How to use Selenium IDE

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Welcome to our ADM Lucid automation testing Channel we'll have a series of talks about selenium automation testing which will help you understand the basics of selenium and also guide you to build your own selenium automation project you may access our test project and guide in the description below feel free to subscribe to our channel for any new videos and updates in today's video we will talk about the selenium IDE so the selenium IDE is a browser automation tool an integrated development environment primarily using uh used for automating web browsers uh you can use you can use the selum IDE as a browser extension for Firefox and chrome and it allows you to record and Playback interactions with a web page and this makes it easier to create automated tasks and scripts for web application testing and web scraping So Below there's three main General cap like general functionalities of the IDE the first is it allows you to record and Playback so cenum IDE allows you to record your interactions with a website such as clicks form submissions and other actions and then you can play it back also the slim ID allows you to do scripting so you can edit and enhance the recorded scripts using the interacted uh integrated code editor and this enables you to customize and add condition loops and more to your automated tests and the final function that we want to focus on is the cross uh the cross browser cap capability uh capability and so the Sal IDE is available as a browser extension for both Firefox and chrome allowing you to automate tasks in these popular web browsers uh and here we have four more main functions of this Lim so first export and Playback um using selenium ID you can export your recorded scripts and play them back in different browsers and environments using selenium web driver next is assertion and verification so the selum IDE supports various assertions and uh verification commands that help you verify the state and behavior of web elements during automation this uh the third thing on this page is flow control so celo IDE it provides commands for flow control such as loops and conditions uh which allow you to create more complex automation scripts the fourth thing is data driven testing which we talked about in our previous video as well uh check out our series if you haven't uh if you want to refresh your memory about data driven testing but using slim ID you can create data driven tests by reading data from external sources like comma separated files uh or databases as well so how do you use the slim IDE so the first thing you have to do obviously is you have to install slim ID on Chrome or Firefox and I'll just show you how to do that later after uh the next thing you can do is you can launch the ID and once you launch the IDE on your browser um there are a few things that you need to install so here we have CM side Runner Chrome driver Edge driver uh Geo driver uh and we'll show you how to do this later and um and yeah so first what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how you can install some IDs so you can just for example click uh the Firefox so I will click Firefox here and essentially you just download your Firefox extension here and after you download and install it you can open your extension for uh for Firefox uh for the slim ID on your Firefox browser uh right here under this icon and you can click that and essentially it'll open your selenium IDE and you can work with it from here next I'm going to show you how we can use a slim ID and the various functionalities that we talked about previously so first what we're going to do is we're going to open Firefox where we have the extension already installed so go open Firefox click here and then you click the extension so I'm going to go ahead and create a new project and I'm just going to name it uh video cuz it's the project we making for this video so I'm click okay and now that you opened up and created your own project you can go ahead and create some test in your project so I'm going go ahead and I'm going to make a test I'm going to call it home and click add and once we get to here uh we will come here and we will click uh we will enter a URL so I'm going to use the URL https D- ADM and I'll enter that and once you have that there you can now click record and it will record your video so it's going to go to ADM here you can scroll down I'm going to click this read more come scroll down and exit and I'm stop the cording and that is B basically the um the commands that we recorded so that's for home so I'm going to delete this one cuz this is not what we created uh I'm going to add some two more tests so next one I'm going to create is going to be called Golf and then I'm going to use the same website here and I'm going to record this time I'm go to here I'm going to click golf course I'm going to click book Golf Course come down here maybe like change enter some dates or something uh click create and then close so that's I'm going click stop recording so that's golf next I'm going to create one called Web elements and I'm going to add that I'm going to click record I'm going to go to our website go to web element I'm going to click some buttons click some more buttons and then exit that and stop recording and those are a three test so now I'm just going to save this project and I'm just going to name it video okay so once we save the that and when we want to run these tests we can either click here and run all three tests at the same time or we can run each test individually um since the slim ID is a little bit slower let's just run each test individually first so I'll click here and we'll give it some time to load it does take a little bit more time for slim IDE so you see it opens up our homepage and for this test we expect it to scroll down and click read more so it is taking its time to run and there you go um unfortunately it was not able oh this was the golf one that we just ran actually and unfortunately it wasn't able to um it wasn't able to run it uh but yeah that's not the problem we have right now uh but that's that yeah so that one was not able to run we can go ahead and go here and let us show you so that's the record and Playback basically you can record a set of commands and then you can tell selenium out to play back those commands so the next thing I'm going to show you is I'm going to show you export so basically for export you can click here you can click on test sues instead and so this is your default Suite you're going to have to add some test to this default Suite so you can add the golf test we had the home test we had the we test we had and click select and now this Suite will have all of these tests in it and you can actually click those three dots and click export and you can export your your three commands uh three test um in the language you want so if you want Java J unit just click export and then you just do that you can save it and you can just go ahead and run that in your uh native language uh for that now the final thing I want to show you is I want to show you how we can run um how we can run this uh on your command line so in order to run these tests on your command line basically what you have to do is for us first I'm going to go ahead and save any changes we made to these tests I'm click save yes okay so to to run this on command line first let's just open a command line and next what you'll have have to do is um if you haven't already uh like we said earlier in the PowerPoint you're going to have to install some various things so first thing you're going to install is mpm install dgim side Runner I'm not going to install it because it'll take a little bit of time to run but go ahead and run that command and install that the next thing you need to install is this which is uh a chrome driver this third thing you need to install is Edge driver the fourth thing you need to install is uh Geo driver which is for uh Firefox and after you install those now you can go ahead and run your test so what you will do is you will uh enter basically this command and then I have it in my directory here and I I I have it named as video. side and you can go ahead and click enter and you can basically run it from the command line like that and and you see it uses Chrome as its default browser right here um but yeah so it's running again because um the ID is a little bit slower than running it using Java uh so it takes a little bit longer but you see it ran its first test now it's running the second test and now it's running the third test okay there it ran three tests and it'll show you a bit of the results that uh occurred so it took 46 seconds to run all three tests and if you want to change the browser you just basically have to add the flag browser name equals Firefox for example for Firefox uh before you run and so I'm not going to run that because it'll just take another 40 seconds but what I want to show you is I want to show you how you can actually paralyze this process to hopefully make it run a little bit faster so go ahead and open your celum IDE again and go to your test Suite here and you click here and you click settings and now you can run uh run in parallel you check that and you submit and again you save that again all your configurations are changed and now you can go ahead and run it again but this time I'm actually going to use a um I'm going to use Firefox as the browser instead so I can show you not only running in parallel but also using a different browser so I will uh I will copy this command over here and I'm going to write uh video. side and I'm going click enter and this time it should run in parallel and we see that uh uh no matching projects found so that is not supposed to happen so I will see what we did wrong I'm going to go back to our IDE and I'm going to go ahead and save this again and yeah it's named video so save [Music] that okay and I'm going to click this again and let me try it again this time without the tag so we click run and this time it's running the first one first test and it ran all three and this time when we paralyzed it it was much faster it took only 22 seconds and yeah so those are the three main functionalities of uh the slim ID in the browser um I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it was somewhat helpful uh we we wanted to give you a sort of a general introduction of how to use the slim ID in the browser but um what we do suggest is if you have larger projects you should keep on using selenium in Java or some other languages because they run much faster uh but yeah if you enjoyed this video please give it a like And subscribe to our channel to stay tuned for any new videos thank you
Channel: Test Automation 101
Views: 2,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selenium IDE, Browser Automation, Automated Testing, Record and playback, Parelle Test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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