How to use Topaz Sharpen AI

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hello that's richard from silent peak and today we're going to have a quick look at sharpen ai we begin this too by browsing our photo and today i'm going to select this picture of a kia ikea is a native alpine parrot to new zealand and there we go so as we've loaded that image sharpen ai has automatically applied one of its ai sharpening modeling filters in this case it's on automatic mode and it's chosen standard and as i hope you can see from there we're already looking at quite an improvement if we go up here we can click on the original view the original image and the sharpened one we also have the ability to do split view and we can sort of slide between the original image and the sharpened version or alternatively you can do the comparative view where we get to see both parrots simultaneously and we can sort of scroll around and make sure that our parrot is sharp enough in all the places it's supposed to be sharp now at this point you know we could call it a deer and export this image as a new sharper version of this photo but let's say you are dissatisfied with the results and you think you can do better what we can do is we head over here and we can manually select our own sharpening model now there are 10 different sharpening models in sharpen ai mostly categorized in four ways so we have the standard one which stands alone we have three variants of motion blur three variants of out of focus and three variants of too soft now as we click on one ai model for to the other you're gonna notice on this video that there is a decent amount of lag probably between sort of five and 10 seconds given what it's doing i don't think it's a big deal but what i like to do now that's actually looking quite nice now isn't it motion blur normal but if instead of sort of walking your way through each of the 10 different ai models the best way i find is to go to comparison view now what you can do is you can view four different models at once and how i like to set it up is that i view one of the each major categories and find out which major category i like so for instance we've got standard here we've got motion blur so what i can do is i can change this to the outer focus and i can change this one to too soft so at this point i can observe all four major categories of model at the same time to find out which one i like the look of now standard looks good but i still really like the motion blur very noisy so now i'm going to try the two other variants of motion blur and there we go and i actually really quite like motion blur very blurry i think that looks great so having selected that i can just click on that and then when i return to the single view motion blur very blurry my chosen ai model will be the one that i see and there we go let's just remind ourselves the original image yuck and our sharpened image and again who doesn't like doing this now that's looking absolutely fantastic and at that point we could call it a deer and to be honest i probably would but it wouldn't be much of a demo if i didn't show you these model parameters now each of the different models have their own parameters but in this case we've got two we can remove blur which is just kind of an inverse way of saying sharpening and noise suppression so by removing the blur i'll just there we go uh basically that's going to make our image less sharp which sometimes is a good thing sometimes sharpen ai does overdo things or underdo things but i think the automatic mod did a pretty good job and then we've got noise suppression now there aren't an awful lot of noise on this photo uh but by all means have a player until you like what you see now the final trick that sharpen ai has is the selection tool so unlike the other top paths products we can manually drill in and do localized sharpening for example let's say i wanted just to apply sharpening to the beak which i don't but just say i did now sharpen ii does have some ai smarts here too it can be used to automatically detect the subject which in this case it will identify the keyer from its background and isolate it so we can automatically adjust the keyer whilst leaving the background alone but we can also paint on um our very own adjustments as well so for example if i click on refine here and what i can do is i can actually brush on wherever i want to apply my localized sharpening i'm doing a very rushed terrible job of this this is kind of a bit boring to watch it's boring to do as well but anyway you can do that if you want to i don't want to do that i was very happy with the standard results and there we go so that is my keyer now sharper than ever and this was sharpened ai and i'm richard from silent pig now if you like what you see the great news is you can try sharpen ai for free and run your own images through and see how you like the results the free trial is infinite in length however you will export your images with a watermark until you cough up and pay to pass labs their money if you'd like to see more of to pass sharpen ai and more samples that i've run through it drop by my review link is in the description below but i wish you all the best in your day hope that was useful goodbye
Channel: Silent Peak Photo
Views: 8,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fix blurry photos, Photo Editing, Topaz Labs, Sharpen AI
Id: i7H38DqOEXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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