How to Use Pinterest to Increase Your Etsy Sales: Your Full Pinterest Strategy

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so you started an Etsy store and you're ready to get more traffic and sales but you're not sure how to do that or there's just a lot of options to weigh like you could be spending time scrolling Tick Tock for training audios or Instagram doing the same thing in order to make reels or you could be posting to Facebook but does anyone really do that anymore I'm not really sure or you could spend about 60 to 90 minutes a week implementing a Pinterest marketing strategy which is what I'm going to walk you through today how to promote your Etsy store on Pinterest I recently and by recently I mean last fall started in Etsy in a Shopify store for my brand now I've gotten the majority of all my sales through my Shopify store however I have gotten some sales from Etsy as well and I wanted to just walk you through with my own Etsy store in my new Pinterest account exactly what you need to do to promote your Etsy shop on Pinterest a couple of little housekeeping things before we get started related to Etsy because I'm going to get these questions I know it in fact I've gotten them already on other videos so I published this video here on how to claim your Etsy Instagram and your blogs for Pinterest and that video was obviously out of date when it comes to to Etsy and Instagram because you cannot you can no longer claim anything other than your own websites so number one you cannot claim your Etsy store anymore so if you run across any videos where it's telling you to claim your Etsy store or any blog content where it's telling you to do that you know just with that simple fact that that piece of content is out of date and you need to find a newer piece of content to learn from number two and this is something that a lot of people creating these Pinterest type videos for Etsy and Shopify and Teachers Pay Teachers do not realize and I'm going to let you in on this little secret so you can spend all the time in the world writing Pinterest descriptions and linking them to your product listings on Etsy however that product description is going to get overwritten with a description from Etsy so what happens and I'll reference this later in the video as well when I show you is you have this product listing on Etsy you've written this really great description hopefully for the platform when Pinterest picks up that it's a product pin it pulls the metadata from Etsy and it puts it on that Pinterest pin so just so you're aware the only time that you will make your own Pinterest descriptions related to your Etsy products or your Etsy store is if you're linking to catalog or collection type pages in that case it's not a direct product pin and your description that you write will stick so now that those two housekeeping items are out of the way let's talk about how you're going to get sales from Pinterest to your Etsy store first things first your products when you pin them to Pinterest are going to show up in a number of different surfaces on Pinterest the first one is the home feed and this is a myriad of different pins published into someone's home feed based on their activity on the platform now the Pinterest algorithm is basically just math and it's mapping it's doing formulas based on engagement on Pinterest pins in certain topics on keyword searches that are being made so when you are pinning products from your Etsy store on those topics or on those keywords that someone was searching for they will then see or have the ability to see your pins in their home feed now they'll also see your pins in their home feed if they have engaged with or followed you at all in any way they'll see more of your pins in their home feed if they follow you and they'll see even more pins in their home feed if they're regularly saving your content that's those signals are feeding into those math formulas those equations on Pinterest for that algorithm to show them more now other surfaces on Pinterest that your content is going to show in are the search feed the related tab which is underneath a Pinterest pin so if they close up on a Pinterest pin it's going to be underneath and you can see that here there are also the created tab which is on your profile they'll see your pins on their boards and they may also see your pins in the shop tab so there's a number of different ways that they are going to be able to see your content now one last surface that they may see your content is in the ideapin watch feed and the today tab the today tab is specially set aside for Pins that Pinterest is hand picking to place there but they oftentimes will pick products and pins from creators and put them in that today Tab and you'll get an email notifying you that that happened now the ideapin watch feed you're only going to show up there if you're creating idea pins and we're going to get into an ideapin strategy later in the video so the number one way that you are going to get Pinterest to send you sales to your Etsy store is by creating and sharing your content to Pinterest and that's pretty much the only way you have to be there otherwise you're not going to get sales so let's Dive Right on into how to optimize your profile for your Etsy store now here in this picture you can see that I have a profile Banner a display name and I have my bio filled out as well as my website now one thing you will notice is that I'm actually linking my main link on my profile is displayed to be my Shopify store now you can have at one point you could have multiple different URLs at this point it's only allowing you to have a URL if you don't have anything else claimed it's only allowing you to have your claimed URL there so if you are a seller like myself where you have a Shopify store in an Etsy store it's going to automatically probably I have nothing figure this out yet default to the Shopify store whatever is claimed if you don't have anything else and it's just the Etsy store then your Etsy link will be there in your website to optimize your Pinterest profile you really want to start out with a very optimized Banner this is like a billboard for your business my banner is telling people that they can get a Pinterest strategy if they join my Pinterest Academy you can put a free thing here on my Etsy banner on my store I have a free pin templates link you could put something free there you could put your latest product drop there if you wanted to update this with the seasons you could also do that I would encourage you to actually get a Pinterest banner I sell these in my Etsy store ironically enough I would have a Pinterest Banner template and just make copies of that the one that you love the one that you want to use all the time and just switch it out whenever you see fit now the next thing you want to do is optimize your display name your display name should have at least a main keyword that you want to rank for when you type in that keyword on Pinterest so if you sell time management printables you may want to have a time management printables keyword in your display name so you can start with like Amy and that up and down line and then next to it have creator of all things time management and productivity printables or something like that when someone searches for that keyword ideally your profile is going to come up in those search results the next thing that you want to optimize is your bio your bio allows you about 500 characters and you really want to prioritize the first 140. that space is actually what people are going to see before they even click the more icon and you want to make sure that you're using keywords in this place as well in fact you may want to use a little Emoji the little finger pointing emoji that points towards your URL and then start off with what you do who you serve and how you serve them and that should be about 140 characters if you want to see this in action make sure you go to my Pinterest profile it's forward slash Heather ferrisco and you can check out how I have my main Pinterest bio setup if you want to see the Pinterest account I'm showcasing in today's video it's forward slash pinprofit Academy now the next and the most important thing on your profile in my opinion are your boards you want to make sure that you optimize your Pinterest boards for search we're going to talk about Pinterest SEO in a moment however once you've nailed down your SEO strategy then you're going to use those main keywords that are related to your products to create boards so if you take a look at my Pinterest boards then you will see that I have a board that's Pinterest templates for canva I have another board that's how to use Pinterest for business and those two are very very strategic keywords I want to rank for those keywords for my pins but I also want to rank for those keywords for my boards so when someone searches for that topic my SEO if I pin a PIN to be how to make pins for canva or Pinterest templates for canva board I put a Pinterest templates for canva pin on that board the SEO on the board is then married to the SEO on the pin they now go around the platform together like a happy little couple so you want to make sure that you are then filling out your Pinterest description very effectively now in this screenshot again let's pop it up on the screen so I can show you the picture the screenshot of the board you can see the board title at the top in the board description that description is 500 characters and you want to fill as much of that in as possible let's talk a little bit more in depth about your board strategy and what that should look like so your Pinterest board strategy should be a combination of problem aware keywords and solution aware keywords so what are those what are problem where solution aware if you've not heard of this before it essentially is identifying where someone is is at in their buyer Journey their customer Journey you may have heard those phrases if someone is using a problem aware keyword chances are they have not landed on a product that is going to fit their problem and they're still on the hunt if they're searching for solution aware keyword they've already identified their problem now they're just looking for a solution they're looking for the product that's going to match that need so your Pinterest board strategy should be both problem and solution aware so the two examples I just gave you how to use Pinterest for business is problem aware Pinterest templates for canva is solution aware so I'm using both of those and your Pinterest board strategy should also include that so if you are a time management principal seller then you could have boards that are how to be more productive as a stay-at-home mom and then you could also have a board that's time management printables for stay-at-home moms problem aware solution aware same thing if you are creating digital planners if you're a digital planner seller you could have digital planners for small business owners and how to use digital planners on iPads problem or solution aware problem aware so you can see kind of how you could fit this into your own board strategy and I would encourage you when you first are starting out if you if you don't have a Pinterest account yet and you're brand new to Etsy and you're just starting out I would start out with your main products or your most popular selling products and create boards around those first and then start to add more on as you go bonus points in your board strategy if you add a board cover to your profile so this is what board covers look like you can see here that I have the same theme across all my board covers on my profile and I actually go a step further I don't just add a board cover to the board I actually create an entire Pinterest pin for my board cover including an optimized title description and a URL all of my board covers link back to my store in or my website in some way so my other Ferris Pinterest account I have board covers that actually link to blog posts free offers to join my email list my Pinterest Academy and individual products I sell on my Academy Pinterest account I have a mix of things over there as well so I would encourage you if you do add board covers to make sure to link it somewhere because these are pins that live on the platform and you don't want dead pins on the platform so now jump into your Pinterest keyword strategy or your Pinterest SEO strategy you may have heard either term now one thing that I would encourage you to do is make a list of your Etsy keywords that you are trying to Target on Etsy and use those on the Pinterest platform to actually begin your research on Pinterest this is really helpful for anyone that's kind of stuck in in this like in between of I don't know what people are searching for related to my product well if you already have keywords in place especially if they are Google or Etsy related go ahead and use those and put them in search bar in fact I've created a really short keyword tutorial that I'm going to put in right here how to find keywords for your Etsy store so in this really quick tutorial we're going to switch over to all pins and I want you to really focus on the keywords that people are using to actually find your products and these could be the beginning of your Etsy keywords that you want to populate over onto Pinterest so I know I want people to find my Pinterest and Blitz by looking for um themes or like mock-up so that's one that I use quite frequently is mock-up themed Pinterest templates or mock-up Pinterest templates so I'm going to start with the obvious one which is the product what is the product the product is a Pinterest template that our computer and phone mockups we're going to start there so in this example if the product is a time management printable we could start with that we're going to put that in and you can see here there are products here that people are looking to promote as well as here these could be free and they could also be paid um we don't really know until we dig into the either the Pinterest image or head over to their websites so I can see that this is something that people are looking for is time in management printables and we're looking for worksheets too so that might be an alternative option but people might also be looking for productivity tools so let's mark this down as a keyword but we're going to move on all right productivity tools this is a lot of blog items so this tells me that these this is a problem aware keyword people are actually there they have a problem and they're looking for how to be more productive or tips to be more productive and also tools to use to be more productive so the other one was both kind of a problem and solution aware whereas this one is definitely a problem aware there are products in here again this one was actually on the previous page as well the previous search there are products lingering throughout so this is essentially what you want to do to then go on and find additional keywords for your Etsy store the the thing you want to look at here are these bubbles across the top if you don't have the bubbles across the top simply go to settings and personal information and change your account to United States and then you should theoretically get those bubbles at the top um you're also going to look in the search feed for the related keywords and then again if you have a list of keywords that you're trying to rank for on Etsy or Google bring those over to Pinterest and just populate them in the search bar if you are loving this video so far can you give it a like so other people like you can see it too thanks now that you know how to find keywords for your Etsy Pinterest strategy let's talk about how to use them and make Pinterest pins so you may be wondering what all you can even make pins for when it comes to your Etsy store well honestly the sky is the limit but the majority of what you're going to make pins for are your products one thing that I would say if you don't have one yet is to create some sort of a freebie and put it in your Etsy banner and also in your descriptions of your products so people if they are looking they're not quite sold on you just yet because Etsy doesn't allow you to have free products in your store offer some sort of free thing that someone can sign up and get from your email list for me this is five free Pinterest templates and if you go to forward slash free Dash Etsy or Etsy Dash free it's one of those you can sign up for those free pin templates so I give this away and I get people's email lists or get people on my email list once people are on my email list I can then nurture them back to a sale now I'm not nurturing them back to Etsy I'm actually nurturing them back to my Academy or my Shopify store which is where the majority of my sales come from you can nurture them back to Etsy if you want to and you can easily do this with tools like convertkit which is what I use mailerlite flow desk MailChimp if you wanted to although I hate that one activecampaign there's a number of different tools that you can build an email list on and I would definitely encourage you even if you're an Etsy seller to have an email list give something away for free in exchange for that email address and then nurture them back to sale back to the things that you can make pens for the freebie is one of them all of your products in your store your collection pages are also things you can make pins for you can also make idea pins that are targeting different things related to the products that you sell more on the odia pen strategy in a moment because I'm going to give you some actual examples of things that I have made I'm gonna go ahead and insert this really quick video on how to create Pinterest pins for Etsy store so you can see it in action for making pins for Etsy store you really want to start with your main keyword so let's start off there now I know that TPT sellers are always looking to promote their products on Pinterest it's a really great way to get some sales um teachers also sell their their products on Etsy too so this might be really relevant so what I want to do is um I want to put in my main keyword over on Pinterest and just see if that is going to land me in the right place it's a lot of like how to create pins quickly you know how to make a viral pin how to make pins for TPT all of that's great um we're gonna try a different one okay so this keyword is very long tail it's along the lines of what I want to use so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this over to my Pinterest pin and I'm going to just add a comment so I know what I want to use here and then I'm going to just start using some of those words and see what I can get okay I think that looks pretty good and I've created these pen templates that are specifically for TPT stores so I already drug this screenshot into this computer now what I'm going to do is actually drag a another image in here so what we're going to do is we're just gonna put my product image we're going to upload that in there and then we have um fully editable you know your Pinterest pen your final product and then we have a screenshot of what all the pins look like now for this particular pin the the design here is very pink so I'm gonna actually mute down my brand colors and try to make it a bit more um like not as orange as the colors don't clash as much so the black actually looks pretty good on the whitish kind of pinkish looking background so we're gonna go with that and it doesn't clash as much I could go as far as like making the pins match the actual Pinterest image here and you know you can do that you don't have to stick completely to your brand colors every single time so why don't we actually do that and make this text black I like it okay and then we're gonna make this pink and we're gonna add an effect make it pop off the screen a little bit more now that we have our Pinterest pin for our Teachers Day teacher's store to promote our Pinterest pay teacher store or Etsy store in this case um you can see here I have a couple of other designs where I'm just calling out my main keyword which is Pinterest templates and templates for Content creators and then this one is elegant pen templates and this one is no text overlay at all and these are all perfectly fine to promote um let's do one more where we promote um our store but in with a long text overlay and maybe a different template I'm not a huge fan of that one uh let's see okay and then we're gonna just use different templates on this one so the images don't clash as much um I like to have all of my folders in here lined up and ready to go with all the images ready and uploaded so this is just part of my process of creating Pinterest pins is to always be organized and then if you want to I'm not going to take the time to do this for everything on this but if you want to you can add some Shadows to this and make it just pop a little bit more just like that so that says editable pen templates shop the store how to make pins for your to sell your teacher products and in a gist that is exactly what I would do and then I would download all of these and get them scheduled okay now that you know how to make pins for your Etsy store that are standard pins let's talk about how to make idea pins and not how to make them because I didn't film that piece of the tutorial but more along the lines of what to make for idea pins now I've made two examples of idea pins for you that I'm going to link in the description below but I'm also going to pop them up on the screen and you can see them here so one way that you can make ideapins for Etsy store showcasing products is to do just that show people what products are in your store so in this example I'm giving three examples of Pinterest products that are listed in my Etsy store and then I'm going in and grabbing the Etsy Link in my browser and I'm uploading those on mobile and I'm tagging the products in the ideapen so then people can click to the Etsy store and actually view the product and buy it now the second example that you're going to see is more of a problem aware piece of content so again with your board strategy and your keyword strategy that problem or solution aware strategy do the same thing with your idea pins create problem aware content that's showcasing and solving a problem for someone with the product that you sell you see companies doing this all the time I'm sure like food companies will do this I was just on a call with a membership member actually and she creates and sells vegan food alternative products like physical products in her store and I was just strategizing with her that she could she should create an ebook a recipe ebook showcasing both how to use the product in a recipe and how to substitute the product out if you don't have access to it so this then broadens her Horizons across the world instead of just in her own country where she's shipping this product right now so I would encourage you to do the same thing and in this idea pin I am showcasing three ways to boost your sales on Etsy and those three ideas one of the three is actually to create Pinterest pins and I'm linking my pen templates at the end of it I also link a second set of pin templates which will also take them to my pin or my Etsy store all right one more example for ideapins for you before we move on and that is if you are like I mentioned before a time management printable Creator you could help people along with like five expert time management tips to do every single day to stay on track and one of those tips could be using a digital planner which then you could Showcase in action because you sell digital planners so I love living by examples if you're looking for more examples and what to do leave me a comment down below with what you sell and I will try to come up with some examples for you so one of the last things I want to talk to you about related to your Pinterest strategy is obviously how to schedule those Pinterest pins now there's a number of different ways that you can schedule your Pinterest pins if you want to check out this playlist here hopefully I will remember to link it if not check out the description down below I have an entire playlist on automation tools including tail and planoly later Circle boom I'm gonna have a video on metrical at some point but there's a whole list of them you can use a Pinterest tool or let me just show you this tutorial really quick let's just cut it in and I'm going to show you how to use the native scheduler you can create these pins just right inside of the Pinterest create tab you simply need to drag and drop them over here you will want to go ahead and have your title and everything ready to go so let me go ahead and create that and I'll be right back okay so I wanted to actually show you a product that's actually listed live in my store so that's this one this one is live in my store and I've got a base of a description here with a single keyword I want to expand on that so I'm going to do that really quickly and then I'm going to show you how to schedule this for later all right this pen is ready to go we're going to choose a board to put it on and we are actually going to put it on our canva templates board so between my two profiles my Etsy Shopify store profile and my main profile here I actually have a group board and then I have a standalone board as well I created this one after I decided to or before I decided to actually make this just a group board but I did want to call something out here you can actually as of right now you can tag products in your pins this one's not letting me tag a product but this one you can see I can tag a product in and Pinterest with their product tagging is glitchy at times so just know that that happens and then you want to find your product in here wherever that is whichever template that is and it's this one and we're going to click save that's obviously doesn't match this but I just want to show you how to do your product tagging I do want to make you aware at this time I'm not able to schedule pins in advance if we tag products on pins so if you want to be able to publish your PIN for later you cannot tag the product however if you do want to tag a product in your PIN you can do that and publish it now so we have the board ready to go we're going to publish at a later date and I'm going to go ahead and click publish and this is going to go into our scheduled drafts if you navigate over to your profile under the created tab you'll actually see that scheduled pin here you can actually go ahead and publish it now or delete it or if you did want to open that pin up some profiles have the ability to edit pins so if you made a mistake on the link if you made a mistake on the board if you want to change the description or the title you can do that on some accounts not every account you will have the ability it will show you the ability to edit it if you do have that capability right now so just want to make you aware that is a feature that's coming to everyone alright now that you know how to use the native scheduler to schedule your Pinterest pins and tag your products on desktop you have the full picture the only thing missing here is analytics and you can you can definitely come back we can talk about analytics at a later date but I will tell you this if you're new to Pinterest or if you're just coming back after Hiatus for a while please ignore your Pinterest analytics for a little while the only reason I'm asking you to do this is because I want you to be so hyper focused on getting your marketing skill just honed in and getting these Pinterest habits built that you're not worried about what people are seeing what people are doing with your pins I just want you just to find the keywords to make the boards to make the pins and schedule them for 90 days that's what I want you to focus on now I have a little bonus tidbit of information and this has worked super well for my Shopify store but it's also worked for Etsy and the reason I know is because I have a very specific link that people can click and when they join I can actually see that they came from Etsy the only way that they can get this link is if they buy from Etsy because the Etsy deliverable and the Shopify deliverable are actually different so a couple bonus tips for you to boost your Etsy sales number one is through product reviews make sure you're encouraging people in your deliverable to go back and leave a review number two is user generated content ask your buyers to tag you when they are using your product on Instagram and that you will share their stuff to your own Instagram to your audience people love to be just acknowledged so when people tag me in my videos that they're watching on YouTube or videos they're watching in my Academy or products that they're using that I made I always re-share that to my Instagram feed and I put it in my user generated content list to share later this is also going to be really good content that you can then go and pin and direct back to the product they purchased because people believe in what other people are saying so if someone is not you is saying that your product is the bomb I am more likely to believe that person than you so those reviews and those user-generated content call outs are going to be great the next thing is obviously to get that email list set up which I mentioned earlier another thing that you can do is offer people a discount if they return and buy so in your product deliverable you can offer them a discount that's only available you create this special code it's only available for people who've purchased this is another great way to bring people back to the fold especially if they liked this product and they can get 15 off their next purchase that's great you can set your coupon to only be used one like one time per user so make sure you set those rules up and then the last thing that I would encourage you to do to generate more sales is to encourage people to follow you and save your content on Pinterest so in that deliverable ask them to follow you on Pinterest is one of those social media platforms because people don't know that we're on all the platforms because they don't see us everywhere but if you're giving them your url your profile URL and you're asking them to follow you then this is a really great way for them to begin engaging with you and seeing your new pins as they are published one little last bonus tidbit is to pin your product covers I think I mentioned this in the the pin creation video earlier but if I didn't this is definitely something that works really really well is pinning your product covers in fact here's a little video of me actually pinning my product photos and showing you what this looks like when they land on Pinterest okay so this is a fairly new Pinterest account so I don't have a ton of action or pins even on here just yet um but what I do want to tell you is these product covers have done pretty well this is these are the stats just for the last 30 days but they've done okay for me so I would say to go ahead and pin your product images over to um Pinterest as well so what you can do is right up here in the um listing tools click save and as long as you're logged into your Pinterest account you can go ahead and save those to your account you won't be able to schedule these unless you were to schedule them through Tailwind which you can do and then what will happen is the Pinterest description will actually be your listing description from Etsy so if we refresh this you'll see that is there um and the listing description actually comes through from Etsy so when I told you that you need to really be sure that you're optimizing your Pinterest pins or your Etsy descriptions for Pinterest as well as for Etsy and Google this is what I mean and that is it friends that's how to set up optimize and begin running your own Pinterest marketing strategy for your Etsy store this year I really hope this video was helpful for you I will see you right over here in this video next and don't forget to leave me a comment down below if you have anything else that you want to learn
Channel: Heather Farris
Views: 17,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pinterest, Pinterest Marketing, Pinterest Strategy, Pinterest Marketing Strategy, Pinterest Ads, Promoted Pins, heather farris, etsy pinterest marketing, pinterest and etsy, pinterest for etsy, etsy pinterest, increase etsy traffic using pinterest, pinterest for business, pinterest for business tips, pinterest ads 2023, pinterest for business tutorial, how to make money on etsy, etsy tips for new sellers, etsy pinterest marketing 2023, how to use pinterest for etsy business
Id: 7VBq4N2UbRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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