How to use Stripe payment links with Joshua Ackerman | AATT #48

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[Applause] what [Music] all right josh welcome to automate all the things i'm really excited to have you here thanks so much for inviting me yeah so josh you are a product manager at stripe uh tell us a little bit i guess maybe we'll start with you tell us a little bit about who who josh is and then we'll talk a little bit about payment links and about the workflow we're gonna build and then kind of jump in and build it for sure um i'm a product manager at stripe and i work on stripe checkout and payment links i've been on the stripe team for the past three years and just love working with startups and small businesses to democratize stripe and to help every business get started with stripe yeah and i think that's actually i think that we're democratized like a good place to contextualize payment links within checkout in invoices like i think stripe has done a phenomenal job of enabling businesses to to go online right to take payments such an essential part of every business and especially of going online and a very difficult one to be honest so maybe talk a little bit about stripe broadly right and where lynx fits into that ecosystem from like you need a developer to you know a layman person can set it up totally at stripe our goal is to build payments infrastructure for the internet and millions of companies of all sizes from startups to fortune 500s use stripe software and our apis to accept payments send payouts and manage manage their businesses online with payment links our goal was to allow businesses to accept one-time payments or recurring payments by easily creating a link to an online payment page and then sharing that link and payment links can be shared anywhere on the internet they can be shared via an email newsletter in social media content on facebook and twitter they can be shared in support interactions or directly with customers via text message and you could even generate a qr code to share a payment link our goal was to create a no code super easy way of getting started with stripe so that every business can accept their first payment online yeah i love it as someone who has gone and i don't know if addictors or whatever that feeling of getting paid from online is just such a an amazing feeling and you know my my my understanding until today right was at stripe very developer focused very developer friendly platform but invoices was something that you know i've streamed before and showed that you can use without code and payment links is is something different right so i think a lot of folks in the chat and penny is mentioning that stripe already makes her life infinitely easier and i imagine that's through invoicing right so how about what is when would i use links versus something like stripe invoices uh or that more developer kind of implementation heavy stripe that we know and already love totally stripe will forevermore be developer centric and that is our priority we want to build the highest class apis for developers to use and get started and accept their first payments for every use case um with stripe invoicing invoicing is an amazing tool for merchants who have pre-agreed upon an existing sale with a customer and payment links is a great tool for merchants who are still in selling mode and who might not even know who their customers are payment links is a really easy way to just distribute your checkout page and start accepting payments and getting a sense of have i reached product market fit yet right so let me kind of say that back to you is that invoicing is like hey i did this service for you i sold you this good you know you either have that good or we have that agreement in place i'm gonna go ahead and send out that invoice you know similar you create a customer you you put out your credit card right i can control how much when it's due things like that whereas links is more of hey i don't know who you are i don't know if you want to buy this but if you do when you're ready on your kind of terms whether that's tomorrow or six months from now go ahead and buy you know whatever it is i'm selling and i can just integrate that into whatever platform i want whether it's a website or a text message i'm a barber really so it's more of like we don't need to have an agreement in place i can just send you that link whenever you're ready go ahead and pay it right does that make sense it's like yeah that's exactly right and the cool thing is that like businesses may have both use cases so we've actually seen plenty of merchants who are actually using stripes invoicing products and stripe payment links for different use cases depending on who they're selling to and what products they're selling for example let's say that i'm a merchant selling i might be selling you know one-off t-shirts and sweatshirts via payment links and then i might be processing bulk orders via invoicing for like large um large clients that i'm selling to and customizing my goods just for them totally that makes total sense so some examples colleen mentioned you know uh you know folks being like hey just pay me five dollars right i put the stream on for free maybe i'll drop a payment link in the description be like hey if you ever want to buy me a coffee you know go ahead and use this payment link we don't have an agreement in place you just came onto youtube and watch it pre-orders is probably another example right so just creating this idea like we don't know each other but you may be interested in whatever it is i'm selling i just need a link so with that i'm kind of really excited to dive in here so again in the chat let me know what you're hoping we cover and i'm gonna go ahead and and jump into our kind of agenda for today what we're gonna go ahead and cover so folks you should see that and now josh you should be good as well there we go let's hide that okay let's bring up our agenda okay so first we're gonna do basic let's set up a payment link let's accept a payment let's see if we can do that in under 10 minutes or even five minutes really get set up right and our use case gonna be today is actually one that's very near dear to my heart which is selling online courses right uh uh a lot of folks here you know first i i got to know them through the essential guide to air table and it's something i sold online my first thing i ever sold online and i got to say setting a payment for that was a nightmare so i'm really excited to see how quickly we can set that up and then let's say someone buys it right we're going to send back that customer information back into a crm in our case that's going to be airtable the one we have up there and then we're going to go into more of that chunky cool stuff which is what if i have like five payment links and i want to be able to know which customer bought which uh payment link and really kind of do more that heavy lifting automation to make our lives easier uh excited josh let's do it let me know do it i'm pumped yeah let me know in the chat if you're excited and yeah okay so a good place to start feels like airtable dashboard so i'm going to go into my kind of dashboard here i'm in test testing mode where we're going to stay in testing mode so let's say josh i am a i i don't know where to go so how do i create my first payment link let's get something up and running and what are kind of the prerequisites what do i need to set up to be able to create it the good thing is that getting started with stripe and generating your first payment link is super easy um all you have to have is a notion of what product you want to sell so we'll go ahead and we'll jump into the products tab in the dashboard and then we'll find payment links which is right underneath products got it okay and just knew i already did one way before cause i was testing out but just create a new one let's jump into it yeah let's create a brand new panel link i'm a little worried we're gonna end this room too quickly it's gonna be too like too quick too easy so you gotta put some friction into it uh okay let's create a link okay so and then okay tell me about it so the great thing is that you can actually customize this link and the first part of it that you'll customize is which product you're selling so in the upper left hand corner of your screen you can go ahead and choose to sell an existing product that you've already created in stripe or you can add a brand new product and let's start from scratch let's start with a new product let's go ahead and add so this is essentially the line item that i'm including in my my payment right so this is what that person is purchasing exactly it's the thing that your customers will see that you're selling to them and the cool thing here is that you can choose to sell a one-time product or a recurring subscription via a payment link okay got it so let's imagine i'm creating a new course so let's call it essential guide to airtable course right and okay i need an image let me find my find that boom adding a little logo here description get the essential okay how much should i charge that's a good question uh chat let me know how much how much would you pay for the essential guide here it's maybe people have to i'm gonna i used to sell this for like i think i made four dollars a sale it was a really bad pricing on my part but let's say people will say 15 15 feels reasonable maybe a little underpriced but it's okay and so you're saying i could have a recurring set totally right so for example if you wanted to invite everyone to join a let's say weekly or monthly course and give them access to that uh that could be a recurring subscription that then you would charge them on a monthly basis for example right right uh do we okay price description that's totally fine let's say 15. we're going to keep it to one time right uh uh colleen appreciate the kind words uh it was priceless thank you i i still would like a number i still need to put a number i can't put priceless year uh but hopefully it is worth more than 15 that's the value people get out of it okay so that's going to go ahead and create a new product in stripe right so we're adding that product in and now i can see that the kind of preview is associated to that is there really any kind of other things that you want to that we should know about as we're creating this checkout or this this payment link two quick things first you'll notice that you can customize the branding and here it looks like aaron has already done so such that like the branding is totally in line with um right your company right um but all that can be customized your logo your brand color your accent color and then if we jump back into the payment links creation flow you'll notice that we could even preview this both on desktop and on mobile and the cool thing is that by default payment links come out of the box with both google pay and apple pay enabled and so if you ever have a customer that's purchasing on mobile they can just one-click purchase using google and apple pay yeah and what i you know we had uh we had sean wang uh swix it was better known as talk about payment links last week and i think what what really struck me is that you guys have hundreds of engineers kind of optimizing this page for conversion right so there's an ability to to create out of the box custom payment pages with stripe but you could almost say that you are endlessly working and making this page easier and more friendly and more have broader reach more accessible that's right we think about conversion of this page all day every day and we have a whole team of engineers that is exclusively dedicated to how can we make this the highest converting fee converting checkout experience because we know that the effort that we put in impacts millions of merchants that use stripe every day and billions of customers totally um the one other thing that i'd call out here is we have all those customization options on the left so we can choose to enable promotion codes if we want to for example um sell something on sale via payment links right um we could allow customers to adjust quantity so let's say that they wanted to be able to buy two or three courses and then share those with a friend um and then lastly you could also collect addresses right so some businesses may want to collect the billing address for their customers and other businesses that are shipping physical goods may also want to uh collect shipping addresses as well so this is like a almost an e-commerce like it's almost ever like the payment side of you know i can almost build like a little e-commerce business just with the payment links right so i remember during uh well i mean still in the pandemic there are people like instagramming i'm just gonna deliver muffins right i'm baking muffins and and payment was like a huge thing because would have to like venmo people they could have just had a stripe payment links collect the shipping ship it you move move all their processes to air table and then just track the muffins that they're shipping right so i know it's for me those small use cases are really exciting right because it's a business that wouldn't exist otherwise but i'm sure you can imagine this going on a much much larger scale totally and that's our goal is like you know you don't need to spin up a whole website to start selling things online now you can just generate a payment link and start sharing that payment link with all of this functionality and customization built right in so whether you're you know delivering muffins selling a course or you know building a new startup you can really begin to do so using payment links yeah okay so let's create it or any we're good to go and now we have the link and i imagine if i you know it's live it's hosted it's this is a test obviously but you know i can start buying things right it's like this is good to go and you should we should we give it a test should we give it an example let's go for it yeah i'm gonna do the classic you know i'm gonna act like i'm a developer and i know those uh those 4242 keys but it's mainly just i know from stickers on twitter i know that that is what the test is not because i'm a i'm a developer okay let's go ho ho ho hopefully that works or it'll test if i'm in canada and for anyone who's joining the stream and hasn't used right before what aaron is referring to as those four two four two that's our test credit card for stripe um and so whenever you're using stripe and test mode before going live you can use that test credit card number to confirm your integration works and just as we saw from that stripe checkout page that aaron just just uh took us through we can now see that the payment was successful so how would i a good question okay let's imagine my my workflow is in stripe right i'm just kind of where do i see that that has happened right so where can i see maybe that customer's email just what happens post payment totally so you can see all the details about a successful payment um via stripe and also is obviously part of the stream we'll go ahead and we'll even take a look at how to get that information out of stripe and into air table yeah um but yeah you'll be able to see that if you go into payments you'll be able to see that successful payment that just went through awesome yeah we've got you know a a bunch of work and and just truly i think this is one of the beautiful things about stripe is that i i don't trust many things to work but stripe i trust to work right there's you know looks at risk evaluation looks at so much information to make sure that every credit card every payment type is accepted and it's just one of those beautiful things that just work so you know this imagine is like okay well that person just bought my course and you know they've paid for it it's charged their credit card uh um and so i guess a good kind of next step you know uh and i'm happy let me know in the chat if there any other questions around the dashboard right around how do we know that that payment what i'm more we're not more curious what kind of next step is is how do we go about integrating stripe into our broader workflow of our company right so maybe we have i don't know a crm right whatever that i use airtable because that's what i know and love but maybe it's you know use an erp or or some service or you just need to know okay this person has paid i need to do something right i need to deliver a service so how uh how do we go about kind of going the next step which is sending customer information elsewhere right so i'm happy to do an error table maybe josh speak to us a little bit about what kind of functionality what are the options uh to be able to send information from stripe to other tools out there whether it's you know sending an email sending to another platform or we'll show off airtable totally um and there was even a question about sharing the payment link itself in the chat and how that can be done so let's talk about both part one is you know first you've generated that payment link and what do you do with it well the cool thing is that you can share that payment link anywhere on the internet and that payment link will always be accessible to you in your dashboard you can copy it right out of your dashboard as erin has and you can share that payment link in an email newsletter on social media directly with customers via text message or support interactions and you can even turn your payment link into a qr code right colleen had mentioned um the use case of you know let's say that a merchant is selling at a farmer's market could they create a qr code to redirect customers to their payment link and then keep track of transactions coming in of the physical goods they're selling and the answer is yes you could totally point a qr code directly to a payment link and then just start accepting payments from that payment link yeah and you can even generate multiple payment links so if you're selling multiple goods at a farmer's market just create three different payment links one for each different thing you're selling and you can start accepting payments now to come back to your question erin about like all right so once a payment has been processed what do we do with that information well of course as you showed earlier all that information is saved in the stripe dashboard and we'll create a brand new customer object so that you have the details of who purchased what then we can take that information out of stripe and we can pipe that information into other tools like airtable and we also have an integration with zapier so even if you want a totally no-code way of getting started you can get information out of the straight dashboard about the transaction and pipe it into another tool yeah so i know that i would say most automators and automate all the things or stripe users and maybe power users is the right word so i'm gonna go ahead and drop in the chat that link to your documentation it's actually very similar to what we're going to go ahead and do in a moment which is you know you receive a web hook and then you parse it and then you send it to the crm so i just said the word web hook which is my personal favorite word after maybe air table and automation so that represents one of the ways or your kind of way to communicate to other apps so uh maybe for folks who are their first time on the stream or you say what what is a web hook and how do i go about and configure it in a stripe which will be the starting point for zapier or any other tool you're kind of integrating to totally so to put it simply web hooks are automated messages that are sent from an app when something happens and in the case of stripe we have webhook events that you can receive every time a transaction is completed that way you can take the data out of stripe about the transaction and put it into an air table for example and we'll go through and show you exactly what that looks like step by step so that you can get the data out of stripe put it in another tool and then use it yeah totally so uh webhook it sends out like a like an event it sends out something like hey we've received the payment if you want that information we're gonna send it to you right uh cj who's in the chat loves to talk about phone number right so uh let's go ahead and set one up so this is the starting point for the zapier and for the airtable integration right so we're going to send a webhook send that call to say hey we want a stripe has a payment you said you wanted that information let's go ahead and give it to you so i'm gonna go into i went into developers i clicked web hook my favorite favorite part of stripe i gotta say and we're gonna add an end point right this is saying for what for what action do you want me to send that event that information and where right so let's do the endpoint url in a moment because i have to set that up in air table but what event what kind of there are what feels like hundreds of events right so what event do we want to send to those others in case of a payment link like a successful sale totally you'll probably notice as soon as you open this field that there are tons of different events that you can send out of stripe the one that we're really interested in for this use case is we want to know when a transaction has completed via our payment links payment page and so we'll go ahead and we'll use the checkout session completed webhook and by using that web book will receive an event every time someone has made a successful purchase via a payment link awesome so there's a question from dan are we going to be able to differentiate the different payment links that's actually the last part right so uh in kind of step three here once we've got the mvp integration which is assuming one payment link for one product we're gonna go ahead and how do we upgrade that to be able to differentiate the different payment links that that person has purchased so uh stay till the end what's up uh okay so we need to then the endpoint url is saying where do you want me to send this information this event right in error table uh we can go ahead and go to air table automations um open one and let's go ahead and create a new automation which is new course sale and is what i always say so this is a trigger what sets the automation in motion we do not have a native stripe integration so whenever you don't have a native integration and air table you can use when web hook received let's make this a little smaller and it'll provide a url that's that cj's way of saying uh that phone number right so let's copy error table's phone number or this automation's phone number let's go into web hooks and just copy paste that and this is saying that is the f that is the number you need to call when someone has a checkout session completed in our case you can actually create like multiple events but in error table and i think with most kind of integration tools it's best to just it's only possible i think if you have one right so that we don't need to then parse and know we can do that in the tool itself after the fact so we're adding that endpoint and that's pretty much it right this is saying when a payment happens let's go ahead and kind of uh tell air table so everything else happens in air table so let's send a test web hook right right let's send a test web hook this is telling us the uh i'm i jot stop me here i know i get excited about web hooks tell me if i'm saying anything that's incorrect but this is a sample right this is all the information it's going to send it's going to say some metadata around the payment data around the session itself right so just information that might be relevant to us so let's send that test web hook let's go back to here let's go ahead and run that test and see how error table kind of perceives or understands that web hook so one thing that i would add here is if if you're a no code enthusiast and building your first stripe payment link and selling online for the very first time i hope that you know this isn't intimidating it's really doable and following like these specific steps hopefully feels approachable um we're obviously excited to like take stripe and strike payment links and build a ton of no-code integrations just like the one aaron is showing you today with airtable um and if there are others that you want to see us add like please don't hesitate to reach out and if individuals like aaron and i can support you as you're getting started with stripe and payment links and airtable for the first time please give a shout we're happy to do so yeah totally so i'm gonna drop the template i'm gonna include the link to this template right that has the structure uh and you know josh has direct channels that you can send him feedback also you can always tweet at me which feels like the main channel for questions around automation i'm always always happy to answer okay so we've received the web hook in air table and now air tables has parsed it which says that it has the ability to say okay you can use the event id or the type or the object in the data object right so status has been payment method there's a bunch of information that we're pulling in from a stripe customer email customer details currency this is a test payment so that it's not filled out right let's actually go ahead i think and and put a customer in right and and see the live data and what that feels like so we can then put the right information into our air table base so let me go back to that web hook let me go into i should have saved that url payment links here we go and i promise i'll let folks submit it as well in just a moment oops i don't know if that's going to work there we go that's a properly canadian there we go so this checkout complete we've paid the session should trigger a web hook so if we go here we go into web hooks come here we should see that it's succeeded right that's the one we just ran so if i go back into air table let me know in the chat if i'm going too quickly here uh and i test again i should see that information from the checkout right i go into data object this is uh is it customer details email right and so clicking through this is usually how i do this is probably a better way right kind of looking at the information that i need so if we're looking at air table well i have a user's table which is related to a courses table so this is what what i'm selling my course right now let's add the payment link whoops let's go back to stripe checkout let's go back oh i gotta input it again sorry about that go into products payment links in here i want to say whenever someone buys this course add their user information their customer information in this table and associate the course that they've purchased and then ideally send them the course right we can do that from here table so we'll send an email to that person to say like hey you've purchased purchased the essential guide to airtable here's the url for your course go ahead and watch it on whenever you want so the next step here so we have our web hook is to go ahead and create a record so we're going to create a record in our users table and josh you can ask questions whenever you know feel free to pipe in i know i'm in my side of the of the workflow here i don't know how familiar you are with airtable love airtable i one other thing that i also wanted to mention is that aaron is obviously demoing this in canadian dollars as a canadian merchant and i just wanted to mention that payment links and stripe overall actually works with over 40 countries around the world and over 135 different currencies and so regardless of where you're located or who you want to sell to and in what currency all of that is supported via stripe and as aaron showed you from the event that we piped out of stripe and into airtable you can get information and data about not only who you're selling to but where they're buying from and what currency they use to purchase all via that event that we received from stripe yeah totally there's a bunch of information here um okay so let's create the record so we're gonna go ahead and in our users table this one right here go ahead and kind of fill out the fields that we want i'm just gonna fill out a few right but there's no it's not a limit you can really kind of fill out whatever you want right so the name right uh um so let's go ahead and get the customer's name from step one so if i go into here do where do i see customer name so data object customer details metadata do i get the name of the customer in that first web webhook um in this case i get the email yep okay we can use that i think the email is will be our unique identifier here okay so let's use email here and then let's go ahead and delete this one and let's go we're changing up on the fly there we go so let's type in the customer email and in in the next step we'll show how to get more additional details from that payment link so we're going to go into the web hook going to go into the body into data into object into customer details and then email and i'm gonna have to kind of say that back to myself so i go into the web hook i go into body i go into object nope it was data if i'm not mistaken go to data object customer details email so i'm just parsing out right where in that whole event what piece do i need purchase at is automated status is going to be paid we know that they've paid right that's why we're receiving this web hook we don't need any information from here and then the course again we know that this web hook comes from the essential guide to air table so i can associate that course to this right here so one thing pro tip here if you want to associate linked records get the primary field that you want to associate go into course and just copy paste that and because the primary fields match airtable understand that it is a linked record and it is going to go ahead and create that record so it's run the test and if all went well we see that that user has a um that we've just created the user it was that simple right so i'm actually gonna go ahead and drop the url in the chat and then cj or whoever go ahead and and fill it out this works like we've got the automation running and then the first person to fill it out we'll do a quick success and uh yeah go ahead and fill out that payment what should happen is whenever you purchase it we should see your email note that it is going to be publicly visible so both make sure it's something that is acceptable and second that is not your email unless you want to publicly expose it that's up to you uh um so josh while people are filling it out and testing this out anything to kind of add before we jump into that more fun for me anyway of like how do we retrieve more information uh around different payment links more customer details things like that totally and so i gotta turn it on i gotta turn it on sorry whoops so if anyone filled it out i forgot to turn it on number one mistake in air table automations and don't forget one quick note is that as you're using that link that aaron shared um i just wanted to mention that there's no need to fill in your real credit card information and details you can just use the 4214 credit card test credit card um as well and that will allow you to complete the purchase one other quick note is that there's a ton of additional detail and i feel like we could probably do a whole other stream on how to get even more customer information out of stripe um and we'll save that for another time but for now hopefully we'll get a really strong mvp running so that you can see yourselves using this and getting your business off the ground and it looks like we even have three different individuals who went through and submitted a successful payment boom i think that's a success i think that's it confetti going got the horns going it took us 35 minutes to get this all running and frankly we monopolized kind of explaining everything i think you can get this up and running in 10 minutes so really really impressive stuff uh um so yeah i'm so excited so uh you know this for me this is the most fun like i would have totally used this had this been available for the essential guide to air table don't need to worry about website don't just like hey do people want this does anyone want to pay fifteen dollars or ten thousand dollars like colleen would have paid uh to buy the essential guide to air table i like i don't need that much infrastructure and this would have been perfect so um yeah i'm really excited to see what people build and uh yeah just just phenomenal product really uh so far and we're actually gonna up the level here in just a moment thank you yeah one other quick thing to mention that i've been really excited to see is we're even seeing startups and small businesses that are testing different business models using uh payment links so for example let's say that you want to test you know would my customers rather purchase an annual subscription or a monthly subscription you can just generate two different payment links and run an a b test and compare like which subscription is more efficacious for my company um so just wanted to mention that like that's a super cool way of using payment links you could even generate multiple payment links and a b test them for the same product across different social media platforms or in different email newsletters and get a sense of like what's performing best yeah and it's awesome to see all the uh yeah all the test uh transactions still coming into the statement link yeah and into air table as well so let's actually go ahead and up like one thing i forgot is i forgot to add the email right so let's go ahead and send an email right and then we'll we'll do the so let's go ahead and send the email to the person right so to the person that just purchased this course so some of you might want to have to fill this out again if you want so let's go ahead and it was in uh data object customer details email right and then i could say your essential guide to air table and this is such an easy way of fulfilling all those orders that we just got yeah and we can do it all in an automated way so your course is here and then i have an air table share link right which is just my course and this is truly what i use to create the essential guide to airtable so it has you know the the course the youtube url right which is an un it was an unlisted url and then the air table base if you wanted to use that kind of template that i show in that and honestly again this would have been so much simpler because i control this i can change it right uh and then there you go so now i have a business right so let's let's update that let's turn it off and on again as you're running this test erin one quick thing to mention there was a question from colleen in the chat about if you could add a reference tag to payment links so that you could track the source this isn't something that's possible yet but it's something that we're really excited about and for now the the workaround is just creating different payment links maybe one for each channel that you're going to be posting to one for twitter one for facebook one for instagram etc and then you can track exactly how many purchases you're getting from each source via the separate payment links awesome um so there's a question of could you have like a base price and then an add-on price if i'm not mistaken the answer is that's not available either and i know people are pitching it people are pitching requests which is a good thing people are excited oh it's great um please keep pushing us uh and we the exciting thing is like we're dedicating so much energy internally to already making improvements to payment links and so we're really excited about the idea of offering a minimum purchase price and then allowing your customers to choose like here's how much i would like to pay for this um so that's something that um will be coming in a quite similar vein we're even going to be opening up payment links for the donations use case for charities and non-profits so if you want to share a payment link and then allow the customer to determine here's how much i want to pay or here's how much i want to donate that's going to be possible as well not entirely possible yet but coming soon and if you're interested in being part of the beta launch for that um please don't hesitate to reach out and get in touch and we'll be happy to give you early access awesome okay so i want to get back to the question dan asked dan thank you thank you for your patience what if i have multiple payment links and i want to be able to differentiate which one came in right if we look at this web hook right here right there's there's no like hey this is the course that was purchased or like embedded in this kind of workflow we've created so far is the assumption that every course sold is the essential guide to error table right so uh how do we go ahead and get additional information about that purchase that just happened right another question was name right uh information about what they purchased just more information so we have the full picture around what was purchased and then be able to differentiate the course that was purchased totally and the cool thing is all the additional data about customers is available for example like customer name is available in the expanded customer object and in terms of differentiating between payment links we have a few different ways that we could do that we could even use a different air table base for each payment link or we could get the data about where the transaction came from and pipe that data into air table too okay so how would we i know you know i know i i i'm maybe foreshadowing here but i talked to to to cj and he said you know you can use get the checkout right so from so for folks who are maybe a little more technical right we're going to go into maybe some some gray zones here could we go ahead and get additional information about this transaction this checkout session to be able to get you know the course that they purchase or those line items totally let's do it okay so uh uh if i remember correctly this is where you're i'm gonna need your help and cj stay on you know stay in the chat stay focused because i might need your help so essentially we wanna go to get the the event that you mentioned right which is let's just kind of search for checkout right so checkout session uh list all checkout sessions no i don't think that's what we want here checkout session so this is what we've already this is what we have right totally so right what we have today is the checkout complete session completed web hook so how do we retrieve a session so what we want to do is we want to first figure out what the stripe checkout session id is right and that can be pulled off of the input from the previous action right which was the web hook that we received so we can get yes got it so we can get that that checkout session id and then we can use that check it checkout session id to build a url for making a get api request to strike okay got it and and then oh go ahead where would i find the documentation around how do i shrug is it so this i have sessions and then is this the session id that we're oh so this is it right here so this is we want to construct this url which is go to the checkout go to this session right this one right here and that variable that we're gonna pull from step one so i'm gonna go ahead copy this and it's gonna be a get call you have to go slowly with me so get go to checkout sessions get the id from step one right so this is this right here so we in error table to call an api from air table automation requires a script so we're going to run a quick script okay yeah i want to mention before we dive into this yeah this part is for the no code enthusiasts who really want to push themselves yes and this is this is the audience we've got totally totally um and basically what we're going to do is we're going to use that checkout session id and construct the url for making a get request to the stripe api we're pass we're going to pass in the expand line items and expand customers parameter so that the data that we get back from the api will include the related line items that we sold in our payment link as well as data about the customer such as the customer's name yeah totally so we're going to run a fetch call which is how do you run apis in a in air table right so we're going to go ahead and and do a get call right so this right here and just a quick name yeah go ahead um i think we're going to need the original id that you copied i think may have been the event id so um we're looking for the checkout session id not the id right here the object no uh data object id right here and that looks like it okay we'll give it a try so uh uh all right cj is on the ball i appreciate it you should come to every stream right oh cj cj even put a step-by-step guide of how to get that id into the chat thanks cj that's amazing so if i go back to the documentation here copy paste this and just kind of reconstruct this url right so i want to go ahead and call that get call this is quite a long let's remove this uh this authentication we're going to put it in in a moment i just want the url so we're going to go a little back ticks here i know it's not like the most can you guys see what i'm typing or is it two so i can zoom in is this better or is that too big now let me know so this is where we want to go ahead and put that session id right and let's actually give it a variable first i know it's also hard to look at someone else's code josh so i'm going to go ahead and call let session id equal input dot config so right and then i want let me just console log that session id cj keep me honest here there goes let's just test that see what that output is great so session id is that string right that we want to pass into the url so this went from no code to code real fast right uh so we want two little back ticks here so we can input like that so we want to input into a string like that boom and then i want session id right here and just a quick note here for all the individuals that may be giving this a try after the stream concludes if you want hands-on support or help as you're getting started feel free to reach out to us at the straight team and we're happy to to provide hands-on help and guide you through this as well yeah yeah we're gonna remove that little url here and then we all we actually need to this is this feels like a lot of work but all we're gonna need to do here i think is go ahead and pass in the authentication parameters right so we want to go ahead and pass in this authentication right so those are headers so if i go look at the documentation here so it's fetch oops fetch oh i need to make a little smaller so i can see the documentation apologies folks can you see at this level is this too small let me know in the chat and then i want method equal get right right here so we're going to add a little curly brackets man it must be painful to watch someone like me write code as like someone who does this professionally i need a comma here and then we want to do method get okay then you can see awesome and then do we just need headers content type and authorization awesome so content type and this is always app i don't know if it's always application json but in this case in this case it's going to be this then the other thing we need is um the authorization which in my case if i go to stripe dashboard oops sorry about that it is in home is it the secret key uh here you're looking for the stripe api key um yep those are those are them you got it okay so this one right here yep do i need i just need the so uh authorization and do i need the bearer in front i think i do you do but you also i think you want to use this in test mode instead of live mode oh i think i am in test mode i am in test mode right so this should be my test api key if i'm not mistaken i'm gonna assume that's a yes yeah oh where is the test mode key you just refresh it you go yeah if you go into the developers tab oh api keys okay got it yep then you can get your test mode api key right there okay great we got this folks we got this boom and then i think we're good seeing us we have an error oh it's gonna put a dot here all right and then i think we that should be our api call and again we'll have a uh and we need to let response and then we console log it crossing figures hope this works error object it says secret key required okay i put in the wrong key there we go this looks like it should work i think it should be the one that starts with sk test oh okay and maybe i put in so if we go here yep oh we didn't copy it that's the right one okay boom whatever happened here invalid checkout session okay so is this dot something or is it because it's a string let me go console.log session id session id is right here so it says cs underscore test is that the right session id oh dot session okay got it yeah there you go that's my fault okay got it it's good to have two folks helping me write code okay great okay so here in the output now we have way more information right in the uh uh payment types total details i think we have line items we should have that somewhere as well here right we have amount that they've paid in cents so there's way more information that we can then and the one that we want if i look here checkout session okay great where cj can i find those actual uh the expanded where i can find the line items now what we'll want to do is we'll use the expand line items and expand customers uh string very query string variables to get the expanded details about the customer and about the line item okay great and is that in the url parameter right right here um sorry it's a little hard for me to see okay okay yeah cj's got it so add these query string parameters so we're gonna create expand like that thanks cj equal customer and expand equal line items so again this is more of the advanced automate all the things section this is just telling us now we have that information in right here and then we have customer we have all of that information customer details line items and we even have like the essential guide to airtable so this is what we want to pull out that way we can differentiate from the multiple payment links and then last thing we need to do here and then we're going to be done he's going to go ahead and pass so output.set so checkout session and we're just going to pass in the response so we're going to call this checkout session whoops and we're going to pass in the response that way we can reuse that in future steps output set oh we need to okay let let checkout session equal so we actually need to pass that in as a variable not only counsel log it here we go whoops boom awesome great last step here now we want to associate the right course so so far we've been hard coding it but now it's a variable so we can go into step one go into the output where was it it was in customer details nope i think line items should be here somewhere line items continue i think it's in data nope it's in object oh here it is okay description insert okay testing this one last time and now when we create that user that final step it should associate the right essential guide to airtable it just did right here and we're done so that's the way you differentiate i know it took a little bit more time than we expected so let me know in the chat if that makes sense so you can just reuse this script all you're going to have to do is go ahead and put in your api key right here expand the right information that you need for your particular kind of additional information and then input those in the following steps in the email wherever you want so now you have the kind of full breadth of a power that payment links provides so let me know thumbs up i know it was a little more difficult than we expected or for my part uh i also want to emphasize especially to everyone tuning in that you can do so much even without writing a line of code here and all the second part of this uh live stream that we've done together is really for individuals who want like a crazy amount of power when you're using the stripe and air table combined but i actually think for for many of the individuals that are tuning in today just number one creating a payment link in stripe number two uh getting the web hook events out of stripe and number three piping that data right into air table that's going to be already like a full featured flip and i'm super excited for everyone to give it a try um i think with all the explanation that aaron and i added in um we kind of dragged it out quite a bit but i'd actually challenge each of you i think you can do all three of those steps in less than five minutes so i'd encourage you to go back watch the stream again give it another try and reach out to aaron and i if you need to and for anyone who actually does want to do the second half of you know building this full-featured integration that's something that we can totally support yet on too but i want you to know that like you don't need to do any of that to actually use these two products together we do it for fun right so i i do want to end with what i know there's a lot of things like you already mentioned extra payments right uh um i'm sure you have like a full-fledged very full roadmap so what are some of the things that folks can expect in terms of next steps here with payment links uh uh and i think that's a really good place to end totally so a few of the things that we mentioned already is the ability to accept an adjustable amount from your customers that's something we're really excited to bring to payment links we're also going to be launching in the very near future the ability to customize what the success state looks like so when a transaction has completed what do your customers see where do you send them to that's something that we're really excited to bring to payment links soon a few other quick things i wanted to mention that we're working on are we're going to be adding just tons of additional features into payment links around shipping taxes more billing modes um and we're eventually also going to build an api for payment links as well so that you can create payment links via an api if that's something that you're interested in overall if you want early access to any of these features please don't hesitate to reach out i will be happy to give you early access to any of them and you can feel free to reach out to me via email or via twitter awesome okay well again josh huge thanks for coming on thank you everyone for joining us next week we're gonna have alloy automation come on and talk about automating ecommerce uh so yeah so thanks again josh really excited keep us in the loop with payment links and i think we'll have to have you back and show us uh uh you know maybe maybe sooner than folks expect and truly build out even more stuff with everything you guys are going to build so again truly huge thanks and and thanks again for everyone who joined my pleasure thanks so much to everyone for tuning in bye y'all
Channel: Automate All the Things
Views: 2,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airtable webhooks, airtable, airtable demo, airtable training, airtable tutorial, airtable consultant, airtable consulting, no code, nocode, airtable basics, airtable project management, airtable tutorial for beginners, Stripe, payment links, Stripe payment links, easy payment, stripe payments, payments with stripe, stripe payment, how to setup a payment link, stripe integration, accept payments with stripe, accept payments online, no code stripe
Id: beE5w45N4Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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