How To Verify Your Twitch Email - Full Guide

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in this video I'll show you how to verify your Twitch email if you're new to the Channel please go down below and consider subscribing and once you've done that please go down below and you said leaving a like and let's jump straight into this guide there are many benefits to going and verifying your email on Twitch so let's get right into this so the first thing you need to do is come to the twitch homepage just like so and then you need to go to the top right of twitch and go and tap on your profile picture just like this then you can have this list of options here and what you need to do is go and tap on settings down here then once you've done that what you need to do is come to security and privacy just like so and it's going to take a moment to load then it's going to have a contact Section and right at the top we've got this option for email and as you can see my email is unverified and it's going to go and say when your verification your models are last sent so you can either go and find that last verification email they sent or alternatively you can go and tap on resend email just like so and then they're going to go and send you a six digit code to your email so then what you need to do is go to email inbox whether that be on your phone or on your computer and go and find this code which I'm going to do now here is the verification email I received from twitch as you can see there's a box here which is a link I could tap here and verify it or alternatively I can go and enter this code so I can copy it and then paste it in here just like this and as you can see there it is and it says thanks for verifying your email address guide realm and it's now just loading and making sure that it's been verified and as you can see there is it now says verified and it says thank you for verifying your email that's literally it guys you have all the benefits of having a verified email on your account if you found this guide useful please go down below and consider subscribing peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 21,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to verify your twitch email, how to verify twitch email, twitch how to verify email, twitch how to verify your email, how to verify your email on twitch, twitch email verification
Id: aWR5oT3oW-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 31sec (91 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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