How to use Divi AI | WordPress AI Visual Page Builder (Divi AI Tutorial)

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Divi has finally released Divi AI meaning that you can now build out your website Pages using AI generated text and images not only do you have the advantage of using one of the best WordPress visual page Builders but now you can further improve your workflow creativity and enhance the way that you create content on your WordPress website and today I'm excited to share how you can get up and running with divvy AI to build stunning website pages okay so before we go ahead and dive into Divi consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to help your small business Thrive online and with that happy note out the way let's go ahead and launch into this dvai tutorial [Music] thank you [Music] okay so let's go ahead and dive into Divi AI now in order to enable DV AI you do need to have either the Divi theme installed onto your WordPress website or the Divi Page Builder and then you can access the Vai from the visual page builder now if you're completely new to the Divi theme or Divi page builder plugin to build out your WordPress website Pages then what I'll do is add a beginner's tutorial up above and down below in the description which will help you get started with Devi now to learn more or sign up to Divi and Divi AI what we're going to do is head over to forward slash AI or feel free to click the link in our description below this video and that's going to take you here then simply navigate up to get to Vai and that's going to take you here and if you're completely new to divvy you can go ahead and get started with Divi here or if you're currently a Divi user then navigate down here and this is where you can sign up to Divi AI now if you already have Divi installed onto your WordPress website then you can actually access the Vai completely for free 100 times then once you've exhausted this you will need to upgrade to a paid plan if you want to continue using Divi Ai and that's going to give you unlimited text generation as well as Unlimited image generation also all your team members can access the Vai so the great thing is is you can access the Vai and test out all their premium features before deciding if Divi AI is right for you okay so what I'm going to do is head back to my website where I already have davit installed okay so let's go ahead and navigate through all of the V ai's current features the first thing we want to do is go ahead and enable the visual Builder and on this page what I'm going to do is navigate down and look for an image that I want to replace with AI so here's an image here what I'm going to do is simply click on this image element now let's go ahead and expand this widget out okay so under image settings what we can do is navigate over to image and you'll see this AI icon pop up what we can do is click here and then we have a few options we can generate this image with AI and we can also improve with AI okay so because I kind of like this image what I'm going to do is go ahead and improve this image with AI first then here we have a few options before we can improve this image with AI if we navigate up to image style and click here here you can choose the style of image that you want to create at the moment we have photo selected however I could select digital painting Vector graphic 3D render drawing or more down here I'm going to navigate up to photo and keep photos selected and then navigate down to image description this is where we can add the prompt describing the type type of image that we want to create however what I'm going to do is navigate over to Ai and click here and that's going to generate a prompt purely using AI now the amazing and powerful thing about the Vai is it understands your website and learns how to create better content using AI so it already understands how my website is structured and the type of content that I have on this website page and therefore from this AI learning this prompt has been generated and as you can see it's relevant to my website page a small business owner using a laptop and surrounded by digital marketing tools and media so I'm happy with that then we can navigate down to the reference image and down here we have reference image influence so remember what we're doing is taking this image and we're improving it with AI so what we can do is we can increase the influence that this reference image has I'm going to drag this out to 50 give Divi AI a moment to generate four images using AI then what I can do is Select one of these images and I can use this image in my content by simply navigating down and clicking use this image now I can also generate more images like this one so for example if I like the look of this but I wanted to create other variations then I can simply navigate down and click on generate more like this one now I'm not actually too happy with these images because they look too similar to my existing image so what I can do is navigate down to modify selected image and I can generate four more photos or I can change the style of the content again if I like then what we can do is navigate down to a new description and we can redefine The Prompt that was originally added to create these images okay so I don't like any of these so what I'm actually going to do is exit out of this and then navigate down to this image again and then click on AI and I just want to generate with AI then what I'm going to do is navigate up to image style and keep photos selected then under image description again I'm going to go ahead and click on AI because remember we want to optimize our workflow by leveraging AI to generate content for US based on our website page so Divi AI has gone ahead and added this prompt based on my website page and the content that already exists I'm happy with that I can also navigate down and upload a reference image remember we use this as a reference image in the last example and in down here we can change the aspic ratio if we like I'm going to keep Square selected and then navigate down and click on generate and as you can see based on that prompt AI has gone ahead and generated these four Images again I can come down and generate more like this one if I select a specific image and I can also use a particular image if I like any of these what I'm going to do is now go down and click on generate four more and now I have these eight images to choose from I'm going to select this image here and then navigate down and I want to generate four more but this time I'm going to select photo and then click on concept art and as you can see we now have these concept art images generated I'm going to navigate down and redefine my prompt and add please create an image with a cafe business owner standing in front of her Cafe holding coffee and this is because I want to add a photo that's relevant for small business owners this website is a digital media and marketing agency that focuses on helping small businesses transition online so I'm going to go ahead and click on regenerate and as you can see these are the images that are generated now what I'm going to do is navigate down to concept art and click on photo and see what Divi AI is going to generate and I really like the look of these images so I'm going to go ahead and use this image here and then come down and click on use this image and I'm happy with that now just quickly before I get back to this video I just want to mention my all-in-one digital Playbook that you guys might be interested in called go digital now the ultimate small business Playbook this Dynamic book took me a year to create and is ideal for small business owners new and existing that are looking for a clear-cut digital roadmap for setting up the right tools systems activities and strategies so that you can absolutely dominate online I will add a link in the description below this video if you want to learn more about go digital now okay so with that out the way let's go ahead and get back to this video now what I'm going to do is navigate down to this image here and what I want to do is actually modify this image with AI so I'm going to navigate up here and click on settings and then with this image I'm going to navigate over to Ai and then come down and click on reimagine and that's going to recreate that existing image that I have in my footer and again I can use any of these images now what I'm going to do is exit out of that and navigate back down to this image and click on AI and under quick actions what we can do is generate and replace instantly we can reimagine like I just showed you and we can also change the image style so we can go ahead and select any of these options and straight away we can generate this image in a different style then we can also upscale two times or four times larger now what I'm going to do is navigate up to improve with AI and then navigate up to image description and then add please add a busy Street behind the woman in the photo so I just want to change the context of this image and change the environment so I want to make sure that I have photo still selected for image style then down here for the reference image influence I'm going to keep 30 selected and then click on generate and these are the images that are generated based on my prompt so what I'm going to do is navigate down and I'm going to add a new description because it didn't quite create what I was after I'm simply going to add the prompt add people in the background and then click on regenerate okay so again this is the image that is generated it isn't quite what I'm after so I'm actually going to exit out of this and then leave this photo as it is I'm going to navigate back up to the top and I'm going to click on this section here and navigate up to settings and then navigate down to background and then click on the image so this is the image I have in here then I'm going to hit AI and then come down and click on reimagine So based on the content on my page I want to see what AI is going to generate if I go ahead and just click on reimagine this image and again here are some images that I could use so I'm going to exit out of this and this section and then navigate down the page and then click on this text box here and then settings and then down here you can see I have this text here for this section what I can do is navigate over to Ai and click here and I can write with AI I can also improve with AI and then I have these other quick actions to generate text with AI I can write and replace make it better rephrase lengthen shorten simplify paraphrase and more AI options down here you can see how AI can enhance your workflow and speed up the way that you create content on your website I'm going to go ahead and click on improve with AI here you can select the content type I'm happy with paragraph and I'm going to add talk about our vision as a leading Small Business website design agency then you can navigate down to help AI even further by adding context from this page content or this section content this module tool content or no context at all I'm going to keep this page content selected and then click generate text and as you can see this is the text up here and I like the content that's being written so I'm happy with that I'm going to go ahead and click on use this text now I can also modify with AI by retrying or I can improve with AI if I click the drop down again I have these quick actions up here to improve this content then you can also refine the result if you like by adding an additional prompt here so I'm going to go ahead and use this text and that's going to replace the existing text with my AI generated content I'm going to go ahead and add a few spaces and then down here and I'm happy with that this is how my content will display so I'm going to navigate down and click on confirm now what I'm going to do is try and generate a background image for this section to do that I'm going to navigate up to settings and then navigate down to background and then click on image background image and then come down and click on AI and then generate automatically and the AI is going to take all the information from your website page from your website and create content based on the relevancy of your website and these are the images that are created so I could choose to use one of these images in my background if I like and then again I have these other options down here okay so I'm going to exit out of this and then exit out of this section settings and I'm going to navigate up to the top and then click on this text element here and then settings and I'm going to go ahead and move this widget over here because what I want to do is change this title to something more compelling using AI to do that I'm going to navigate over to title here and then click on AI and then improve with a I I need to make sure I have title selected and then I'm going to navigate over to this AI option click here and see what AI will generate and this is what AI has gone ahead and generated because this is a title this AI generated prompt is not relevant so I'm going to go ahead and change this add a compelling title for this page and because I haven't added any other information I'm going to rely on AI and the context from this page so I'm going to go ahead and click on generate text and as you can see AI has generated Unleash Your digital potential I'm actually happy with this title so I'm going to go ahead and click on use this text and that's going to automatically add that AI generated title into my title here within this widget as well as on my website page I'm happy with that so again you can click on any of the sections as well as the rows and then the elements or widgets inside those rows and you can leverage ai ai can simply integrate into the way that you build out your website pages so as you can see with Divi AI you can ultimately improve your productivity enhance your creativity and workflows you can use divvy AI to automatically generate images and text as well as improve and customize existing content again what you want to do is spend some time playing around with all of the AI image and text quick actions however that is everything that I wanted to cover in this Divi AI tutorial and there we have it guys that is it for this brief Divi AI tutorial for beginners now if you have any questions about the Vai make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe to this Channel and that way I'll see you in the next video take care guys thank you
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 3,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divi theme tutorial, divi ai, divi tutorial, divi ai plugin, divi ai tutorial, how to use divi ai, wordpress ai plugin, wordpress ai website builder, wordpress ai content generator, wordpress ai image generator, wordpress ai image plugin, stewart gauld, divi theme
Id: ndOInv4d5XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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