How To Crazy Glue Superglue Wood Rubber Leather Drywall Fix anything with CA CyanoAcrylate

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Hi my name is David riddle in this video I'll  be showing you how to use crazy glue in a way   you have probably never thought possible crazy  glue is also known as superglue C acrylate or   ca for short in this video I will be referring  to it as CA after watching this video you will   learn the techniques to bond almost any type of  material together such as wood fiberglass rubber   leather drywall and many other materials you  may have tried to use CA in the past and found   that it did not work work as well as you thought  it should with my unique techniques including a   special clog-free applicator nozzle and the use  of a CA accelerator I guarantee that you will be   able to bond almost any material together you  might be wondering what makes me an authority   on CA I have more than 40 years of experience  using CA in my work as an inventor designer and   manufacturer of mechanical electrical and optical  devices I've been a maker since I was 5 years old   and I constructed my first loudspeaker when I  was 14 if this video helps you please like it   and subscribe to our Channel by subscribing  to our Channel you will fund our videos and   you will be notified each time we release a new  video please share in the comment sections what   type of materials you have glued together using my  techniques if you have any questions again leave   them in the comments section now before I show  you my technique let me mention a few things the   ca products I use use in this video super thin  insecure CA and insta set accelerator are made   by Bob Smith Industries or BSI and they can be  purchased on Amazon we have included a link below   in the description section I want to mention  I am not affiliated with BSI and they are not   subsidizing this video also I use 24 gauge Teflon  sleeving as a nozzle in applying CA which also   going to be purchased on Amazon again see the link  in the description section I want to mention how   CA CA Works CA does not dry it cures most glues  dry through evaporation of water or solvents CA   cures through a polymerization reaction with water  molecules on the bonding surfaces or water vapor   in the air this polymerization reaction can be  accelerated or [ __ ] by controlling the pH or   percentage of hydrogen of these water molecules  more alkaline faster cure more acidic slower or   no curing at all in addition the Integrity of the  bond and cure rate of CA can vary dramatically   depending on the type and characteristics of the  materials being bonded together I also want to   mention that keeping your 8 O CA refill bottle  in the freezer will extend its life for a very   long time let's begin by preparing the CA glue  bottle and the Teflon sleeving nozzle to attach   the Teflon tubing to the 2 O dispenser I use  a new razor blade and cut one end of the thin   tubing at a steep salami angle to form a sharp  Point like the tip of a hypodermic needle the BSI   2 oz dispenser comes with a hollow tapered nozzle  that is sealed at the top I remov the nozzle and   set the CA in a safe location where it will not  spill using the razor blade I cut off the very   end of the dispenser nozzle tip revealing a very  small hole that is too small for the tubing to fit   in this small hole can be enlarged by carefully  and sequentially cutting 164 in thick d off the   tip of the nozzle until through repeated testing  the tubing will just slide into the nozzle forming   a glue tight fit the Teflon tubing should be  pushed all the way through the tapered nozzle   until the internal tip of the tubing is above  the liquid but not submerged in the ca when the   dispenser is placed upright this Teflon tubing  nozzle allows me to precisely control the amount   dispens because I can see the ca flowing through  the tubing before it exits the extended tip by   by pre- squeezing the bottle when it is upright  and controlling the pressure I can dispense only   a fraction of a drop or a continuous flow and  everywhere in between after dispensing the ca I   can suck up any excess glue that was dispensed by  releasing The Squeeze on the bottle additionally   if the tip of the tubing ever becomes clogged I  simply trim off the clogged portion with a razor   blade and extend the nozzle by pulling additional  tubing from the bottle now that we have prepared   our bottle and we understand how to apply the ca  let's talk about the accelerator and some basics   of CA glue CA accelerator a clear water thin  liquid composed of various solvents but always   with an alkaline pH the specific accelerator I use  is BSI brand insta set in a 2 O pump spray bottle   the pump sprayer makes it easier to control the  exact amount dispense either sprayed directly onto   the ca for large areas or indirectly by applying  the accelerator to the tip of a bamboo skew sker   or other small instruments when only a fraction of  a drop is desired for small precise work CA comes   in different thicknesses or viscosity the one I  recommend and have linked to in the description is   a super thin viscosity the main reason I use only  the super thin CA is in its ability to capillary   or flow very long distances and to penetrate  deeply into the particular material that I'm   bonding super thin CA is especially effective  for the technique I practice in woodworking if   you want to stop the flow of CA into areas Beyond  where you don't want bonding to occur simply put a   small amount of accelerator at the desired point  and the curing CA forms its own Dam when I need   to fill gaps I most often use sodium bicarbonate  or ordinary baking soda in The Orange Box because   of baking soda's crystallin structure and an  alkaline pH it instantly cures CA and forms   a matrix or composite like material much as sand  and aggregate functions in concrete in addition   large and thick sections of this composite  plastic can be formed with alternating layers   of baking soda and CA that can be instantly filed  drilled breaded Mill sanded and painted various   textiles and fibers when combined with CA can form  a very strong structural composite material with   characteristics much like fiberglass or carbon  fiber but be aware of the possibly intense   exothermic reactions during the curing process  now that we have a basic understanding of how CA   works I'm going to demonstrate the gluing process  by bonding two pieces of wood together the worst   joint in woodworking is engrained to side grain  what we have here is a four approximately 5 in   Long piece of 2x4 placed on the side or the side  grain of this other longer piece of 2x4 what I'm   going to do is flood it okay I'm going to come  around here and simply flow as much glue as I can all around this joint now what  I'm going to do is I'm going to let   it soak in for a little bit because the  wood is capillar in or flowing into the   wood grains and absorbing it 10 times  greater than any other type of glue   this water thin CA absolutely produces the  strongest wood joints than you that you can imagine and now I'm going to let  it soak in a little bit more and   it will slowly capillary into the wood  and now what I'm going to do is wait   just a little bit longer and then I'm  going to hit it with accelerator okay and now what we're going to do is we're going to  wait approximately 30 seconds for this to fully   cure but I can assure you I cannot move it at  all it's instantly cured but I just want to let   the accelerator soak into the wood fibers  even more before I attempt to do a test on this I'm going to move these bottles so  that when I hit it with this Hammer right   here because I can't break it off I can't  manually break this off there's just no way   that I can break this off it's not possible  okay but let's see if we can do it with a hammer as you can see it has pulled a substantial amount  of side grain out of it it's the strongest joint   you can make with thin water thin or a thin  CA glue it's much stronger than regular High   viscosity glue it works perfectly now this is  the worst joint in the world can you imagine how   strong this is when you have say a mortise  and tendon joint now that you have a basic   understanding of my technique I would encourage  you to start practicing on different materials   again if you have questions please post them in  the comment section I monitor my videos every day   and answer all questions within 24 hours and  last a word of caution CA is extremely useful   but should be used with great care as it has  certain characteristics that can make it quite   dangerous for the uninitiated and especially  children CA instantly and tenaciously bonds   human skin and sticks to any part of our body  that contains moisture fingers Hands hair lips   mouth eyes and can cause irreversible damage  when CA is used with certain materials such   as cotton cloth or cotton fibers glass fibers  leather Yarns a powerful exothermic reaction can   take place producing highly irritating fumes  and sufficient heat to cause serious Burns a   single drop of CA can permanently damage a  Precision mechanism such as a camera or a   watch and seriously degrade the value of a  Priceless antique if used carelessly on or   around these items if this video was helpful  please like it and subscribe to our Channel   and let us know what other videos you would  like us to make thanks again for watching
Channel: How To Home Life
Views: 494,882
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Keywords: crazy glue, super glue, krazy glue, CA glue, cyanoacrylate glue, apply super glue, how to super glue, how to repair with crazy glue, how to super glue wood
Id: uyzwN0VK1CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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