How To Use CRC GDI Intake Valve & Turbo Cleaner

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We created this program to help you better  serve your customers with gasoline direct   injection engines. GDI engines have a problem  that can seriously hurt your customers vehicle   performance and fuel economy, but the solution  is fast and easy for you and it's affordable for   them. To go through the program use the navigation  buttons at the bottom right and watch for a couple   of quick quizzes along the way. Let's get  started. In the past decade gasoline direct   injection engines have become extremely popular  with both domestic and import auto manufacturers.   Compared to conventional fuel injection, GDI  can deliver improved fuel efficiency more power   from smaller engines and reduced emissions at  low load. That's great, but the popularity of   GDI engines has brought back an old service issue:  carbon deposits that can rob drivers of horsepower   gas mileage and smooth operation. So why do  carbon deposits happen in GDI engines and how   can you help your customers? Let's have a look.  Conventional multi-point fuel injection injects   fuel into the intake tract or cylinder port at low  pressure. With gasoline direct injection, or GDI,   a common rail fuel line injects highly pressurized  gas directly into the combustion chamber of each   cylinder. The improvements in power and fuel  economy come from the extremely precise control   that GDI engines have over the amount of fuel  delivered and injection timing. Fuel and timing   are adjusted multiple times per second according  to engine load, plus some GDI engines operate on   full air intake with no air throttle plate, which  further improves efficiency and reduces piston   pumping losses. Instead of having a throttle plate  that restricts the incoming air supply, the engine   speed is controlled by the ECU and the EMS which  regulate fuel injection function and ignition   timing, but as with many technology advancements  there's also a downside. When conventional   multi-point fuel injection injects fuel into the  intake tract or cylinder port, gasoline washes   over the back sides of the valves. Modern gasoline  with its package of detergents is an excellent   cleaner, so in conventional engines gasoline  keeps the back sides of the valves clean and free   from deposits, but since GDI engines inject gas  directly into the cylinder, gas never reaches the   back of the valves. When fuel is no longer washing  the intake valves on the way to the cylinder,   small amounts of dirt from intake air and blowback  carbon from the crankcase ventilation system build   up and burn onto the intake walls. The result is  carbon deposits forming on the valves, cylinder   heads, and injectors and that's where the trouble  begins. Over time the carbon buildup on the intake   valves reduces the air flow to the cylinders and  that reduces torque and horsepower and hurts fuel   economy. The carbon deposits on the cylinder  and cylinder head can cause pre-ignition, rough   starting, and rough idling as well as foul spark  plugs and misfire codes. The build-up can become   so severe that pieces of carbon can actually break  off and burn a hole in the catalytic converter. Many modern GDI engines face a double challenge  because they're variable valve timing keeps the   valves open longer to maximize the scavenging  effect and minimize emissions. That leaves the   valves exposed to carbon particles in the cylinder  longer and that means more carbon buildup. How big of a deal is the GDI carbon deposit  problem? It's big and it's becoming huge.   Gasoline direct injection was actually first  invented in 1902 by the French inventor Leon   Levavasseur who also produced the world's first  V8 engine, but as of 2008 only 2.3 percent of   passenger vehicles used GDI engines. By 2015  the number was up to 45%. By 2021 roughly 80   million vehicles in the US will have GDI  engines and more cars with GDI engines,   means more service issues related to carbon  deposits and that means more customers who   need a solution. Until recently removing carbon  buildup on GDI intake valves had been difficult   and costly. Labor-intensive processes such  as walnut-shell blasting and manual valve   cleaning required an engine teardown to access the  valves. It was hard work and a very hard sell to   many drivers. Before GDI engines became popular  fuel additives were used to treat carbon buildup,   but with GDI neither the additives nor the  fuel would reach the back of the valves,   but CRC has an affordable solution that  your customers can easily get on board with.   Scientists have found that the chemical polyether  amine or PEA, when applied in strong concentration   and under the right conditions, can effectively  clean hardened carbon deposits from GDI valves and   other engine surfaces without blasting brushing or  any teardown required. CRC has used this discovery   to create a GDI carbon deposits solution that  allows you to tackle the problem quickly,   easily, and at a very reasonable cost. CRC GDI IVD  intake valve and turbo cleaner is an aerosol spray   that's applied through the engines air intake or  throttle body and delivered directly to the backs   of the GDI intake valves. CRC GDI Valve & Turbo  Cleaner contains the highest concentration of PEA   available on the market to provide the fastest  most thorough chemical cleaning available. A   single application removes up to 46 percent  of carbon deposits in the first 60 minutes.   With the ability to clean heavily baked-on  carbon deposits the way it does, you might ask,   "Is it safe?" Yes, CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner  is safe and effective for all gas-powered engines   including turbocharged and supercharged engines.  It's safe to use every 10,000 miles or at every   oil change and it's safe to use for O2 sensors and  catalytic converters, but it should not be sprayed   directly on a mass airflow sensor and should not  be used in diesel engines. High temperatures can   cause carbon to stick to turbocharger turbines,  housings, and waste gates. The turbine blades and   oil seals are fragile and carbon buildup  can eventually cause significant damage,   but the same cleaning action that removes carbon  deposits from valves and pistons cleans turbo   impellers as well. On turbo engines CRC GDI Valve  & Turbo Cleaner can be sprayed directly through   the throttle body or through the air intake, but  again never directly on a mass airflow sensor. Okay here's some real-world independent lab  results that prove the effective cleaning power   of CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner. Here's a 2011  Hyundai Sonata cylinder-head before treatment.   Before treatment, the carbon deposits average  9.89 mm in thickness. You know that's going to   contribute to a tendency for pre-ignition.  Now here's that same cylinder head after an   hour of treatment with CRC GDI Valve & Turbo  Cleaner. The carbon deposits are nearly gone.   The average thickness is down to 1.85 mm.  The deposits were reduced by 85 percent,   after the first hour. Now have a look at the  intake valve from the same Sonata. After the first   hour of treatment the deposits are reduced by  24 percent. Take a look at these fuel injectors,   also from a 2011 Sonata. Before treatment they're  heavily caked with carbon and the flow is being   impeded around the injector orifice. After  the treatment the valves look almost new,   100 percent of flow has been restored, and  the spray pattern and fuel droplet size are   once again optimized for increased fuel economy.  Here's a cylinder top from a 2009 Cadillac CTS.   Carbon deposits average 8.59 mm in thickness.  After the first hour of treatment, the deposits   measured 2.77 mm, a 68 percent reduction in  deposit thickness. You might wonder why these   test results say "after the first hour." That's  because the carbon cleaning action will continue   for several days after the treatment. As the car  is driven additional carbon that's been loosened   by CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner is safely removed  by the heat and pressure of engine operation. Take   a look at these dynamometer results for a 2015  BW Passat 1.8 i4 Turbo. The vehicle measured   an impressive 5.6 peak wheel horsepower gain  two days after treatment, but it picked up an   additional six point nine peak wheel horsepower  gain when measured eight days after treatment.   Here's another bonus CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner  will also work to clean carbon deposits off spark   plugs without the need to remove them from the  engine. And finally here's proof that CRC GDI   Valve & Turbo Cleaner does really work for  turbos. Here's a 2013 Mini Cooper Countryman   turbo impeller before treatment and here it  is after treatment. The results are dramatic. You can see all our test results at The tests are real and so   are the results CRC GDI IVD Intake Valve & Turbo  Cleaner really does remove tough carbon deposits   from valves, piston heads, fuel injectors, and  intake manifolds quickly, safely, and without   an engine teardown. First, just as you would with  any product, read the entire product label before   using so you can understand the instructions and  the safety guidelines. Next, warm up the engine   CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner requires a period  of heat soak to work so you want to start with an   engine that's fully warmed up. Locate the throttle  body or air intake and spray the product directly   through the throttle body. If the throttle body  is not easily accessible, spray past the mass   airflow sensor, but do not spray into the mass  airflow sensor assembly. You can also remove the   mass airflow sensor assembly and spray where the  sensor is mounted. If the vehicle is turbocharged,   you can remove the booster sensor and the charge  pipe and spray into the pipe. If it's easier you   can also spray into the vacuum port. Lift the  permi-straw dual action spray system and lock   it into place. With the engine running at 2,000  RPM spray in short bursts until the can is empty.   Once the can is empty, rev the engine two to three  times, but don't exceed 3,500 RPM. Run it idle for   one minute then turn the engine off. Reassemble  the air intake system and let the engine heat soak   for a full hour. The heat soak is critical so be  patient and let the CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner   do its work. After the hour is up, restart the  engine and drive at highway speeds for at least   10 minutes and remember as our tests showed the  maximum benefit is achieved when the vehicle is   driven regularly over the next several days, so  let your customer know they should drive the car   regularly over the next week or so. If you have a  vehicle with severe carbon buildup CRC GDI Valve   & Turbo Cleaner can even be used in successive  treatments. Just have your customer drive about a   thousand miles before a second treatment in order  to get the full benefit of the first treatment. GDI engines are not the only engines  that get carbon deposits. Conventional   fuel injected and carbureted engines  can suffer from carbon buildup too.   CRC GDI Valve & Turbo Cleaner is safe for use in  engines with port fuel injection or carburetors.   You can apply the product in the same way as  you would on a GDI engine, right through the air   intake. For automotive service providers the GDI  carbon deposit issue means an expanding service   opportunity. Any time a customer comes in for  an oil change or a regularly scheduled service,   suggest treatment with CRC GDI IVD Intake Valve  & Turbo Cleaner. It's fast affordable and has   real benefits for your customers. You'll  be helping to preserve their gas mileage,   horsepower, and vehicle life, while  adding a nice boost to your sales as well. Well that's it. Thanks for taking the time to  learn about CRC GDI IVD Intake Valve & Turbo   Cleaner. We hope you'll make it a part of  your regular service for your customers   with GDI vehicles. We believe they'll  appreciate that you've given them an   affordable way to preserve their vehicle's  performance and protect their investment.
Channel: CRC Industries
Views: 291,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CRC, DYI, Carbon buildup, GDI engines, GDI IVD Intake Valve Cleaner, reduced performance, loss of power, gasoline direct injection engines, automotive maintenance, automotive chemicals
Id: RcVDZAauO88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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