15 Tips to to use New Outlook - [2024]

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today we are going to learn how to use the new outlook we will be covering 15 settings jazzing new features as well as some Integrations so hi my name's Amy welcome to my channel let's start out start off Microsoft has made some default settings that you might not be used to so we are going to dive into four of these features that you can customize the experience to your needs the first feature that we are going to take a look at is the focused inbox which is turned on by default now I wanted to explain the focused inbox feature before showing you how to turn it off as I do see this being a beneficial tool for those of you wanting to achieve inbox zero so the focus inbox pre- sorts your emails and places higher priority emails into the focused inbox filtering out the lower priority emails and placing those in other for example this Microsoft security email was automatically filtered out and placed into my other folder this morning allowing me to focus on these other priority emails we can also to customize it to our needs so for example this double your productivity email if I want to clean out my focused inbox then I could easily drag and drop it to the other we have the exact same ability going the other way or if you you always want emails from this email address to go to your other folder then we can head on down to move and then at the bottom here we have move to other inbox which is what we just looked at or always move to the other inbox and here it's saying do you want to move all of your messages from this email to other and if we click okay then any new email received from that person will automatically go to the other I do see some benefits but if you would like to turn this off then we can head on up to the view tab go to view settings and we are already under mail and layout with the focused inbox at the top you can just simply turn off this feature and click save now before we move on from here I wanted to show you a new feature in the new outlook that will really help you locate some of those settings which is this search bar here so for example we can just start to search for the focused inbox and it will take us to that page where we can change those settings the second setting is this conversation thread which places all of your emails within the same thread into one accordion folder now I used to have this turned off but I find it particularly helpful especially if you come back from holiday or a weekend and have hundreds of emails to catch up on it really consolidates your inbox but if you would like to turn this feature off then we can head on up to the view tab go to messages conversations and show each message separately the third setting is that when we go to draft a new email is that it doesn't pop out in a new window and it stays within this pain you can navigate between some of your emails at the bottom here but it does make it difficult to reference other emails when you are trying to draft an email so if you would like to turn off this feature then we can have on up to the view tab go to view settings this time under compose and reply we will go to pop out settings and tick we want emails to pop out to a new window now when we go to draft a new email it will pop out in a new pain and we can easily reference our other emails while drafting this email before we move on to some Jazzy new features let's first take a look at some basic settings to make the new outlook look a little bit more like home so if we head on up to the view tab then we can go to layout and the first one here is the ribbon so some people might prefer the classic ribbon and you may want to hide your folders or show your folders or even change where the reading pane is or even just hide the reading pane Al together some people might be used to having that to do on your right hand side and this this actually has some really good new features that we're going to dive into in just a moment or even update the density so this can just make your email pain more compact or a little bit roomy now that we have taken a look at some settings to help you get more comfortable within the app as well as achieve inbox zero let's now dive into seven new features to help you manage your emails your tasks as well as your calendar that you can get more done the first feature that we are going to take a look at is how we can pin our emails so if we hover over an email then we will see that flag icon that we are all familiar with but a new feature is this pin if we select that pin then we will see that email move to the top of our inbox helping us keep certain emails at top of Mind second feature that we will dive into is how we can snooze our emails so if we want to for example hide this email from our inbox until a certain time then we can select the email and head up to the ribbon and under this tags we can see the snooze option we have some default options here or you can even choose a date and time I'll go ahead and snooze this until tomorrow and if your boss follows up with you to respond to that email and you need to access it before it pops up in your inbox then you can head over to the snoozed folder on the left hand side and access your email that way the third feature that we will take a look at is an improvement to categories so let's rightclick on an email and then we can head on down to categorize and categories are a great way to color code your inbox from here let's select manage categories from here we can edit all of these predefined categories but let's go ahead and create a new category if you are enjoying this video then please consider giving it a thumbs up we can select a color from the bottom and then a new feature with the categories is this star icon so let's click the favorites and click save and from here we are going to see a new folder appear under favorites so let's take a look at that feature now we will rightclick this email categorize and we can Define it to that thumbs up category putting all of your emails in your inbox within that category into this favorites folder so that is a super handy little tool back in the inbox if we delete these items then we can go to the thumbs up folder and those will also delete there this only shows the categorized emails for this category that are currently in your inbox and if final tip here before we move on is how we can search for our categories in the search bar at the top so we can just start to search for that thumbs up category we'll see it appear here allowing us to easily filter for those emails fourth feature is how you can easily attach files into emails so we can press the forward slash and simply just start to type the file name and you will see a handful of files appear the fifth feature in the calendar view is how we can easily access teams meeting event information so here we can select this meeting created in teams expand it and now we're going to have all of those meeting details including Microsoft Loop collaborative notes easily accessible moving on to the final feature we saw earlier how we can pin my day to the taskbar we are now also able to access this from the top navigation menu this section has some great new features that I'm excited to show you including a calendar tab as well as a to-do tab providing you with easy access for your day let's first take a look at the calendar this calendar feature is super handy if we want to for example create an event from this email what we can do is simply select the email and drag it over to this add is an event from here this new pain will pop up and automatically add attendees which includes anybody that was in that email chain as well as providing some suggested times based on everyone's availability and another new feature of the new outlook is this in-person event so if we select that then these suggested time frames will also update based on office availability and then at the bottom here that email threat is automatically added so this whole process really streamlines the event creation process you are interested in learning more about defining your availability within the calendar then I've included another video Linked In the description of this video now let's dive into this to-do feature from the drop- down menu we can view our tasks your my day tasks plan tasks flagged emails or for those of you that use lists within Microsoft to-do you can access those lists from the drop down here making for a nice and easy integration and earlier we saw how we could drag an email create a calendar event we can now do similar when creating tasks and another great benefit of tasks is if we head over to the calendar just make sure that you are either in the day work week or week view and and then we can drag and drop our tasks onto the calendar and select these little icons to adjust the time frame this will now block your calendar and allow you to get more done because you've intentionally scheduled time to complete a task and I have one little tip to share with you before we move on to some new features once you've created a task from an email we can view that task within the new planner in Microsoft teams select the ellipses and then go to move task here we can define a plan that we would like to move that task to then we can go to that task and we will see that that new task has been added to that plan if you would like to learn more about the new planner in Microsoft teams then I've included a link to another video in the description here now that we have taken a look at some Jazzy new features let's dive into the final section where we will cover four integ ations including some new ones the first integration that we are going to take a look at is one drive and you may have noticed this one drive icon on the left hand side if we select that then we have easy access to all of our files that are stored within one drive and a little tip if you want to rightclick this icon then you can open one drive in a new window allowing you to easily access these files without leaving your outlook dashboard the second feature is for co-pilot Pro users and you can now easily access co-pilot from the top right navigation menu helping you understand locate documents or summarize emails in one easy navigation menu the third integration is not new but is how you can share this email to Microsoft teams from this email window we will select the apps icon and then simply select share to teams or search for this app within the top menu from here we can Define where we would like this email to go within Microsoft teams and hey if you've made it this far in the video then I hope that you're enjoying it and please consider giving it a thumbs up and hitting that subscribe button then we will go ahead and share this two teams and here within Microsoft teams we can see that email as well as our custom message has been posted and the final integration that we are going to take a look at is once again in this apps icon how we can send emails to OneNote this will pop up a navigation menu on the right hand side where you can easily access recent sections or expand your notebooks and Define which section you would like to import this email to here we are in Outlook and we can now see that that email has easily been sent to this section within the operations Notebook thank thank you so much for watching this video to the end I do hope that I've helped you discover your inner nerd today and if you've made it this far then please consider giving this video a thumbs up is it really helps me get Traction in the algorithm and why not hit that subscribe button so that you can be notified on all my recent uploads all right thank you so much for noting out we will see you in the next video
Channel: Office Skills with Amy
Views: 1,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, 365 apps, Office Skills with Amy, how to use new outlook, how to use the new outlook, microsoft outlook, microsoft outlook tips and tricks, outlook tutorial, new microsoft outlook, microsoft outlook tutorial, how to use microsoft outlook, outlook tips and tricks, outlook email, new outlook features, new outlook update, outlook new features, new outlook features 2024, microsoft outlook tasks, tutorial, 2024, how to, microsoft to do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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