How To Use Reverb In Logic Pro X [For Beginners]

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how to use reverb in logic pro x video sections in this video we'll talk briefly about what is reverb really quickly um why you might want to use it and then more importantly number three how to use reverb in logic pro x and then we can talk a little bit about presets and different things that will make your life easier in logic pro x let's start with section number one though what is reverb very quickly you don't want to get too technical but all you have to really know is reverb is when sound waves knock off other hard surfaces and then that's it it's like when sound waves hit something and then come back into your ear that information that reverberation gives us cues as listeners to where the sound is happening for example if someone sings in a cave you will likely know that that's in a cave without even seeing that person in a cave because there might be a large hollow echo that lasts a long time why do you want to use reverb in logic pro x with your music most people think you want to use reverb because it makes you sound better and yes it actually can make you sound better most of the time it also can make you sound worse if you don't use it right more importantly we use reverb because it actually sounds more natural to our ears it gives us the listeners a sense of space of where the sound is coming from you also want to be using reverb because it allows you to put your instruments in different areas in the mix so if you want your vocalist to sound very far away you would use reverb to make that happen if you want your vocalist to sound very up close you would use reverb to make that happen the same things go for guitar and pianos and choirs and drums you use reverb to kind of put things in different areas you can picture this as like you're watching a live band on stage usually you have the drums in the back in the middle and the vocalist is up front maybe there's a guitar on the left hand side there's a piano player on the right hand side maybe there's a saxophone and the bassist the back corner they're all in different areas on the stage and so when it comes to your mix and you're making a song you can use reverb and panning and different effects to put those instruments on different areas of the stage let's move on to section number three now which is how to use reverb in logic pro x this is the song that i've been working on and we'll do a quick preview so you can get a vibe for it [Music] that gives you a bit of the vibe of the song and what we're going with um typical kind of alternative pop song this is my own music in my own genre the principles will still apply if you're in hip-hop music you're in rock music the reverb principles are the same so what we're going to focus on here is this charles clean vocal track and so that's me and we have our inspector window here is where we're going to put the reverb on and in this video i'm also going to be using all stock logic um reverb plugins so you don't have to have any of the paid plugins maybe you're new to music production and adding reverb maybe you've done this where you kind of want to add a new effect so you go down to reverb and you might choose any of these reverbs chroma on verb silver or space designer and you would add it right to the track so here we have a reverb plug-in and it's right on the track here the space designer we're actually we don't want to do that that's not how we are want to add a reverb we want to bus reverb out and so bussing means let me just take this off no plug-in bussing means we want to add kind of think of it like a yellow school bus almost where we want to just put sometimes a small amount of reverb in the bus or a large round of reverb in the bus and that yellow school bus will drive to the stereo out track and drop off the reverb there so the reverb is not actually being applied to our track itself we're going to send the reverb in a bus let's um don't worry too much about the yellow school bus and that kind of thing it's better to dive into an example and show you what i mean and we're going to do that from scratch here and so i'm going to take off all these these are my reverbs and i'm going to take them off and i'm going to start from scratch so where buses happen are on this sends little box here so we're going to hit send and bus so you can see here these buses we have already a few buses that have different effects added to them and then we have these from bus 14 to bus 32 are empty buses so we want to go to an empty bus bus 14 and here is where we want to add the reverb so it created this auxiliary track right for us here this is all a clean auxiliary track you can see bus 14 here and you can see at the bottom we have auxiliary 14 where we can name this and you should kind of get good at naming you can say um reverb or let's do small reverb because we're going to put a small reverb on this track okay so this is where we want to add a reverb so we go to the audio effects and then we go down to reverb and then i will show you in this video the space designer and the chroma reverb but you can choose any of these reverbs let's first start with the space designer reverb so space designer mono stereo and then this brings up our reverb there is a factory default here which is already a reverb set up for us or we can go drop down here and then go to the large to the spaces sections where you can see large medium small warped surround hd surrounded so for this reverb bus i'm going to do a small reverb and then later on i'll in just a few minutes i'll show you how to you can add two different types of reverbs on the track so in this case i'm going to use a small reverb so i'll go to small spaces let's go simply to rooms right now and we'll choose a small room of zero point like i like the actually small wet room here of 0.2 seconds these numbers here are the decay time of like basically it's how long that lasts so this is really a fast reverb you can see here if we go to large spaces and we go to like um large indoor spaces like cathedrals or something there's some that last is um up to 9.7 seconds so that's a large reverb and let's go back to small and we'll go to rooms small wet room i'll press play and you won't hear anything because i haven't sent any of it to the bus yet and i'll explain that in two seconds so this is just dry and tell me what you had okay that's just dry and so when we go over here to bus 14 which is our small reverb auxiliary channel we're just gonna like go to this little circle here click it and drag up and you can see it's feeling green so that means i'm sending everything to the bus i put all the kids on the bus and it's sending that reverb to the auxiliary channel and so if i just go half i want to just send half the kids on the bus cool or i want to just send like one kid two kids you know you get you get what i mean [Music] tell me quick dry versus wet comparison so this is dry this is sorry this is dry darling this is wet tell me what you're hiding is your love fading and give me a sign so it's subtle but there is a nice texture of room in there and if you don't notice it let's add we can always be changing this bus by going over here and we can open our let's go come on open our reaver plug-in we can be playing the track and then going using these buttons here and testing out different types of reverbs so if we want to go right we can now get the strings room tom room so and so forth choosing different reverbs there are a lot of different elements that we can tweak and customize on the plug-in itself so for example we are on this .3 seconds wooden chamber where we can control the amount of pre-delay length size the wetness the dryness the spreads it's a lot of things we can control let's talk about maybe the three or four things that you might want to control the pre-delay is important because that will control when the reverb actually starts so at zero milliseconds it starts as soon as there's like a sound wave and so if you have a big vocal with a large transient up at the beginning it's going to start right there let's say you want it to sound to start just a little bit after so it doesn't maybe get in the way of those transients you can start it maybe 90 100 milliseconds that's still very fast hardly noticeable here and we can click and drag at the top here on how long the actual decay is so if we didn't like it that long we want to shorten it we can shorten it right here wetness you can see it very clearly as soon as i play and drag the wetness up you'll hear what happens [Music] pre-delay the decay the length of the reverb and the wetness just focus on those at the beginning when you're learning reverb and logic i'll quickly now just help you visualize where those reverbs are going so if we close down this and open our mixer by going view up here show mixer or we can do command 2 i believe yeah yellow aux tracks these are the buses and so you can see my small reverb right here is where i'm sending the small reverb and so a huge benefit that i forgot to mention with bussing is it helps you really save on your cpu like how hard that your computer is working because if you put a reverb on the track level for every track that you want the same reverb you're making the computer work way harder because it has to have the same reverb plug-in on each track when a bus means you have one reverb plug-in and then you just send all the other tracks to that one plug-in so let's just say like this bass guitar here and this um piano here we want them both going to bus 14. so we can so go quickly just i'll show you to this base we can go to the sends here pop a small reverb on there we want okay let's send half the kids on there and then we pop over here to this piano and we're like oh we want that to be in the same room a little bit not so much sorry i'm gonna go to add a send put the small reverb on there as well and then i won't really want that much reverb if not we would have to go up here okay go out to reverb put the space designer in maybe have a preset but then your track this track is worsening working so hard because it's like gotta manage all of those um plug-ins same thing we're on the vocal track here we're going to add a different send to an empty bus we'll go bus 15 and then we're going to use the chroma reverb just to show you a different kind of texture of reverbs also with the chroma reverb you can eq your reverbs and that's what this is this is an eq it's the same as like if we go over here it's kind of similar right you have different eq bands and so you can eq not the your vocal signal but this the signal that comes from the reverb so if you only want the highs for example you can like bump up the highs you can take out all the lows that kind of thing we're gonna go over to our bus 14 which is our small reverb and turn that off now and just play with the sends for this punchy room so press play oh darling pump it up and tell me what you're hiding you can see the sound going and so that gives us a visualization of what we can eq out a good thing to know about mixing and when adding reverb is to really listen to them in context of the song and so we will do that next and play with the sends what in context with the rest of the music because you never really want to focus on just playing with the sends and moving up and down just while this tracks are solo because you're never listening to the solo tracks ever i'm gonna start with the small and then with your bus 14 i'm gonna play with that a bit and then i'm going to do bus 15 to play with that to get the right texture and feeling that i'm looking for let's go [Music] you put your heart [Music] do you really think i can take you anymore anymore [Music] if you can't please [Music] is [Music] will i pray section of this video is to talk about presets and if you find a reverb that you designed you changed the decay a little bit you added a bit of wetness or the pre-delay and you want that reverb it's like your this is your vocal reverb we would go save as and it would just open up your kind of mac finder window you would just save it here and then you would save it and now you would have my awesome reverb located here if you have any questions please let me know in the comments i'd love if you have listened to my own music it's available everywhere and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Charles Cleyn
Views: 57,913
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Keywords: how to use reverb in logic pro x, how to apply reverb in logic pro x, how to use reverb on vocals in logic pro x, how to remove reverb in logic pro x, how to reverb vocals in logic pro x, how to set up reverb in logic pro x, using reverb in logic pro x, logic pro x reverb, logic pro x reverb tutorial, reverb tutorial logic pro x, reverb for beginners, reverb for beginners logic pro x tutorial, what is reverb logic pro x, why use reverb logic pro x
Id: mEoG3MTreO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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