Fishbones Rocket Launcher Game Asset Speed Art I League Fan Art

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[Music] hey what's going on you beautiful people my name is tie-dye I hope you guys had a pretty awesome day today my name's been pretty awesome so far so welcome to a new speed art it's been a while and it's good to be back it's good to be talking about something I made and ensuring some insight and most importantly just sitting down and making a video for you guys it is something I really do miss and I know in all of my videos now I say oh it's been a while but this has been the longest break I will get into that and I will address the elephant in the room later on but for those of you who don't know who I am or just stumbling across this video I will break down the speedart first so then if you don't want to listen to any of the other stuff we can save that for later and you can just sort of mute it at that point but um so this is a speed art of fishbones it's actually sort of a rocket launcher for a character in League of Legends the character of course is jinx probably my favorite character design in all of League of Legends if not just in general I'll put a picture of her up on screen I absolutely love it I still remember when I started playing in 2013 in season 3 and when she was released they had the whole music video I'm ever seeing it and immediately thinking like I am in love with this character design I think it's brilliant so um now that I have the skill set to sort of be able to work on some of these things I decided to you know use on my spare time and put it towards this this is a cool project good portfolio piece I'll have a link in the description to all the renders and the actual page I have for it on my art station if you guys wanna check that out as well as my other stuff but I will have them at the end of the video as well it is a pretty lengthy video I was gonna make you guys guess how long this took me but I guess I should explain it to sort of explain why this video special word it's so fast and why it's so long this whole process took about 24 ish hours over the span of three days I didn't record all of it there was a couple things that I just couldn't record so when it came to the sculpting aspect my computer like just kept crashing I was dealing with way too many polygons and ZBrush was like listen if you want to sculpt this you're gonna have to stop recording and I guess I kind of had to do that to be honest I didn't sculpt too too much just sort of like the divots in the eyes as you'll see later on but I we break down the whole process for you right here to sort of explain to you guys how I did everything so the very first step obviously was modeling now this was a little bit more different Wow I can't speak a little bit more difficult than I thought see this is why I need to keep recording videos so I just you know can speak a little bit easier but um it was a bit difficult that was one of the main reasons I wanted to do what other than the fact that I loved the character was just because I knew it was gonna be a challenge there was some certain things in this that I knew we're gonna test my skills and force me to learn new things and that's always a great idea to do things that you know you can't it's gonna force you to sort of figure it out as you as you go and this is a perfect example of that so when modeling I did that all in Maya all the modeling was done there and pretty much only ever had to use two shapes just cubes and cylinders but what I didn't have to use that was different than normal was deformers which are things that I'm not too used to a lot of people used to even back on my cinema4d day it was something I really avoided and now in Maya is something I still avoid but definitely need to get better with because it's super super important so I had to use deformers for a lot of the armor pieces that were wrapped around as you'll see and when I first started using it I was struggling quite a bit by the end when I was a bit more used to it you'll see that I got really comfortable with this that's a perfect example of you know the best way to learn something is to just kind of do it don't do anything way too ambitious but um if you're sort of struggling in a certain area it can't hurt to you know sort of tackle it head-on and another thing that I really wasn't too used to was cutting holes out of meshes and sort of stitching it up in a way that made it clean and keep the geometry nice and smooth so I used a lot of boolean's in this to cut holes out just disclaimer this isn't the most optimized object in the world of running by that is I think that the topology is smooth but I don't think that the polygon count is that good I think came with two of 25,000 Poly's which is a little bit overkill for a game it's doable but I would definitely reduce it to like closer to ten thousand if I could I could just put more stuff to make it look good this wasn't really you know a could it actually work in a game sort of piece it was just make something that looks good kind of piece right and I turned out pretty good I was happy with that so I did put a lot of extra geometry in but um like I said deformers and boolean zand cutting holes those are the things that I was really really trying to get used to and by the end of this I was very used to it and very comfortable with it was just a good exercise overall and landed me a pretty good portfolio piece that I'm pretty happy with so did all that modeling in Maya also UV din Maya which I do show the entire process for that and for those of you who are still new to you ving getting used to it download Maya 2018 the new UV toolkit is amazing it is so much better than the old one they added so many things to make it more simple they improved upon previous tools like unwrapping it's super super simple I in a previous video made this like 10 minute tutorial on how to UV map like complex like like ropes and complex cables and stuff like that and they added this new feature that just you can do it in one click it is super super simple so I highly highly recommend looking into that if you're struggling with you being or still learning it and it's a free free download if you're a student right so might as well just go for even if you're not a student it doesn't check so you might as well just go for it but uh so yeah modeling and you've eaten in Maya and then one of the things that I do that I don't usually do in my videos is I set up a ZBrush version of the model and what that means is when you hit three on your keyboard as many of you guys know within Maya it rounds out your mesh it rounds out the shape ZBrush does a similar thing when you bring in your models and you hit subdivide or whatever there's a smooth option we're adzes dividing your mesh it smoothes it and it's it's pretty much the exact same as how it works in Maya when you just hit smooth so I added edge loops to make it so that when I smooth it all hard edges are still Hart and things I wanted to be round or rounded out very very smoothly so that when I baked the normal map and stuff like that it was a super smooth normal and so I had to go around to every single edge and tighten it up or or choose where I wanted to be tightened as well as make sure all the polygons were evenly sort of separated so when I divide them it was a even amount of polygons across the entire thing and that does take a while but it's definitely worth it when you're importing your stuff into ZBrush so I had to do that sadly like I said I didn't actually show off the sculpting simply because it kept crashing and then I did a little bit of tweaking inside of endu which is a part of the qixels suite I don't use it too much anymore simply because I think it takes too long but and do the normal lapping part is still very good I use that all the time it's just the rest of the sweet isn't the most practical for a lot of things it has its uses but definitely not for this project here I I stayed away from that so other than that I dive into substance painter I did my texturing there turned out really really good I think there was a little bit of texture he didn't show where I just added some extra scratches and stuff like that but I pretty much show the entire process the sculpting and the the texturing I didn't showed was just very very minuscule stuff and to be honest I don't know how many of you guys are gonna make it that far into the video this is about an hour and like I said I tried to shorten it as much as I could but if I shortened it any more it would just be moving at such a fast pace you would not be able to tell what is going on like I said this is about 24 hours of recording and I'm condensing it to an hour if I went any faster than that it would just be way way way too hard to watch and not to mention since it's been so long I thought a longer video wouldn't be that bad of an idea I'm not gonna be talking for the whole thing simply because talking by myself for an hour without too many topics isn't the easiest thing in the world but um as promised I guess I should probably explain where I've been for the past a little bit I think my last upload was in August and it is currently almost December so it's been a while I do have to apologize for that but I before I'd say sorry I also just want to say thank you you know thank you so much for the people who have just been sort of rather than saying Oh dead Channel or Oh what this guy doesn't upload anymore I had people consistently say hey I've really appreciated seeing some more uploads or I really enjoyed your stuff they've been really helpful I'd love to see some more and stuff like that is very motivating I've even had you know situations where I've commented on other channels and people recognized me in the comments and asked when you're gonna upload again I guess stuff on Twitter all the time it's just very very humbling and I just wanna let you guys know that I do think of it every day it's just not that easy I'm in a very interesting position right now where I'm in a three-year game development program and by the end of it I'm already halfway through I'm owed a year and a half in by the end of it I'm expected to be able to work in a game studio whether it be a big studio or a small studio and produce work that is you know sellable to to consumers and that thought is is terrifying but in all the right ways if that makes sense it's scary but it's exciting it's scary because you know I have to get there I have to - to work at that that level and just keep improving and I'm trying and I'm working non-stop but it's also scary cuz it's like oh you better get it done or you know your plans are sorta gonna fall through so I've been working hard I'm feeling good about myself and I'm happy with where the the the road is taking me right now so we can only see where that goes I can only just you know keep doing my work and see what happens but right now I think I'm doing pretty good always room for improvement though so if anyone has any critiques on this or any of my other work I'm all ears I love hearing that kind of stuff but um other than that I did have a video posted or didn't have it posted but I had a video recorded and rendered and everything was set to upload about my summer and what I did over the summer but I decided not to upload it the reason that was was because in the video I talked about oh how my summer was great and I did all this fun stuff and when I sat down and I and I watched the video I it just wasn't an accurate representation of my actual thoughts and my actual mindset to be honest I did enjoy the summer but there was also a lot of parts of the summer that were very not good I'll leave it at that there was some parts of this summer that were very unpleasant there was some parts of this summer that I'd rather forget about and I felt like I just wasn't being honest with you guys and I wasn't telling the truth and I didn't want to upload something that was a straight-up lie over the summer there was some things that happened especially near the start that weren't very good and overall just working at my job I was not very content there and that was over the span of four months so I'm glad I'm not there anymore you know I love the people there but it just wasn't something I was super super into the summer itself that was very busy it was essentially I getting up at 9:00 every single day and going to work sometimes earlier sometimes later after that I'd usually go to the gym five days a week by the time that's all done I would come home and it'd be like 7 p.m. or something like that and I would essentially just work on my portfolio now do that is essentially every single day and there was a lot of situations where I turned down hanging out with friends and and stuff like that just because I was always working on something I was always so busy and I I don't know man I got a like it all honestly I think I'm a bit of a workaholic in that sense and some people might say oh that's a good work ethic but to me I think it's a weird balance I find that at this point in my life it's like this will be the part of my life where I have the most free time the most time where I can go and hang out with friends or who travel or go do something cool but it's also the point of my life where I have the most time to get ahead you know what I mean and it's sort of like what do I do and for me I think the path that I'm taking is I'm trying to get us ahead as possible but I'd be lying if I said that I'm perfectly okay with that there's lots of times where I think to myself man I wish I just decided to go with my friends a day or I wish I decide we were to that music festivals my friends or I wish I decided to save up money and do this rather than buy this tutorial or this program I still hung out with friends plenty but it was a very busy summer where pretty much every single day was just working working working working and the results showed I think I came up with some really good pieces I learned a ton and I'm very happy with my progress so far but that's just one of thing one of the things that happened over the summer this sort of made me stop and think I think I need to take more time with myself and that's kind of what happened over the past little bit so for those of you who are outside of Ontario or don't live in Canada you might not know but the Ontario colleges all went on strike here I'm currently away from home I'm at college and for the past five weeks there has not been any school so we had five weeks of school then the strike started and we had five weeks with nothing as the school was on strike and that put me in a weird position because I'm away from all of my friends and I don't have work so what I decided to do was get really far ahead in my school work in that regard but I got to a point where I was done with that as well and you think the natural thing to do would be post YouTube videos but I just wasn't in the mood for something was just off if that makes sense and like I said earlier I'm not gonna post videos if I don't feel it I like to be as honest with you guys it's possible cuz you've done so much for me in the past honestly but my youtube channel recently just exploded like there's this one video I made last year called what's it like to be in game development college and I guess because a lot of people have you apply or they had to recently for universities and colleges it was really really popular in the search result and it exploded and a lot of new people came to my channel and welcome everybody if you are new from that video but um just seeing all the support on that video really maybe you want to do this again so I decided to work on this now that I was done all of the extra schoolwork I could do and make something cool a nice portfolio piece practice even more and say hello to all the new people and bring you guys some something nice just to sit down and chat about and hopefully you guys are enjoying this so far hopefully you guys are enjoying just you know having a nice new upload it's kind of cool to sit down and talk and sort of have a little reunion since it's been so long like I said but then that kind of leaves us in this position of where to from here because now school has started up again but I am ahead I'm in this interesting position where a lot of my classes I've done the majority of the work and there's still seven more weeks to do that being said there is a contest I did it last year so a lot of you guys might be familiar with it if you are a longtime subscribers and that is the Ubisoft student showcase I did a big project for that I think that's the video that Otto plays when you click on my channel actually and I'm gonna be putting a lot of time into that if I can naturally incorporate some work that I'm doing into a tutorial or into a speed art I will probably do that I will most likely do that but you have to understand a lot of this work takes immense amounts of time especially when I'm balancing projects on my own time with school projects and stuff like that so it's hard to sort of slip YouTube into that as well like I said the thing you're watching right now was 24 hours worth of work over the span of three days which is a little ridiculous it's just hard to even find time to sleep a lot of the times but I think this semester now that I'm so far ahead due to the whole strike situation since we got our full time back they took away March Break and stuff from next semester and they're just sort of adding it to the semesters time since I have all this extra time and I'm so far ahead I will probably put the time towards the Ubisoft contest and I know it's weird because I've been doing YouTube for so long like I said at the start of this video this this three month plus break I took is the longest break I've ever taken on YouTube I've been on YouTube for eight years and I've never taken a break that long so that's kind of insane but it goes to show that I I have a lot of very important things to do right now not to say that YouTube isn't important but it's a very very very busy time in my life where I need to prepare as much as I can because that's just sort of the path I've chosen to better myself and to get into a comfortable job position and all that kind of stuff so I'm working really hard at that and YouTube might have to take a backseat for a bit but like I said I love posting so that's not gonna stop I'm never there's there's never gonna be a point where I'm just totally done posting altogether even if it is one video a month I would love to do one a week but it's just like I don't even know if I do have the extra time I will but it's hard to say it's something that I want to be passionate about and something I want to do and be honest about and that's why I didn't do certain posts previously like I said and yeah that's that's pretty much it I'm all caught up now it's it's good to be back like I said but who knows when the next upload will be I'll like - I'd like to do more but I hope you guys understand you guys have always been a very respectful and understanding audience I know it's very cliche to say this but I honestly think that you are some of the best viewers out there I've never gotten just a blatantly mean comment before people are very understanding and they see where I'm coming from and I really do appreciate that because I spend a lot of time trying to make videos to help you guys out and you guys have actually helps me out in so many different ways as well even if it's just someone to lean against on social media or something like that like just just people critiquing my work or complimenting me or giving me advice or anything like that is very very helpful all the time and I see it every single day so thank you guys so much for sticking around thank you guys for checking out this video it doesn't mean a lot and I hope you do understand where I'm coming from but um it's good to be back like I said it's good to be back so hope I I'm not gonna be talking over this whole video it is quite long so I do have some music that's gonna be playing if you guys don't enjoy the music I do understand my taste in music is not the most common if you like lo-fi and chill stuff like that you should be okay but feel free to mute it put on your own music or personally what I like to do but these kind of videos is work alongside it so say you're working on a project pull it up on your second screen or a laptop beside you your phone or something we're calling aside me and see what I'm doing well you're doing your stuff and it's a really motivating to work alongside someone else who's doing a project it's really cool as well it's a great feeling so hopefully this can motivate you guys and yeah I think that's it for me now I should probably wrap this up and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the video comment something what have you guys been up to I've been talking to a couple of guys on Twitter but what have you guys been up to making anything cool I haven't done the contest in a while so I'm sure you guys have done some really cool stuff that I'm unaware of send it to me on Twitter if you want to send me some cool stuff but it's a nice talk to you guys again and hopefully you guys are doing well so thank you guys so much for watching once again my name is ben tie-dye and i will catch you in the next video see ya [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you ameno [Music] you [Music] [Music] a little touch of fake it'll be okay it sure takes its time [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it sure takes time it has got right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tiedie
Views: 3,266
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Keywords: fishbones, jinx, league of legends, champion, rocket, launcher, rocket launcher, game, asset, model, maya, 2018, 3d art, 3d modeling, modeling, tutorial, speed art, how to, process, explain, sculpt, zbursh, UV, map, uv ma, unwrap, pbr, substance painter, substance, designer, design, render, toolbag, how, advice, make, creation, video game, artistic, job, college
Id: 6AqCP7U_sHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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