How to use VR Sockets (and XR Interaction Tookit) in Unity 2021.2

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well unity's been pretty busy with XR lately  and while this video is not necessarily about   the new updates to the xr toolkit and  interaction system i will end up going   over a few of them because they're interesting  and i know some of you have been encountering   some issues when trying to get a project up  and running in the newest version of unity   so let's jump into the project and i'll  show you how to do sockets and then also go   through setting up a general vr project  so you can see how it's done in 2021.2   so like i said you can see up here at the top  i'm using unity 2021.2.6 f1 which is the newest   version at the time of this video and there have  been a few changes to the plugins you need for   vr so let's go through those real quick just like  any other vr project we're going to start let's   open up the window package manager and i'm going  to dock that over here where the scene view goes   and then we want to navigate to packages unity  registry and then you'll see one of the newest   updates is you get collections of packages based  on what they're used for which is kind of helpful   so if you could look down at this vr one there are  two packages that they've deemed useful the oculus   xr plugin and the open xr plugin but you can also  get to them just like normal by scrolling all the   way down here and finding the xr plugin management  so you can click install here or we can go up to   edit project settings dock this one up next to  package manager and then if we scroll all the   way down here go to xr plugin management you can  still install the plugin management there as well   and this is generally how i like to install it  i'll just go to the settings and find xr plugin   management and install it and then here you're  prompted with what providers you want so i usually   go with open xr open xr if you're not aware is  the sdk that is the most widely used so we'll work   on the most devices at this current time and so  when you download openxr you're also going to be   downloading the new unity input system and it's  going to prompt you to restart your unity project   so just hit yes for this and once that loads back  in you'll notice that over in player if we scroll   down to active input handling you'll see that we  are now on the new system so if you're using any   of the code commands like input get key down or  any of that kind of thing you're going to want to   use the old system or at least both so if you're  using any of those kind of commands where it's   just input get key or on mouse down or anything  like that you'll need to use both in order to use   vr but in vr you're not usually using keyboard and  mice so i don't generally worry with it back in   xr plugin management we're getting a warning here  next to openxr and if we click on that it's going   to say we need at least one interaction profile  so we can click the edit button and that's just   going to drop us down from xr plugin management to  this open xr tab and what it wants us to do is add   an interaction profile here so let's hit the plus  sign and then you add whatever vr devices you want   to be able to build to so i have a valve index and  an oculus touch so that's usually what i set my   projects up for i usually add the vive in here as  well and then if you want to be able to build to   oculus specifically to your oculus quest you're  going to want to go back to xr plugin management   and then if you have installed the android package  in modules which you can find if you go to unity   hub installs and then click on the three dots  here add modules and you'll want to download   android build support and the android sdk and open  jdk this will allow you to build your project to   the quest specifically and any other standalone  headsets that end up coming out in the next few   years so we have a pc tab which we're gonna try  to always open in openxr but if we now have this   android tab which you got by adding in that  module we can click on oculus here i have run   into an issue where if you check openxr here in  the android tab if the application tries to open   on oculus it's just like a flat screen like you're  watching a movie in vr so if you are running into   that issue just make sure you have oculus checked  over in your android tab so now that our xr plugin   management is all set up we want to download one  more package and this is what some of you have   been having issues with if we just like normal  try to go in and add in the xr interaction toolkit   by clicking this gear icon advanced project  settings and then enable pre-release packages   click i understand because pre-release packages  are not officially released yet so may have bugs   go back to project manager you'll notice that it's  still not there did they remove the xr interaction   toolkit no it's just hidden right now so if you  want to still download the xor interaction toolkit   you're going to click on this plus sign clicks  next to it and then we're going to add a package   from git url and then this is what you're going  to type in it's going to be com comm dot unity this is the package name for the interaction  toolkit so just type that in click add and   then it will install the xr interaction toolkit  and there it is and it may prompt you to restart   unity as well so just click i made a backup go  ahead because we haven't really started doing   anything it's not going to mess anything up so  now we have the xr interaction tool kit and just   like normal we're going to expand the samples  drop down and import the default input actions   that's going to give us this samples folder with  the xr interaction toolkit and then whatever   version it is make sure you're constantly updating  your packages so if we go into package manager   you can go to packages make sure your in project  packages are checked and make sure you're updating   these so any of them that have an up arrow next to  it like this just make sure you periodically every   time you start a new project go through and update  them and just a side note just like we added the   xr interaction toolkit all of these packages  can be added manually like this and don't you   if you can't seem to find one inside of the  package manager they all have a url that you   can type in to download them just keep that in  mind if unity one day decides to update your the   package that you love using and it's not showing  up anymore you can always manually install it now   let's set up our xr interactions so in the samples  folder we want to drill all the way down to   default input actions and then we have a few  presets here five to be exact and then if you   look over in the inspector panel there's a button  at the top of each one of these presets and it's   add to action based continuous move provider add  to turn provider add to action based controller   action based controller and snap turn provider  so we're gonna go through and click all those   buttons and make sure you add all those providers  this will set up your default input actions so we   don't actually have to manually go through and  say this button does this and this button does   this this is all set up from the beginning for  us to go ahead and jump start and use if you do   want to play around with the interactions you  can double click on this one here and you have   the ability to go through and update what clicking  on the grip does and what pulling the trigger does   and whatnot right now the grip press is select so  you'll see grip pressed and then activate is the   trigger press now that we have all those added to  their appropriate providers there's one more thing   we need to do before we can start adding things to  our scene so we're going to go back into project   settings and then up in preset manager i want  to find that and this is where all those presets   that we just added are going to end up so you'll  be able to see all five of them here and for the   controllers the left and right controller we want  to specify in the filter section right and left if   you don't do this then you'll only end up seeing  one of your controllers because they're both   going to be mapped to the left hand so you need to  specify this filter in order for them to be mapped   to separate hands i don't know why it's not set up  by default but um this is just something you have   to do to make sure they don't map to the same hand  and you only end up with one controller so now we   go back to our indoor scene right click go down to  xr and there's no xr rig anymore it's an xr origin   so all the way up here at the top and we actually  want to add in this xr origin action based so the   action base the the difference between xr origin  and xr origin action based is if i click on   action based it's also going to give me this xr  interaction manager which is what i want and on   the xr interaction manager we're going to add an  input action manager click the drop down for the   action assets add in one element and then you can  click on this little dot over here on the side and   just select your xri default input actions and now  if we go and look at our xr origin you'll see it's   set up just like the xr rig was except you have an  xr origin component instead of an xr rig component   unity's kind of updating things adding in some  more features and so they decided the name change   would be good and just like normal we can look at  our left and right hand controllers and just make   sure your left hand has all left hand actions  and your right hand has all right hand actions   and something i usually like to do is i'll select  both of them by holding down control selecting the   other one and then going to ray interactor and  unchecking anchor control anchor control just   means you can move whatever object you pick up  with the thumb stick so it like kind of pushes it   away and rotates it and whatnot and i don't like  that because i like to move around with my thumb   sticks and so i don't like to move but then also  have the object i'm holding kind of drift away   from me so uncheck anchor control and then here  you can also adjust your xhar interaction line   visual if you would like so let's get to sockets  how do you use sockets so i'm going to right click   create a 3d plane object and then let's install  a package to make things a little more fun on   the unity asset store there is a free fantasy  hammer and shield asset that we're going to use   you can just search fantasy hammer and shield on  the unity asset store and this should pop up and   is free to download so i'm just going to import  this we're going to use this to actually show off   sockets so i need all of these i don't need the  scene though so i'm going to uncheck the scene   click import and that'll give me a folder with  the hammer and shield down here in my project   window so i'm going to drag and drop the hammer  end of the scene and the shield into the scene   press f to focus in on them get a little closer  and then let's kind of bring them up a little bit   i think these will end up being small  but it's fine one thing we need to do   for both of these objects is to add in an anchor  point or a grab point attach point whatever you   want to call it we're gonna go with attach point  and the attach point for the let's make sure this   is on uh local space for a hammer needs to be  pointing this direction so i'm when i'm holding   it i want the forward direction of the hammer  to be that direction and then the attach point   for the shield let's create a new game object is  going to be back on the handle here there we go   that'll work and then we want both of these to be  grabbable we want both of them to interact with   physics so i'm going to select the top of both of  them hold down control select both and then let's   add in a rigid body and then if these are going to  be objects that we grab we also want to make the   mesh colliders convex that way it's a little more  performant when we're picking them up and moving   them around and whatnot keep in mind that this  will fill in all the holes so it may make your   physics a little weird so you may want to go in  and just add in a couple box colliders instead of   making the mesh collider convex and then let's add  the mass let's make the mass 10 or something like   that and then let's add in a grab interactable  this is for both components i'm still i still have   both selected and you'll see this is your normal  grab interactable so when these are pointed at and   selected all these pre-configured values will  allow me to throw it and pick it up with like   a little smoothing effect and whatnot i'm gonna  check smooth position and smooth rotation for both   that'll kind of that'll fix any jittering you see  when you're holding it so let's have it so i can   either pick up the shield or i can attach it to my  arm like it's uh i don't know what is that called   now so let's have it so i can pick up the shield  with my hand or i can just attach it to my arm and   i don't have to worry about holding it constantly  so onsite on the xr origin left hand controller   start with the left hand let's create a 3d object  cube and this is just going to be our hand it's   going to represent our hand so we're just going to  make very small same thing for the right   hand controller new 3d object cube and  there's also a new lock constraints button here so   if you click on this and slide these values up and  down they're all locked together which is really   nice so you can't scale things out of proportion  so it's a new feature i love like just seeing the   random like updates pop up it's pretty fun and  then let's add in a sphere for the spot that i   can actually attach my shield so let's add a 3d  object sphere and then we're going to scale this   down to 0.1 as well and then i'm going to click on  the blue axis which is forward hold down control   and then go back one tick so holding down control  makes you less you move in increments so 0.25   increments in this case and then for the sphere  we don't want it to be an actual collider because   then your shield would just bump into it and not  do anything so we want it to be a trigger and this   will actually allow us to recognize okay we have  moved our object into this trigger area and thus   want to attach it to the socket and so let's add  in a socket interactor and then we actually want   to be want to rotate this socket as well so let's  bring up our move tool and then rotate this around   one more otherwise when we attach the shield the  shield's gonna be pointing forward like through   our arm so that that's gonna be kind of weird so  we have to attach it and then kind of rotate it   and this is on our left hand so maybe i'll go the  other way so it's not being backwards and then i'm   going to duplicate this sphere move it down to the  right hand and then rotate it all the way around   180 degrees save everything and then let's hit  play and i'll show you how it works so we have   our cube here and then this is the sphere that  represents where our socket interactor is and   so i can pick up my shield and i'm holding it just  like normal but if i try to dock it to this sphere   here so as it enters the collision of this sphere  object we get this little um holographic kind of   display that shows us where the shield  is going to go and then when i let go   it just snaps to that spot and so now i have  a little uh shield that's just docked and so   this is a good way you can make inventory kind of  systems so you can make like thigh pouches or um   the or like the little half-life alex wrist  sockets or you know over-the-shoulder kind of   boneworks style things you could do all that with  these socket interactors which are super cool and   so this will work for both um but actually  if you notice it works for the hammer too   but what if we don't want the hammer to be docked  because that's kind of weird let's uh let's fix   that really quick it's actually a relatively new  way to go about solving this issue and that is   inside of our xr socket interactor there is an  interaction layer mask and so this is just a   list of all the different layers that are specific  for interaction so it's not physics layers it's   not tags it's specifically for things that you can  interact with in vr so we can say we want a shield   to be able to be interacted with and we can use  this layer to say okay i only want a shield to be   able to be put in this particular spot so we only  want a shield to be put in this particular spot so   let's go back to the sphere we say our interaction  layer mask is nothing and then we're gonna check   shield same thing for the other sphere nothing and  then only allow a shield and then when we click on   our shield let's go to the xr grab interactable  and then the interaction layer mask for shield   is shield so uncheck well it can be default  and shield so it can still interact with   everything else like a normal default interaction  interactable object but it also has the layer of   shield and so now we can attach it to our socket  interactor so let's hit play again and now we can   still pick up our shield and attach it to our um  arm there but when we try to attach the hammer   it doesn't go which is perfect that's exactly  what we want and so but our shield still works   so perfect exactly what we want and now you can  imagine using this kind of thing for a lot of   different game mechanics you have a physicalized  inventory system with this kind of things you have   over the shoulder sockets and rib sockets and  holsters and thigh sockets and whatever you want   you just have to map it to the xr rig or you  can map it to an inverse kinematic body to the   particular joints and then it's more realistic you  can have a weapon locker and so each item has a   specific spot and you can do keys so you you put a  key in a door you can have this little socket that   shows you that okay you're in you're inserting  the key into the door and if you want a wider   area or a tighter area to be able to say where is  the socket going then all you have to do is adjust   this sphere collider or box collider or whatever  you want by you could let me turn this plane   off so we can see a little better so we don't  necessarily need this mesh here you can disable   the mesh collider and not actually see the sphere  at all so you could just remove the mesh colliders   from the sphere and you still have just this  trigger area here and all you have to do to expand   the area that you need to touch in order to attach  that socket is to either just press r or the or   the expansion tool over here or you can click  on this handy dandy little thing and then you   are able to grab the point and just kind of drag  in whatever direction you want to increase and   that will help you scale to more specific sizes if  you want to have it in relation to something else   like a coat rack or a chess board you could have  a lot of really tiny sockets on a chessboard which   would be really cool this is an often overlooked  property but is super super powerful so i highly   consider you taking into account sockets in your  vr game because it is super handy super easy to   set up and i hope me walking through the whole  process here of using unity 2021.2 to actually   set everything up kind of help clear up any issues  you might have been having when you set up your vr   project if you run into issues you can always  leave a comment down below i am not really able   to answer all the comments anymore because the  channel has just exploded here in the last year   but if you do run into a specific issue or you  just want to hang out with a lot of other cool vr   developers there is a link down in the description  to the discord that's where all of us hang out day   to day and you can ask your specific questions and  collaborate with other artists and developers and   make some pretty cool stuff if you're interested  in getting this specific project or any of the   other source code from any of my other projects  consider supporting me on patreon helping me   keep putting out videos like this there are not  a lot of vr developer channels so your support on   patreon really helps me to be able to continuously  put out these videos so i really appreciate each   and every one of you who are supporting right now  and last thing as a thank you to all of you who   have stuck to the very end i'm going to be doing a  live stream this saturday more of like a ama kind   of question and answer answer your dev questions  here on youtube and i'm going to be going through   how to use sockets live and just generally talking  about whatever you guys want to talk about so   come hang out it's going to be uh kind of probably  around noon eastern time on saturday if you're   interested in hanging out live i want to start  engaging more with y'all and playing games and   doing a lot more live stream kind of stuff because  i think that's a lot more personable but anyway   enough of me rambling i hope you have a great  rest of your week and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Justin P Barnett - VR Game Dev
Views: 2,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity xr, xr interaction toolkit, unity vr tutorial, vr development, oculus tutorial unity, xr toolkit unity, openxr tutorial, unity interaction toolkit, unity vr toolkit, openxr unity, xr grab interactable, unity 2021, vr development unity, unity vr tutorial oculus quest, sockets, vr sockets, unity vr sockets, unity vr snapping, unity xr toolkit, unity xr interaction toolkit, xr toolkit, xr interaction toolkit unity, openxr, unity xr toolkit tutorial, unity openxr, 2021.2
Id: rRNvq09Itdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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