How to Use the Ripple Node in Davinci Resolve 18

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hey everybody this is Luke after all these years I've finally come back to do a tutorial that I think is super important in fact it might be the tutorial that makes your grading skills exponentially increase in speed I don't even know a lot of big time colorists out there using this technique so I'm here to show you guys a technique that I personally have started to use that has dramatically increased the speed of my grading and that is the Ripple tool the simplest explanation of the Ripple node is that it is a good substitution for copying pasting grades across projects in my experience using Ripple node just looks more professional in a session and it's way more effective in copying grades across different parts of the scene and how you can use Ripple nodes across really any Clips outside of your groups you can use them in selected Clips as well [Music] the Ripple node works best when you're using it as a hotkey so I'm going to show you an example of how to use the Ripple node as a hotkey in groups and outside of groups because those are essentially the main two modes of the Ripple node function and that is group mode and selected Clips mode and it's completely up to you how to use the function according to your objective and how you want to copy over grades and one press of a button so let's get into it so in order to show the first example of how to use the Ripple node within groups I want you guys to take a look at my screen and you'll see that I have put Clips in groups the first and most important thing when trying to set up a project where you can use Ripple nodes is grouping your shots and this is not this is my left side screen that I look at I have my Scopes down here and I also have all of my shots and you can even see all of my groups to the left right here and this is important because you're actually able to look at the shots according to the group now these groups can be broken down first and foremost by scene you hear a lot this term look when it comes to color grading but that doesn't really mean anything on a practical standpoint the look of a film usually changes scene to scene but it has this umbrella processing method that gives it a certain flavor for the entire movie but for the case of this particular film we want to focus on how we're grouping things according to the scene which in effect also gives us the look for example like we zoom in here we can see these Twilight scenes are gonna have a different quote-unquote look than our dinner scenes right here if you right click and you go down to groups down here you're gonna see this list of groups that I've assigned each shot there's not a shot in the entire film that is ungrouped and that's because I want to be able to make changes to one shot from not only a particular scene but I can also say that I want to make a change to a particular angle so what I have here is I have a list of scenes you know you have um we have our main character here in the exterior truck at Twilight and this shot particularly was underexposed so I'm actually able to categorize shots not just based on what scene or what look we're going for but also how it was how it was photographed the client is looking to you to understand how this footage works and how it was shot so the best example would be say like at a table side scene we'll see that our main character has a subgroup of an acam and B cam so this is our bcam right here and that's our a cam um saying and it turns out in this particular project with the father we really only get a side profile in this in this front view right here so it was really easy for his but I show you that to show you guys that as artistic as color grading is it's also a very practical in terms of how you design the way you use your tools [Music] once you've set up your groups by scene and shot that is when you were able to figure out your fixed node structure the fixed node structure as you see right here no matter what clip I'm on there's always going to be the same amount of nodes in every single clip and that's because these nodes are numbered so that the software is able to discern When A Change Is Made and you want to Ripple that change across other shots if you do use the Ripple function it's supposed to work for that node you're not making up things as you go you're planning them in advance before you start your project before you start the correction or grading process [Music] because we've grouped all of the father his sides um or his angles rather in one group that means that for if we do our classic let's make it a little warmer a little more green and then let's dsat that a little bit say the director is like I want this more of this look to kind of encompass this angle of the father for whatever reason just for sake of an example now I'm using a stream dock hotkey for the Ripple group and I think that everybody should have a hotkey for this function but for the sake of demonstration I'm going to show you guys the Ripple function in the color tab up here okay just as we would do on a hotkey or if you if you create a hotkey on your keyboard or you do it on a street deck if you Ripple node changes to current group on this particular node we're on the 25th node my separation node I'm just doing that on a random node for sake of demonstration once I click that [Music] we see it is affected every single angle for that shot now if I take it away and I reset it we're like uh we like it better the other way where again Ripple node changes to current group [Music] so you see power of this how it's a lot better more professional than having your client sit through just copy paste foreign [Music] but what if you want to make changes outside of the group what if you want to make changes to selected Clips well you can actually use the same process by going to the color tab again and going down to Ripple node changes to selected Clips so that any clips that you've selected say I want to change this shot and this shot they're in different groups right so if I want to make these cooler with a little bit more green again this looks terrible it's just for sake of just for sake of demonstration then I am going to use my hotkey which I just did but for for sake of demonstration I'll show you another way but I just simply hit Ripple to my selected clips and it changed those too now I'll do the same to undo this clip we'll go back to our warmer or Moody and we're gonna do Ripple node changes to selected clip and it's going to change everything back so that's how you can break out of the groups and how you can do fast grades fast changes to multiple different angles you can use the selected Clips Ripple function so that's just an alternate way to use Ripple nodes with this fixed node structure again we must have the fixed node structure so I really hope that you guys learned something from this process this is one of the reasons that I love resolve is because and I'll reiterate this point because this is something that I learned way too late is that color grading is as much about the design of your workflow than about the result you're trying to get I don't know who needed to hear that but the way you design your tools in resolve are and I'll probably repeat this more and more as I make these tutorials but the way that you design your workflow and resolve is both to achieve a result but it's also to make achieving that result as easy as possible so the more that you learn these techniques and you learn the tools that resolve is put into place the easier your life is going to be in a session so I'm really I really hope that I helped you guys out understand the importance of the Ripple node if you ever have any questions or if you ever just want to talk color grading or about your project please hit me up at Lucas bryantcolor Dot anyways guys it's been a blast finally getting back into this with you guys I've missed my YouTube community and I cannot wait to do more videos like this please like comment subscribe and let me know what you guys want to watch what you guys want to learn and I'd be happy to make that happen for you guys so until then see y'all later [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Lukas Bryant
Views: 502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve tutorial, Ripple Nodes tutorial, DaVinci Resolve editing tips, Video editing techniques, Ripple Nodes explained, DaVinci Resolve effects, Color grading in DaVinci Resolve, Video transitions with Ripple Nodes, Editing workflow in DaVinci Resolve, Advanced editing techniques, Creative video editing with Ripple Nodes, DaVinci Resolve tips and tricks, Color correction in DaVinci Resolve, Keyframing in DaVinci Resolve, Node-based editing in DaVinci Resolve
Id: Ne_Ckb2ixVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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