How to Use Saphir Reno'Mat | Remove Old Shoe Wax & Polish

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hey guys and welcome back to threatenin heath so we recently did a video on using too much wax on your shoes well today I want to do a video on how to strip that old wax off of your shoes when there's too much buildup so stay tuned so a gentleman brought in a pair of these loafers recently and one to have them resoled we're in the process of doing that now but for the sake of the tutorial video today I thought this was a perfect opportunity to show you how to strip your shoes all the wax buildup when there's too much now I'm going to put a link to the video above and I talked about you know using too much wax and how that can be a bad thing and also what you need to be doing and how often you should strip off that wax and whatnot so click on that link above and that'll take you to that video but today I will again I want to talk to you about stripping off the wax and what we're gonna do now there's different products that you can use to strip off wax and I know you're gonna hear in the comment section in other YouTube videos I know that some folks think that you know acetone is a little too harsh on your shoes and it can be you know we've used rubbing alcohol again you know we've used Reba matte a lot of those are going to be harsh on your shoes but sometimes it takes some of those harder products to get that buildup off of there but that's okay because what you're going to do after you strip all of that off is we're going to go back and we're going to make sure we put all of the the conditioners back into that shoe and that's what's so important but today I'm going to show you how we use the Saffir Reena mat and how that strips off the shoe so I'm just going to set one shoe aside I'm just going to do the other and then we'll come back later to it and we'll compare the two so what I do you just want to take a little bit I just put it on a towel here and again if you don't have Reena mat you can use acetone or there's you know other there's other products out there that will remove that wax buildup and you're just going to start rubbing it into the shoe and you can see as he do that it's taking off all of the fat built-up polish now there's a lot on this shoe so it's going to take me you know several times to remove it all but this shoe has so much built-up on there and I don't know if this gentleman has ever taken it off so it's a it's a timely process alright go so I've used the rena mat on this shoe here as you can see I had to use several coats and you can see all the black marks on there I mean that's how much wax was built up on this shoe you can also see just how many cracks are in this leather this is what happens when you use too much wax on your shoes your shoes get no conditioning properties at all I think I can't remember the brand to use but he just put layer upon layer upon layer of wax on there and when you have so much wax on there it trying to put a conditioner it can't penetrate through that lacks to get into the leather and unfortunately this is what you get the cracking is all along the sides of the vamp there and there's nothing you can do about it unfortunately the shoes just like that and it's still in great shape I mean we just resold it we haven't finished it up yet but you know if he had been using conditioner on the shoe it would have lasted a lot longer but anyways here's the shoe that currently has all of the wax on it here's the one that we took off you can see it's much more dull on there and you know what when I feel the leather now I can actually feel the leather it's much softer it's well you know the leather was supposed to feel like this one feels just like a ball of wax so anyways like I said it took several coats to get that wax off of there now what you want to do because you want to make sure you get that acetone or the reno mat or whatever it is you're using you wanna make sure you get that strip you know that stripper off completely so what I would do now is take a good take a good saddle soap and we're just gonna clean that acetone off of there did it all nice and sudsy now one thing that I want to mention is well a couple of things before you use Reina matter before you use any other type of a stripping product be careful and make sure you test a portion of your shoe before you use anything like that on your entire shoe a good place to start is back here on the inside corner of your shoe where no one can really see it if your shoes have any type of patina finish on it I would not recommend using acetone an arena mat or anything like that because it will take off those patina finishes so be very very careful really the only type of leather that I recommend using any type of stripping agent on is just a a smooth generally smooth cast skin type leather and especially one that's just a solid color so like these allen edmonds in black you know you can use it on there it's not going to hurt that at all I mean if the brown you know Brenna leathers you know if it's a colored shoe I would not put it on there and again if it has any type of two-toned finish or whatever I would be very careful and test a spot before you you apply it all over it because it will take off a lot of finishes all right so I've got the shoe shampooed and I've wiped that off so now what you're going to do after the shoe so you can see now there's absolutely no color in this shoe it is stripped most most of the wax off there was still so much buildup on this I don't I don't know how long it would take me to get it all off we're good to go set that aside the next thing you want to do is apply a conditioner once we've stripped all of the the moisture and conditioning agents out of that shoe you want to make sure that you're putting it all back into the shoe so we have a conditioning balm here and you're just going to work that all into the leather and hopefully by putting a lot of conditioners in there it will slow down and we'll give that just a second to absorb into the shoe and then we'll come back and buff that off and then we go ahead and put a black cream on this shoe and put the color back into it the black pigment and it's going to put a little bit more conditioner and a little bit horrible wax and start building that Shawn back up alright guys so we've let the conditioner sit for a few minutes now what we're going to do is I'm just going to buff off I just like to buff off my shoes in between each step before applying the next product I don't you really have to I've done it the other way where I've kept the conditioner on and then added the cream and then buffed it off and does well doing it that way too ok so the conditioner is on there you can see now it's already bringing it back to a little bit of a shine but what we want to do now is apply a black pigmented cream because when we did put that or that Reena matte on there it really it brought being stripped off some of the the black coloring from the leather and we just want to put that back on there and when you're putting this cream on there after you've stripped off all the lats you know you can do you know one coat you can do two coats you know whatever works best for your shoe and whatever however many coach you think it needs you know that that's fine you can't really put too much cream on there I guess you could but you know one or two coach be sufficient and what I like to do as well if you haven't seen some of our other videos I also like to get it along the heel block here as well as along the the sole and just put a lot of conditioners in the color back into that as well alright guys so we've let the the cream sit on there for a few minutes and really sink in now all we're gonna do is buff that off and wipe it down with a rag or a soft chamois and that should really bring back the shine into the shoe and then after that that's about all you really need to do and you can see now after adding just one coat of this cream the shine is back the shoes look nice and hydrated and the shoes just fill so much better than what they did before we started all right so I'm going to turn this rag around a little bit on a clean spot here and then I'm just gonna lightly wipe down this shoe to remove any excess all right guys so that was pretty much it at this point after you've wiped down and and buffed off the shoe after applying the shoe cream then you can go back and start adding on your wax if you want to now I'm not going to do it on this pair of shoes for this gentleman but again if you wanted to I would just put wax up here on the toe area and back here on the heel counter and if you want to put several coats to build it up into a nice shine you can but if you wanted to leave it like this right after the shoe cream you can see that shoe is nice and has a nice shine to it you can feel the moisture in the shoe like unlike this one which just again fills nothing but you know it just feels just like wax and this one feels like leather once again really that's all there is to it again I just wonder you know emphasize that if you're going to put a lot of wax in your shoes just make sure that you know every now and then you're stripping it off putting conditioner back into that shoe and then build the shine back up so I hope this answered some of your questions I hope it helped you out if you have any more questions at all or any comments we asked you know just leave them below we love getting back to you guys and answering as many of those as we can if you like this type of information then definitely subscribe to our Channel and hit the little bell button so that you're notified of upcoming videos and again we look forward to talking to you next time a lot [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 110,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Saphir, #saphirrenomat, #renomat, #reno'mat, #shoewax, #stripoffshoes, #builtupwax, #shoecare, #shoes, #shoeshine
Id: NTmRy3IZXe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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