How To Use Blender And Substance Painter

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this is going to be a tutorial for anybody who has got very little experience uh doing materials uh in blender and who might be just starting out with substance painter and you're trying to figure out um you know how do i how do i basically use those and get a material onto onto my model so let's assume that you've made your really cool model here and you're stuck at this point you managed to fork out the money for substance painter because you've seen how amazing it is and you want to know how to how to just how to get started all right so here's the thing when you create your model in blender it typically will be uv unwrapped and in order to get the materials to properly go onto your model they need to be uv unwrapped that's a whole skill in itself but fortunately blender can do it automatically as you build the model it tends to uv unwrap it for you although it might not be the best choice to see the uv unwrap what you would do is you would click on uv editing and you can now see your model all right if you go into edit mode for this and select it you will see over here uh what i've got in orange uh some something really funny in a square box this is what the uv uh image uh looks like or the unwrap and so what's basically done is it's cut this and sort of tried to lay it out as flat as it could so you could kind of paint on this and it would show up on your model we're not going to do that but um now this may not be an ideal uv unwrap and you wouldn't know really until you brought it into substance painter and apply the material to see how nicely it goes on but we could try that now i want to show you something else however so what you're going to do is you build your model you select a piece of it and you go into edit mode select all of that press u with your cursor over here in this screen of the model down over here u and the uv mapping um menu comes up i want to suggest that if you don't know how to uv unwrap try smart uv project click that and maybe don't worry about any of this other stuff just press okay and it will break apart that piece and show you this now this looks a lot flatter i mean some pieces are off to the side and stuff like that but that's pretty good now save your scene all right periodically or save your model and that part is saved with it now you have to go on and do the rest of it anywhere you want to put a material so for example this little piece here i'm going to go into edit mode and select it and it's got this whenever you have sort of straight stuff like this it's usually pretty good this part is a little curved this is probably okay but if you were unsure you could always go you smart uv project let's just see if it looks different and it pretty much looks the same so let's leave that so i've got the handle i've got this little clip part now i've got to do this part so i'm going to select it i'm going to go into edit mode and you can see that it looks nice and straight let's try just you unwrap okay no difference let's try smart uv project okay now it looks like that we could just leave it like that let's say you smart uv projected everything so you got to do it for all the pieces this part here let me just focus on that by hitting the slash key that's this now this is not the best thing for glass but but uh i would just leave that for blender i'm not even gonna uv unwrap it so so let's not worry about it okay let's just forget about that for the time being okay so i've got handle frame i'll call it in glass what you're going to want to do i'm going to go back to layout is to work in substance painter so it knows where to put different materials i'm going to give a material for each of these parts in blender the way you do that is you come down to this icon here which looks like a globe or the world and over here you choose new and it'll say material here i'm going to double click this and i'm going to call this handle okay i now have a material for this now it doesn't look any different here if i was to switch over to look dev and change the color okay it doesn't matter what color i do in blender right now i'm going to come back to here i just want to have a material on this so that when i'm in substance painter i can look for the material that says handle and i can select it that way you'll see what i mean in a second so i'm going to click on this piece there's no material here i'm going to click new double click here i'm going to call this just clip call it whatever you want click on this part click new call this frame and i'm gonna do this part in blender but i'm gonna call this glass and i may not show that part in this tutorial save now i have four materials the handle the clip the frame and the glass and i don't see anything different well because we're going to go into substance painter make sure everything's saved press a to select your entire model now if you have more than one thing in your scene and you just want to texture this make sure this is the only stuff selected don't select anything else in your scene okay you go over to file export fbx and then choose a directory most people have create a directory called export i'll call this you know magnifying glass or blender in some sense whatever choose selected objects if there's more than one thing in your scene and you only want to export you know one model i've only got the magnifying glass so that's all i'm going to worry about but anyways it's always a good practice to choose whatever is selected and go export fbx you're done in blender for now there's no there's no uh textures on this we've created materials but it all looks the same we're now going to jump over to substance painter so here we are in substance painter and we're going to bring our model into substance painter to add textures so go to file new i like to put my document resolution at 10 24 um just you know you can go higher if you want but it's sufficient for what i tend to do these days i'm going to leave everything else the same i'm going to choose select and i'm going to find where that is if i can there it is blender and substance painter tutorial open and then click ok down here just leave everything else the same and it will come in now there's some and then you got to figure out how to you know you basically hold alt and left mouse button to rotate around you figure out the buttons yourself probably okay so there it is now i want to show you something however i want to jump back if i had this and the polys were flipped they're going to go all to n recalculate inside let's try that if my poly's are flipped and i come up here and i face orientation you see this red here that means these polys are facing inside and these blue ones are facing outside that's going to have an effect in substance painter so i'm going to select it all file export fbx call it same thing selected objects and go back to substance pain i'm going to start again for a second just have a look at this notice you can see the frame nicely here this was the first one if i was to bring this in now i'll just do it again select say okay discard the original one i don't know if you're going to be able to see this well but yeah see the way it looks almost a little invisible if you get some weird effects like that there's a couple things that could happen the uv unwrap didn't work well or you may have some polys flipped so go back select that part use this to check okay select that alt n normals recalculate outside now it's all blue that means they're all facing outside save that select the whole thing do it again so there we have our magnifying glass and everything looks okay now if you come over here under the texture set list you are going to see the materials that you named in blender handle now if i click on that this texture is selected or this material is selected you don't see it selected here but it is selected there we had handle glass frame and clip and this is how you can one of the ways you can decide where to put materials if you don't say material on the whole thing i want material let's say wood just on the handle i want say metal on the frame and on the clip so before we do anything with this however we're going to come over to texture settings and we're going to scroll down until we see mesh maps bake mesh maps we have to click this button and do something before we add materials to this so that substance painter can create some maps some pictures and it will know how to sort of properly apply the materials so it understands the curves and the little grooves now it still may not look that well because it depends on how you model this and how you uv unwrapped it but we're going to try where we used we let blender do the uv unwrapping for us and we're going to see how well this turns out so click on big mesh maps and then for the output size i like to put that right back to the 1024 you can go higher if you want that's it that's all we have to do bake selected textures click that and it will go through and create those texture maps that it's going to need so just let it do it let it do its thing and then we'll have a look at the model and make sure it looks okay because sometimes once it does this it's got some weird stuff and it doesn't look very good based on the uv unwrap that's looking okay looks pretty much the same as it did before maybe a little bit of shadow to it and it has created all these maps normal world space normal id ambient occlusion curvature position thickness it's created all those now we are ready we can go back to our texture set list choose one of the materials that we made in blender i want to work on the handle i'm going to come down to here where it says layers and there is already a layer in here we can just delete that that's like a default one okay so let's add a texture to the handle for now let's just go down to smart materials and we'll search wood and choose a wood that you think looks good like maybe this wood walnut just drag it into the layers tab and it will go on to your model now you can leave it like that if you like that effect or you can open the folder if there is one and you can start to manipulate this so for example if i come down to the very bottom the base where there's color go to the properties scroll down a bit maybe i want this a bit shinier okay the roughness is up pretty high as i slide this down see the way it starts to get a nice gloss to it maybe i prefer that all right let's say that's fine and i'm not going to fiddle with anything else let's come up to the frame selected i don't see it selected here but i'm going to be working on that go to the layers and for the frame the layers we have this default let me get rid of that again and i'm in smart materials let's try metal let's try this bronze armor these are just the default you know materials or textures that come with substance paint i'm going to drag that in and i'll see it put on to my model now you'll notice that i've got a line here well you can see that i've got another one there it didn't know to put it on the way i would like it um and that's partially because of the uv maps as well which may not have been very nice and so you know letting blender do the uv unwrapping is not always ideal we can get these things here so with that done and this may not be that great either but i think that looks pretty good i would probably have to start again and what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back to here and i would uv unwrap this differently i'm going to press the slash key i'm back here i'm looking at the frame and what i'm going to do is i'm going to press 2 and i'm going to put an edge loop i'm going to shift alt and click that edge which is sort of like the top and i'm going to do the same down here the top and the bottom and i go ctrl e mark seam and over here where it's not visible i'm going to just shift off to click that whole thing ctrl e mark seam let's go to uv editing a to select all of that and go u just unwrap because i put seams where i wanted them to be and then i unwrapped now it's nice and straight and it should work better now how do you know to do that you got to watch a lot of videos you got to practice all right when you have something circular like that that's generally a decent way of doing it with that done um i would then save i'll go back to lego select it all file export and i do the same thing again i'm back here i'm gonna have to bake the mesh maps again and i'm gonna start again export doesn't really look any different let's go to our texture set list let's grab our handle and delete that original layer let's search for wood let's drag that in let's open that go down to base and properties and slide that roughness down again until we get the shininess that we like all right that's where we left off back to the frame metal on that layer delete that layer drag in the bronze and it looks better cool okay let's click on the clip delete the default layer drag the same one in and we're not going to see that too close that looks pretty good as well the glass i'm not going to do in substance painter let's say that is how we want our model to look and we want to see this in blender well over in blender we just have the default materials we it doesn't look like that we're going to have to bring those textures in so save your file and then go to file export textures and what you can do is you can click on list of exports and it will show you for the clip it's gonna these are the these are the textures that it's created now there's a lot but don't worry it's gonna be very easy to do it's created a base color i've got an emissive in there you may or may not it's got a height metallic normal and roughness it's got textures for the frame for the glass we really haven't done anything and for the handle you don't have to worry about that go back to settings choose a location where you want this to be i would suggest not substance paint or export but in an actual dedicated textures place leave all of this the same and then click export so let's see what we can do here um [Music] i'll just create a new folder just select it and then press export you don't have to change anything else there it's done that now close this we're done with substance painter i'm just going to minimize that and we're back in blender all right cool how are we going to get these materials on to our magnifying glass i'm going to quick click on shading and make sure that we are in look dev mode here this middle one and with the handle selected i'm going to look down here and this is the node editor or the shading editor down here all right and these are these little boxes tell blender what should the material look like so for example if i click here where it says base color change it to red i can do whatever i want but what i want to do is i want to apply those substance painter textures now to do this you need to have or it's easier if you have the node wrangler enabled go to edit preferences in add-ons search for node wrangler and make sure you put a check mark there if you have the node wrangler enabled like that you can just click on this thing called the principal bsdf with the handle selected and go shift control t like shift control texture that will that'll open a file view and you can then search for your textures there i'm in there now if you are in thumbnail view and you can't really read all of those you may want to switch to vertical list now i'm on the handle so if i scroll down here i see this one runner subscriber tutorial handle base color handle height handle metallic what you want to do is select the first one hold down shift select the last one so all of those are selected and watch this click on principle texture setup and it will create all of this for you and put the material on you can still make adjustments to this but hopefully you don't have to let's do that for the frame click on the frame all i've got is this all right click on the principle bsdf and go shift control t and find the textures for the frame there's the first one for the frame there's the last one for the frame principle texture setup and it's put that gold material on there select the clip shift ctrl t and the clip is on there now the only thing i haven't done is the glass and what i would tend to do is probably just create the glass in blender and for that you can search for how to make glass material all right if i go back to layout and it looks like this just click on f and you now have those materials in blender of course if you want to make a render to view this you're going to need to put in some lights bring in a camera set up to do a rendering and that's another video so that's how you go from blender to substance painter and get textures on your model
Channel: zerobio
Views: 27,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elliott, Kimmel, zerobio, singer, songwriter, home, recording, studio, ovation, guitar, roland, gibson, fender
Id: LZWPXg3bw7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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