how to use passive infinitive (1)

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hi the native speaker here and this lesson is on passive infinitive first normal infinitive all this means is that we say - plus a verb for example to run and here's a sentence we like to run okay normal Finan normal infinitives here's another infinitive to cook and that is we like to cook now the passive infinitive is a little different instead of just two and the verb it is now two plus B plus the verb and that's past participle see another video on past participle she likes to cook food woman or the girl likes to cook the food now let's change it - she likes to be cooked food Oh this means that maybe she will die maybe somebody will cook her so that would not be good she likes to cook normal she likes to be cooked strange what else can we do they wake up in the morning who wakes up they wake up they do the waking up they like to wake up in the morning who does the waking up they do active active active again now let's say they don't wake themselves up let's say somebody else wakes them up they'd like to be woken up in the morning so they don't wake themselves up somebody comes into the room and somebody wakes them up they'd like to meet new friends they'd like to go out and meet new friends themselves friends don't come to them they go to the friends they like to be met by new friends they like to stay in the same place and friends come to them passive is when other people do things to you active is when you do things to others you
Channel: native speaker English teacher
Views: 8,913
Rating: 4.7185931 out of 5
Keywords: passive infinitive, using passive infinitive in English, learn English, native speaker english teacher
Id: r-TWj7IJLxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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