How to Use Putty to SSH on Windows

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hey everyone this is tony such as tech i'm tony and in this video i'm going to show you how to ssh into a remote server on windows now in order to do this we're going to be using a free software program called putty so if that's something you're interested in let's get on into the tutorial okay right off the bat this is the ip address that i want to ssh into but we need putty we need that software that i'm talking about so let's go out to google and get it type in putty p-u-t-t-y and what we want is so click on that you can download putty here click on that and what i like to do is install the standalone application my computer is 64-bit so i'm going to click on this link right here now like i said this is standalone there's no installation necessary so you can just click it to open it move it around to your desktop move it around to another folder it doesn't matter it'll work anywhere you run it from okay this is the interface for putty it's asking for an ip address let's go get that ip address and let me just organize my windows here so something like this all right we'll get out of here copy the ip address and paste it into the host name or ip address field by default the ssh port is 22 unless you have a different port number stick with 22. okay now we can click on open and this alert is basically just saying do you trust this connection you're only going to see this alert the first time you connect to that server if you trust it go ahead and click on yes and then we can log in so it's asking us for a username we have our username over here and it's root and now it wants a password you can either type a password or copy and paste it copying and pasting is a little tricky with putty so in order to copy and paste which i'm going to have to do over here because i don't really want to type in all that garbage i'm going to copy the password and then over here in putty you can't right click and and paste or like anything like that there's a keyboard shortcut that you just have to know it's shift insert and then you can hit enter so hit enter and that should log us into the server and it does so we're on um let me just show you we're on an ubuntu server and you can do whatever you want on here whatever you came to watch this video for now you're logged in we pretty much accomplished everything that we set out to the only other thing i'll show you is how to get out of here you can either click the x button you can also exit out of putty like this and that'll exit out of your server connection and everything like that so go ahead type exit hit enter and that is about it i will show you one other thing if you're going to be connecting to this server you know multiple times let's go find the putty installation like i said you can oops not the desktop uh downloads you can put this on your desktop and it'll still open because it's a standalone application if you're going to come to this this ip address the server more than once you can save your session and you can save the username too but just not the password so because that's a that's a security issue so you can say instead of just typing the ip address you can say your username at the ip address so that way you don't have to type in your username every time and you can save it give it a name so let's call this demo demo server and we'll save that and now we have the demo server here so uh let's close out and open back up one last time and we can just double click the demo server and as you see it already knows our username is root and then we would just have to come back in and either know our password or copy and paste it so i'm going to copy it come over here shift insert enter and we are logged on to our remote server guys if you have any questions about ssh into a remote server on windows let me know in the comments below i'll be more than happy to help you out if you got value out of this video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more from me subscribe to this channel and if you do i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Tony Teaches Tech
Views: 260,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putty ssh, how to use putty, ssh using putty, putty for windows, install putty on windows, putty ssh windows, putty on windows, putty (software), putty ssh tutorial, putty tutorial, putty tutorial windows, putty ssh tutorial windows, how to ssh with putty
Id: pWDHUlvcAsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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