How to use the substance plugin for Maya/Arnold workflow

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all right everybody so I just wanted to show you guys real quick my workflow from designer to Arnold substance has made a plugin for Maya and I think it's very useful now I think you shouldn't learn how to plug in the maps without using the plug-in but for this tutorial I want to show how to use the plug-in and show you how simple it is okay so we're gonna do is I'm up this designer file that I created my follow the tutorial by Daniel Tiger yeah as multiple tutorials and all the ones that I've done I'm very good I had a lot of fun with this barkman and I've learned a whole bunch so I highly recommend doing it I have a pretty standard bar texture here it's pretty simple generic not based off any exact tree but I have multiple references so anyways we're gonna do is I have my shader mouse right here and I have roughness a base color a normal a height in AO map what I'm gonna do is come up to this little toolbar or local wrench here I'm going to export my outputs and I already have a file set up so I'm just going to export it to my my apply on my source images and I have the file already set so we have a base photo normal roughness ILO it automatically and exports the alpha maps in a raw format and the RGB met in our base color RGB format so we're an export alright once the export is done you just exit out of that I'm gonna lower this I have a mile file already open so we're gonna come to this now basically all this scene is of a few different lights to help with shade our shadows and color temperature and this SkyDome is very low this is just a fill in the object much possible for a direct lighting I have my camera set up so it's gonna be directly on the ball or the sphere just like this alright so just so you guys can see I'm gonna open up my hyper shader and I'm gonna delete all the current shaders that are in the scene just delete unused knows it's not going to delete the main standard shader that Arnold is created but if you go into my existing I have one standard servers and one Lambert the Lambert is currently attached to the object as you can see right here so so we're gonna do we implement and we installed the substance plug-in on algorithmics website you can just go on to google and type in substance for maya plug-in and you should be able to find it fairly easy all you do is install it run the Installer and then close and reopen your Maya then you're gonna come up here to settings and preferences plugin manager and it should be on here right here you should have this exact same a little tab open and you can just I I auto load and I load a not a little to make sure that that's loaded and I like auto load you know uh takes a couple of seconds extra to open when you open up your Maya but I like to have all our plugins on at all times so anyways we ever camera locks when I've worried about moving anything what I'm going to show you now is how to use the plug-in you just click on the tab up here we go to apply word photo workflow to bounce now something cool that they have within the plugin is you can do all five of these different render engines they've made a workflow for them and we're obviously gonna be using Arnold but they do have one for be very redshift recommended and I've never used Maxwell but is their sole use Arnold you can go in individually through this file and select your mouse or do the easier thing select multiple Maps we're gonna go to our source images folder this is the bark Maps that I just exported we're going to ctrl shift select all of them now drop them now what you will notice right away is only four of them AB strapped in and not the enemy inclusion now I will explain why it doesn't automatically import the inclusion map and how you can use them that but you do not have to based on substance exports the naming conventions it's going to automatically import into each folder that's necessary so are you not apply that now I have them all selected of the sphere and it doesn't automatically create a shaded for that object that you have selected it actually just creates a shader in this case an Arnold shader that you can apply to an object so now that you can see before I we have a Lambert and standard surface now I have AI standards with this which is the shader that had just created through the plugin so I'm not going to apply that and you can already see you know the shaders are laid out for the most part properly I would say all right indefinitely so I'm gonna select this object and reading my shader because that's convenient let's do just a bark example alright so what it did is automatically plugged in the color the roughness we have the normal down here plugs in the normal raw I actually like to uncheck alphas illuminance for my normal Maps but it works either way and then it will automatically change tama streets and levels which is what you want and i'll flip on the orangey table now one thing that I like to do especially since I'm bringing this from designer and I want to display the tile ability of the material that I've made I'm going to open up the hyper shader will pull this up here now right here you have your input and output and I want to see the input now connections to the object that I have selected so it's gonna bring me this shader now the reason that says set one is because substance is the one that created it doesn't just say your high standard one or whatever so we're also gonna have didn't put enough of that and now we have our bark example shader that we just created now for giving ants of this tutorial I'm gonna move around these nodes because they bug me so gonna put our displacement down here our base color on top and then we're going to switch around our normal and roughness so now what you can see is it automatically plugs in our normal map where it needs to go now automatically plugs into roughness it has our base color plugged in weirdly enough as I multiply and divide and I'll show you why and then it has our height plugged into a displacement shader node that is now plugged into our displacement shader on our AI standard - now I'm gonna open up a little bit of an Arnold window of you so that you guys can see what I'm going to be explaining we're gonna do very okay so this is what we have so far now all I've done is I plugged in the shaders or the extra maps and we basically have an object that's not getting displaced properly anyway and it does not display in my tableau material at all so first thing I'm gonna do is come into my hyper shader and right here we have our 2d texture or place 2d texture node which is used to control where the textures get placed based on UVs and such so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here to a pete UV and we're just going to tile it by to do the U and the V and already in the viewport you can see how much better this is going to be so if I press play we can see relatively I'm gonna have some tree knocks here and the rest is gonna be just willing the bard with some displacement on each side now I'm going to show you this ambient occlusion multiply over a base color map and the reason that I'll be doing this is I want to get I want to simulate basically if you have a direct light you're gonna have you want you know these cracks and crevices to have a deeper shadow then normally and if I didn't have an advanced lighting setup like I do right here I wouldn't be getting these shadows as well as you'd want to display them so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna plug in my aimed occlusion map right here so you see how it's going to lay out we're gonna put it in raw because it's a grayscale alpha map alpha is little mints and basically what you're gonna see you could kind of see it down here oh you know what I forgot since I imported it and it's separate from the substance plugin we're gonna have to tile the Eevee's as well so let's do that these are also going to be too and you can already see just in the viewport that these cracks would be a little bit darker so what it's doing is it's taking the darker values inside the grayscale map and it's gonna be making the RGB Channel it's gonna be reading the RGB and it's gonna be making those shaders darker or those a-tech colors so watch what we'll uh we'll do a little demonstration so if I press play user over all the materials gonna go over but in specific you gonna see the difference between these two so right here is our our RGB x nao and in this one we just have a regular RGB with the exact same line and setup and you may like one or the other once we've put on the displacement you can see the difference and in my final renders I actually have this very very much I'll get rid of the little here to stop the render now we're gonna try to add some displacement and basically we're gonna do is we're just gonna up the scale in which we do that inside this displacement shader note they have the displacement which is where you plug in your height map don't worry about vector displacement for now and then for scale I like to just leave this at 1 there's a separate way to control how far your object gets displaced or how far the birds gets to play this place and also how many subdivisions you're gonna have with your displacements another thing to look at is your balance padding basically what this balance padding is going to do is in some cases if you're gonna be displacing an object to a very extreme amount based on the object size the the Rays that are casted that might be trying to read that information might cut off so you might get like an oligo a cube so let's just say like if I was trying to displace this it would like cut off a cue so you just turn this thing up it up sure under time I like you just turned it to one it's just you're gonna run into any problems now we're gonna go we're gonna do is click on our object now this is gonna be for the displacement scale so you go straight to your sphere shape that's what this is called I'm gonna go down to Arnold because we're working in Arnold first thing I'm gonna do is go to subdivision now it's complete preference on which type you use linear or cat bark I use cat Clark I've never changed it and for my iterations since this is relatively high poly already I can just do one or two so for this tutorial sake I'm just going to do one and then we're gonna go down to displacement attributes now real quick what iterations are going to be doing for every single number that you add it's gonna be quadrupling your the density or density of your geometry so one is plenty this is quadruple in which we what do we already have our first are 8,000 so we're already quadrupling that and for a render sake this is only when you render so it's really not too good with you the convenient thing about changing it for object and doing it right here is it basically makes a reference of your object so you're not messing with this mesh at all when you when you go to render it's going to reference this object and multiply the geometry by four so I'm just gonna leave this at one most people will put it at two or three whew my eyes won't get the best but it's gonna send the render time and then as for Heights and bounds padding at bound cutting at one that's what I like and then for height since it's at one you can literally see like it's not displacing very much at all so we're gonna do is since I've already done this I found that like 14.5 for this specific height map works relatively good it might be a little too much but we'll see the difference in a second so I'm just gonna snip this one as well and right away right away you can see how much this displacement gets affected we're just doing a little quick one so well strange snip this and then we're also gonna stop the render so I can show you the difference all right I mean it's clear so this is what we have before we upped our just our height displacement it's a 14.5 this is after you know this isn't even no rendered this is an even fully rendered but you just see along with the AO map you know you just see the cracks and that how deep it's gonna be look at that so these are actually the birds getting displaced so in game engine you don't want to do this to every object because obviously you're gonna be multiplying your geometry when you go into a play mode but you know in cinematics or you can mod Li displace objects and engine those what you're gonna do now you can see with the lighting setup that I have I like to display my warms and my cools you want to see how they're both going to react in different you Asians and yeah so what I'm gonna do now is I believe that's all so I'm going to close out the tutorial in the video and I will show you what the final man who is a fight thank you you
Channel: Jonathan Turner
Views: 3,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya, Substance, Designer, Arnold, Displacement, Height, Tutorial, simple, plugin, for, painter, render
Id: nag0QLbG90M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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