How to Open Trading Account and use MT4 for Beginners | Android & IOS

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can open an account without a bull yeah and there's no G things to open your college so you're not simply putting your phone numbers here so now you need to find the lowest possible deposit so this clear so now we have three key here I need to find your highest possible leverage Yeah right when you're done is create a country so now your car is being treated and you're gonna find your competence right in the middle and you're gonna find you're treating me still here you know fine you're treating chance here even I find you trading peers and the first step here so now to be able to customize your Chas you need to go to the top left corner again go to settings enable you Advanced Mode to see all the training path details here and to find the customization for your parents you need to go to the bottom you know find colors trance there and this way you can customize or change your colors so I like to do this once like on a heavy preview when I have it the red here and when I have it actually move this one here is that to do it for this one so you can change to any color that you like and put it up to you so now let's see what happens to add reading charts you can see now I just like this to be able to remove that in to go to the else and remove all in the key just in here so now you're gonna have nice to your chats now to seem on the right-hand side you gonna press and drag to the left to create more space in able to see your child in better so now she also access your time frames you need to press them in the I can see we have smaller timeframes on the left hand side real time frames on the right hand side so if I first played immediate means that every candlestick is a thirty minute and if I press fifty minutes it means that everything Candlestick represents a few minutes knocking quality recharge you see that this is a presentation of a daily chart right time frames are pressing the middle and I can move my chance like so I'll show you guys a nice trick to remove the grid now let's go back to our settings so to be able to find your critical to colors and customize agree to be the same color as the background as you can see the grid is removed and you can see your charts better so now increased vision see a URI is Deon enter a bio position with Merope analysis on a continual pieing existent abroad corner to find your trading audience so I see a five orders here execution by limits a limit when stopped and saw stops so I'm going to use execution to enter a PI so we can find our three-year and we pull to the left you see the time as you can see we now buy entry and is to go order a argument of Austrian profits so now on Oprah cause I don't know nothing we know that way of our execution or as yeah a mere velocity named amigo so wanna make sure you use both sides in this plan 0 comma 10 as you know convene 0 comma 0 1 for beginners that is proper what is management as you can see all loss is now less as compared to a face trick because they using proper risk management is important for you guys to in order to date it's another good way to a child so I want us to focus on different type of orders now right if you access here we see we have leads and swaps so we use limits for the velocity varies by limit here so your by limit order will only have to be said no other than the current market price we have all on eg I'm gonna set it as 1 1 7 that's how it's gonna be able to activate when the price drops so when I put 1 1 7 here so we placed an order now and we can find it if you look into our charts didn't see disappear timeframe which is a small timeframe to see where this VC is no other neck hurt like a price and woman who open when the market drops towards it and lastly our stop orders my you stops as a continuation pattern someone who is a bias pop in order to execute the confirmation so one only Tilly's occur I'm like a price an hour by stop has to be above the current market price unlike using one on a team we're not gonna use one 120 so in order for the order to be open the mugger is to go above the current price and a she'll each one and 20 mother's hoop in the past of order philosophy rematch at right as you can see the by stop is now above the current market price so the market is too cold we have units within the past of order so since we're done with the orders we can find our trading currency because in here right you scroll up and down to find all the available currency pairs and to anyone so you can find them in the top right corner there so those are gonna find all those trading currency pairs and you have to tap on them in order to have them on your codes pay right so the more we tap the more gonna have enough was page which allows us to trade more tiles as you can see there's a new currencies and was gonna present me to open chant and this basically is easy as bed so now when I cover it in trade and how they affect our trading history hi so result Riza we have running name and in order to close unless you come here and basically chose with the loss so you can find that across over truth reason yeah you can try so I need to find extra information and you can see those sizing on the left hand side and push you to loss a Triton side and that's a lot of it too so you can have run in treason or to grow accounts you need to have now coefficients to date your trades be able to move enough and be able to be in profits right other than that air is good signing out you wanna find your options in the bottom simply place here to find your chats and pleasure to find your calm balanced and place here to find a chicken history press the first time to find you trade in pairs and to add in you're kinda to go to settings and press the ecology have at the top to birthday so you're gonna find all your accounts to air a new one simply press the plus button there and go to looking for an existing program so let me say for example when broken in a manner type octa effects it'll show me both a demo and a live account can also travel digital broker in say for example XM global and alpha again a demo in a live account so if you're in have in a broker you can also open account using your metal trader you can open an account to a parable that yeah and you're gonna press demo and these are going put now if there's not details to open account so now you need to find the lowest possible deposit so this clear - now you're tricky here and need to find your highest possible leverage so when you're done you can press the Z star to open a new demo account so now you're kind of being created and you're gonna find your calm balance like in the window and we're gonna find the trading history here you know final trading chance here even if I'm retrieving pills the first tape here so now to be able to customize you just go to settings this is where you'll find your options to customize which ad but firstly switch to Advanced Mode go back to settings and then go to the downside and find chats and then inside you need to find a stress line in in a bullet in Sonali enable 3d levels as well press there and this way I can customize and change colors so I'd like to do this once like on a heavy blue here one I have with the red here and when I have this lightly put this one what I have is that you get this one so you can change to any color that you like and it totally up to you so next you need to press the earth there I will never you to now add or remove any indicators we now have nest each as you can see here and you can move it with ease so now to be able to access a time frame she to press the top left corner day and a top once it will send small time frames and the bottom one simply sends the bigger time frames so now let's access the dv1 chat as you see is easy access and you can also move and zoom in inside are charged so if you're not moving great need to go back to settings so to be able to find your greedy to go to colors and customize they agreed to be the same color as the background as you can see the grid is removed any can see charts within better so now increase is in see ivory is the own entire position with matter of analysis on a continual pieing sorry Sierra five orders here execution right limits a limit West open sourced also my use execution 25 so now on a focus on a nothing you know that way of our execution or as a mere velocity in the middle so wanna make sure you use both size less than 0 comma 10 as you know command 0 comma 0 1 for beginners that is proper what is management as you can see our loss is now less as compared to a face trick because we're using proper risk management is important for you guys to in order to date so one has to focus on different type of orders now right you access here we see we have limits and stops so we use the means for the results varies by limit here so your by limit order will only have to be said no water in the current market price we have all on eg I'm gonna set it at 1 1 7 that's how it's going to be able to achieve it when the price drops so when I put 1 1 7 year so we placed an order now and you see is not only correct like a price and only open when the market drops towards it and lastly our stop orders like we used tops as a continuation pattern so I'm gonna use a buy stop in order to execute the continuation so one only thing is Academy like a price and a buy stop has to be above the current market price unlike using 1 on 18 we're not gonna use 1 120 photos we get in a chat right as you can see the by stop is now above the current market price so the mugger is to call that we have in order to obtain the buy stop order so since we're done with or as you can find a trading currency as in here right you scroll up and down to find all the available currency pairs and to anyone so you can find them the top-ranked on a day so this we're gonna find all those trading currency pairs and you have to tap on them in order to have them on your codes paid right so the more we tap the more gonna have enough was which allows us to trade more pairs as you can see there's a new currencies and as when I present need to open chant and basically is easy as bed so now when I cover it in trade and how the effect our trading history I'm so result Reza we have running and in order to close them which to come here and basically chose with a loss so you can find that across about Lewis treason yeah you can cry so I need to find extra information and you can see those sizing on the left hand side and prove it's a loss at right hand side and that's a lost of it too so you can have run increase in her to three accounts you need to have now called patience to get your trades be able to move me now and be able to be in focus right other than that there is good signing out
Views: 189,680
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Keywords: metatrader4, iml, forex, buy, sell, orders, trading, charting, android, platform, foreign currency, money, tutorial, ftse100, disciplined trader, forex trading education, trading education, how to trade, trading basics, learn forex, mt4, mt4 tutorial, metatrader, metatrader 4 tutorial, how to use mt4, how to use metatrader 4, metatrader 4 for beginners, mt4 for beginners, for beginners, metatrader 4 tutorial for beginners, how to use metatrader, best forex trading platform
Id: MGDbM7S2m0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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