How to use Frequency Separation

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[Music] the idea behind the frequency separation is to retouch structure like the pores in the skin and tones on a separate layer my name is Mahesh Robert and in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how I've used is powerful and amazing technique to attach my portraits this image of Simona was shot on one of my portrait photography workshops in cuts and also she's already really pretty on this image we can enhance her beauty even more with some skin retouching and for this purpose I really like to use the frequency separation as I mentioned earlier the idea behind the frequency separation is to attach the tones on a separate layer and the structure on a separate layer for this reason we made two copies of the background layer this works very easily with the shortcut command J and then on the first layer we will reach our tones our colors so we name the first layer tones and on this second layer we will have the texture so we color or name this layer texture and then we group these two layers and call the group skin retouching okay then we turn the texture layer invisible make sure that the tone layer is selected then go to filter noise dust and scratches and then we have to choose radius where the skin texture the pores are just not visible anymore so it radius from about 11 or 12 I think 14 is too much 11 works quite well so I'm fine with this setting next I go to this texture layer make sure that is that is selected and then go to image apply image okay there are already the settings we need you have to make sure that the tones are selected the down layer invert it choose the blend mode add scale to and offset 0 it also works when you not choose this invert function when you choose subtract a scale of 2 and the offset of 120 28 you get the same results okay and as you can see now only the texture is left on this layer so we have the opportunity to retouch only the texture on this layer and to make this gray in whisper choose the plant mode linear light perfect and as you can see we have the texture on one layer now and on the other layer two terms okay and now I started to retouch the textures all these things I want to get rid of and I start with these hairs for this purpose I use the Spot Healing Brush tool to actually cool and the only thing we have to do is to paint over the textures you want to get rid of and you're only affecting the textures now across because the colors and the tones are on a different layer so I go over all the blemishes and imperfections I want to get rid off also here on the lips some spots and imperfections I want to remove works really cool as you can see here also some hairs I want to remove wax I really love this method and I really use it in almost all of my portraits so also here in the eyebrows we have to remove some of the hair also hit is wanes and the white of tio2 hair here very easy to remove with this technique so maybe I try to remove also this eyelashes here standing into the eye into the white of the eye and for this purpose attractive the patch tool yeah works really cool I think this is the work which takes the most time in the retouching process took a trait of has blemishes all this stuff you have to remove but I think when you will see the result you will also see that that it's worth it ok you also can remove this little wrinkles but I never remove all the wrinkles I don't want to create a plastic skin at all face or something like that I think it makes sense to remove this hair to put these hairs okay I think that's enough yeah skimmed looks very nice now now you also have to do is this in the neck and chest area of course also remove some of the hairs here which is here which is going over the chest area not all the hair of course is too much work so think this is enough yeah what we see here are some spots and there and even skin with dark and light areas and all these things we will retouch on the tone layer afterwards so okay a thing the retouching of the texture is ready now then we select the dome layer and here I use this technique I choose the lasso tool with a feather depending on how much pixels your image has at how big the skin isn't aimed at the faces in the image and so on so this well you depends on the image and I make a selection here from half of the face and with by pressing the cue button you can see the feathering of your selection and I think this year works quite well and then go to filter blur Gaussian blur and I think radius I I do it a little bit more strong now we're stronger now so that you can see the result of this technique so I I choose a radius of 19 now but or 20 but I'm not always using such a strong setting such a big radius okay then I make the next selection and with command F it uses the last used filter again and so it works very very quickly you only have to do or to make some selections of areas of the face or the skin which you want to get even and then press command + F to repeat the last filter in our case the Gaussian blur as you can see the skin is getting very very even now only with this technic technique and it works really very very fast we also have to do this of course in the neck or end the chest area as you can see we have a lot of spots and uneven areas here and if you think that the same setting here is too much maybe it makes sense we've added an - we can't go back to choose a slightly lower setting here so we kill again to blur Gaussian blur and okay here I only choose a setting from a radius about 13 but these settings depend on the image they are not always the same okay we also go over this area this chest area with command F and also here on the shoulder as you can see that the skin is very very even now and the images get getting a little bit flat now so for countering and to get more three dimensionality back into the image I used the torch and burn method so that was the way how I used the frequency separation let's have a look on the before and after this was before maybe i zoom in a little bit to see the face even better so that was before and that is the after before and after this is how the image looks after some touch and burn and the last step is that I add a color look to all of my images and yeah this image looks like this after adding some color look I did this with alien skin exposure and yes I really like to result I hope you like it too and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you guys for watching and stay tuned [Music]
Channel: Michael Schnabl
Views: 44,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frequency separation, skin retouching, photoshop, retouching, portrait retouching, michael schnabl, tutorial
Id: YL0FGzVrIoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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