has been in touch with me and we've had an unprecedented number of people Now, it was their ministry YouTube channel not ours. So, they would have had to have Googled my name and made an effort to find the ministry but they're protecting our office and testifying. I heard your message on YouTube. I gave my heart to Jesus. I'm sincere. I'd like to have the discipleship materials or I need a Bible and and then the church told me that they have volunteers that are answering all day long comments and questions and responses of people who are receiving Christ for the first time and people who are coming back to the lord and so two today, as I was praying. number one, it just reinforces the fact that people are hungry to understand Bible prophecy and what's going on in America. What's going on in our world because that truly is unprecedented. Now during COVID in a matter of a handful of months, we had about 1.6 1.6000000 views but this is just in the last 48 hours and I want you to pray about that. Number one, god's speaking to people in the last days. People know something ain't right. The guy was, it was Walmart that I heard of a piece on the news that said, they're having a hard time keeping Bible stocked on their shelves. People are searching the Bible for answers like never before and then the second thing is it has been a kick in the pants for me personally because the lord dealt with my heart all the way back in 2018 about media and we have taken several steps but the lord has been dealing with my heart. How many of you are old enough to remember Doctor Jack Vane and how Lindsay and they have only a handful through the years that seemingly in media as far as people with integrity have devoted themselves to teaching proper biblical prophecy but the lord spoke to my heart back in 2018 that we need to start preparing a season of programs on Bible prophecy and begin to use it like an evangelistic tool just like Billy Graham did and then the actual founders and owners of the two largest Christian Te stations called me personally and said, if you'll put together a Bible prophecy program, we sure would love to have it on the network and then, when I was in Florida last week, the founder of one of the largest Christian television stations in America, CTM carried on DirecTV Dish Tv. He said, while you're here in Florida, would you be willing to come and tape for television programs on prophecy which II did but I just want you to pray for me that god will give me direction. I want to announce it here because if the lord tarries, I hope there'll be a day when I can come back and show you the fruit of it and I say all of that to say I'm going to set aside 100% of what you give towards that project and I'm not going to give you the details of the project other than how many of you think that a Christian television program should look like Excellence So, we're budgeting out a set and new cameras. Our cameras are good cameras. They're broadcast cameras but they're almost 14 years old and they just don't work with modern equipment. Even the wire that they used years ago, I think it was called Fire Wire has been replaced with new technologies and so I've had my media team along with a consultant from Dallas, Texas put together a quote for a new TV studio, new lighting, new cameras, and my is in the near future. We already have all of the program and the content that we're going to put together a program and commit this ministry from now til Jesus comes to producing the highest quality Christian broadcasting on Bible prophecy and there's no doubt god is using that. I was just thinking this afternoon how far I would have to travel and how many places I'd have to go to speak to 700 thousand people. So, there's no doubt that in the last days, those who are called evangelism must exercise a faith. As Paul said, using every means available so that I might reach some. So, thank you for praying, hearing from the lord and being obedient in your giving. Psalm Twenty-five go down to verse eight. Amy in my office. You can begin the edit right here. by the way, tomorrow night, our last night, I'm preaching a message as I've announced all week, what will happen to America in the last days, I actually received a social media contact from a man today who said, Here's American Bible prophecy. I chuckled as I read at the incredible theological gymnastics he had gone through to try to create America in Bible prophecy. I'll tell you right upfront America is not mentioned specifically anywhere in Bible prophecy as you'll learn tomorrow night, fifteen nations of the world are specifically mentioned in Bible prophecy and as I've preached on Bible prophecy for 40 years, it is always haunted me that America is suspiciously absent at the beginning of the great tribulation and after the rapture because as we read the Bible, we see that Israel's greatest ally after the rapture is not America. it is actually the Antichrist and something will happen to this nation. by the rapture or immediately after the rapture, I'm going to properly interpret scripture for you tomorrow. There are only four I repeat, there are only four possible prophetic scenarios for what will happen to America in the last days. I'll walk through all four and then I'll conclude that message by telling you what I believe the weight of biblical scholarship rests upon for what will happen to this nation in the last days. Do your best to be here and be prayerful. Bring somebody with you who needs Christ? That's our number. Target reaching unreached people. By the way, I do have a quick video just before we preach and this is from a crusade in California that was actually done in conjunction with my son and I preached the opening night of that crusade in California. but I wanted to show it tonight because Stephanie, Pastor's daughter, pastor David's daughter was actually the new voice over for all of media in that crusade but some of you perhaps have never seen some of the lost lamb events and crusades. This isn't a foreign crusade. This is one in California but I thought thought it might be good you to see a crusade where 1000 1300, some people made first time decisions for Christ in one single night and again, the tally for the rest of the week was far greater and as always, what a privilege to walk hand in hand with your son in reach. the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, gentlemen, just show that quickly and then we'll get right into the word. Welcome to Wednesday night at Festival of Life National City. Check it out. The Bible says, sin and fallen short of the glory of god. I was homeless for a while. I was actually living out in this park for a while. The message was very powerful knowing that there's only one god knowing that you have to forgive, that you have to love. You have to appreciate what you have. Maybe you think even more than I have to start changing my surroundings change my people. I'm here to tell you why you're valuable. You're valuable because you were made in the image of if you gain the whole world but you lose your soul I hear it. I feel happy. I don't feel stressed. The gift of joy with salvation comes that joy that he was talking about. We are only halfway through the week and that means that we have just gotten started spreading the joy through national City Festival of Life Praise the lord. and it was just a reminder to me of how through 40 years of ministry the lord has allowed us to to work hand in hand with the family and that obviously is a spiritual connection. By the way, if you enjoy the music, stop by the table. Our newest album and recording is the great hymns of the church. That was my mother's idea. I'd rather have Jesus. How great Thou art Amazing grace. Grace greater than our sin. The old rugged I know who holds tomorrow and and thirteen others, brother. You've been on the front row every night. You have a CD player. here. and if you get sick of it in the fall, you can cite your deer rifle in with it. Oh, good Psalm Twenty-five. Amy, ignore what I said earlier and start the edit right here. tonight I'm preaching on the subject how to walk in the favor of god In the last days. let me begin with some very practical advice I think every single person that's listening to me that has a level of intelligence would realize that this recent pandemic has caused us to think a little differently about life, about about our future. Perhaps, our careers, our finances, and the lord begin to lay on my heart in recent weeks that I needed to in the preaching of prophecy encourage people in the understanding that in the last days, no matter what happens, all who are walking in right relationship with god, have a covenant of supernatural provision and protection provided You are walking. in the ways of the lord. I'm reading out of Psalm Twenty-five beginning to read at verse eight and reading down through verse fourteen The lord is good and does what is right. He shows the proper path to those who go astray. Pause right there. There are people within the sound of my voice that if you'd be honest with yourself and honest with god, it's that you're a bad person. It's not that you're a wicked person. Many of you that might be listening to me either live or through television or online or social media platforms. you're good people. You may even be god-fearing people but when Christ returns, he's not coming for good people. He's coming for saved people and many times, people go astray. Isaiah, the reminders of that In the book of Isaiah. he said, all we like sheep have gone astray. It's a human tendency because our eyes and our ears and our world is constantly exposed to secularism and carnality and in the day of social media, it's almost impossible to escape the barrage of secularism. and godlessness and so the Psalm is saying here that god is good. He does what is right. He will even show the proper path to those who go astray but here's the catch, god in his mercy, will reveal to you the proper path but you still have to make a decision to walk in it. Verse nine, he leads the humble in doing right. Teaching them his way. Pause again. One of the greatest christ Like attributes in life is humility and you should strive in your life and even as a Christian to constantly walk in humility, Humility is not something that you pray for. Humility is a decision that you make The psalmist David said, I humbled myself in the presence of the lord and what encourages humility is being in the presence of the lord. I don't know how a man or a woman can get down on their knees every day and spend time in prayer and spend time in the Bible and then get up off of your knees and feel like you're all that. I'll tell you when I get out of the presence of god. I feel humility. I feel gratefulness as to how good god has been to me. I often reminded in my times of prayer as to where god brought me from and where I am today. I am thankful that his grace and his mercy was extended to me. I am grateful that he is a merciful god and the scriptures said his mercies are new every morning. I have learned in my four decades of ministry that when a ministry loses its humility and to walk in the mantle of meekness and humility that usually their demise is soon to come but the Bible says, humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up if you want to walk in the favor of god in the last days, one of the fundamental lessons is you choose. I will walk humbly every day in the of the lord. Amen. And god will promote you. Verse ten, the lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness. All who keep his commandments. all who keep his covenant and obey his demands for the honor of your name, oh lord, forgive my many, many sins who are those who fear the lord. He will show them the path they should There it is again. The author telling us that god, if you're humble will always show you what to do. He'll show you what decisions you should make just as in 2018 in January after my January time of fasting and prayer, the lord began to speak to my heart. One third one, third, one third and as I begin to meditate upon it, one third foreign crusades, one third national crusades and one third media. I knew immediately that a weak link in that equation was our media outreach and so in 2018 in obedience to the lord who showed me the path we began to make decisions to fulfill and be obedient to god by the time COVID came around because I had been obedient to his four warning in 2018 instead of losing ground even though there were 4 months of law slam events cancelled. We lose ground. we gain ground and through media, we were reaching people around the world like never before and if god will help me, he'll help you what god does for one man, he'll do for any man what god does for one woman he'll do for any woman and just as he spoke to Joseph in the Old Testament and said, there is coming a time when there will be 7 years of prosperity and it. But after those 7 years, there will be 7, years of famine but if you obey my leading and my voice and my council in the 7 years of blessing, you will dominate in the 7 years of famine. So, it might be in the last days in America. I don't know whether prosperity is coming or famine is coming. I don't know whether things are going to get better or things are going to get worse. but this I do know my god still sits on the throne and his covenant will never fail and those who walk humbly in the will of god will always be blessed. if you believe it and receive it. Give the lord a mighty hand of praise verse thirteen. they will live in prosperity. I have to pause. sadly, and I don't know why other than perhaps of honesty. there are many that have preached or taught on prosperity that have been if I can say graciously less than integral or as my father used to say, greasy. but don't ever throw a Bible word out. just because somebody abused it. God is a god of blessing. and god is a god of prosperity. This word is found 100 134 times in the Old Testament and it is interpreted properly as good things benefits well being. and happiness and then it goes on to say they will live in prosperity and their children will inherit the land. The blessing The lord will not only change your life, it'll change your family's life or your future. family's life. You've heard me say this week that my father was the very first shuttlesworth to ever get saved and he wandered into a Methodist spirit filled tent meeting at the age of nineteen. in a little town in a coal mining region of West Virginia. He didn't go into that tent meeting because he was religious He didn't go into that tent meeting. searching for god. He went to that tent meeting with a friend because there was a girl in the community that he had not yet hooked up with and by his own admission, felt like the only way I'll ever hook up with her is if I show an interest in her religion He went into that Methodist tent meeting. for wrong reasons. but he went into the tent meeting nonetheless and in the presence of god, God began to speak to him. Friends, you hear me? Some of you are not what you should be because you never bring yourself into the presence of the lord but one of the greatest things you can do in the last days is get yourself into the presence of god. One of the ten commandments is remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. God said that no less than one out of 7 days. You need to pause from whatever you're doing and humble yourself and come into the house of god. Let me help you with something. You don't go to church because of the church. You don't go to church because of the denomination. You don't go to church because of the preacher or the guest evangelist or the music or the lighting or what you like. I go to church even when I'm home when I get home. My wife and I are in church. I don't go to church because I'm in love with my pastor. Although he's a dear friend. I don't go to church because I love the music but we have incredible anointed music. I don't go to church because I love the building even though we have a beautiful, impeccable building, I'd go to church if it were a canvas tent in a farm field covered with manure because I go to be in the presence of god. I go Church to keep the covenant of the lord. I learned a long time ago if I'll be faithful to god's house, he'll be faithful to my house. When we were raising our kids, nothing came between our family and the house of god. If football practice or football games, we're on Sunday, my kids missed the game. They missed the practice, whatever it was. Why? Because there's nothing higher in priority for those who walk in the favor of than being in his presence and being in his blessing and in the presence of the lord. there is power to change your life and your destiny. Hallelujah. The lord is a friend to those who fear him. and he teaches them his covenant. You may not know his covenant yet but god loves you so much that he'll take you from wherever you're at. and begin a journey of exactly where he intended for you to be, right? You know, many times I meet people who have had an entire life of sin or wickedness Some time ago, I met a soldier that was carrying so much guilt because of the hell that he had been involved with in war and I'm not go into the details of his guilt but he said, preacher, if you knew what I have done, you would know that you're wasting your time preaching to me. God will never Forgive me for my past and for the things that I've done and I can't forgive myself. He said, I feel like I'm a million miles from god and even if I wanted to take a step to god tonight, it would be of no value because I'm a million miles away from god. You see, the Bible says in the book of James, draw near to god and he will draw near to you and I said some the mistake that you're making because I had used that verse that night draw nigh to and he will draw Nigh to you. You might feel a million miles away from god but I'll give you the same advice I gave to that soldier. You take one step to god and you may not cover much ground. It may be anxious when you take your step to god but you have underestimated how much ground god covers when he takes a step to you. If you'll draw near to god no matter how far the distance be the grace of god will cover the rest of the real estate and he will take you and make you what you ought to be. There is no sin in your past. That's right. greater than the grace of god. There is no sin in your past greater than the grace of god. The blood that Jesus shed upon Calvary's cross to sinners on either side. A wicked. Godless society hung those two boys up beside Jesus on the cross and that wicked culture had made a decision. These boys are too bad to rehabilitate. There's nothing that we can do to embed these lives but one of them in humility turned to Jesus in the final moments of his life. He said, if you're really the son of god, have mercy on my life. Jesus didn't give him an interview going over all of the fine points of his errors and criminal and past. He said today you'll be with me in paradise. He didn't say get off the cross and get baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. He said, today, you'll be with me in paradise. I believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I'm just telling you that it is the blood of Jesus that covers and cleanses and makes us what we ought to be. that's recently preaching in a university town in New York State. and while I was there, On the last night, a man came to me and he said, Tiff, do you have a moment? I said, I do. He said almost a year ago. almost a year ago to the day. somebody brought me to one of your meetings here in New York. They have this thing that you've been praying about every night called a lost lamb covenant. and they didn't even know me well. They knew my ex wife. But when they ask the lord who they should pray for, God apparently laid my name on their heart. and unbeknownst to me, they were praying for me for a month before you came a year ago, He said I'm going to be honest with you. when they came to look for me. I was actually living in the woods like a wild animal. drug addicted alcoholic. He said I wasn't always that way. He said, not many years prior to that. I had the American dream I married my high school sweetheart. I had beautiful children I had a successful business and employed several people and had everything that I wanted in life. but he said my alcohol got out of hand. and my alcoholism led me into legal prescription drugs As I began to to a psychiatrist. but it's seem like there was nothing I could do that stop this spiral and he said, I hate to say it but it's true. He said in anger one time. I did something in my house caused my to feel so unsafe. That 1 day, I came home from work and she and the kids were gone. and she moved all the way to the Midwest with family and said, don't bother calling me. I'm not coming back. It's done. He said it didn't help my condition. I became more depressed. more dependent, more addicted in a matter of short months. I not only lost my wife, I not only lost my children I lost my business. I lost my home. I lost my truck. I lost everything. And he said, when that man came looking for me, for several months, I had been living in the woods like a wild animal. digging food out of dumpsters. in the dark of night. and people knew they didn't know my name but they knew there's a wild man living in the woods back there. Don't let your kids go anywhere near it. He said I was on shaved. sin had taken me taken me from a successful businessman. to literally living like a wild animal. But that man who had put my name on a lost lamb covenant. made up his mind. He was going to investigate and find me Now, I'm going to go through all of the details of it but to make the story a little shorter, that man went out in the woods found him, invited him to come to our Lost Lamb Crusade. He said I don't have any interest in god. Look what God's done to me. That man said, god didn't do this to you. The devil did this to you. God will bring you out of this. He said I'm not coming. He said the man firmly but convincingly with authority raised his voice. and said, look at you, you're living like a wild animal. What do you have to lose? And that man took him out of the woods. bought him the first meal it had in months. Proper meal. took him to his house. Got him cleaned up, brought him to the event, and that night, as I was preaching the gospel, I made the same statement that I made moments ago. No matter what you've done in your past, there is nothing in your past greater than the grace of god. If only you will come He said I had never felt the presence of god but when you were preaching that night and you began, you said, if you're the worst sinner in the state of New York, tonight, I'm your best friend. I had told the man on the way to church. I must be the worst sinner in the state of New York. but when I gave the invitation, he came he received our ministry's teaching. We send out a teaching entitled, living the Christian life. The essence of that teaching is every successful Christian has four habits. Write it down. Don't miss it. Every successful Christian reads their Bible every day thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Every successful Christian prays every day. Jesus said in Luke thirteen men ought always to pray and not to faint the book of Proverbs says in all of your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your path Every successful Christian finds a bible-believing church with a godly pastor and faithfully attends. It's one of the ten commandments and the ten commandments are not. Pick your favorite five We need to remind people that if they're going to walk in the favor of god, they've gotta keep the commandments of god. not just your favorites, not eight out of ten, not nine out of ten. obey the commandments of god and it will go well for you. and every successful Christian prays for family and friends to be saved because how can you possibly believe in the of eternity and the value of a soul and not care about the people that you love most. When Joshua spoke to the people in the Old Testament in his final address, he said, if you will obey the commandments of god, this blessing will be upon you and upon your descendants, don't go to heaven alone. Take your family with you and some of you that are to me. Have brothers and sisters and family members that admire you. You may not even know it but some of you have family members that idolize you. Many of you younger brothers and younger sisters look up to you. Some of you have carried yourself in such a way that even older brothers or sisters admire you and you may never find out until eternity's morning but the you blaze by the way that you live. Blaze is a trail that will either lead people to heaven or lead people to hell and you need to take ownership and responsibility. You deciding not to serve God is one thing you deciding to be religious but not right with god is one thing you deciding to play church on Sunday but live like hell, Monday through Saturday. That's one thing but you need up to something. It's not always about you. There are people that follow you. There are people that go after you. There are people that you have influence upon. Nobody goes to heaven alone and nobody goes to hell alone. Make sure that you live in such a way that all who follow in your footsteps will meet Jesus Christ at the end of the trail. Can I hear a big amen? Amen. You are created in the image of god. Amen. and because you are created in the image of god, you are created for success, right? God's not a god of failure. God's a god of success. If you follow god and if you follow the ways of god and if you live in the center of his will, you will never fail. Failure is always a result of not listening to the ways and the will of god. Common sense God would never lead you into failure. He told Joshua, obey my word, Read it day Don't turn to the left. Don't turn to the right For if you do, you will always have good success and I can promise you because the Holy Bible promises once you get right with god, repent of sin, receive Christ as lord and savior that day that you get saved from that moment forward your life will be forward and upward all the days of your God will never lead you into failure. I'm not saying life will always be easy. I'm not saying that everything will turn to gold that you touch overnight but if you consistently and faithfully walk in the ways and the will of god, he will take you from where you at to where he created you to be. Your life will always have an upward trajectory. Yes. See, that's the problem with a lot of people. They want success overnight. They want to plant corn on Monday morning and have a harvest Monday night. They sit in front of a computer screen and buy and sell penny stocks trying to get rich overnight. Did you not know that the Bible even gives it advice in investing? It says at all cost, avoid. get rich quick schemes. So, anytime somebody calls you and says, I got a hot tip. You tell him I don't live by hot tips. I live by the eternal word of god. Avoid all get rich quick schemes. and I promise you that if you haven't met one yet, 1 day, you will The blessing of god makes a man rich. and he had no sorrow with it. but it doesn't happen overnight. We've raised a generation in America that feels like everybody owes them something. Everything should be free. Let me tell you something about every rat that ever died in a trap. They all thought the cheese was free. Second. Tiffany chapter one verse six. God didn't create you to be a taker. He created you to be a giver. and if you abide by his covenant 1 day, you'll be a giver instead of a taker. Last time I read this book, it says, a man that doesn't work shouldn't eat so good. God and the Bible teach work ethic. I'm giving you some practical advice Some of you are you still with me? Say amen. Amen. how to walk in the favor of god in the last days, some of you are praying God, I need a new car. Bless me with a new car in Jesus name. You drive by the dealership and say, I claim that one right there. Let me help you with something. You don't take care of the car you currently have. Your tires are half flat. You haven't washed it since Noah got off the boat. You open the doors. It looks like a recycling station blew up. I told you I was going to be practical tonight. Don't miss this. If you don't take care of what god has already given you, come on. Good stuff. Don't expect him to supernaturally drop something else in your lap. on Saturday. I take my vehicle. and I either personally, myself, wash it, or I run it through a car wash. Why? Because my dad believed that you should go to church in a clean car. as a testimony to the neighbors who watch you pull into the church parking lot every night before I preach, I shine my shoes because my dad did that. My dad said, anything you need to know about a man, you can tell by his shoes. Now, that's not Bible. That's just my dad from West Virginia. but because I'm an ambassador for the lord. and I preach a holy book for a holy cross. every night before I've come to preach to you, I've shined my shoes because I'm an ambassador for the king of kings and the lord of lords and when my wife and I didn't have two pennies to rub together, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. When my wife and I got married on our wedding day, I had $4 in change in my pocket. That was it. I didn't have a bank account on the day I got married. I tried to get a bank account but back in 1979 when I was getting ready to get married back in those days, you had to deposit either $50 or $100 before a bank would give you an account. I went to banks and all of them had a requirement of depositing fifty or $100. I didn't have enough money to open an account. I didn't have a credit card. Now, back in those days, they didn't show up at kindergarten and give your kids that are 6 years old. credit cards, You have to have 2. years of credit history. before you could fill out an application and it was through the bank that wouldn't give me an account So, on the day, Judy and I got married, I didn't have a bank account. I didn't have a credit card. I didn't have a house. I didn't have an apartment and I stood there and she didn't know it but as she walked down the aisle, her husband to be had $4 in, change in his pocket. and we were homeless for the first 4 years. I never slept under a bridge. but we had no home apartment trailer, camper tent, nothing. I learned how to pray. in a different way. I learned how to read this book and speak it over my life in a different way. and you see back in those days, one of the major Christian television networks in America went through an incredible scandal, right? As I was starting our ministry, and then right on the heels of that Christian television network, perhaps, one of the most known evangelist in the world went into a terrible scandal and it was an era in America when people hated evangelists My first year traveling full time with a wife, I made And that was back in the Jimmy Carter era. When gas was somewhere between 250 and $6 a gallon depending on the state I was in and some of you remember, you can only buy gas on the days that related to the last number or letter on your license plate. How many of you remember those days? I remember where I started. but the same principles that I'm preaching to you tonight, my father had showed up at Zion Bible Institute on my graduation day just weeks before my wedding I didn't even have a car. and my dad took me out to the curb and showed me a brand-new. Couple of supreme said, if you're going to be an evangelist, you need a good car. I'd never had a car before. I hugged my dad. Dad, thank you. Thank you. He pulled the payment book out of the suit coat said your first payment is due in 20 days. Don't be late. I cosigned the loan and my dad put me in $7800 of debt on my graduation day from Bible College. I wanted to be practical tonight. because what I'm preaching I've had to practice but though I started there. We never miss paying our tithe when I wasn't preaching, we were always in church when I didn't have places to preach. many times, I'd take my guitar and go to a nursing home and I'd preach the gospel to a bunch of people in wheelchairs with lime jello dripping off of their lips. and give an invitation because I knew there were people in in that nursing home closer to eternity. than I was I did anything and everything I could think of to win people to Jesus. because I told the lord, I don't need a big platform wherever you'll let me go, I'll go. I received the letter just a few days ago from a young lady and she said, Tiff, I'll always love you and your ministry because in 1979. You preached in the parking lot of Middletown Mall in Fairmont, West Virginia. and my mother was a single college student and she got saved that night and because she got saved that night, everybody in our family is saved and through the years, I've brought over twenty of my friends to your meetings who have given their hearts to Christ and when she wrote me that Email, it jogged my memory. I had been divided. preach at a church and I'm not mention the preacher or the denomination but when I got there, he had forgotten that he had asked me to come. That's what he told me. I found out later that a district official was preaching and I have a feeling that I got bumped off the schedule for bigger beans. but I had driven all the way there. I went to the Middletown Mall. and set up my guitar amp and my guitar after I had gone into the mall and ask for permission. and on that Sunday, I stood out in that shopping center mall in the parking lot and sang until a crowd gathered and cars gathered and then after I had a crowd, I opened up the Bible and preach the gospel. I gave invitation just like I'm going to do in a few moments and many people came forward and knelt on the asphalt on that summer evening and her mother was one of them. and little did I know but from that letter, that entire family was saved. Twenty friends through the years that she had driven to our meetings The Bible said, if you will be faithful with small things, I will entrust you greater things. When I teach our evangelism schools many times, some of the younger evangelists or younger ones in ministry, they'll they'll say, how do you get an invitation to preach in some of those mega churches we've seen online. You know what my answer always is? If you're too big, to preach in small places, you're too small to preach in big places. Amen. Amen. Has nothing to do with the size of the invitation. making plans as I've been here this week. This will be my twentieth year of going into the Arctic Circle. I'm preaching in little villages at high cost. I didn't fly commercially to Anchorage but from Anchorage into the villages, I have to get private bush planes. We take humanitarian projects. The last humanitarian project just the shipping was 2700 some dollars one time. one of my board of members and board members and a board of trustees meeting said Tiff, you know, for the amount of money it cost to get you into those villages in the Arctic Circle, you've done crusade in South America in soccer stadiums where thousands of people gave their hearts to Christ every night. Wouldn't it be a better use of lost lambs money if we concentrated on the bigger events That's a logical and fair question. and I'll tell you exactly what I told him in that meeting. How do we make a decision? as to whose soul is worth it And whose soul is it? because if we cross that bridge, there are places in the world that I've been that nobody will ever go because it's too far. it's too expensive and it's too small. but the last time I read the Bible, it said in Mark's gospel, what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loses his soul? Everybody's soul is worth more than the worth of the world combined. you start making decisions on the economics of somebody's soul in ministry, you're in trouble. You go where god tells you to go. We used to sing a song when I was growing up around the altars. I'll go where you want me to go. Dear Lord, I'll be what you want me to be. I'll say what you want me to say. God has called me to reach unreached people. Thank you. God bless you. has called me to reach unreached people and we in these last days, listen, don't miss this. If we really believe in the soon coming of Christ, we had better light of fresh fire under our mission's vision, we had better light a fire under our unreached vision window. We had better raise up another generation of young people that will give themselves to the work of god. My prayer while I've been here is that god would speak to some of you young men and some of you young women that you might feel the call of god that you realize that there's nothing more important to god than the souls of men and women and boys and girls that you might somehow in your heart of the altars of this church feel the calling of god in these last days to do what Jesus came to do. He said in Luke nineteen and ten, I came to seek and to save the lost. There is no greater cause than winning the lost. Can you give god a mighty hand of praise for Jesus? god. I'm just confessing that house there. I believe you're going to take me out of this apartment and give me that home right there. God I believe god will bless you with a good home but let me ask you a question. The apartment that you have Do you have a good relationship with the landlord? Do you pay your rent on time? Do you treat that apartment as if it were your very own home Or do you let your 4 year old punch holes in the drywall? Well, it's not our apartment. They'll fix it. If you don't treat that apartment as if it were your own home, Do you really think god will bless you with your own home? Do unto others. That's right. as you would have them do unto you? You've gotta be faithful in little things, right? before god can promote you to bigger things, right? Lord I'm just believing you for a bigger and better job with a bigger and better salary. Well, how about the job you have right now? Do you show up on time in the morning or do you come in late? Do you stay till you're contracted? Working hour or do you leave early? Were you employed to work nine to five but you show up 1030 and leave at 330. where you contracted for 30. minutes of lunch but you take an hour and a half or contracted for an hour for lunch and you take two when you go on business trips for your company, do you spend their money lavishly or do you spend it as if it were your own Are you on social media during the work day? Or are you with integrity working for your company? Are you standing around the cooler for 30 minutes talking about foolishness and not only wasting your time but wasting the other people's time at the cooler? You're nothing more than a common thief You're stealing money from that company that you should be working diligently for if you want God to bless you in business. If you want god to bless you in finances, he's watching your integrity. he's watching the little things. Do you feel your purse with office supplies and take them home? After all, it's a big company. They'll never miss it. That has nothing to do with it. The Bible says, doing those things that are right both in the eyes of god and in the eyes of men If you want to walk in the supernatural favor of god in the last days, you live your life every day just being accountable to Christ. If you walk with the integrity of everything I do is being watched and recorded by heaven, you will be a lot better off than people who flippantly do their own thing. Amen. Thank you for all those amens. That's why they take the offering first. I'll close with this. The Bible tells me that there's a dilemma above all that keeps people from the blessing of god and it's simply a thing that's quite old fashioned and the Bible calls it sin sin will always separate you from the blessing of god. but holiness will speed your promotion. Write it down. Sin will always keep you from the blessing of god. but holiness will always speed your promotion. Psalm chapter four verse eleven, no good thing will I withhold from them who walk uprightly righteousness. God said no good thing will I withhold from people who purpose in their heart. I'm going to walk before god uprightly no matter what the world does, no matter what people tell me, I'm entitled to no matter what social injustices are doing to try to reform my thinking, I'm going to raise my life. I'm going to raise my family. I'm going to raise my children that we don't work for the applause of men. We work for the of god alone. and god will always take care of you. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. not long ago. I told my wife, I said, I feel like the lord is asking me to get some suits. for the boys at the Bible College. I was teaching that semester in our evangelism course. and I was giving some practical advice and telling both the boys and the girls how important it is that if you're in ministry, look like you're an ambassador for the lord. I don't know about y'all. I'm so sick and tired of these modern preachers in cargo shorts and flip flip flops and t-shirts. They look look like you just drag them out of recess. There should be a respect for the work of god. and I told them you don't have to buy a lot of clothes. but at least have a good suit. Whatever you can afford and even if it's not an expensive suit, keep it clean, keep it pressed, shine your shoes, get a good haircut, put these preachers on social media. It look like they just rolled out a rehab. Am I being too blunt? You're an ambassador for the work of god. Even if you're not in ministry, you're a child of god. You're the daughter of the most high. You're the son of the most high. Now, not every day. do you need to be in suit and tie. I don't always wear suit and tie I always do on Sunday regardless. I always wear suit and tie here. because I honor that man sitting right there. Everywhere I go, I pay attention to the man of god. That's the head of the house. His generation grew up that men of god wear suit and ties and so when I come here, Sunday morning, Ninety-three freaking degrees. Did I want to wear a tie? No. Sunday morning. How many were here? I felt like we should have sung. Blessed be the tie that binds but gladly do it because I honor that man right there. happy to do it. Listen carefully. Don't miss this. Always be a step above who you're around. You don't have to be formally dressed at work but be the best dressed at work. Be the sharpest at work. Be the most dependable at work. Be the most faithful, Be the most loyal, be the most productive because the Bible says, those who are faithful with little things, I will entrust with great things. and if you don't pass god's test, in the last days. you may walk in the same tide of those who disobey The Bible tells us in Jeremiah seventeen and nine, the human heart is the most deceitful of all things. and desperately wicked Who really knows how bad it is in the book of Proverbs, the Bible says in chapter twenty who can say I have cleansed my own heart? I pure and free from sin. None of us can cleanse our own heart. and the problem with don't miss this. The problem with a lot of the modern prosperity teaching is we've got all of these No, I'm not going to say it. I'm II Heard my father come out of my mouth and I thank you lord for giving me grace to put the brakes on any preacher. that says if you sow a $1000 into my ministry, god will bless you. No, he won't. any preacher that looks at the crowd and says, if you sow X amount of dollars into my ministry, god will bless you. He's a liar and he's a fraud. That's right. I can't promise you God will bless you. I don't know how you're living. If you're living in sin, if you're living in adultery, if you're living in things that are displeasing and violating the covenant of god, it doesn't matter what you give to any ministry you can't buy your way out of sin. Several months ago, I heard one of these frauds. The lord spoke to my heart that the first ten people to give a $1000 will be millionaires in 6 months or less. Who will be the first to come? There ought to be a humming season. with no bag limits. Lord, I apologize for that and I ask you to forgive me. Oh, I get mad. and the sad thing is is people suck it up and believe it. What did he say In Psalm Eighty-four. verse eleven. No good thing will I withhold from them who walk uprightly. If you're living a righteous life, the lord will tell you what to sow into some of you aren't blessed and I'll tell you why. You have people on the internet from Pakistan. Iraq. I mean, you name it. Who sends you pictures of their orphanage, They're feeding program, etcetera, etcetera. We'd like to have you. speak and they get a hook in your jaw. and you're sending money to ministries you don't even know. You don't even know if it's a real ministry. Amen. If you're sowing your money in the ministries that you don't have knowledge of you will never walk in the favor of god. Come on. with all of the preaching and the abuse of sowing and reaping. Don't miss this. Somebody ought to love people enough to preach this way. Probably should've saved this for the last night so I could have gotten in the car and run to the airport when I was done but I've never been smart enough to be afraid of anything. Don't miss this. This is good advice. all of the emphasis of sowing and reaping. Do you know what's missing in the equation of most of the preaching on prosperity and blessing and sowing and reaping all of the emphasis is put upon the giving and the seed right? and nobody's teaching and preaching on the soil but seed and soil work together. and it doesn't matter how sincere your seed is. if you plant it in poor soil, you will never prosper. I can take a perfectly healthy seed but if I go planted in the desert where the sun blisters at 110 to 115 every day and they don't get a drop of rain for 8 months, it doesn't matter how sincere the seed was. it swivels up and dies because I didn't have enough sense to put my seed in the good soil. your responsibility in Giving number one is to your church. Did you hear me? The pattern of the Bible is Jerusalem first. then Judea and Samaria and to the outermost parts of the earth. You should never sow seed into any ministry. that those men don't endorse. Put your seed in good soil if you want to. Be blessed. I am very cautious. I had a man just yesterday I've been speaking to you for 8 months. I've been showing you our ministry. I've been showing you the pictures. Why haven't you sown anything into my ministry, brother? You're you're in America. The land of the blessed I wrote him back. I said because you're a crook. and I don't give money to crooks. I wasn't born last night. This isn't my first rodeo. I saw the ministries that I know I sow into ministries that have tenure. I sowed the ministries that win souls and we give I saw the widows because the Bible says so and there's some precious people that have had me preach through the years and the husbands have gone home to be with the lord and their wives have little to nothing. and every month this ministry sows the widows. We believe in feeding the poor. We've last time. I might be wrong on this. Don't hold me to this but I think we feed at least 300 kids every day. three meals a day. We work with an organization that I know personally and they do more than feed the kids. They teach them the Bible. and they lead them to Christ. Don't miss this. If you sow into everything that touches your emotions, you will never prosper. You've got to learn to step back from your emotions and say, lord, what would you have me to do? You can't sow into everything. That's a good idea. You must learn to sow into what is a god idea. because god pays for everything he orders but he lets me pay for everything I ordered and so you've gotta step back and instead of being impulsive, you've gotta walk in the presence of god and say, lord, is this a good idea or a god idea? Because there's probably not one single person in this room that could meet all of the needs of the world. So, you have to hear the voice of god. My sheep know my voice. because how you handle your money is the key to the blessing of god. The Bible tells me in the parable and I close with this musicians, would you come The talents were distributed and when the master returned and audited their results, Do you remember the story in the New Testament? One of them hid his money under a rock and said, I know that you work hard for your money and I know that money is important and I want to be careful that I didn't lose it and the master rebuked it and said, you could have at least put it in the bank where it would have gained interest but You have been lazy and because you've shown no entrepreneurial spirit and because you've despised capitalism, I'm going to take from you and I'm going to give it to the man that managed my money the best Don't miss it Too many people concentrate on making money God concentrates on managing money Are you living within your means? Are you carrying large debt? That's not a sin but that's a way. young people. Let me give you some practical advice. Write it down at the earliest point in life that you can draw up a budget. no matter I don't care if you're working at McDonald's. I worked at Mcdonald's but draw up a budget of what you make and what your expenses are Now, here's the formula. This isn't written in stone but as much as it is in your ability live on 75% of what you make and don't ever exceed that of the 25% that remains. 10% belongs to the lord. Be faithful with your tithe. and your tithe should be the first thing that you pay. I'm on a set salary controlled by a board of directors. I get paid on the fifteenth and the thirtieth just like many of you do. My wife and I have a covenant with god and that covenant is when we get paid the first check we write is our tithe check to our home church. The second check that we write is an offering and then there's several checks that we write after that from ministries that we personally support. We do not pay one secular bill until we've set aside our spiritual seed because I believe in a principle called First Fruits of the 25% that remains. 10% belongs to the lord. Pray about what your offering will be here. Solid gold that will change your life. Young people. don't miss it. Your tithe keeps you in the covenant of god but it does not determine your prosperity, Your prosperity is determined by your offering For the Bible says, if you give sparingly, you'll reap sparingly but if you give generously, you reap generously So, what you're giving above your tithe that accelerates and mashes the accelerator on prosperity and promotion. and then of the remaining percentage a minimum of 10% should be saved and carefully invested. Don't miss this. Write it down. Tweet the pants off of it. He who does not save money will never have money. That's right. he? who or she never saves money. will never have money. If you'll start early and in your youth and you'll follow that biblical principle because the Bible says, don't eat everything God places in your hand and the average American, this is fact, the average American spends 106 106% of their income Say, how in the world can you spend 106% of your income credit cards, have a plan for getting debt free. As my father used to say, If you don't have faith enough for the cash, what makes you think you'll have faith enough for the debt? Just because your friend drives a better car, don't go out and get indebted to a car you can't enforce. Come on. The lord showed me when I was young. You stay in your vehicles until I tell you to buy another one. And he said, when you pay this one off, instead of making the car payment to the bank, make it into an account. and make a car payment to yourself and then, when you get your next vehicle between the trade in value and what you've set aside, buy a vehicle within your means. by the age of early 30s from 1988 four not making a lot of money. I never financed another vehicle. After that. It's a simple, simple thought. Now, you may have to drive your vehicle a little longer than other people. Some people trade in stuff just out of selfishness, lust of the flesh. They don't learn how to control it. and I know that tonight has been totally different than other nights and I warned you that I was going to be very biblically practical but if heed the word of the lord tonight and the wisdom that's behind it and begin to apply it to your life. You will survive in the last days and you'll walk in the favor of god. Let me help you with one more thing. Begin to pray that god will give you a divine idea for what the world calls a side hustle. pray that you will go from being an employee to an employer. God can help you with that. In my daughter's church, in my Son-in-law's church in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, several years ago on a missions convention, a little Italian lady and her husband that have attended that church forever. had a little bakery, small bakery but successful, humble, godly people. That lady went to the altar and the missions convention and said, Lord, give my husband and I an idea so that we can do more for missions in our last days than we've ever done that night. She had a dream her dream. She was going to the bakery and I think she went to the bakery every morning at about 4 o'clock in her dream. She was going to the bakery to start the day's work and as she entered her bakery, Jesus walked into her bakery in our dream and Jesus gave a recipe for a biscotti that she had never made before. and she had the dream and it was so vivid that when she woke up out of the dream after Jesus told her, write the recipe down, She woke up out of her dream and it was fresh in her mind. She up out of bed so that she wouldn't wake. Her husband got a piece of paper turned on a light and wrote the recipe down and she called it the heavenly biscotti. that morning, she made it. She put free samples out. People commented on what a delicious biscotti. it was. Then, she began to sell it. It began with time to become the leading seller Biscotti in the bakery. Then, god opened doors. His word began to spread Restaurants wanted it in the area. Long story short, she ended up with her own website and god gave her a divine idea that took her from where she was at to where she god wanted her to be by simple prayer and humility and obedience. What god will do for one woman, ladies, that he'll do for any woman. what god will do for one man he'll do for any man, Don't limit yourself. Some of you grew up in homes where your parents told you, you'll never amount to anything. They lied Jesus said, if you're surrendered to me, walk in my ways live in my covenant. you will prosper and some of you older people, let me help you with something. The Bible said in Psalm one, even in their old age, they shall not wither, neither shall their leaf pros but they will prosper in their old age. The blessi ng of god has nothing to do with age. That's it has to do with his holy covenant. It has to do with holy living and it has to do with disciplined obedience and if you will do those things, you will prosper and walk in the favor of god. all the days of your life because even in the last days, what did Jesus say in Matthew sixteen? He said, I'll build the church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus promised that the church age would be built from the Greek. It literally means increase progressively, increase When did the church age start? The book of Acts chapter two. When does the church age in the rapture of the church? Jesus said in the church age, I will build the church and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. That's the promise of Jesus. You are living in the church age and if you stay connected to the holy church and live a holy life, you will increase all the days of the church age and no matter what happens in the last days, the church age has a guaranteed blessing. Stay close to Christ. Stay close to his word. on your knees, live humbly, live holy, and the blessing of god will follow you all the days of your life. if you believe it and receive it, give the lord a mighty hand of praise Hallelujah. Stand your feet with me please. I promised you each night that I would try to get done preaching by night. I looked at the clock, 60 seconds ago and it was 5 minutes till now it's 5. Minutes after just being honest with you. you're an easy church to preach to You can tell that people have a hunger for the lord here. Now, listen, we're going to do what I believe is the most important thing that we do every night. I never conclude a service without giving people an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ. Would you be ready to meet the lord if the lord were to come tonight? Are you living a holy life? I mean, this is actually very difficult for me. I don't understand why people run from the lord. because there's only two things you can do with Jesus. Ready? Only two things you can do with Jesus. You can receive him or you can reject him. but there is no neutral I said there is no neutral. You either receive Jesus or you reject Jesus but the Bible said, there is no neutral. Jesus actually put it this way. You talk about blunt. You talk about not being politically correct. Jesus said either your father is god or your father is the devil. So, let me put that in straight Philadelphia English tonight, You are either living under the blessing of god or you are living under the curse of sin. and there's no neutral. and if the trumpet of god were to sound tonight, all who are living under the blessing of god would be ready to go and all who are living under the curse of sin will be left behind. and here's the frightening thing is all of you that are listening to me. if you're left behind, there is no opportunity for you to be saved after the rapture. Now, don't misunderstand what I'm about to say. I had to take time after the service and explain this to a lady that was crying because she misunderstood what I preached but Paul said in Thessalonians that all who had an opportunity to receive the truth that would save them but ejected it when the Antichrist is revealed. God will send them the strong delusion of the lies of the Antichrist and they are on their way to destruction because they refused the truth that would save them The greatest mistake in salvation that I've seen worldwide People think they can get right with god anytime they want to but can't You can only get saved when god by divine call and divine appointment speaks to you. He said in John fifteen verse sixteen, you have not chosen me but I have chosen you. Salvation is not the day you choose god. Salvation is the day god chooses you. and because of our ministry, as an evangelist and the purity of the preaching and the clarity of the preaching of the gospel, It's probably not accidental that you're here tonight and listening to the Bible There are probably some of you that god brought you here. and it may be the last time that he'll give you an opportunity. I don't say that for fright night. Why should god give you two chances to be saved when there are several billion people in the world who have not yet heard it the first time? Why should god give you three opportunities? Five opportunities. Some of you have had a dozen opportunities abundant opportunities in your life to get right with god but you've become so spiritually calloused that you can listen to the Bible, listen to preaching, feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit, feel the power and the authority of the scripture and turn around with a cold, cold heart and walk out of his presence. under the curse of your own sin, your own will, your own aspirations, I love you friend but I fear for you. because when the trumpet sounds now again, don't misunderstand me A multitude will be saved in the tribulation. a multitude. The Bible says that no man can number but not those who had a clear opportunity before the rapture. All who had a clear opportunity before the rapture but rejected it. Paul made it very clear that when the Antichrist is revealed, those people are on their way to destruction because they refuse to accept the truth that would save them refuses always past tense. You can't refuse until something's been offered. and tonight, god is offering you a chance to make peace with god, to walk in his ways. Why would you fear that? Because the Bible says, you're blinded by sin. People that don't receive Christ. The Bible says, they're blinded by sin. they can't see that the path and the curse of sin is not going to go well. Amen. I'm not going to say you may not prosper in your business or do well in life or manage things. Hey, Steve. was a billionaire when he died without Christ. Robin Williams was one of the most prolific comedian actors probably to ever walk the stage. had lack of nothing when he hung himself because his heart was so empty The things of this earth will never satisfy the soul. There is a place inside the human heart that only right relationship with god can fill. No woman can fill it. No man can feel it. No job, no aspiration, no fame, no glory, no success, no contract. no material thing on the earth because you were made in the image of god. There's a place inside the human heart that only right relationship with god can fill. and when you receive Christ, it's not going to get worse. It's going to get better. The devil whispers and people, if you give a Christian, life's over, give your heart to Jesus tonight. That'll be the last time you ever have a good time. It's all sour pickles for here, buddy. It's just a lie of the devil. When you receive Christ, your path is forward and upward. Amen. Hallelujah. in his presence is fullness of joy at his right hand pleasures forevermore. pleasure in sin for a season but the pleasures of the lord never fade and the best is yet to come. When you turn from sin and turn to
Channel: Calvary Full Gospel Church
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Id: jLTksUhDEFw
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Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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