How to use the New Microsoft Planner in Teams - BASIC Version - [2024]

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the new planner available on Microsoft team harmonizes task management across all apps bringing you a simple and easy to use task management solution available at your fingertips hi my name's Amy welcome to my channel let's N Out it has a clean and simple navigation menu combining planner and to-do into one centralized area with three main sections starting with my day this is identical to my day in Microsoft to-do by default we will see all of your tasks that are assigned to you and do today and the source here provides an indication of where these tasks originated from so if we hover over this first one Amy's personal plan it just says the name of the plan and that is a new personal plan feature that we will cover later in this video next this is a teams icon and is the dogboarding team from the reservation Channel and then here this one is so awesome it is a task from a task list within a loop page I'm really excited to show you that one because somebody has asked some questions about how to manage the tasks that are assigned to them within Loop let's take a look at this first task here we can see that it's got a little pink Icon as well as a notepad and a sunshine so the sunshine actually relates to it being identified as my day which are all of the tasks that are going to show up here but if we click into this task then we can see that it has a custom pink tag to it so these will be any color tags that are defined within any of your plans will show up there as well as this note here so that little notepad relates to the note and just indicates that hey if you open up this task you're going to find some notes so let's just create this progress bar and say that hey this is urgent we want to complete it today if we close out of this then we can see that this little circle has been added which is the progress bar as well as this Bell for the priorities so we can see how these create a really nice visual effect when you just have that day view of all of your tasks on the right hand side we have these ellipses and we can update all of those items here as well as from the top menu they are identical wanted to draw your attention to the remove from my day button now this is super helpful if you have a decision paralysis so if that happens and you need need to clear out some of those lower priority items we can simply just click remove for my day and now it is clear and you can focus on the tasks that matter most I will show you how we can locate those tasks in just a moment the last thing that I wanted to show you in this section was the ability to add a private task we can see here that that private task has been added and the source is private task so these tasks are designed for you to quickly jot down to-do items at the speed of thought to-do has a little completed section down here but we can easily replicate this by filtering for completed task from the top drop down menu I'm moving along to my tasks this is a centralized area for you to view all of the tasks that are relevant to you and there are four predefined filters at the top some of them may look familiar from planner and to-do starting with private task and we can see that private task that we added under my day and that little Sun icon is there as well we are also able to add new tasks here and if you wanted to assign that to today then we can just select it click add to my day there we go it will show up under my day moving along to assign to me this is a centralized area for you to view all of the tasks that are assigned to you across all of your plans for all of the dates now depending on the number of tasks that you have you can EAS easily sort by title priority or due date and there are also some further filter options for dates and priorities on the top moving along to flagged emails here we are in Outlook and we can just click this flag this message and if you are enjoying this video then please give this video a thumbs up it really helps my channel out and here we have that flagged email the source is showing us Outlook and we've even got an attachment there let's click and open up up this task and we can just head on back to that email by selecting the attachment here the last section in my task is all and you guessed it it is all of the tasks one place even that flagged email is showing up here if we complete this email we will see it update in that little tag area with an Outlook as well moving along to my plans this is a centralized area for you to access all of the plans that are relevant to you you this includes lists from to-do plans within planner as well as the new personal plans feature that we're going to cover in just a moment and soon to come will be premium plans which is going to be a new subscription starting off with shared plans these are plans that are shared with you and are associated with a 365 group including a Microsoft team let's select new plan and head on down to C all templates on the left hand side here we have all of these different templates that include a preview of the plan and these all indicate basic here but in the future you might see some that will say premium and those are going to be part of a different licensing let's go ahead and select project management and click use template at Amy's animal shop we are starting a new pet food line so this plan is going to be for managing that product project I'm going to be using this plan quite frequently so I'm going to pin it to the navigation menu and from the bottom here we are going to select a group so you'll see here that a lot of these are your teams within Microsoft teams and there is also an indication of public some of yours might say private so these just give an indication of the privacy settings for that group let's go ahead and assign this to the operations and here we have our plan that has just been created and look at this amazing template it provides such a good foundation for starting this project we can also see that this plan has been pinned to the left navigation menu and if we head on up to my plans then we can see that new pet food line plan is showing up under the shared area moving along to the personal tab this includes your personal plans that new feature that has just been released with the new planner as as well as lists from Microsoft to do now to create a personal plan we are also going to head up to that new plan button and you have all of those templates available but if you want to start with a plan from scratch then we can just select basic here this is a little bit cheeky but if you haven't already and you are finding my video valuable then please give it a thumbs up is it really helps it get some traction down below here where we assigned it to the group in the previous step we're going to leave this blank and that means that this plan is not going to be unassigned to a Microsoft group let's go ahead and click create here is our new plan and is this is just so amazing because it never used to be possible you used to always have to have one of these plans assigned to a group but now you can have a private plan so you can create your own plan enjoy all of the benefits of a regular plan but having it be just for you and later down the line if you decide that you want to add this plan to a group then we can create a new group or even add it to an existing group and we can just once again select from the drop- down menu and here I'm going to add that human resources team moving along we have our pinned plans and these are the same as the plans that are on the left navigation menu you can pin them or unpin them just like that moving on to my teams here we have all of our teams that have plans associated with with them and if we expand them then we can see the plans broken down by channels within those teams now I wanted to do an overlay here because the shared plans and my teams look very similar however you're going to notice that that new pet food line as well as this other plan that we just created are not showing up under the my teams and if we look on the right hand side here under the shared width we can see the team that they are are assigned to but not the channel whereas my teams has these plans that are broken down by Channel what we need to do is add these plans into a channel for them to show up under the my team section so here we are within that operations team and if we head on up to the added tab area then we can see planner right here you don't see it then you can just search it right here so now we just need to add our plan you could create a new plan or we can use an existing plan from this team so we've already assigned that plan to the team we just need to add it to a channel and there is that new plan that we just created so let's go ahead and click save we can see that new plan has populated here which is amazing and if we go back into my plans and my teams then that operations team is now showing and we can see that new pet food line at the bottom now there are some sneaky settings that I wanted to highlight so from a plan if we select the plan name at the top here then we can rename our plan from this area here and at the bottom is the ability to delete a plan from the group area this is where you can actually change the settings of the 365 group and then notifications so I know that the notifications is quite a popular topic just note that this first one here only owners can change that setting but here you can Define if you want to receive emails and mobile post notifications when someone assigns a task to you or if a task is late due today or due in the next 7 days and if we navigate to the Old planner then there are some settings here that we would like to probably see in the new planner so I'm going to go ahead and click on this plan and you'll notice that we have this beautiful background setting I'll show you how I got that in just a second but from the ellipses on the top here there are couple of things that are pretty cool so the first one is the exporting the plan to excel which creates a really nice neat little table if you want to share the progress of this plan with somebody that's not directly involved with the nitty-gritty details also the ability to add a plan to an outlet calendar which is really cool to just kind of integrate a plan directly into your calendar that you might look at a little bit more frequently now if we head on into plan settings then similar to the new version we've got that General group and notifications tabs at the top but under the general we have these beautiful backgrounds which are not yet available but hopefully soon within the new planner thank you for watching this video to the end I do hope that I've helped you discover your iner today we will catch you in the next video
Channel: Office Skills with Amy
Views: 16,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office skills, how-to video, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, 365 apps, Microsoft Outlook, Lead Management, Office Skills with Amy, microsoft planner, teams planner, new Microsoft Planner, how to use new microsoft planner, how to use the new microsoft planner, ms planner, how to use microsoft planner, new planner, microsoft task manage, microsoft, personal microsoft planner, how to create a plan in planner, how to manage tasks in loop, loop task list, microsoft todo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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