How to Use the MC Command Center Mod in The Sims 4: A Simple Tutorial

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y'all are definitely sleeping on MC command center now this is a mod in The Sims 4 and I'm gonna show y'all exactly how I use MC Command Center to make my game play a lot better I know you have this mod in your game but I guarantee you you ain't using it right so thank me later okay let me go ahead and show you a couple tips for all the newbies out there make sure you have your scripts mods a loud check as well as your enable custom content and mods check I've been getting a lot of people in the comments saying hey I can't get it to work I can't do this can't do that just make sure you have these enabled in fact MC Command Center is honestly not going to really work you're gonna open up the game and expect it to do something you have to tell MC Command Center to do something so first things first let me just show you how to add more than eight people to a household now this is gonna be a feature that you're going to need a computer so if you can find yourself a computer on any household or any lot really just click on the computer then what you're going to do is you're going to go to MC command centers and for this you're going to go to MCC settings and then you're gonna go to gameplay settings and then you're going to go to maximum household size so by default you can only have up to eight right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and do the full on Max of 104. now that's the maximum so we're going to go ahead and put in 104. so boom that's how you do it so what's going to tell you here is a game restart is required in order for this to go into an effect now a lot of people like to use this when they're doing like their 100 baby challenge or whatever it is that they want to do if they want to add more to their household now that's how you do it now there's plenty of ways to add more additional Sims to your house so if you don't want to go the whole pregnancy route now there is one thing I want to warn you though there's going to be a situation where you're going to want to actually go into your cast and actually you know modify the outfits or whatever it may be now you can't just go into creative Sims the normal way if you have more than eight Sims now you may lose a few Sims going into that way so what I would suggest you do is click on a Sim go to MC Command Center Sims commands and modify and cash now this is the only way I feel like you can really do this and once you go into modifying cast as you can see here I don't have any other option to go and modify any other additional Sims in this household that's when you know you did it right and I like doing it this way because that way it gives me a way of not actually losing Sims now if you want to like create or if in in their situations where you might want to modify your Sims like body types or whatnot you can obviously enter in that cheat in a cast out full edit mode so that way you can come in here and kind of adjust the body types and stuff like that change the name or sexual preferences or whatever it may be do all that stuff right here in this screen here and then there's another one that I would like to share with you and these are all in the console command center setting now this is going to allow you to have some of your like basic UI features or even your build features already enabled for example if you want some of your build by settings like having like move objects on already enabled when you enter in the save file or having show hidden live objects or having stuff like the plum Bob above the head disabled this is where you'll go for that now this will be another computer setting so in order to do this you will go into a computer navigate on over to MCC settings and from this prompt you're going to want to go to notification console menu settings once you win there you should go to console command settings and in here you should be able to enable and disable specific buildby settings you can enable full edit mode you can also have debug commands in your cheats already ready to rock and roll and as well as your testing sheets automatically on and then also the headline effects which is the plumb bob so let's just navigate into the build by settings just to show you some of the things can do for example you can always have your debug enabled you can also have to unlock your ignore unlock enabled the move objects as I mentioned show live enabled and also the free build enabled which allow you to go into Lots let's say you've got get famous you can go into the actual movie studio and kind of recreate the movie studio same with the detective place as well if you if you have the get to work you can go in there and kind of rebuild that as well and if you know about the Hidden Worlds like Sylvan Glade and you got this on you can actually kind of build some really cool Lots I like to build like a little wedding venue so sometimes I can have like my Sims go into Sylvan Glade and actually have a little wedding there so that's actually kind of cool some of the fun features using free build enabled let's talk about the MC career now this is where I think a lot of simmers are sleeping on MC Command Center mod and here in The Sims 4. now with MC career you can do so much you can speed up the progress in homework whether it's your kid or your teenagers doing school work or whether you have somebody in uni doing school work as well I'm telling you you can adjust how fast and how slow your Sims can progress in regards to doing their homework love this feature because sometimes I just feel like some Sims should be able to just do their homework a lot faster I know sometimes if you have the debate skill some sales might be able to go through their homework a little fast but not fast enough though so you can adjust the speeds right here in MC Command Center to get the MC career you're going to find a computer click on the computer go to MC Command Center of course this one is going to be in MC career I want you in MC career you're going to want to go down to school work progression all right so I want you in here you can adjust the school work progression to either negative three all the way to 50 negative three being the slowest possible progression to all the way to 50 where if you go to 50 let's do 50. it's going to take like a second to do the homework and we're going to do I'm gonna show you an example so we're gonna go to 50. and from there let's also do career difficulty adjustments as well now same thing the the and if you're if you hit the negatives you can go all the way to negative 20 you can actually go all the way to negative 50 all the way to 10. negative 50 being the slowest progression so if you feel like it's too easy to to to to advance in the careers you can slow it down to make it a little bit more realistic or maybe more realistic for your gameplay or if you just want it to be a little bit faster because you kind of you're on like this super or maybe you're on like short span or or something like that you just want to progress in careers a little bit faster because you're planning a little bit of a faster gameplay mode you should just probably increase it up to like let's say the max is 10 which will give you all the way to like dang on 100 faster or 100 in points we're gonna adjust this because we don't need that but that's just another example also within MC career you can also allow your children to quit school so if you wanted to enable that that could be enabled as well obviously high school kids can obviously quit school but let's just say you want your kids that are like just in regular kindergarten or whatever quit schools they can do that as well and you also have University difficulties here you can also adjust the university homework progression as well let's just say you got some kiddos in uni boom you can do that as well then you also have uh what else do you have here you also can allow your uh University difficulties so if you want to just maybe make it make you you need a little bit easier you can adjust it all the way up to 10 10 allowing you to be a little just Advanced a little bit faster get points a little bit quicker so then that way you can just kind of Advance a little bit faster we'll leave it at five we'll default to five so this is going to require you to reset the game so resetting is simply is just exiting out the game and opening up the game again and while my game is restarting I guess it's the best time to tell you that you should be using epidemic sound just like I do because when you hear those little funny sound effects you know or whatever or the little spooky stuff when I do my little dad at the very end kind of like this [Music] foreign [Music] you see what I'm saying all that stuff is an epidemic sound even the music you hear in the background now I've been in an epidemic sound user for probably over about two and a half years since I started this channel now I never promote this but I feel like I want to promote it in this video you can be using awesome free royalty-free music with a subscription at epidemic sound now use my affiliate link because you might be able to get a free month free so if you want a free month free just use my affiliate code so then you can hook a brother up because I kind of want to be a epidemic sound partner as much as people Rave about the little spooky sound effects that I use I feel like epidemic sound should be giving me the dang on account for free so use that affiliate Link in the description take care of me man support your content creator your favorite content creator all right back to the video so we're going to do we're going to go to high school and we're going to have them study for exams see how fast that works see see that progression boom he studied he studied for school with the quickness bruh just so let me let me show you again in case you missed it because it happened so fast you know what I'm saying you got hey don't keep your eye out on that progression screen now we're gonna go ahead and go high school and they're going to study for the exam let's see how fast it happens studying for the exam bam just like that super quick right same with homework and same with uni homework let's do it one more time and show you again the show let's watch them do their homework again so she's gonna sit right here and do homework look how fast that is Bam look at that bruh all right so we got him he has to do his homework yet so we're gonna have him sit here and do homework as well foreign I'm telling you boy sleeping on MC Command Center here's the MC Command Center mod tip that I like to do when it comes to just gameplay I like to use MCC command centers cheat Sims info now to get to that you can simply just click on a Sims I like using cheat Sims info to just give NPCs personality or even other Sims personalities that my Sims come across and also sometimes I might want to go in and adjust specific things with that specular Sim in a household that I might be playing as well so let me give you a quick example so let's just say you know we bump into people like the you know bartender or whatever here at this facility here we're at like a karaoke Spa here in San meshino if you have City living this is one of the features you get it's karaoke if you don't have City living I guarantee you it's probably not instant gaming which is I'm a partner of so be sure to use my affiliate link which is in the description if you want to save on getting some games through instant gaming now instant gaming is a reseller who buys promos and CD keys so I'm a partner I got affiliate link so make sure you go into the description click on my affiliate link and get so much awesome discounts on it okay selfish plug there thought I'd mention my friends over at instant gaming for the partnership all right so let's click on this uh bartender here you can go to MC Command Center go to mccheats and then cheat Sim info so here you can change everything from their skills I can get I can set skills to a specific level or I can like just give them a specific seal skill here for example since he's a bartender if I wanted to I can just max his Mixology level up boom just just massive Mixology level up so now he's good to go and sometimes if I want I can go ahead and Max all the skills up you know why not be a super Sim if you feel me and then on top of that you can also go in here you can set like different like expansion sheets within that Sim like if I wanted to give them like a celebrity status I can increase his level up to number two now and then with snowy Escape I can add a specific lifestyle like if he's a you know a copy fanatic and if you have infants you can set quirks through here too it depending on what you got what you want you can set so much personality with these like NPCs it's just ridiculous you don't have to go visit that household you can do it right from a click of a of a button and these are all things that you can do within cheat Sim info and here's another thing I feel like a lot of simmers are sleeping on you guys are sleeping on Sims commands within the MC Command Center same concept as cheat Sims info it's in that section as well just click on a Sim it could be your own Sim it could be an NPC Sim or a Sim just floating around in the neighborhood for example let's go ahead and go in The Sims command on a random Sim that we follow so we can just go here to MC Command Center so go into Sims commands now what I like to do with this I like to go in here and you can maintain the Sim so if I wanted to like kill off this Sim it'll give me a variation of different types of ways that I can unlock this Sim which is great for Content creating because what if I just wanted to create a quick little scene where let's just say a Sim is being unaligned by freezing now as we all know it's snowing right now so it's probably cold out here in San marcino I can just click on death by freezing and boom and hit okay this sounds about to freeze to death [Music] and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't if it doesn't work just like we did right here it turned into a ghost but [Music] if I wanted to try it again all I got to do is just click on the Sim go to MC Command Center go right back to Sims commands and then we can go to maintain Sim and now we can revive the Sim so in case we don't want that Sim to be a ghost and say let's go ahead and revive them real quick and we hit okay boom and then let's try it again so then that way we can go back into maintain Sim and see if we can unlock this Sim and hope that he will he will freeze to death this time we'll save that for another night but what I also like about being in The Sims command is you can also modify this Cinnamon cast which we've done before you can also set the age so if I want to set this Sim all the way down and then going infant stage boom he's now an infant look at him look at this guy he's an infant now and then what we could potentially do is we can go right back to this Sim well the Sam done disappeared now obviously that Sim disappeared who knows where that Sim went it's an infant so it can't be it cannot be on this lot without its without the parents obviously so let's go let's do it with one of the Sims in this household that I'm actually in so we'll go into Sims command and we'll set the age right so we'll go to infant now we got baby santa pancakes chilling as a little infant now that we have an infant let's go back and revisit the MC sheets so let's go into cheat Sim info and now we can go into expansion sheets and go into growing together and now we can go ahead and give this little infant some Milestones so now we can like unlock somebody's Milestones here but we could go ahead and give them like he can lift his head up or we can he learned how to sit so now that we or we can unlock all the Milestones let's go ahead and unlock all the milestones now I think a lot of people know about MC pregnancy but just in case you don't I do want to touch bases on MC pregnancy now this is a Sim feature that you can just do by clicking on a Sim so let's just go ahead and click on Eliza here for a second and just do MC Command Center and if you go into MC pregnancy this will allow you to start a pregnancy and then once the pregnancy has started if you have UI cheats extension mod you can actually adjust a lot of The Offspring stuff The Offspring count if it's going to the gender and all that good stuff let's just start a pregnancy just to see what it turns out right you can actually adjust who she's pregnant with for example with Bobby pancakes so we'll go ahead and just do poppy pancakes so now the pregnancy is going to start so now we can determine like do we want to give her three males or do we want to do three females so at this point you can only do up to three so let's just do three females right so we'll go ahead and start the pregnancy boom right so right now currently she has three female babies pregnant by Bob pancakes but what we could do is we can adjust the pregnancy phase we're gonna just Offspring and we can specify The Offspring count we can end the pregnancy and we can also pause it just in case we want it to delay the pregnancy so we already know she's in trimester one but we can adjust the pregnancy phase we can go all the way up to labor we can bring we can bring her into labor but let's just go ahead and cheat it up to third trimester for now because we don't want to go into labor just yet now let's go into Offspring so as we all know let's just say you changed your mind you're like you know what let's do three males instead of you know three females so you can go back in here and you can adjust the Offspring in case you don't want the three females we are actually had right and then you can go to specify Offspring count same thing you can change it from one to three so let's just say I want to you don't necessarily have to go to specify Offspring and count if you already adjust the stuff in Offspring it's just another column that you you can go to potentially right and if you want to change the partner you can gives you a whole list of people that's already on here as well like if I want to change it to to uh to Father winter himself we can just boom click on follow renter and as you can see here in our MC pregnancy thing it actually changed from Bobby pancakes to Clinic Frost with her still being in the third trimester and we look like we're still having three female babies you know what let's go ahead and keep it with Father winter wonder what we should do let's go ahead and go back up to the pregnancy phase and we'll go ahead and set it to labor now she's in labor and boom MC pregnancy doing its thing at its finest so now she's gone into labor with Father Winters kids she's about to have triplets y'all so boom so there we go that's how you use MC pregnancy I also just want to let y'all know that if you click on a mailbox you can also do a few little MC sheets through that as well some of these are just like maybe changing some of the lot details you can also change the time and there's some season sheets in here that you can do as well and there's a few Sim slash NPC household cheats that you can kind of navigate through like for example you can humanize all the vampires like if you really wanted to you can go to the vampire world and just humanize all the vampires which would be actually kind of funny and same thing with all the other ones like mermaids uh mermaids aliens and stuff like that you can also set all wall Styles too like if you want them to all walk like like they're celebrities you can also do that you can also clean up their their attires I've never done that yet and I don't want to talk about that on in this video but let me experiment a little bit with the dresser like I don't really mess with outfits and changing NPC outfits and I also don't really mess with the MC dresser but there is a way that if you have a whole bunch of Sims on a lot you can actually go in and actually create a or you can tell the Sims what attire you want all them in that lot to do I'm gonna show you that so basically what this is going to do is it's going to change all outfits so again this is in the mailbox you click on Sims NPC also cheats and within this section you can summon a Sim and all the other things that I'm talking about when it comes to humanizing all your occult Sims and then you can also go in here and do change all outfits now what this is going to do is going to change all the Sims on this current law into a specific outfit as long as their situation allows it right so if we were at a wedding and I noticed that not all the people are wearing a specific attire I can go in here and say let's change everybody and have everybody wearing their formal outfits right so I can just click on this and then boom everybody on this lot is now wearing their affordable their formal attire that's been set for them within Create a Sim another thing that's missed is also navigating MC pregnancy MC pregnancy will also enhance the way you play the game considering like how things are handled whether it's like adoption settings neighborhood story settings or just like specific inheriting specific traits from from the parents which is awesome speaking of that let's hop into The Offspring within MC pregnancy this is another one that you would need the computer to go to so once you get into MC MCC settings what you want to do is go all the way down to MC pregnancy and within MC pregnancy let's hit up all spring so we'll go to offspring and here's what's cool you can actually do a inherited trait type which I think is super cool you can also do a maximum Offspring so sometimes if you want you know we are already default to three but you can change this to six now if you change it to six when you go back into the individual Sim and you want to make them pregnant now instead of the max being three it'll be six so let's go ahead and change that and let's go ahead and let now inherit trait type is it determines whether babies inherit non-personality traits from those parents how many they would inherit and rather they will inherit the specific maximum number of trades or a random number of Trades up to a specific maximum another thing that people are probably sleeping on is the MC population so once you go into MC Command Center on the computer you would just head down to mcpopulation so in here this will tell you the percentage of how many babies infants toddler's child those elders and percent in males females the percentage of what type of SIM will show up in that giving area so if you want nothing but a bunch of children showing up you'll probably want to give increase the percentage I don't mess around with this stuff I'm not too I don't really care too much about that my thing is I I like to adjust the maximum Sims and zones now this is in other settings within the MC population so once you go in here it's already default to have 20. now if you have a normal computer the more Sims that's going to enter into that lot or that specific area it's gonna lag a tiny bit you know even when you already have over eight in a household you're already introducing maybe some lag because your game is like oh my God I got all these extra features right so we already know I have over 104 in a maximum household some already guaranteed 104 in a specific area but let's just say I'm not in that area and I'm potentially just going over to another household or I'm going into like let's say a karaoke bar or something like that so this is going to determine how many Sims will spawn in a specific Zone right so not household included but in an actual zone so let's just say we are at a say you got get famous and you are going to an award show and of course you're not going to see but like maybe 20 or less Sims in that specific area let's say zone so here I can go ahead and say you know what we're gonna do 200. you know what I'm saying let's go ahead and do 200. so now we know that in a specific Zone I can expect maybe 200 some Sims arriving in one spawning in one area now that's a lot but and it also requires a restart and but let's let's see what let's try it out let's see how many Sims we can get in in a specific Zone but before I do that I just want to let you know you can also enable disable bar fights y'all are definitely sleeping on MC command center now I know for a fact we've all at some point in gameplay neglected a child and had Child Services Swain by the crib and take our kid or our infant or taller away because we neglected to feed them or whatever it may be but we've always wondered where do they go right but here in gameplay settings within MC Command Center we have now allowed them to be adopted within the Sims community of Sims so if you're in the gameplay settings which is on your computer you go to your computer right you hit MCC settings once you're in MCC settings you want to go to gameplay settings and then within gameplay settings there's an adopted neglected child this is obviously default to disabled but now you can enable it so if your child end up going in the child service protection Center or whatever it's called now other Sims can potentially adopt them so they're not just out in some random space of like NPC world that we can't get up we can't get connected back to them so that's also a great feature within gameplay settings there's been times where we probably forgot to save and some have it to our game or we had a Sim unexpectedly get on alive or we went off somewhere and got to pause the game and we come back and there's just a bunch of stuff happening that we didn't realize that was going to happen right but thanks to the MC Command Center we have auto save so if you want to use autosave you simply click on a computer you go to MCC settings from there is the first feature auto save click on auto save and here you can just either auto save the name auto save slot number or whatever it is right here you can do a save interval amount within that save file I don't use this but the feature is there here's another thing let's just say relationships are maybe a little too easy for you and you just want to be a little bit harder whether it's a friendship or a romantic friendship now you can go into MC Command Center and adjust the relationship settings too just hop onto that computer click on the computer go to MC Command Center hit up MCC settings and then go down to relationship settings right so while you're in MCC settings just go down to relationship settings and through here you can allow team parenting you can do French ship Decay percentages friendship difficulty adjustment which we'll go ahead and do right now let's just say negative 50 makes it a lot harder and if you go to 10 which is the max it'll make it a lot easier or faster I the Friendship where it's at but if I wanted to make it a little easier let's just adjust it to 10 you know let's just see how it how it works out and that's the same with romance difficulty as well if you find it too easy you know that's let's bring it down to the negatives a little bit you know maximum negative 50 make it super hard but let's do negative 25 and you can adjust this through that specific save file so just remember all your MCC settings that you do it's only for that particular save file so if you go to another save file but you don't have the maximum household of eight then you have to go in and adjust that particular save file if you also have MC woohoo which is an additional mod that you have to download when you are downloading MC Command Center is literally right up below it which is called MC woohoo if you have that then now what you can do is you can adjust the woohoo pregnancy meaning you can adjust the risky woohoo percent so when they normally do woohoo you have to do woohoo try for baby right you have to try for baby never have a baby so when you just do regular woohoo you don't have any risk of having a baby but if you want some realism you can adjust the percentage of risky woohoo so let's just say realistically let's just realistically do 30 percent chance of maybe having a baby when you do regular woohoo now that's scary right but hey it happens right so that's cool too you can also adjust to try for baby percentage like if you don't want your specific Sims in that save file to always have a baby when they try for the first time you can adjust that too again making it more realism all right well let's just do negative uh let's do like maybe a 40 chance or something or crazy or maybe 75 or whatever uh so you can adjust all that on woohoo pregnancy here's another fun little thing that you can probably do and adjust with MC woohoo um if you don't have you know Wicked whims you can kind of go into the MC woohoo stuff and actually go into SIM nudity and you can kind of adjust the nudity interactions um like nude woohoo or uh being nude and like different things you can adjust that like nude yoga you can actually enable nude yoga which is crazy um so yeah you can adjust all that stuff like specific nudity for specific genders and also ages specific ages violate for nudity under the different nudity types no ages will result in no nudity uh so you have to kind of Select which ones you would like to show uh in the nude or whatnot and then there's also woohoo actions right so if you want your teens to kind of you know be able to be able to woohoo um you can use that that as well you can allow polygamy no strings woohoo so yeah just navigate the woohoo stuff and it's it's again it's kind of cool and even Elders can try for baby if you want your elders to be able to be pregnant and have kids too that's a thing you can also allow teens and allow family if you want that type of gameplay I wouldn't encourage that type of gameplay but I don't know who's out there with that type of fetish but hey if you want to allow family to do woohoo stuff they can alright and another cool thing within this is the other settings so you can autonomously have your Sims try for baby without your acknowledgment and sometimes they can do some extreme woohoo you can allow birth control as well now we've all now I can guarantee you we are tired of our Sims dying from laughter dying from embarrassment and dying from anger right those emotional deaths now there's a way with MC Command Center that we can go ahead and disable that right so just click on a computer head on over to NC Command Center and what we're going to do this time we're going to go to mc2 and within MC tuner we're just going to change interaction behavior and this right here will allow you to change will allow child baby care you allow emotional deaths so if we don't want those emotional deaths we gonna go ahead and disable them right and on top of that we can allow instant upgrades so when enabled Sims will perform upgrades instantly and will require no components again tired of the monster on the bed you can go ahead and disable it right here through change interaction Behavior within MC Command Center also if you want to allow multiple BFFs you can allow multiple BFS because I think currently right now and I think they give you what two or three but hey I want 20 BFFs because I'm a cool Sim feel me boom allow multiple BFFs you can also allow teens to move in with each other which is cool you can disable witness death so you don't have that movement that buff so just navigate through this I'm telling you this is a lot of cool little things you could automatically put away books once they're done so if this is enabled Sims will attempt to put away books when they finish reading them or doing their homework [Music] why am I sharing all the secrets bruh all these things just require you to just navigate through the through the mod bam just go ahead and have that enabled it's already enabled for you so I guarantee you most of y'all don't even realize that it's a mod doing that you can even do friendly stay the nights so if I had that enabled you can invite people to just stay as friends you know they don't even have to be a romantic interaction anymore y'all I'm telling you y'all are sleeping on MC Command Center I guarantee you you are tired of your Sims not cleaning up after themselves but guess what you can have your Sims autonomously you can have your Sims autonomous autonomous autonomous autonomy autonomously autonomously all right let's try it you can have your sim automatically do some cleaning without even you telling them to it's all in MC tuner so go in the MC tuner go to autonomously cleaning and enable it so if you enable this any eligible Sim on a lot with an object that needs cleaning made autonomously clean so let's enable that John Brown see I'm telling you and if you want you can do autonomously you can do autonomous marriages so if this was enabled Sims can autonomously marry other sins which is crazy right I ain't gonna do I'm gonna keep that to save same with repairs you see you see something that needs repaired they can autonomously go over there and repair it because it needs repairing let's revisit MC population remember when I told you that we upped the population to 200 that will spawn look at this spot now we easily got about I don't know let's say 50 some Sims already spawning at this bar see what I'm saying this little nightclub I could guarantee you we got about 20 some people here already isn't that crazy go upstairs people out here upstairs so if you really want to like I said it's gonna slow your computer my computer looking like it's doing all right it ain't doing all right we're at 50 CPU usage because I'm also recording my screen now if I didn't have my my screen recording maybe it go down about 30 CPU usage look at all those Sims that have already spawned just on this lot right here you see what I'm saying probably slowing my computer down so let's go ahead and leave this lot that's a lot of people friends and now my friends is how you use MC Command Center put in the comments how are you going to use MC Command Center knowing all these now also put in the comments did you already know these and this is just a maybe a refresher for you either way a lot of you are using it wrong so hopefully this helps you a little bit so keep that plumb bob green because you know it ain't that hard until next time I'll see you when I see you dag Dag [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Nardvillain
Views: 88,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4, nardvillain, simmer, sims, mc command center, sims 4 mods, the sims, mc command center sims 4, the sims 4 mods, the sims mccc, mc command centre sims 4, how to install mc command center, sims 4 mods for beginners, mc command center sims 4 tutorial, mc command center sims 4 2023, mc command center sims 4 settings, mc command center teen pregnancy, mc command center sims 4 woohoo, mc command center sims 4 how to use, mc command center sims 4 relationships
Id: JPJc63fFxrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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