How to use the New Google Sites - Tutorial

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hi there Jamie Keith here tonight a teachers tech hope everyone's having a fantastic night tonight tonight I'm excited to bring you the new Google Sites I've got an early access to this and I've been playing around with it I can't believe what a change it is compared to the old Google Sites and I think you're going to be able to make easily some great-looking websites so let's get started with a walkthrough on the new Google Sites so to access the new Google Sites I'm already logged in I'm in my Google Drive right now and I'm just going to go over and hit new over here I'm just going to scroll down to more and you get Google Sites right here you can see how the icons a little bit different than you used to be so I'm just going to click on the new Google Sites there and open this up and remember you probably unless you have early access you won't have it yet but it's going to be coming here so you can see right away it opens it to your front page what you're going to be working on you get this nice header here where you can name your site up here and I'm just going to name it real quickly so I can name it up here or I can name it up here too so I'm just going to call this let's call this example I'll just call this test site here test site and so you can see it gets put there I could have typed it in here and it would have showed up there too so I just want to talk about this icon in the left hand corner when I click on this now it brings me to where the Google Sites are stored here so you can see here is the one I just created here if I click the vertical dots three little dots you can see I can rename it here remove it or open it in a new tab here if I wanted to create a new site from here I can just simply by clicking the create new site and it would be at the same thing what I just showed you here at the bottom left hand corner you see the classic site so if I wanted to switch back and work in the classic sites I have that option here too it's hard to even compare the two between the classic sites and this new Google sites because it is just not the same in any way on it so I'm just going to just open this by tapping on this and get back into and kind of do the walkthrough here for you so first let's just name this this so quickly I'm just going to type type in here and I'll just call this the new Google Sites here and you can see right away I could go to the title I can change things quickly here by changing the heading I just by clicking on that you know if I wanted to real quickly changing I'm just going to go back to my title I can also drag this if I wanted to make sure that if I wanted to stretch out on this so you have some options that very easily if you're used to the old way this way is so much easier to get your header looking nice right away too I like it how you can add the on this so I can insert my link right in here too so it becomes an active link to a different website too so very quickly to change that now let's talk about the background for the image here so I can change my image here I'm just going to click on my image here and you can see right away opens up to a gallery with lots of nice photos here let's I'm just going to pick this one here and you have different options to you can do your typical upload from your computer you can do it by URL you can search in here your albums and Google Drive so but I'm just going to for this purposes for this purpose I'm just going to pick these ones because they're very nice images to you so I'm just going to hit select and you can see how it's added in very quickly what you just noticed down here when it says I'll click on it it says remove readability adjustment so it changed the background color so it could be read more easily so if I change this here and I like this option here you can see how maybe it's not as easy to read but if I turn it back on that font should stand out it just knows how to adopt it a little bit better changing the background the header to a different shade to make the font stand out a little bit so better so I really like that option there so let's add some content to our new to our front page here and it's very very easy to do a couple different ways to do this here you can see up in the right-hand corner here I have my text box my images or my embed my URL or I have my upload here so if I wanted to click my text box here I'll just say I'll just type hello and I can type very quickly into this I like how now you can add a key you can change the background colors very easily here so if I just click I just hover over this here you notice I have a couple options on the left hand side I could delete this section so every time I add a textblock or image it can create another section that just goes vertically down on this so but I can also change the background very quickly so I'm going to click on this you can see that it's under regular rate now I have the emphasis here where it changes that to the gray I can change the color and I have my images too so if I wanted to have a color in the background let's I'm going to pick this one and I'll hit select and you can see it's a nice way to kind of break up from your header to the underneath even if I didn't put any text and I could just leave it if I just wanted it there it's a nice way just add that a little bit of extra color and you can do this all the way down at different parts where you could put images in this and I'll show you in a second so when you work with this new Google Sites the thing is to be picturing might almost draw it out on paper first and then it's about your images you put into this in your layout because I'll show you how easy it is to add text and boxes and it's just pretty much what you want to imagine what you want to put into how you want to drag it around so here I'm just going to hit the delete here to show you how easy it is to delete it and it's gone like that so the other way I can do all these things here I can also just double click on on the page right here so if I double click here you can see those options come up here to where I can upload the image I can put a URL in here so let's let's if I just click on a URL here so if I was what am I looking for let's say if I was looking for something on CNN and then you can see it picks up the breaking latest news and everything so I could add that in and it goes through and I have a few different options what a you know what I wanted to show to so I could show the title you can see as I turn it off the background it goes away or show the description and turn it off and I can hit done here so if you want to see kind of what you're working on how things are looking on a browser or to test it out just go up top here you can see here's the preview button here so if I hit preview here what I get is how it would look on here and you can also this is an option I really like here you can see it on the different devices here so I'm on my desktop one here you can see I can go to how it looks on a tablet or how it looks on a mobile device I really like how easily it adapts to this now this is this will be great because so much more is begun to become more mobile more mobile mobile sorry so I'm just going to hit back here again if you want to delete anything you can click on it and hit delete so just again is that double click you can add let's say I'm just going to add a couple couple ones to show you here as I add I'm just going to change the color I'll just change the color here you can see as I add I can add more and more in here too so if I add a text box I'll just say hello Google I'll say hello Google here and what I can do here is quickly if I want to kind of resize this and you see as I'm resizing things I really like those grid lines in the back the measurements of the page so you can get an idea to how to kind of divide up your page equally across here too so you can see how easy it is to drag things around I really like this this is just going to make it so easy to create websites and it's going to be I think it's going to be about your imagination of how you want to you know how you want to create it so if I wanted this over here and then I want to put up you know double clicking here again and I want to put an image in so if I click image now if I go let's search by URL actually I'll just go search here and I'll say well I want to fish for some reason don't know why I was thinking that but let's say I put this fish right here and while I have the image in there and I can quickly just grab it I want to put it on that side and I love how easy you can size this too so you notice I have the options of the of the crop or the uncropped and I have the insert link and the delete and I have the options that are placed the image and the alt text on this but if I grab this I love how easy it is just to resize you can see how we can crop in here to get exactly what I need out of that photo so I just I just think that's great and again how easy is that to drag that to drag that around on it so you can quickly set up an idea if you have your idea of the images that you want to create or maybe you found a website that you like and you're trying to create kind of the similar design in this it's so easy to do that again if you look down on the right-hand side here I can insert things right from my Google Drive right in here I like how I could put a folder on so if you're using it as a teacher page or anything if there's a certain folder you want to give access to you know if you've shared that folder and you want to put it right on your Drive and I'll just grab a folder here kind of randomly here I'll just grab I'll just grab this teachers tech one here and I'm going to insert it and you can see it puts the files right in here so if I go back and and preview it you can see well go back to my desktop version here as I go down and you can see how the files are right there so I think that's pretty slick to do that on to how easy it is do that so again video always important on a web website if you if it you know in this works just so easily - so if let's say if I maybe I'll find one of my videos here teachers tech here and let's scroll down is there what okay it's way sure - pretty sure I made that one all right select and the videos in and again I can just drag it so quickly and size it to how I want to you know just like the images so I just think that again such a great way maybe I want to change the color in the background or put an image and it's done like that so again I know I'm not doing a very nice website here but I'm just trying to show you kind of just how easy things work in here if you want to put a Google Google Forms in here you can quickly add a Google Forms it's just a test one I had and you have your Google Forms and here if I preview it again here now you can see if I scroll down I can actually when I click this button this will open up in the full Google Form opens in a new window and goes over here - so if you're using Google Forms great way to insert it in here - so I'm just going to hit back again you notice that if you want to share this with other editors just click on the share button here just like Google stuff just add the names here and you can bite them can edit but there's this little check down here you notice or it says prevent editors from changing access and adding new people so you can click that for the done there but I'm not going to add anybody for this right now so you have a page you've put in content you can put your URLs embed your URLs put things from your Google Google Drive or your other apps in there let's insert some new pages and this is incredibly easy to do so if I go up to the pages here I'm just going to go to pages here and then you can see I only have the one page right here need to do to create the new page is hit page and I'm just going to call this we'll call this page one and I'm going to create a couple pages here so I'll hit done and I'm going to create another one page two and I'm just going to create one more for my examples here page three alright page three what I like about you can see how it goes across the top here here I got my home page 1 page 2 page 3 I wish I could play around with with it but you can see over here on the side i connect do my different navigation here so I have taught navigation here or I could do the side navigation over here so I think that's a nice little option to have with your menus and everything like that so it looks pretty again pretty neat and pretty modern when you do this and that's one thing I find with how things are working with this it looks pretty modern and it looks just as good as many other sites if you have that right image in your mind of how you want to create it here so I'll just go back to the top navigation here and again what I really like about this here is I can drag these around and it's just going to change how they're nestled nestled in and underneath so for instance if I want page two under page one just drag it up like that I could put page three in there you notice how they're disappearing I'll show you how it looks in the other view here side navigation open it up and you can see how it's nestled in there too I'm just going to go back it's easier to show in the top navigation here but again so easy to change and the other thing I like at if you want a certain one different as a different homepage here so if I want page one is the home page just click over here you can see I can set it as the home page and then it jumps over here and that's going to be the page that it goes on to so this stuff again it's so intuitive just drag things around change your menu really quickly by adding it over here I'm just going to go over to themes here you can see there's three different themes here to click on just click on a few different ones I'm just going to go back to this one so you can see what the font looks like a little bit better so I can click on the different ones you can see how it changes I have a few different options how I want to change it too you can see I can pick the color down here are the font style here you have different choices almost like how it is so simple they don't load it up yet with they'll probably add more but I like how quickly you can just change things and the fonts they have selected again look I find look very very professional here too but you can change as you can see these themes are very easy to change here so I'm just going to talk about here for the help menu here so you can in my case I can send the feedback here I can take the tour but the help menu here when I look at the new when the new Google site sits it I find it interesting because I've made videos on the other ones and there's so much here in the old ones that you go through but if I look at the new ones here you can just see how how easy it is to find information and again it goes to the fact of how intuitive this is because there isn't really a lot of information to tell you because it's just easy to see what's there so I'm just going to close out of the help menu but if you are looking for something I just take a look at that again at the end you can publish it I'm just going to hit publish you just give it a title I'll just call this test well it's called test oh it's already taken out of this call it tester for some reason okay so I'm going to hit publish now and I'll get this little master's message down at the bottom here and it's just going to say that it the site has been published successfully and I can view it and it's just going to open up to see what it would look like here you can see how I have a different my different pages set right now for my home page this is the one that I started with here I have the video my I know the the colors and fonts aren't very good for this example but I was kind of just randomly picking things too I can go back to edit on this one here too so this has been a kind of little walk through of Google's of the new Google Sites and it's almost like I think I've almost covered everything in here but I think it's going to be more about how you choose to design your image you know your images that you selected because it's going to be very easy to put your text your images in this so have a good plan draw something out at first and then just start creating with this I think you're really going to like this so I really enjoyed bringing this to you this week and remember I do these weekly tech tips if you think this could help with other people out please share this or give it a thumbs up here and remember if you like what you see please subscribe to my channel I do weekly tech tips thank you very much for thanks for watching and I'll see you next week
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 334,228
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Keywords: new google sites, how to use the new google sites, google sites, teachers tech, new google sites tutorial, learn google sits, learn the new google sites, new google sites review, new google sites 2016, google sites 2016, google sites tutorial 2016, new google sites early, google sites tutorial, google site tutorial 2016, how to use google sites 2016, how to use google sites, google website for teachers, the new google sites, how to use new google sites, google sites 2017
Id: Dm8nEq4jVJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2016
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