How to use Sharpies with the Cricut Joy

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hi welcome back to my channel my name is Vanessa from artsy NASA please don't forget to hit subscribe and like and as well if you like the little bell on the site to get notifications when I have a new video so today what I'm going to show you is how to use Sharpie pens in your Cricut joy my Cricut joy came with just one black pen which I realized I don't have me lid oh here it is sorry how was playing around with it before so cricut joy gives you the black pen and you can definitely go buy the other pens michaels is closed the shipping is too expensive i and i looked up how to use different pens so i found how to use sharpies in your cricut joy so I'm gonna show you quickly just a small video here today so I went into the free images and I'm gonna just pick something quite simple or something that I can use again so I'm gonna click this thank you one so kind of like it and I could use it in a card or something now this one is telling me that it's not for cricket joy okay me because I need to make it smaller so let me try to make this smaller edit oops I'm gonna go with four so this one is actually if I understood correctly it's a draw and it's gonna cut it for me so that's awesome we're gonna going to show you both then in in one video so sorry I'm just gonna clean this a little bit so you're gonna take your sharpie pen and basically you're gonna need rubber bands now if you'd have the [Music] the rainbow loom bands or tiny little elastics free kids hairs or when you do hair your hair with braids that would be better I didn't find any so all they had were regular lastic bags but I'm making it work so with regular elastic band you'll have to wrap it around a couple of times until it's not loose at all and you'll kind of bunch them all up at the top except for the last one so kind of just needs one and that's why the rainbow loom or the elastics for the hair would be better so so we're gonna go through this so I did it for by 3.99 and I'm only gonna make one to do to make this video kind of quick and so I'm gonna click make and on the mat and I'm gonna click continue connect so of course the first thing I wants me to do is dry it um so I'm gonna it's gonna tell me load your midnight a pen so it tells you what color but the Cricut joy doesn't know what color I'm putting in so it doesn't really matter so I'm gonna put in my pen and you kind of gotta wiggle it so that the elastic band fits in there and you have got a look at the bottom of your Cricut joy let me see if I could show you right here you just gotta see the tip of the pen coming out and you close it that's it so as long as you see the tip of the pen make sure that you're seeing this yeah a little bit maybe I'll put up put it some more light sorry about the color change but you see how the tip of the pen is just coming out that's perfect that's all you need and it's gonna right so but you need the elastic band because the sharpies are not fat enough around here I'm going to show you the trick and joy pen quick a joy pen is fatter around on-camera they kind of look the same but or you can tell that the cricket Jo is just a tiny bit fatter so you need the elastic band to have grip so that it this thing holds it properly so now I'm going to go ahead and do this quickly so now he's gonna draw first you hear noises in the background my son is awake watching a video this video does all the drawing you want and think you can tell already that it's drawing perfectly fine with the sharpie marker which is great and you can use it needs to be the fine tip I didn't try it with a thicker one but I'm assuming that it's just not gonna it's not gonna draw properly it's gonna be too thick and it's not gonna look nice so make sure it's the thin Sharpie ultrafine point that's what I'm using permanent marker way the elastic if you have the rainbow loom or hair elastics the tiny little hair elastics that would work much better but as you can see these work just fine I wrap it around until it's tight enough and then I just leave a part of it I wiggle it into the part of the quicker dry where you put the blade or the regular pens and now it's telling me to put in my my blade which that's not what the video is about but as you can see the Sharpie pens worked out great it's gonna cut it and I'll show you how it turns out in the end and you can just leave your elastic there the whole time I just push it up and keep it there and so I unload and then I can show you that it drew it perfectly no issues Cricut joy doesn't know the difference if it's a WoW I don't see a difference maybe people use the Cricut joy pens more often do see the difference I don't I think it worked great I'm happy with the results so I'll be using my sharpies from now on if if if I ever need I might go and check the other colors or what they have and maybe buy some more Cricut joy pens but for now these are working great for me I'm happy about it and that's how I did it with the elastic bands like I hope you liked the video I hope that it helps you if you need to use sharpies or if you didn't know about it and if you have any other ideas you can always put them in the comments don't forget to Like and subscribe and thank you so much for coming have a great day
Channel: Artsy Nessa
Views: 17,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sharpies, cricut joy, paper, draw, diy, craft
Id: IWN776jsNJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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