How To Use MetaTrader 4 Platform - Step by Step Guide

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[Music] good day i thank you so much for taking your time and watching this video because on this lesson i mean on this video i like saying lessons but on this video here i'll be speaking about how to utilize the meta trader platform so for all those okay i do know that there's um beginner people that like to watch my videos most importantly i don't know there's also advanced people that like to watch my content which means that it's both for beginners and advanced people but i want you to stay tuned because at the end of the video i'll be speaking of this important notice that i've got for you but i'm stay tuned because we're speaking about how to utilize the meta trader platform i'm okay members so on this video lesson i wanna show you guys how you can get to download the a meta theatre platform how you can utilize it to be able to make a full-time living out of um forex trading okay so metatrader let us go to the our play store okay let us go to our place okay so it's somewhere yeah cares okay i just searched it i met a three or four you can simply see a meta three to four search it then you can start installing it okay you can see it's um installing and it's it doesn't take a lot of megabytes which is like 4.9 which is like five megabytes you can simply get using wi-fi or your normal personal data but yeah that is done okay it has installed so what i'm gonna do now is that i'm gonna open this app i'm gonna open this app so you can simply see what it is that we can do how powerful this small megabyte app can do to us okay so what happens is that as soon as you start with it it gives you a demo account it like automatically just gives you its own demo account but doesn't mean that you can start trading with this you can there's a lot of options that you can utilize now like what am i meaning um what i mean is that you can maybe get a what whatever broker that you'll be using you can get a if it's ac mic or if it's um or whatever broker that you'll be using you can get a demo account with them if not you don't feel like getting a democrat you can also get a live account with your broker and then you can connect it to this beautiful app of ours that we're gonna start using for our trading journey okay so i showed you guys how you can get and download this app and i'm going to show you guys how you can use it okay so now we are here at the codes so um you saw like as soon as i installed this app it took us to this beautiful code page here okay could okay you could tab i don't know but yeah this is where you'll get your page this is where most of your pages are gonna be you'll find them somewhere in these are your major pairs if i may say so but if you want more place you can simply press here to add pears and then there's a lot of options okay you can see it says forex depending on your broker like um there'll be brokers that consists forex as well as stocks and all these things like if i just insert my broker it gives me a lot of options like there's indexes there's all these types of things there but now because we're using this um demo that we just got here with uh the platform i'll just also show you how you can register your own uh live account okay so you can simply see we add and then let's say now we want euro aud can just press euro aud somewhere yeah okay it's it added okay then let me go down and show you there we go you're you can see the editor so that's how you are going to be adding the pairs that you want okay but let me show you something cool i'm listening now we want to start trading uh euro us dollar so what i'll do is that i'll press eurys dollar and then i'll just say open chat okay so you can see this is the chats on euro or i mean euro us dollar okay what did i do okay euro us dollar you can see this is the charts but if you just press on the charts like this you'll simply see that there's a lot of options like this is the time frame whether you want to change the time from like 15 minutes here simply means that each and every candlestick represents 15 minutes like candlestick that you see here it's 50 min it takes 15 minutes for this candlestick to um up here if you just press here this is 30 minutes and again an hour as you see means that each and every kind of stick here took an hour to open and close did you see that so um there's a lot of options there i want us to take care of listen i can start by pressing over here okay no yeah right here and maybe press delete so you can start our chats like fresh now so delete this and delete this we want clean charts don't we you want that okay there we go yeah i had to like i have to hold this this camera here and at the same time press so you can see now that our chats i think there's no you don't see all these um indicators the moving averages the rsis and stuff it's just you and the charts okay but one thing that i'm going to do too is that i'm going to show you how you can remove these period lines and how you can change colors to the candlestick to colors that you want but simply seeing um this is the code this is the chart okay when you want to charge simply press here when you're on the code press here you want to change to a different up here you can say audsd then say open chart perfect can you see now it has opened okay so that's what i wanted to show you for now but i'm also now gonna dive into showing you what it is that you can do with the setting bar okay so but before we move on to the setting but i wanna show you something cool um there's what we call a crosshair that you can use i'm not sure if they call it the crosshair yeah but i use muslin trading view that's what they name it so did you see what i actually done i pressed this cross here so you're able to just see on what it is that you want to see so like let's see if you just move this up and down can you see it choose let's see if i want to place a cell stop or buy or whatever like at a specific price i'll just move this thing and it will give me that exact price on the side can you see but if not even if you want to see the date and time you can just keep on moving it like this it'll show you what time it like the the candlestick was at or the date and you'll be able to just get the information that you need instead of you just trying to guess meaning that like let's say if you sell here and you want to place your stop-loss somewhere above here can use this and just see what number it is then place this number in your um stop losses so one thing that i want to show you too is that there's a lot of options you can press here simply by pressing here you'll see that there's a lot of um indicators there's a lot of all these things that you can use but i don't use this it's just a lot of them they're a bit complicated for me so there's a lot of indicators in here that you can use if you are an indicate uh if you try to indicate but my members they don't um trade indicators and also i want to show you how you can add the two so let's say if you want to draw use trend lines trendlines are the best what the one thing that we use let's see if you just press here and here add an object okay you can see it says add object you can add vertical line horizontal line for the support and the resistance readers clean line and all these um fibonacci tools and all these things that you can utilize okay shapes even rectangle triangle and all these things but what i'm gonna be using now is just like this trend line okay okay now i used uh here i think it's it okay so i just added a trendline somewhere here can you see there's a trend line and you can just play with it place it wherever you wanna place it and what i'm gonna do is that i'm just gonna come here edit it so you can just play around with it like you can choose the color that you want it to be in you can choose how thick or thin you want it to be in and all these things can you see so this is your thin line and you can see it says time frame all what you can do is that you can also press here and deselect the time frames that you don't want it to appear at me that if you press on um daily press on dd and you say okay let me show you this okay let me just show you a quick example let me just say done okay can you see this trend and that's here this red one okay this one it's going to now appear on dealing just going daily it'll now appear somewhere here just that it's more but here can you see it will not appear but if i just i'm selected then i'll go to the setting okay if i just select it then i'll go to his settings here okay right here and i deselect on daily i deselect it on daily and i just say okay what will happen is that when i go on daily it will now not appear okay it won't appear but when i just drop down to the one hour it will appear can you see here it is can you see it appears so what i've done is that let's see if you have daily um trend lines you can have the monday but when you drop down to four hour you move like they don't appear in four hours when you drop down to one hour that way you can have like cleanup shots and you won't have like a lot of lines on your platform okay that's the most important thing not complicating your platforms and this is simply how you delete it if you want to have another one okay okay now i wanted some to focus on the settings like how we can play around with the charts okay now i want us to focus on how we can play around the chat so let's say now you want your chance to be something like and after this i'm going to show you guys how you can work with your um i mean how you can update your accounts let's see insert your life account or open another new game i don't know but um let's say now you come here by settings okay so yeah settings you'll be able to see all these different types of settings name advanced mode okay other sounds like this is like let's say if you were placing an order you wanted to have the sun that goes like power i don't know but here you just play around with them and see and um we can see that how in the show volumes show three levels firstly i'll just start off by removing this three levels and then independent graphically created okay independent charts it's okay show period separators okay this i removed this period separators that those lengths that appear on the chats and ask price line ask president um it's it's it's almost like let's say when you the the the cell line or the the bit line you know those things okay let me just show you guys quick a quick example like what happened is that did i just see look here that what's left here is the grid i'll just show you guys how you can quickly remove this so let me go in settings can you see there's a red line here at the top now if you don't want it to appear you can simply just come here by settings and put it here as press you just deselect it then it's gonna it's not gonna appear it's just gonna be the the blue line to get that so now let us get into the most important thing these are not important the most important one is getting the charge to be a bit clean so what i'm gonna do is that okay our background is black you can see our background is black so what i'm going to do is that i'll just say you can be green on black background let's play so just go to the grid and make it be black okay and then what i'll do is that the vo okay i'll just go to ba up make it be green i want to show you how you can have the green as by okay green but don't make it be red okay blue candle it's up make it be green okay it's green big handle make it be red okay big handle i don't know i think that's red okay i think this should be red and shut line okay it's okay bit line stop leveling off that so what i will do is that i'll just sit down let's see how our chests look i hope they're looking as i thought here you can see this okay you can see what i've done to them now you can see the background this black the the candles the the green candles is is the buy candles the red ones are the soul candles so now you can see that it's clean and there's no grids like it's just us and the charts you can simply see it's in the chats so let me just do this so you don't see the the ask press line that was speaking about him just deselect it okay let me go back to the chat okay you can see that line that red line is now gone so you can simply do this again and have a white background for the ones that prefer white backgrounds okay let me say background background white okay done you can see i said white background so now i'll just see this can you see okay this is the white background name but you can simply see that the the price on the sides is now it's not visible it's because we said the foreground should be white too so i'll just make it be black okay um go back to colors uh foreground can you see make it be black and gray make it be white because now it won't appear on a white background you know then you can see i'm i made um gridly white i made the foreground be black so let's see can you see how it is now now the charts are simply like the background is white the green candles are there the red candles are there too so and you can even see the price it's appearing nicely here so now i want us to jump into the accounts like how you can set up your account and start trading on this platform of ours okay so let us take a look at this menu okay let me just quickly explain this menu quick okay this is the code so you get your setups now your pace your trading page um this is your chat where you want to go into your chat right here this is your three so you're gonna see your balance your equity your running threes and all that the obviously the democrat because i just got it now this okay this just shows you your history down here it shows your history and these are just like news and stuff i don't normally use that so let me just jump into the setting here manage accounts okay so you can simply see that this is uh obviously a demo that just was created now so you can simply press here plus and then if you want to let's say um add an existing okay not existing but add a live account that you just recently opened what you will do is that you'll just come down here login to an existing account and then you search your broker's name normally i use ic markets i've got an account with ic markets so i'll just say i see markets okay i see markets so you can simply see that there's like different types of um server names you can see you see it says live several i mean level one level two level three and all those things uh so what it normally changes like it's not the same i have like different a lot of collector icons not a lot dragons in the whole they all have different seven names the one is like zero three the other one is like 17 and all those so even your one is going to be different from i don't know but the other one is going to be its own unique one so you can simply say select your one let's say i see market live zero five for instance live05 you'll have your details and it'll be sent to you by your email in your email it'll be sent to your email like the details that are going to be sent would be like your login they'll give you a login number which is like i think it's a five digit number it'll give you um a password and you can just change the password in your dashboard on your broker and obviously you can say password or not and the server the most important thing is understanding the server that you're going to be utilizing okay the server so let's say now we are done then you sign in once you do send you okay but let me just go back okay sign in it's going to take you to a page like it's going to show that it's a live account that you have sent in and everything and it's going to take you to a page like this whether it's going to appear so let me just come down here and speak a bit about this and how you're going to place the three okay there's obviously a demo account which i okay yeah but let me just so once you are here you'll be able to place threes okay so placing threes would be like this you just come here okay or not even here let me just go back down to here let's see now you wanna place a three to euro dollar like current i'm holding a shot on it let's say you see yours dollar and then you say new trade you can simply see here um it says instant execution yes the lord says which is the amount that you wanna um go like enter the street with and yes the people the stops say i mean the stop loss value and the take profit value so meaning that if you are selling it now you'd obviously pick the instant execution but if you want to sell it like i'm buy it when it has went lower to a specific point there's a bit more advanced i won't speak more about this for now i'll explain that maybe if you guys want to know about them let me know and then i'll make a video about them and you can simply see these different order types which i teach about this the different order types and let's instance a instant execution um you can simply change your lot sizes here so obviously if you have a smaller account you won't be using such um a lot size if you have a bigger conscious you'd be using it so for instance let us just stick to zero comma ten lot sizes okay zero comma ten so let's say now you sell the street your order is pleased and you can simply see that the order is now running here okay your trade is not placed so to insert your stop loss you can simply go back to the chart okay sorry i pressed that you can simply go back to the chart okay you can simply go back to the chat okay and um okay what's going well and you can simply see that okay no i wanna place my stop loss maybe somewhere here using this crosshair that i spoke about the circuit that you just pressed you can simply say okay i wanna place my stop loss somewhere around here it's the specific peeps obviously when i have to analyze and have targets and stop loss according to what you have seen and you let's say you place it and this is your unit one comma one two one let's say one comma one two four hundred then you go in here you say modify then you insert it here one comma but you guys still remember okay i think they do one comma you know one comma one two four hundred okay then you press on modify then you'll simply see that the stop loss will appear okay i placed it there but now it doesn't appear because we put it off here i think let's see we put it off here so let me just say uh show three volume levels the represent trade levels um there we go three levels it's off so you have to put it back on so what i'll simply do is that i'll put it on and then i'll go back in the chats and you'll see here is stop loss and you can simply do the same with the take profit so that's how to place a trade with metatrader 4 platform i believe that you guys got value from this video thank you so much for making it up up until the end and for all those that have learned something please do tell me what it is that you've learned and for the ones that already had this knowledge please do let me know um maybe something that i've skipped that can also help others that maybe didn't get to get that um fact so thank you so much for watching and the important thing that i've been wanting to tell you is that like i've been getting a lot of dms a lot of um comments a lot of things that messages that people have been telling me that they want like something that is like a step-by-step guide that's going to help them be able to learn the markets which i already had but not only i've made it i've improved it into being something that will be dropped in just a single platform but you'll be able to get that and have it like at your own be able to watch these video materials or the course that i do have at your own time and peace so what i will do is that just keep on following me because i don't have a specific date that i'll tell you i just want you guys to be looking out for it which will happen during this month during this month on the month of july so one thing that i do want you to do is that um simply what you can do is hit the link in my bio get to my telegram general channel and just join make sure that you're able to be updated when i do drop the the information that i want to be giving most importantly you can also follow me on instagram i'll just put my handle somewhere down here which if you don't want nothing down yet it's unless you underscore and then you'll be able to also see what it is that you can get from my post so thank you so much please do have a phenomenal day or night depending on what time frame you're looking at you're watching this video from receiver youtube
Channel: Lesiba Mothupi
Views: 350,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forextrading, forex, fx, foreignexchange, howtotrade, howtomakemoney, howtomakemoneyonline, fxtrading, howtousemetatrader, howtobeasuccesfultrader, makingmoneytrading, fxlifestyle, fxhowto, foreignexc
Id: 0sAPWtlZ890
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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