How to use FAST CHIP removal alloy

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hey guys this is Jason from Microsoft supply um today I'm gonna do a little video on this product that we just got pretty recently on this is fast ship as you can see this is a Lommel alloys very similar to the chip quick little melt it's a same combination of bismuth and tin this has an extremely low melting point of about 79 degrees Celsius which is lower than boiling for water and so what this is great for is removing very large sort of like packages or things that with a high thermal mess that require a lot of heat so when you mix this into the joints it'll lower the melting point and you can move it without burning connectors or damaging other components nearby or even if you want to harvesting a connect connector which is what I'm gonna do here to show you this is excellent for that so I switch over to the microscope so what we have here is I'm gonna be doing a data recovery job so on a USB hard drive I don't see no hard drive and for that I don't want to use USB USB so terrible interface with data recovery so I'm gonna take here this old dead hard drive with the SATA connector and I'm gonna go ahead and you wire up that static connected to the USB hard drive so first things first I need to remove this connector but this connector it's pretty big this is a two and a half inch drive obviously and I could hot air it but you know with the lytic the area that's required I'm definitely gonna end up burning the connector and that's not gonna be helpful so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna remove this using this fast ship alloy removal alloy so the first thing you want to do is just put some flux down everywhere on all the joints so that and now I turn on my iron wait for it to heat up so I'm set at about 750 degrees on my iron holding some solder now my tip 10 so nice nice and shiny now we bent and so now what I'm gonna do is going to go ahead and just start mixing this Lomo alloy in so let's start over here on the left side you can see this stuff it's very very very very low temperature just like that just move over to this can I take here this is basically this is all still very much if I move over here this is still liquid that's how low temperature this is so we're gonna go ahead and start mixing it in on this side now and now I want to stop sticking all you got to do is just put some more flux down and just feed it in so now last but not least got to do these joints that it's not showing over here and so now that this is all mixed in you can see I've got little melt solder everywhere I want it to be I'm just gonna go ahead and just run my iron through all of this and get it all melted so once I get it all flowing at the same time I can begin just like this just begin to just just like that I've now got two things a beautiful SATA connector and an old dead PCB and so now that's how you use fast chip removal alloy this product here in order to remove and harvest connectors without hot air and without burning the connectors so this is available on Microsoft Live comm you can buy them in packs of four and a half feet and we're currently having a promotion going on so if you want to get 10% off just he's going fast ship thanks
Views: 17,128
Rating: 4.7538462 out of 5
Keywords: iphone, ipad, logic, board, repair, micro, soldering, motherboard,, fast chip, chip quik, low melt, solder, removal, alloy, micro soldering supply
Id: CUd4SowLEZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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