How to Use EQ to Make Your Voice Sound Better?

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hey guys i'm ayton krief this is babagang sound design and today we will talk about eq or equalization so first of all what is eq eq is the process of adjusting the balance between frequency components what does it mean well the problem is that when a signal is cut through a microphone it will usually sound a little dull maybe distant and generally speaking we've got used to hearing voice in a certain way when we listen to vocals music voice over in ads or dialogue in film it's almost always processed in a certain way the signal usually passes through a chain of effects that includes equalization so let's play this i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now i can serenade my lovely wife anytime i want all right so it sounds okay because this guy's voice is pleasant and it was recorded well but we can still make it much more bright and vivid listen to how it could sound after using eq so the eq is bypassed all right so i'm playing i've never considered myself a musical person and simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now i can serenade my lovely wife anytime i want all right so it's much more present it's much more vivid and if you type eq in the effects search bar you'll find all kinds of eq effects let's just focus on the parametric eq for now i'm simply dragging it clicking edit alright so this is how almost any eq looks like in professional sound editing software now i'm not going to go into a deep explanation of all the settings and how to adapt the eq to all kinds of recordings in this tutorial i just want to keep it simple and quick and give you a brief explanation of how to make your voice track sound better using eq on the horizontal axis we have frequencies from 20 to 20 000 hertz the human hearing range we have the vertical axis which is the loudness of each frequency those can be controlled using these settings we have the frequency with hertz and the gain that is measured in db you can also just click and drag all right now if you choose a point that is set to 100 hertz for example and move the gain control up you boost the frequency if you move it down you decrease the loudness of this specific frequency the next property is the shape or type by default points one to five are set to a bell shape all right in other eq's you have all kinds of shapes but here it's limited you can only change the shape for the first and last point but you can control how wide or narrow your belly is by changing this property right here alright so we're just going to boost the low frequencies and the high frequencies why well boosting high frequencies improves clarity our ear is much more sensitive to high frequencies than to lower ones look at this chart for example this represents the human sensitivity to frequencies we actually don't perceive all the frequencies the same way and you can see that there is a little bump here at around 10k which means that from 10k our ear is much more sensitive to sound now boosting the low frequencies can make your voice sound more pleasant and warm it relaxes your vocal cords and as soon as they relax the tone drops the lower your voice is the better you sound so we can't make the voice sound actually lower but we can boost low frequencies that already exist in your voice so i'm opening the eq that i prefer that i prepared before and this shape right here that is boosting the high and low frequencies is the easiest and safest way to make your voice sound better without having a lot of experience with eq so how do i achieve that well let's open a new eq all right so i'm deleting this let's open the new one and i'm simply going to set it back to zero right so i'm pulling this point here and carefully changing the cue alright let's listen to it i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step alright so now it pops a little bit and now i'm going to carefully add the low frequencies i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now i can serenade my lovely wife anytime i want i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now all right cool so if you want to make it sound even better you can use a compressor all right so compressor single band compressor edit you can check our tutorial on how to use a compressor inside premiere by the way i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now i can serenade my lovely wife anytime i want i've never con let's listen to it before the eq and compressor and after the compressor i've never considered myself a musical person but simply piano breaks everything down step by step so i always know what to do next now i can serenade my lovely wife anytime i want alright so it's much better alright now i added a free eq preset for premiere and the free preset for avid which you can download in the description after clicking you'll go to a download page and that preset will be sent directly to your inbox i also added an explanation on how to open and use them in your software that way you simply open the preset and your voice will instantly sound better now if it still doesn't sound good you'll just have to send it to a sound editor i'm not saying that as a promotion or something the truth is that using eq and compressor and generally the art of editing sound is quite a complex one editing sound is a profession there are people that do only that all day long but i just wanted to make sure that you have a basic understanding of eq and that you know how to use it to make your voice track sound better so that's it for today check out our tutorials on how to use a compressor and how to reduce background noises these two tutorials in addition to this one will help you achieve a much better sound don't forget to click the like button and subscribe see you next time
Channel: Bavegung
Views: 386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: postproduction, sounddesign, videoeditors, videoediting, premierepro, adobepremierepro, eq, equalization
Id: PsnpuEagxEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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