How To Use Crazy Glue Superglue Super Glue To Build IKEA Furniture & Make It Last Forever CA Glue

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Hi my name is David riddle Welcome to our  YouTube channel how to home life today I'll   be demonstrating my technique for making Ikea  furniture last forever using superglue Cino   acrylate or CA as you may have already experienced  Ikea furniture doesn't seem to last very long   quickly becomes wobbly and sometime falls apart  with a slightest amount of stress using water   thin CA glue and assembling Ikea furniture makes  Mak any furniture they offer much stronger and   lasts many times longer than it normally would  as a designer and manufacturer of shipped flat   Furniture I know how to make it last but you will  never be able to disassemble your Ikea furniture   without a sledgehammer most Ikea furniture is  made with laminated particle board or glued   together sawdust all Ikea furniture is designed  to be assembled at home with simple hand tools   like a screwdriver to install the posts and C  s utilized in their assembly these posts have   a wood thread that is screwed into the particle  board and this is where shift flat Furniture fails   first the hole that this post screws into has to  be larger than it should be so the average hand   strength can screw it in my method of filling this  hole with water thin CA and letting it soak into   the particle board before screwing in the post  forms a very large and super strong anchor for   these posts after an accelerator is sprayed  on to cure the ca after the components are   assembled tightly using the cams the entire  joint is flooded with CA and allowed to soak   deeply into the mating joints an accelerator  is sprayed on to cure the ca when all of the   components and joints are treated this way with  CA and accelerator you will be amazed how rigid   and substantially shipped flat Furniture  can be before you watch this demonstration   I suggest you watch our CA glue for beginners  video that provides you the basics of how   superglue works you will also learn my special  technique for preparing the glue bottle which   will greatly enhance the outcome of your ca  gluing experience please see the link in the   description section for The Beginner's video If  this video helps you please like it and subscribe   to our Channel by subscribing to our Channel  you will help fund our videos and you will be   notified each time we release a new video please  share in the comments section your experience with   assembling Ikea furniture with and without  superglue I'm going to show you building two   Ikea drawers one using my special glue technique  using CA and one without to show and demonstrate   how much more rigid it is with the ca installed  the first step we're going to do is to place a   glue bottle on a flat surface squeeze the bottle  so that we can pre- squeeze it and then I'm going   to lower this tip into this hole and I'm going to  fill the hole with crazy glue all the way to the   top and then I'm going to suck it back out again  then I'm going to add a little bit of glue to the threads and I'm going to screw it all  the way in get your hand out of the way   so it's flush with the surface and then  I'm going to hit it with accelerator   that is a solidly installed post I'm  going to do the same thing again I'm   going to grab the other posts and  I'm going to squeeze the bottle again fill up the hole with glue suck it out  put a little bit of glue on the post and run it in till it's flush with the surface and then  I'm going to hit it with accelerator I'm going   to continue by flipping this around doing the  exact same function I did before add all glue   to the threads and hit it with the accelerator  now that we've glued all the posts in with CA   and use the accelerator these posts will  never ever come out of this drawer front   that is a major failure on a lot of Ikea  drawer fronts is that the posts pull out   and blow out the particle board now that  we've flooded the particle board with CA   ran in the screw and accelerated it that is a  locked in post will never ever come loose what   we're going to do now is take the two sides  of this drawer and we're going to place them   on the and you can see there's two sides this  drawer goes this way and this drawer goes this way and then we're going to place  four cams these metal cams into these holes and then I'm going to TI tighten these move this glue so it doesn't spill it basically tighten these four cams and  um because one of the most important   things that Ikea depends on is that  these actually are flexible so what   we're going to have to do after we tighten  this we're going to have to make it Square   okay so after I do these that's a that's  a just just a temporary thing where we put   these sides and I don't overly tighten  those then I'm going to take a drawer bottom and I'm going to place it in the slot and then I'm going to take a drawer back and  I'm going to place it in the slot so now we have   a drawer now Ikea supplies these four plastic  snap-in plugs what we're not going to do right   now is we're not going to use these plugs right  now what we're going to do first is to square   this door up and the reason and here's a square  and what we need to do is make sure that this is   absolutely square and the reason we do this is  because the normal flexibility of Ikea drawers   allows them to flex certainly to make them square  if they're not Square it doesn't matter but now   that I glue it it's going to be extremely  important to make it completely Square so   what I'm going to do now is I'm going to  hold this Square very tightly I'm going   to increase the tension on these cams to the  greatest I can make them as tight as I can make them while holding that there they're  quite tight and then I'm going to go   back over to this side and make  this square and really tighten these while observing the square to make sure  it's absolutely secure there now what we're   going to do is we're going to check the  back and see if the back is square and it   is so the first thing that we're going  to do now is we're going to apply some   glue along the outside edge of this  drawer and that will soak in to the   particle board and I'm going to put it I'm  going to do it there and I'm going to do it here and then I'm going let that  soak in I'm also going to do it   on the inside of the drawer cuz it  will it will flow directly into that seam you see it soaks up a tremendous  amount of glue because it's filling up all   of that particle board let's check our Square  again and make sure everything is perfectly square and yes it is and now we're  going to hit this with accelerator okay now now that we've completed that drawer  I'm going to grab a rag here and just wipe up   some excess accelerator the accelerator will  not harm the vinyl lamination that this this   uh Furniture has on it so now we have a drawer  and now what we're going to do is we're going   to lay this drawer on its side and before  we glue in these or pound in these plastic   posts I'm going to place a a tremendous amount  of glue in this hole just to make it stronger   I'm squeezing the bottle and leaving a  lot of glue in there and then I pound it in the same thing with this one all  the way in coat it all with glue pound it in now this drawer is very secure but  we're going to make it vastly more secure by   flooding this joint completely with crazy glue  with super glue for CA whatever you prefer wipe   off the excess accelerator cuz it's already cured  the glue and I'm going to glue this again this side plenty of glue it won't hurt it won't  flow it keeps the capillary action of the   glue absolutely sucks it into the joint I'm  going to let it soak for just a second then   I'm going to hit it with accelerator let  it cure it cures that quickly wipe it off   but more importantly I'm going to add  a lot more glue on the inside of this joint let it soak in accelerator now normally  on a drawer bottom they let the drawer bottom   float but this is made out of particle board and  composite material it will not expand and contract   during changes in humidity it stays very stable  so normally you wouldn't glue the drawer bottom   in but these drawer bottoms do have a a propensity  for falling out if you drop a heavy object in him   by simply running a bead of glue all along that  drawer bottom that will never ever come loose   all the way along the door bottom I mean we  use a lot of glue but glue is cheap compared   to the life of this furniture once you do  these procedures this furniture will never   fail unless you want to use a sledgehammer  then it will fail I'm also going to glue   the front that adds a lot more additional  surface area for the glue as you can see   there's a little bit of wicking we don't care  about that we just now want to do a little accelerator and now we have a solid drawer that's never  going to fail now I'm going to   assemble a drawer without CA with without any gluing and now I have a completed drawer  now I'm going to take the drawer that was   not assembled with CA and I'm going  to show you where the problem in Ikea   furniture is no matter how tight you  tighten those cams these plastic plugs   offer no strength the the whole drawer  is completely flexible completely without strength okay now I'm going to  take the assembled drawer using CA and I'm going to try to force it is not  moving at all I canot do this it will not   Flex it is a solid structure it forms  a absolutely solid framing box this is   completely unacceptable for any lifespan  I'm going to take this whole thing apart   and glue it all with CA and it'll be  just like this one now we're going to   assemble the smaller drawers and the smaller  drawers have a unique feature they have one   post and one dowel I'm going to use the same  technique I used before to put in the dowels now I'm going to take one of the drawer  slides and you'll notice it's got a small   hole and a big hole and this is where these  dowels go in the smaller hole basically you   push that into the smaller hole and then this  is the trick of getting that dowel glued in and accelerated on both of these sides a dowel and then again glued in and accelerated now now here we're going to  use a slightly different technique and that is   we're going to actually fill that hole with  glue so that when this goes into that hole   it's going to be immediately attached with glue  I'm going to fill up the hole a little bit and then and then I'll get a cam I will place the cam and tighten it now I take this again squeeze the bottle add plenty of glue for and now this drawer is just as riges as the  other door even though it's smaller just as   rigid this particular Ikea furniture piece has  factory installed drawer slides and those drawer   slides are only held in with two screws into  particle board we're going to make sure that   those drawer slides never become loose so what  I'm going to do is I'm going to remove the screws the two screws right here I'm  just going to let them sit there and [ __ ] and I'm I'm going to fill these  holes with crazy glue with super glue with CA and this makes those drawer  slides never ever ever come off occasionally the nozzle exposed to a lot of a lot of of uh accelerator will  indeed get plugged up you just   simply cut off the tip of it because  that's usually the the part that gets plugged and I guarantee this drawer slide will  never ever come off what we're going to do now   is install six posts into the sidewalls  of this cabinet now I'm going to again use   the same technique I used before uh using  crazy glue flooding it sucking it out   adding some to the threads the same you've  already seen the thing that's different on   this is that it also has positions for  four dowels but I don't put the dowels   in this side because I can't fill these  with glue I'm going to attach them to   the front and the and the uh bottom and so  and the top so anyway let me glue these in now we're going to place four  dowels into the base of this   cabinet we simply press the dowels  in and then seat them all the way down and they you can hear the change  in sound when they see all the way in   I'm going put my glasses on and I'm going to  add some some glue and it'll soak in to that dowel and then I'm going to turn  this over and place two more dowels and again tap them all the way down you can hear the change in the sound there we go and then add my glue that it soaks in and those dowels will provide an  incredibly strong thing I'm going to   also a little bit accelerator on  those dowels didn't do this side now we're going to uh add glue to these dowel  holes on the side of the cabinet we're just going   to add a little bit to act as a stiffener now I'm  going to fold this up and I'm going to line this up and then I'm going to take these different  cams these are plastic cams instead of instead of aluminum and I'm going to  do the same thing with this side I move the main part of the  cabinet over on its side I have   not glued that seam yet and there's  a reason for that and I'll explain   that later right now what I'm going to  do is glue in 12 posts as rapidly as possible and now I'm going to install the dowels and of course I'm going to  seat all the dowels all the way down you can hear the change in the sound when  it gets all the way down and now I'm going to add   glue to each one of these and make sure that it is  extremely secure in the particle board let it soak in what I'm going to do now is I'm going to place  the prepared top and bottom onto this cabinet and   I'm going to seat it but I'm not going to add  any glue to the dowels that are going to go into   these holes and there's a reason for that I'll  explain later right now I'm just simply placing this into the appropriate holes and now I can take   a 2x4 and and Seed it completely  now I'm going to put in the cams like I said earlier I'm not adding  any glue at this juncture because I want I want to show you even after tightening all the  all the cams that it is still in need of now the reason I don't glue the cams  in is because after I glue all the seams   together the cams become totally of zero use  so now what I'm going to do is flip this over   and demonstrate that with all of those things  tightened you can see how much this cabinet   still flexes now after I glue all of this you  will it will not Flex at all what will happen   is that the glue will capillary into not only the  seams and then the Ed end edge of the wood it'll   also capillary into the dowels it will actually  rise up up into the dowels because of capillary   action that's the way all the water gets up into  the top of the trees amongst other reasons but   now what I'm going to do to show you can see that  the cabinet is is flexing if I clamp this right to   the table look at how much it flexes now what I'm  going to do is I'm going to basically go on the inside and put a substantial  am ount of glue and let it soak in and the dowels will suck up that glue and now I'm going to turn this cabinet around   well first I'm going to put the  the glue on the inside of the back let that soak in find out what the status  is of all of this a little bit more glue here let it soak in and the reason you want  to let it soak in is because of the fact that   the the uh the glue will slowly creep into  all those wood fibers and make it extremely stiff now I'm going to hit it with accelerator and it's already cured all the glue  I'm just wiping out the excessive accelerator now   what I'm going to do is turn the cabinet over  and do the same exact sequence for the other side now I'm going to go in here let it soak in and accelerate now I'm going to flip this cabinet up  make sure my blanket is all saturated properly and do the same test  by grabbing this very stiff   barely moves barely moves it's that much more  rigid than it would ever be just with those   cams even though we glued the posts in the cams  are just simply there to tighten this to fil to   eliminate the Gap and then we fill that Gap with  glue we're going to talk now about loading the   drawers into the cabinet I've loaded the very  first drawer pushed it all the way in and then   slid it back to have access to these holes that  Ikea supplies these machine screws to go into the   hole the problem is is that this material is so  soft if you tighten these screws it'll literally   collapse the wood so what I'm going to do now  is reinforce the wood using CA after I flood   the hole with CA now I'm going to put a little  bit of CA on the threads and run it and tighten it and not only will the screw not collapse  the wood because of the strength I've just   added to that it will also keep that screw  from ever unscrewing now I'm going to do the   rest of the drawers and run the screws that  hold the drawer slides to the to the drawers   for the rest of the cabinet we have completed our  chest of drawers in this particular item that's   listed in the description it's called Alex and  there's a link in that description to take you   directly to the to the IKEA store what I was going  to say is that I hope that you like and subscribe   this video that you've learned a lot and please  don't hesitate to comment on what we've done here   today making this piece of furniture last forever  looking forward to having your comments thank you
Channel: How To Home Life
Views: 4,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super glue, superglue, crazy glue, krazy glue, glue furniture, ikea build, howt to ikea furniture, Ikea how to, crazyglue
Id: HhJQR0ULza0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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