How to use Divi theme builder

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lately i've been getting some questions about how to use the dvd theme builder so i decided to create a video dedicated to just showing you all the features and how the dv theme builder works so that's what we're going to be covering today the dvd theme builder is very very powerful it allows you to create designs that can be applied pretty much across the whole website it allows you to distinguish certain designs on either blog posts or even pages and also you can have things like promotions running over a certain time in the actual builder and then once you're ready to remove them you can just remove them but the most important thing is you are able to have designs that can just be applied and change the whole website saving you a lot of time so let's take a look at the theme builder now before we get started i'd like to remind you that if you buy divi using my affiliate link i will give you access to my advanced web design course which will teach you how to design professional looking websites from scratch let's get started all right so right now i'm logged into my wordpress admin dashboard i've already gone ahead and installed divi so what you need to do to access the theme builder is to come all the way down here where it says divi and click on theme builder now when you first look at this it looks pretty plain it looks like nothing much is happening but this has a lot of power so when we take a look here we see that we have our global header we have our global body and our global footer so let's take a look at our website so we can see how the global footer looks like so if i scroll all the way down here you can see this doesn't look very well designed and i'm sure you can agree with me so the power of the dv builder now is when you come over here and you create a global footer the footer will be applied pretty much across the whole website let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to come over here build global footer now there's two ways you can do this you can build it from the library or you can build it from scratch so let's do this from the library just to save some time so over here we have our pre-made layout so i can just take a quick look at any one of these and see what the footer looks like and then decide if i want to use these type of footage so let's have a look at this one so you can see here that this one here is a bit too busy so i'm going to now look for footers that i think will work well for my design okay so this footer here seems to be okay so i'm going to go and set up this one here so i'm going to click here on use this layout and this now is going to be added on to my global footer next i am going to go in and customize it by clicking here on this pencil icon so now i can go in and delete all the parts that i don't need so as you can see this has installed pretty much the whole page but for my footer i don't need the whole page so i'm going to go in now and delete all the parts that i don't need so i'm going to start off with this main top section delete that delete the next one so i'm going to continue deleting all these until i get to my footer okay so i think this needs to go as well that needs to go this needs to go and i'm almost there okay so all my sections that i don't need have been deleted the next step now is to just take a look here and see how quickly i can go in and delete this background image so i'm going to come over here to my settings go to my background and i'm just going to click here and go to this main image so i don't need that image i just want to delete that and then over here on the colors you can see here i have a gradient now i don't really need a gradient for this so i am going to just delete this gradient and over here on the solid colors i am going to add my solid color so this is the color i am going to go with now if there's anything i need to change i can always come over here and customize it so i'm just going to save this for now so you can see the final design that we have so i'm going to save this one more time now remember this is the footer that we had initially so now when we take a look at this design i'm going to save changes and then i'm going to open my site in a new tab and when i scroll all the way down you can see now this is our new footer okay and this has been applied across the whole website so if i come to the about page scroll all the way down to the bottom so you can see here that this is our footer so this is how easy it is to go in and add your elements of the website that you want to apply across the whole website so this also works with the header now let me show you something that is very interesting so right now when we take a look here at our templates this only applies to pages posts and archive pages and projects so that's all we have access to so these are the pages that we can create now when you start adding other plugins this now gets also populated now let's do that quickly by adding a new plugin and we're going to add woocommerce so i'm going to click here on add new search for woocommerce click install and then i'm going to activate it so i'm going to skip this setup process for now so now when i come back over here to my theme builder i want you to notice what happens now when we first came over here to add a new template we only saw the pages post archive pages and now we are able to see our products our shop pages and of course we had our projects and other but we can now go in and create custom pages for all our products for the products archive page for specific tags and so on so as you can see this is very very powerful this also applies when we add a plugin like learn dash it also gives you the opportunity to create templates for learn dash so this is how you use the theme builder and i highly recommend that you use this this is going to enable you to have consistency throughout your whole design now let's take a look at another feature which i think is very very powerful so let's say you've designed all your templates and you want to share them with someone else what you can do is you can come over here to portability and you can actually export your design so i'm going to call this my footer and i'm going to say export so here on the bottom you can see i have my footer.json that means i can now use this footer on other dv websites i can share this and in fact i also have some templates that i sell one of them is called the divi design guide pro and the design guide has all the elements that you need in your design quick access you can just start installing all those elements i also have the blogger pro template now this is a template which has all the designs for a brand new blog so every time you want to set up a brand new blog if you use this template you're going to have a beautiful layout which is very easy to use and also it is mobile friendly so i took time out to design all these templates in the theme builder exported them and i'm actually selling it so this is something that you can do as well so let me show you how you can use this so over here now as you can see i've gone ahead and downloaded it so i'm going to delete this and save changes next i am going to now come over here to my site now this is the footer that we installed so i'm going to refresh this page and you're going to notice that my footer is going to be pretty much gone so there we go now we're back to about defaults so let's say this is a brand new website and i need to use this file to add to my design so i'm going to come back now over here to my theme builder and by the way if you have forgotten how to get here you just scroll all the way down here to divi and then click on theme builder so what we're going to do now is to import this so i'm going to click here on portability and uh since we're importing i'm going to come over here and i'm going to now to just drag this file over here the file that i've just downloaded i've just dragged it over here or you can just click here and navigate to where that file is so now that i've dragged it over here i'm going to say override the default website template blah blah blah and then go ahead and do that now my footer has been installed all i have to do now is to hit save changes and then over here now when i refresh my page we should be able to see the new footer now and sure enough this is our footer so as you can see it is very very easy to use i would highly recommend that you use this feature export all your basic designs and then once your designs are all exported you can use these on other websites and this allows you to have faster workflows now let's take a look at other features so i'm going to come over here now to this history tab so this history here shows me uh what i've been doing throughout my design here in the theme builder so if you want you can come back over here to this instance which says loaded theme builder and this will now take me back to when i loaded the theme builder so as you can see this is a very very easy to use if you want to revert back to certain stages you can do that easily now over here we also have other features so this portability here is mainly for exporting pretty much everything but what if you want to export things page by page or design by design this is where you can come over here and just hover over where you have your main item you want to export so you click on this portability items and you can actually export that single item so this is another way to uh to do this now we also have these three little dots here if i click on that you can see it says duplicate template you can also disable it and also export the template so if i duplicate it you can see now it's over here and i need to rename it now you notice that this has gone grey now this is because this is our global one so if i can actually go in here and assign maybe a different footer background actually this is a very good feature let me just go in and show you how we can do this so let's say globally you want to have a specific design but on other items you want to have a totally different design so let's go in and just change the background color okay so what i'm going to do now is to click here on my gear icon i'm going to go to background and this time we're going to change the color and save i'm going to close up over here now what i'm going to do is to assign this template to my posts so i'm going to click here on this gear icon and i'm going to say use on and then i'm going to choose all posts okay click on save so what has happened now is this now is going to be applied onto all my blog posts now let's take a quick look and see what that looks like so i'm going to open all my posts here in a new tab and we have this hello world here so i'm going to click on view scroll all the way down and we notice that we still have the same color so what we need to do is to head over here make sure you click on save all changes because if you don't these changes here will not be applied so back over here now you can see the color has changed now that is because this is the blog post so this is a way of distinguishing uh your normal pages on your website with blog posts so this looks really really cool and um this is going to be say our normal page so all our normal pages here let's see again one more time i'm going to go to the services page and when i come over here to the services page it is going to have this color here but for any blog post it's going to have this color footer so you can also have this on headers you can have them on different places on your website now i'm going to discuss a few more things that you can use our theme builder for and that is perhaps maybe have a special opt-in which you can have say for a special promotion after the promotion has run out you can remove that opt-in on your pages now think about it if you're going to do this on every single page this was going to take you forever especially if you have so many pages but if you use the theme builder you can have that opt-in on your template and then once the promotion is done you can just remove it another way you could do this as well is if you want to add specific ads on your site you can add these ads but through the theme builder so these are other ways that you can use the theme builder it's very very powerful and i highly recommend that you use this in all your designs if you have any questions please ask me in the video description below don't forget to hit the subscribe and bell notification by doing so you'll be notified when i release new tutorials until next time thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: MAK
Views: 3,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Augustine mak, divi 4.0 templates, Divi 4.0 template, Carflows divi, wordpress funnels, Cartflows tutorial, Mak, tutorLMS, tutor lms, online courses, create online courses, online course business, fluencrm, fluent crm
Id: ES221KgGI10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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