How to Use Overleaf and Latex

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hello everyone in this video i'm going to show you how to use latex and how to use overleaf so first let me explain a little bit about what latex and overleaf are and why we're going to be using them so overleaf um as you can see i have the website up here is a collaborative online platform for uh editing latex latex is a programming language it's spelled like latex but technically the x character is supposed to be the greek letter chi so it's pronounced like a k so it's latex so latex is a programming language that is used by all mathematicians and computer scientists to typeset their mathematical notation their mathematical documents textbooks reports everything like that um so the odds are you've read and seen a lot of latex documents in your life without realizing that that is what they were as most textbooks are written in latex so it's a markup language where that means that you mostly write text but then you have some programming and syntax thrown in there to tell how the document should be formatted okay so it was invented in the 70s in order to be able to do home type setting as the sort of the use of professional type setting was was falling by the wayside and typewriters were not really good enough for the job so it was invented by donald knuth if you're a computer science major you should certainly know who canoos is probably the most famous computer scientist of the latter half of the 20th century anyway so this is a skill that will definitely be useful if you ever need to write a technical paper or technical report in a math or computer science job um definitely if you go to graduate school you'd be expected to know this as well and it looks good on a resume so that's something you can add to your resume under your software or your programming languages section latex okay so latex is great uh and overleaf is a website where you can do latex you can write latex and you can also collaborate with other people to write latex together so just like any other programming language you can also install a compiler for latex on your computer and an ide a programming environment and do everything on your own computer but it is so much trouble it's just as much trouble as doing it for any other language and more difficult than for some languages like i think it's easier to install python than latex so it's just much easier to do it on overleaf and a relief has a great interactive developer environment anyway compared to the other ides that are out there so we are going to use overleaf so we're looking at the website right here and all you need to do is just register for a free account you can fill in the blanks here you can use your google account if you want it's it's up to you um so once you've registered and you've logged in it is going to take you to your projects page so let me show you my projects page here's mine so i have a ton of projects in here because i really do use overleaf for my own scholarly work i write my papers that i submit to journals in overleaf so when you're first starting out you're not going to have any projects so there's a few ways you can get a new project going if you click on new project over here you can start a blank project there's some example projects you can also look at these templates here for different things and the very particular thing that we're going to be doing in this class is the upload project so i'm going to be providing zip files on blackboard for you to download and then upload as projects on overleaf okay so i'm going to go ahead and show you how to do that i'm going to upload a project select a zip file i'm just going to go to my downloads folder where i download it and here is the zip file that has an overleaf project in it and it's just going to go ahead and open it for me so you're going to be working on overleaf projects with a partner for the most part so let me go ahead and show you how to share a project with a partner and how to work on it together let me move my face over here so up in the upper right hand corner is this button called share so when you click on there uh you can put in the person's email address that they use to sign up for their overleaf account with and then make sure that you have the edit thing um selected there if it's gonna be your your partner another way you can do it is with the link sharing so if you click turn on link sharing then you can send people the link to be able to edit the project um as well as to be able to view the project okay so anyway um that is how you share documents and then when you're up in your project um folder when you first log on you can see who the owner of a document is and that will be the person that basically started started the document now if you are working with a partner and you guys start out together but then you can't find another time to like finish up at and you decide to finish separately you're going to want to each make a copy of that shared document and then work on your own copy that's not shared okay unless you decide to finish it separately but still like collaborate on it basically you could collaborate like by email or whatever um that's fine so if you want to make a copy of something there's a little copy button right here and you can make a new copy of your project and then just don't share that one so a couple last things to mention about sharing is you'll be able to see who you've shared your document with it'll be like up here in the right hand corner and you can also see who is currently looking at it and if more than one person is currently looking at the source code or editing it you will be able to see those changes live as they're happening with only like like maybe like a one or two second delay um so when you guys are working on a project together you don't necessarily have to do a share screen to look at the document together you can just both work on the overleaf website and as long as your internet connection is pretty good that is a perfectly fine way to look at the document together what i want to talk about now is what we're seeing on the screen when you when you have a project open so there's three panels here which is pretty similar to how a lot of programming environments look like so over here on the left panel is where your all of your files and things would be if you had any extra files and then in the middle here is your source code so this file over here main.tex or that is this source code file right here okay that's the big middle panel and then over here on the right this is your pdf so this is what you're going to show to other people when you're done writing your document this is what would be printed in an actual you know sheet of paper from your printer so i'm not sure how much programming you guys have done if you've only done something like python that's not a compiled language then you might not be familiar with the concept of compiling but basically we're going to issue commands over here in in latex and then we have to compile which means like we send them to the computer to be interpreted basically and then the computer replies with the with the pdf stuff over here okay so every time you make changes over here in this middle panel like you know if i type hello or something it doesn't show up over here on the right in the pdf until i do the recompile button right here you can also press ctrl s the keyboard shortcut is ctrl s or command s if you're on a mac um to recompile and then you will see your changes over here in your actual document so you can see now it says hello so a few other things about navigating around in your project and the different tools that you have i'm actually going to open a different document that's a lot longer because i think these things will make more sense with a longer document so okay so this is an actual paper here that i submitted to a journal and was published last year so as you can see i have some actual files over here different files and when i click on them they you know something different comes up there in the in the middle okay so here's my main um tech file with my source code and it's very long as you can see so one thing that will happen is that you'll be looking at your source code and then you'll try to find it in your pdf but there's actually much faster way to do this so when you're over here on your source code and you want to see for example what does this equation look like on the pdf you can just click this little arrow right here that says go to code location in pdf and it will jump you right to the part that's near where you highlight it at and then if you want to go in reverse if i want to see for example um what was the code for um what was the code for this section title right here um i can click the other arrow go to pdf location and code and it will take me um right to somewhere at least near that part it's not always right on the spot um so that is quite useful another thing you can do is you can download your pdf so you can click on download pdf right there and it will just download the pdf version of your paper and then you can you know open it in acrobat or whatever you like to read pdfs in some other useful features that you have in overleaf are for example the spell check so here you can see i have the little red underline on this word pseudocode so if i right click on that it's going to give me some suggestions or i can add it to the to the dictionary some other nice features that exist in overleaf are for example autocomplete so if i start typing a command like um backslash i don't know frac and then i can scroll through this list with the up and down arrow keys and when i find the thing that i want i can either hit enter or tab and it will be inserted automatically like this okay and then it automatically puts me into those little curly braces there and i can type whatever i want and then use tab to go to the next one and put whatever i want in there i don't know what that actually looks like so okay just delete it okay and then the last thing that is really useful about overleaf is it will help you find your errors if your errors in your code are bad enough your document may not compile um sometimes you just get warnings but other times you get outright errors and it won't compile so like for example if i type an equation with a mismatched number of curly braces like this um it is not i don't know if it'll compact sometimes it'll compile even when like it even when you did something pretty bad yeah so it's still compiled but you notice over here i'm getting this little red x so that's going to show up wherever you have an error at and it will tell you what the error was if you hover over that all right so that is um most of the useful things that you can do with the overleaf editor itself maybe the only thing i didn't mention is just kind of resizing these panels like you can move those around um you can completely hide the left panel if you want to you can also zoom in and out on the on the pdf which is typically useful if you have big margins all right so that's it for overleaf um and how to use its controls so now i want to actually teach you how to use latex which is the thing that we're going to be writing over here in this panel so let me go to my other document that i had up okay so we're going to go through this line by line and i'm going to show you how to do all of the things that would be necessary in your assignments that you're going to have this semester and i'm also going to explain how the code itself works what all the different lines are doing okay so first line right here we have is document class article okay so this is telling latex that the particular type of document that we want to write is an article usually an article is the kind of like the default class if you think of an article it's like like a magazine article there are other ones like for example there's book so if you put book and compile it again i just hit ctrl s to compile it um it's going to do a title page for the title instead of having it just right in front of the right at the top and then it's going to start on the next page and it starts numbering the sections from zero also interestingly so article is the one that we'll usually use there are lots of them that exist and you can even write your own classes that have some special formatting that you happen to like for example i can show you ams art american mathematical society is the ams looks like that it's a different font um i think uh acm art is another one i've used before for um association of computing machinery is that right yeah it has a different font as well and things are aligned differently so these different classes exist but we'll just go with the default article one okay the next thing after that is your packages so packages in latex work pretty much the same way they work in the rest of the computer programming world a package is a big file that has a bunch of different commands and shortcuts and functions and things extra functionality loaded into it that you need to load if you want to use those things so there are always going to be four packages that we always use and the default one that overleaf puts in the input enc is not one of them we actually don't need that one so the four packages that you are always going to use are the following they're all from the ams the american mathematical society and they're called ams fonts ams symbol sim ams oops theorem thm and and ams math okay so we're always going to use those four and those will be in the templates that i put up on blackboard for you so you don't have to worry about this part yourself okay and then after you've loaded your packages you can also define any sort of like kind of similar in programming when you define functions you can define like specific special commands that just belong to you that you want to use and there's actually going to be one that we always do and i don't know why this one isn't built into latex itself but it just isn't so we're always going to have the new theorem command up here so we do new theorem lowercase theorem uppercase theorem and then section wait i got these in the wrong order oh my gosh i have to be really careful with the syntax here again this will always be loaded into the um templates that i give you by default but what this does is it defines an environment for us to write theorems in and i will tell you what that means when we get to it for now don't pay too much attention um okay so the next step is the metadata this is the stuff right here that's going to go over here in your title your author and your date area so title um latex demo live is fine author i'm going to change that to myself and you can have multiple authors in here as well you probably will for your overleaf assignments do backslash and and then put the other person i'll just put my cat and spot the cat and then now when i recompile with the control s or command s you can see our names are listed there as the authors now the date you can put whatever you want there i usually delete it because if you delete it then it will automatically put today's date that you compiled it on so that's convenient okay and all of this stuff that i just went over lines one through six that is called the preamble because it's stuff that is not actually in your pdf i know you're thinking but this stuff was in the pdf actually that stuff's not in the pdf the part that makes this title over here all this stuff appear the date the title the authors is actually this line 10 make title so if i take that out let me show you then it then there's no title or author or date there okay so oops so keyboard shortcut for undo is control z very important one to learn control z undo you must learn control z or command z okay so um after we finish the preamble up here then we begin the actual document so you're gonna have a begin document and you're gonna have an end document and everything that's between those is what is actually in your pdf okay so currently we only have the make title we have the section one called the introduction and then we have the word hello and that's it so you can already see how we do section numbering and the nice thing about sections is that they're actually numbered automatically so i can have another section here like this and it'll be numbered as section two and you can even have subsections so like for example subsection um here's a subsection and those will be numbered automatically as well so that's subsection 2.1 okay so for the most part if you want to just type regular text in your pdf you can just type in the normal way so so text that you type in the document part of the source code not the preamble anything that you type in there just appears as regular text in your pdf um a couple of things to note about it are that text will have the quote unquote justified justified alignment now notice here i'm typing quote unquote justified and i've done it in a very weird way that does not look like what you're used to you're used to using this double apostrophe thing but double apostrophe thing does not look right in late i'll show you what it looks like let me zoom in a little bit um so when you do double apostrophes they come out always curled like this like they're on the right side which is not what you want you want the one on the left to be curled like this this one and then one on the right to be curled like that okay so in order to achieve that look you have to do your um quotes like like they are over here in the source code so you have those weird little backward apostrophe that's right above the tab key on the left two of those and then on the right is two um single apostrophes okay so anyway as i was saying text will have the justified alignment um automatically and also another thing that happens by default is that words will break over the end of the lines with hyphens so let's see how that looks i'm going to get rid of this panel over here so we can zoom in a little bit okay now when you want to do a new paragraph you need to skip a line okay so skip a line between each paragraph in order to have paragraphs correctly um indented so let me show you what happens if you don't skip a line see there where i skipped a line it didn't skip a line in the pdf it just goes on the next line but it indented it and what happens if you don't skip a line in your source code when you don't skip a line it just stays in the same paragraph okay let me show you see you thought you went to a new paragraph but you didn't because look over here it's on the same paragraph as before even though in the source code it was a new paragraph okay um and in fact what's really going on here is that um is that all white space is being eaten um so like for example if you put a whole bunch of spaces like this space space space space tab tap tap tap tap it's all gonna be eaten none of that is gonna make it into the pdf okay see no white spaces over here even though we had all this white space um over here that extra stuff will just be deleted okay now one nice thing is that if you want to make something bold or italic there's a really fast way to do it in overleaf just highlight the part you want to be bold and hit ctrl b and it's going to automatically format it correctly with this little backslash text bf thingy um so that will come out as bold there you go and then italic works the same way you can just highlight it hit ctrl i and then um that will be italic just like this right here okay now one thing i want to note here is that this since this is a programming language it is possible to do comments comments are things that you put in your source code that you do not want to be compiled you want them to be ignored by the compiler they're just there for the programmer to remind them of something so like for example let's say i want to see how the pdf would look if this paragraph wasn't here but i don't want to actually delete it i can comment it out so to comment something out you just put a percent sign in front of the sentences or the lines and there's actually a keyboard shortcut for doing it automatically so we do ctrl z ctrl z control z undo if you highlight the part you want to comment out and do control slash it will comment out the whole section so now when i compile this that paragraph should be gone yep it's gone but if i want to get it back i can highlight this again hit ctrl slash again boop it's back okay so that is pretty darn useful okay so now i want to talk about environments so we've already seen one environment an environment is sort of a conceptual concept that's not a good phrase a conceptual concept it's a concept in um latex that uh has a kind of a big influence on how you go about typesetting things so the environment that we've seen so far is actually the document environment so when we had begin document and end document that everything that is in between those is in the document environment so an environment is text or or commands that are between a begin and an end and then the name of the environment is in those little curly braces this one is document and then some kind of special formatting or special set of commands is applied to the things that are in the environment okay so i'm going to show you some other environments so for example if you want to center some text um notice here uh with the autocomplete as soon as i typed backslash begin like that it already pops up with like a whole bunch of environments that i could use these are popular environments so the one that i want to use is actually center so i'm going to use the arrow key down arrow key to go down to center right there and i'm just going to go ahead and hit tab to insert that and you notice that overleaf inserted both the begin and the end part and it automatically also tabbed me over which i don't really like being tabbed over in latex um so i'm just gonna get rid of the tab so this is a centered piece of text putting it on a few lines there so you can see the centering effect so looking at the pdf here you see this this is indeed um centered right there so you can center things in an environment there's also an environment for doing bullet points for example on the itemize environment and then you have to use item in front of each thing that has a bullet point this is item a list of item bullet item points let's see how that looks okay so there's my bullet point um environment there's tons of different environments and one thing that you can do is you can actually define your own environment and now is where i'm gonna tell you what that mysterious command was that we did up here on line three that was actually defining a new environment so what this command up there does is it makes a new environment that is basically a copy of the theorem environment to be honest with you guys i don't like fully understand why we always have to do this and it's not just built in but this this line is in literally every latex document i've ever written so it makes a new copy of the theorem environment which apparently can't be used until you do this and the particular command that we're going to use to call that environment or to put that environment into our document is the lowercase t theorem the word that's going to be displayed on the page when we see text in that environment is this capital t theorem and then the theorem is going to be numbered according to what section of the paper we're in so that's what all that stuff means so let me show you an example so i'm going to come down here under my bullet point list and i'm going to do a theorem so i'm going to do begin theorem okay and overleaf went ahead and automatically put the end part in there for me so this is a theorem let's see what it looks like okay so here's my theorem as you see the word here that it's labeled with that is coming from up here in my command so i could have put anything there i could put alathia my name and then it would look like this now i have alathia 2.1 oh no a better version of myself oh i don't want to compete how could i win um but anyway so change that back to theorem and then the part here this section that is numbering the theorem according to the section that we're in so we're in section two right here and this is the first theorem so it's theorem 2.1 and then if i put another theorem under that i put another one um this is another theorem that will be theorem 2.2 you see there so they're numbered automatically which is very nice so theorem is a really important environment that we're going to see a lot a lot a lot of in this class and the other really important environment that we're going to see a lot of is proof so theorems should always be accompanied by either a proof or a reference to the place where you can find the proof so i'm going to do begin proof and i'll show you what proof environment looks like this is a proof so the proof environment looks like this starts with italic word proof and it always has this little box after it um in the olden days uh they used to put qed at the end of proofs which was latin so olden days going back to the middle ages i guess um but nowadays we just put a little box at the end of the proof like that you sometimes see this in magazines too like people put a box at the end of an article or um or even like a triangle or something like that um so we put those at the end of proofs and the proof environment is going to insert that for you automatically which is very nice okay so that was all about typesetting um but we haven't done any math yet so how do we typeset math that's what latex is for right that's the whole point of it um so when you want to type a mathematical expression mathematical expression like a variable all you have to do is you have to put it between dollar signs okay so as soon as you type one dollar sign it will actually insert two of them for you um overleaf does that automatically and you're also gonna get this pink kind of highlighting error which is because you didn't put anything in the dollar signs yet um so i'm going to put an x in there so you just use the dollar signs let me show you how it looks so you see here that the x is italicized it looks kind of fancy and like pretty you can do more complicated ones too like for example um you could do like x plus y equals five or something like that and one thing that you're going to notice about this this is called math mode things that are between the dollar signs are in math mode one thing that i want you to notice is the following in math mode so i'm going to put this between dollar signs just to emphasize the point um everything is italic and spaces get eaten okay so it looks like there should be a bunch of spaces in there but when we compile it no spaces there's no spaces at all it all gets smooshed together like that so that's actually by design um you you want you want math to be that way like variables get smacked right up next to each other there's not like spaces in equations there are ways to like force equip but four spaces in there but you don't really need to know about it okay now this is the most basic way to get things into math mode but this has a big limitation and let me show you what it is so limitation of this method is that inline expressions get squished like this okay so i'm gonna do like a really big big one i'll show you how to do all this stuff later but for now i'll just do it myself okay so this is a really big expression i've just typed here look at it there it is all right do you see how squished that looks this looks terrible because it's too big for the line it's on okay so it got squished into that one line of text and it really looks bad so when you're just talking about a single variable for example x like this over here um you can use the inline math mode of just single dollar sign single dollar sign and just keep typing your your line um so inline mode works great for discussing variables like you know a and b and short expressions like a plus b equals c um but it doesn't work well for long expressions or tall expressions okay so we need another way to get into math mode that is not in the middle of a line of text so to typeset and so to get into math mode without being in a line of text use double dollar signs okay so let me show you how that big fat math expression that i had before would look if i used double dollar signs okay so i'm just going to put it on its own line and instead of having one dollar sign i'm gonna have two dollar signs and let me show you how it looks next page et voila it's very beautiful it's not squished anymore it looks all fancy and pretty they're on its own line everything has enough room to kind of breathe notice that it is also centered which is typically how you would see an equation or an expression like that that's on its own line it would be centered okay so i just threw a bunch of complicated expressions together to do that but i didn't explain any of them to you so now let me explain how to write um some of the sort of more common math things that you would want to write um so any mathematical symbol um has an escape sequence um it's a kind of technical term from computer science um another way we could say is just it has a command to write it so some common examples are the following um so you never want to use the asterisk for multiplication so asterisk is not for multiplication instead we use backslash c dot c dot that stands for center dot and that is the centered center of the line like from top to bottom you put a dot right in the center that's for multiplication um so like for example if i want to do 5 times 7 i do 5 backslash c dot seven and here i do actually have to put a space between at least i think i do have to put a space between the c dot and the seven so that latex understands that the end of this command here is the t and not the seven in other words i could define an escape sequence that was c dot seven and that's not what i want okay some other common ones are uh the following so some of these you'll memorize at some point and others you'll just have to look up every time there's c dots for putting three center dots for like uh abbreviation for a long multiplication um there's dots that's for doing dot dot dot at the bottom of the line there is geq that's for greater than or equal leq less than or equal neq not equal if t for infinity iff for double left right um arrow i n for the set element symbol subset eq for subset or equal to cup for union cap for intersection v for or and wedge for and and there's tons more so any of these that you want to know you can just google them so here's all the ones that just appeared those are my oh do c dots and dots do the same thing oh my gosh i've been doing it wrong all these years the more you know um anyway here's the greater than or equal less than or equal not equal empty if and only if and all the other ones that i just um was going over any others you want to know just google it all right so that was symbols and they're all in there they exist for you to use uh the next thing you might want to probably know how to do is exponents and subscripts so for exponents use the carrot key the carrot key and the next character will go into the superscript superscript is like the type setting word for an exponent it's just like text that's at the top of the line um so for um subscripts use the underscore key now both of these are only going to the next character they're only going to put the next character into the sub or superscript so you need to wrap anything that's longer in curly braces to make it go into the subscript or superscript okay so let me show you an example of what i mean so for example we could do x squared plus y sub zero equals z to the i don't know three like this so this should do what you think it will do so two is in the superscript here uh zero is in the subscript here and then three is in the superscript over here now what is meant by character is actually for example um oh i forgot to go over greek letters um but for example if i want to put pi up there in the superscript for z i can do backslash p i and that is that backslash p i that's considered one character so that will properly go up into the superscript without needing curly braces okay but now if i want to put something longer up there let me show you what happens so let's say i want to do x to the 25 y sub 100 and z to the two pi let's see what that looks like if i just do it like that okay did not work correctly so the two got into the superscript but the five did not get up there the one got into the subscript but the zero zero did not and the two got into the superscript but pi did not get up there okay so what you got to do is you gotta wrap all that stuff in curly braces just give it like i don't know saran wrap or something i'm gonna wrap my 25 here in these curly braces and that's all going to go up there wrap the 100 in curly braces wrap the two pie and curly braces okay so now let's see how this looks all right yep 25 went up there 100 down there 2 pi up there yeah exactly like we wanted okay so that is exponents and superscripts uh and subscripts and since i forgot to go over greek letters um let me do that for a second uh so greek letters there aren't only greek letters there's like hebrew letters and other alphabets too but greek letters are the ones we mostly use so all you have to do is do um backslash and then the name of the letter like the letter spelling of it al ph a for alpha for example um you know beta gamma delta and so on so that will give you the lowercase ones um and then for the uppercase ones you just capitalize it so like capital a alpha not all caps but just the first letter um capital b beta capital g gamma capital b delta like that okay oh all right i forgot this is a weird thing but alpha capital a alpha and capital b beta don't exist because they just use regular capital a and b like it's the same as the english a and b this has happened to me before that i forgot i was like why aren't they there okay yeah it's just like regular and b for those all right um so next thing is some special constructions so i showed you fractions a little bit just to make the point about why you put things on their own line but there's a whole bunch of other things besides fractions that kind of like like move things around to different positions or shapes so there's fractions first of all so um fractions are like this you do backslash f r a c and then see it's got the little autocomplete there i always just do the autocomplete i just hit tab and put it in like that so the first curly brace there is what goes on the top and then the second one is bottom part and you can actually use tab and shift tab to switch between these two um curly brace thingies right here really quickly it's a nice little feature of a relief so that's fractions when you want to do roots you can do a square root with backslash sqrt and then put the curly braces um and then you put the contents in the curly braces like that if you want to do a different route like a cube root it's actually the same command um but you just put a little square bracket with the root index right there and then whatever you want oops i forgot to put that in math mode dollar sign too many nope one dollar sign yes thank you okay okay so there's fractions um oh i should have done these in double dollar signs so there is fractions and roots and there's a whole bunch of other things that are kind of similar to this there's like um summations for for example uh let's do one of those real quick so you just do backslash sum underscore starting index and then superscript ending index and then you can just put whatever you want to be in the summation after that like this so that makes the summation there looks really pretty and there's a whole bunch more things like that um which you can google if you want to know how to do them one thing to keep in mind is um named functions should not be italicized um the most famous ones are built in like this let me show you what i mean um like sign for example is a famous named function but you don't do it like this you don't do like sine of x like that you put a backslash in front like that and then it's gonna uh latex is gonna recognize that as the sign that it knows and it's going to not italicize it as it should not be italicized i don't know if you guys have ever noticed that sign is not italicized in textbooks nor is any named function um you know like tan or arctan or whatever um that kind of stuff and if you don't want the parentheses you can just do this in you know curly braces for example okay so last thing i want to show you how to do is maybe um a little bit i don't know this might be too advanced but it's pretty useful so i'm going to show it to you anyway so parentheses we haven't really done them yet parentheses are not sized automatically so let me show you what i mean um let's do a fraction with parentheses around it so i'm gonna do frac one over let's do one over two and i put parentheses around it let's see what that looks like okay you guys can see it does not look good that is not the right size of parentheses right but there is a way to size them automatically so you can size um parentheses automatically with backslash left and backslash right and i'm getting errors on those um so let me put them in math mode right so basically you put the backslash left right before the left parenthesis just like this and then you put the backslash right in front of the right parenthesis so let me copy the fraction that i just did and do it with left and right there so in front of the first parenthesis backslash left in front of the second parenthesis backslash right compile and you see there we have the correctly sized parentheses and this is really nice because you can keep putting like more and more of them together and it'll just keep auto sizing them correctly so for example if i could put the same thing i'll paste it in here for um where the two is two plus that see now i've got like multiple sizes of parentheses but they're still all you know sized nicely um so that's pretty great so last thing i want to tell you is that there is so so so much more stuff that you can do with latex than this so i just want to show you a couple of more things that exist although i'm not going to show you how to do them i'll just show you that they exist and i'm going to use my own paper that was published last year to demonstrate so let's look at this paper together um so uh first of all a few more things that you can do just to kind of get you excited about latex is you can actually draw pictures and diagrams in latex so this picture right here this is not like a jpeg or gif or anything that is drawn with code okay so this code right over here um draws this picture over here and same with this one on the on the right so that's pretty cool um as i said it's not just mathematicians that use latex it's also computer scientists so this is actually um a computer science paper that i wrote basically kind of like border of math and computer science so you can typeset your algorithms like this one formal type setting of code like this and another thing that you can do is you can actually do hyperlinks within your paper so for example these are references to my bibliography and if i click on them it jumps me right down to where the reference was in the bibliography and the bibliography itself is another really nice thing that you can do in latex if you look at where the code is for my bibliography the code for my bibliography is those two lines which tell latex to make the bibliography itself and it does it makes it in the right format it inserts everything automatically for me from another source file which is over here and then it puts in all those hyperlinks and stuff automatically it's really nice and then the last thing is you can put in pictures like um jpegs gifs pngs and so on so this is a this is a picture that's over here it's one of these files so you can do all kinds of fancy stuff like that in latex and um yeah if you have any questions about how to do anything in latex my sincere advice would be to just seriously just google it so let me give you a little example like let's say you want to use a red text in latex so i would google how do i make text red in latex and you're probably gonna get a link from either overleaf itself or you're gonna get a link from stack exchange you guys know about stack exchange you haven't been googling enough if you don't know so you're just going to read whatever it is and just copy whatever they did i learned every single thing that i know about latex from stack exchange so if i learned it there then then you can learn it too people will ask questions on here and then other people will answer them and tell them how to do it so here they're telling you you need to use this package and then once you have the package then you can use this you know environment here all right um but if you have some some problems and you can't figure them out by googling of course feel free to send me a message through teams uh you can post to the general channel in teams if you want anyone to be able to answer or you can ask me a question directly i guess if you're embarrassed and i'll be happy to help you out alright thanks for watching
Channel: alatheajensen
Views: 24,347
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Id: 4ApM68xeN-w
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Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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