How To Use Color theory like a Professional Graphic Designer

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Adam I'm a professional graphic designer and animator based in Casablanca Morocco and this course I'm going to teach you how he can use colors effectively like a true professional graphic designer now I do understand that colors can be tricky and the real challenge for designers but it's also one of the most important tools that you can have to convey a client's research so if you're having this problem while each time you use in color you're thinking what's combination do I use is this the right color to choose this course is for you so here's what you will be learning first thing first we will discuss the color wheel then I'm going to be explaining some basic terms after that we'll talk about different color systems and then we will discuss how color interacts with one another we're also going to be talking about different techniques to create a color palette to suit your projects and then I'll show you how we can work with color on images and then color an illustration and color in time and my favorite part of the course is colors in data visualization we're also going to be talking about how to use colors in Brandon and finally I'm gonna give you a PDF with ten basic rules to work with colors properly so the course name is color theory and application so everything we discussed in theory I will show you how we can apply it in the real world projects so I'm going to show you how we can work exactly with different coloring tools in adobe illustrator and photoshop so without further ado see you inside the box in this lecture I'm going to be explaining the famous color wheel so we have artists and designers and scientists all have developed numerous models to visually compare colors and how they interact with one another these models and diagrams are commonly used to show the relationship between different colors on the color wheel designers and other visual artists often use the subtractive color model when mixing colors because it most closely mimics when pigment is put on a reflective surface we will talk more about different color systems and how to use them in later lectures but for now I'm going to be using the classic red yellow blue color spectrum as discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1665 this is pretty much how he organized colors around a wheel so let's explore the relationship between colors by understanding how colors are mixed and combined in the color wheel so with mixing the colors first we have primary colors these are pure colors like red yellow and blue they can't be mixed from other colors all the other colors on the wheel are created by mixing primary colors secondary colors are purple green orange each consist of two primaries mixed together in equal amounts tertiary colors these are located between primary and secondary hues on the color wheel and have more fun primary color than the other how a tertiary color appears will depend on which primary color is dominant and mixture like yellow-green for example has more dominant yellow than green and the mixture that is for how colors are mixed and now let's move on to the universal basic color company actions first we have analogous colors refer to a primary hue like orange red green and two adjacent hues next to each other on the color wheel analogous combinations tend to be more harmonious why because they reflect similar wavelengths of light monochromatic these refers to variations of a single hewed that include tents like the color plus whites and shades like the color plus black like analogous colors monochromatic color combinations are considered to be harmonious this may be the reason that one color palettes are often so successful in design solutions triad harmonies these are any three hues spaced equidistantly around the color wheel because primary and secondary colors are equidistant from each other on the color wheel they combine to create triadic color combinations it's always a good idea to draw a triangle inside the color wheel to find triad colors and how you do that is that you find primary colors red yellow and blue and then you draw your triangle once you have it you can rotate it for different trial combinations complementary hues these are any two colors located directly opposite from each other on the color wheel there are a total of six pairs of complementary colors complimentary zev like a contradictory relationship with each other so a color is both attracted and repelled by its complements so I guess that this portion pole effects of the complementary can be used as a way to attract a viewers attention split complementary hues refers to a primary colors and two secondary colors that allocated a Jason to the hues complements like here for example instead of going directly to the green color we're gonna take a left and the right hand turn to the adjacent colors of green tetrad combinations these are made up of four hues which are sets of complements or splits complements so you draw like a sort of a line between all the complementary colors in the color wheel or displaced complementary if you want to you'll end up with something like this and then you can choose from here like maybe yellow with violets and then green with red okay so these are the basic rules of color relationships next I want to introduce you to johannes Eaton's color wheel but first who is johannes itten johannes eaton is considered like the Jedi or you can call him maybe like the Super Saiyan God of colors he was a master at the Bauhaus in Vemma Germany in the 1920s his theory was since color relationships and outcomes are somehow predictable much of how artists and designer is used and audiences perceive color is subjective and determined by context for Eton study in relationship between colors and how they work in context will allow designers an artist to hone their understanding of colors and therefore make more meaningful color choices in his book the element of color he suggested that anyone can achieve successful color solutions in three different ways the first is visually which he called impression the second is emotionally which he called expression and the third is symbolically which he called construction Eaton's color wheel includes primaries in the middle as an indicator of how colors can be mixed to produce new hues and it also shows the interaction between colors on the outside next we're going to be designing using the color wheel and color combinations in Adobe Illustrator so first we have you and you can think of you as another term for color so hue basically is just the place of the color within the spectrum intensity intensity refers to how much bright or dull a color is so you make a color brights by adding whites and you make a color adult by adding black and if you add gray you lower its saturation shades are pretty much the variation of a hue by adding black tents are the same thing as shades but adding white instead of black saturation also called chroma and it's the purity of a color as its mutual eise's toward gray and then we have value you can also call it luminance or brightness its refers to how much a specific hue is brights or dark graphic designers actually use value as a tool and their composition to add emphasis and established visual hierarchy we are going to see examples on how to do that in a moment but it's important to note that's color is stronger and n dependence from value and this example we have multiple shapes with the same great shows and it's blended in perfectly if I go ahead and change a gray tone to a color notice how which really stands out from the West your eyes are automatically drawn to this color the effects of value and the composition is affected by the elements and background around it the greater the difference is in value between these compositional elements the more the contrast will be parents therefore this is an amazing way to achieve contrast and contrast is very important if you are into products design and this other example if we take this image or any other image turn it to black and whites you will lose it you but you maintain aids shown old relationships so these examples show you how much color is independence from value now the next question is how intense a value can be scientifically speaking these are the maximum variations to the human eyes since the viewers perception to color is relative a designer can make colors seems brighter by putting them against dollar tones next step well design using just value
Channel: Adam Chraibi
Views: 7,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphic design, color theory, color theory graphic design, color theory photoshop, color theory for artists, how to use colors in design, how to use colors in photoshop, how to use colors in illustrator, color theory for noobs, color theory for graphic design, design thinking, how to use color range in photoshop, color theory for photography, color theory basics, color theory foundation, how to use color theory, how to choose color palette for art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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