How to Use Gemini AI by Google ✦ Tutorial for Beginners

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welcome to this tutorial on how to use Gemini AI Gemini is Google's largest and most capable AI that can process images video text audio and code it claims to cpass the top AI chat Bots like chat gbt in Microsoft's co-pilot Bing Chad in this video I'll quickly show you what it is and how to use it first let's see a quick demo Dem I is multimodal from the ground up so it can seamlessly have a conversation across modalities and give you the best possible response Gemini is our largest and most capable model it means that Gemini can understand the world around us in the way that we do which way should the Duck Go going left leads to a duck which is a friend going right leads to a bear which is a foe it is better to make friends than foes so the duck should go left smart choice to learn more about it let's go to deep mind. Google click Explore More what makes Gemini really stand out is the multimodality reasoning seamlessly across text images video audio and code Google has built three versions of Gemini with three different set of skills the largest Ultra is designed to tackle complex task and W deut in 2024 it will run on their Cloud servers and you'll be able to get access to the API the same way you would as the chat GPT and most probably at around the same price point Pro the mid Tire offering has been rolled out to the bar chatbot and will continue rolling out to many more Google products in the coming months the Nano version of Gemini is the smallest version that run locally on devices such as pixel 8 Pro smartphone and will power features such as AI capabilities to smartphone camera summarizing audio recordings and offering suggested text responses and WhatsApp all right let's get you set up so that you can start using this revolutionary technology the very first step you'll open your browser and type in update to board is free to use in order to use it you'll need an account with Google if you already have a Google account click sign in and once you're signed in you'll get this interface now you can pick a suggestion or start asking it questions let's ask it if it's using Gemini yet are you using Gemini it's even God sense of humor uh Bard is on Gemini Pro in eng English across most of the world as of December 6 2023 one of the current strengths of B is that the integration with other Google services you can use an add Gmail tag in your prompt for example to have chatbot summarize your daily messages or you can use at YouTube tag to explore topics with videos let's check Gemini's Vision let me attach an image and check if Jim and can see what's in the photo the image you sent is a logo for coding money which is a website and YouTube channel that teaches people how to code and make money online the logo is a simple combination of the words coding and money with a dollar sign in the middle the text is arranged in a way that suggests that coding can lead to money and vice versa the logo is also visually appealing with a clean and modern design overall the coding money logo is a well-designed and effective logo that accurately reflects the company's brand and Mission currently we can upload only images however in 2024 B Advanced World debut which will be a new experience powered by Gemini's most capable model with Gemini Ultra as it's called it will be able to understand and act on different types of information including text images audio video and code it will have multimodal reasoning capab ities Google says in addition to understanding audio and video content Gemini Ultra can also understand explain in generate high quality code in popular programming languages let's see if Gemini can make an interactive demo in JavaScript okay here we go a common algorithm for this is called a fractal tree okay this is pretty cool Gemini even provided a slider so I can change and move the fractals it even provided me with the actual code nice this upgrade seems to be the one to wait for I hope you found this video useful until the next video please subscribe and I hope to see you soon
Channel: Coding Money
Views: 179,333
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Keywords: how to use gemini ai, how to use gemini google, gemini ai, gemini google, gemini, google gemini, gemini tutorial, gemini ai tutorial, how to get started with gemini ai, gemini ai tutorial for beginners, ai, artificial intelligence, gemini ai crash course, how to use bard ai, google ai gemini, google ai, how to use google gemini ai, how to use gemini, gemini ai google, how to use google gemini, google gemini how to use, google generative ai, gemini ultra, gemini advanced
Id: btPBE-fjHeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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