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thanks a lot for your interest in the modeling of the door so far and hopefully you'll be interested in the texturing as well although this is going to involve substance painter and not everybody has that but if you do or if you're just interested to see how it works uh you can check this out so uh yeah what I did is I moved this piece up a little bit as I said I probably would and I moved the doorknob in a little bit and that's that's that and then I've also added some materials so as you can see this one is called back this whole piece here is called wood I've got a knob and I've got a metal plate and those are the materials oh and also I also have a trim having separate materials will allow me to do separate UVS to maximize the uh the uh the texture resolution each UV um each material will be a different texture set in substance painter as you'll see okay I've also applied in things like bevel modifier all right so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to select here and it is always good practice to come in and um merge by distance just in case make sure all your polys are facing the right way so I'm just going to select this and press U smart UV project and I'll give an island marker to 0.003 hit OK and this is what I will get I'm going to use UV pack Master to pack but you can use blender pack and that's going to move the islands around and sort of maximize the space or whatever uh so that's done I'm going to hide that take this piece you just unwrap and that's probably good enough as it is I'll hide that I'll take the trim after this I'm going to use Smart TV project and I will pack I'll hide that and for this one um I'm going to try um Cube projection and I'll get this in and pack and I'll hide that and then for the knob I think I will look from the underside I'll come in and I have added some seams as you can see here so I've got a seam going all the way down at the bottom to here and I did cut it like that I've added a scene here and a scene here and what I should tell you is that I will often unwrap a part of my model and test it in substance major and if it looks good then it's fine and if it doesn't look good I'll come back and I'll try a different unwrap so for example uh I could have not put any seams in smart you've projected this and then the islands would be broken up and they'd be all over the place and it's kind of really weird and it probably wouldn't have worked very well all right at any rate I'm going to you um unwrap now I could leave it like this and test it but I think I will straighten some of this stuff out so the way I'll do this in blender is I will find something that looks like a nice square and then I'll still straight it a bit so I'll go Sy zero and select this Edge s y zero this one has x0 and this one sx0 and then go into face selection by three and then select the one I just I just adjusted and Ctrl L and then right click follow active quads and then I can scale it up you know a little bit and it's like that and I won't do all of them but I think I'll do this one here as well so just find a square that looks pretty decent s y zero s y zero sx0 sx0 select that one control L and follow active quads I'll take that and I'll I'll scale it uh also so you know by scaling uh individually you may change you know the proportions of uh your stuff but I'm not too worried I'll take that piece there and I'll just scale it and sort of globally and this piece take that and I'll scale it a little bit you know so you know I have a separate material of course on here which is the knob and that allows me to use the entire EV space instead of trying to get cram the whole model into one or using the other which is the udem method which is something we could talk about another time I've done a bunch uh like that and okay I could straighten this one too if I really wanted to maybe I'll get that shot sy0 I just chose one that I thought looked not too bad it's not a square obviously it's a rectangle but that's should be okay select that one Ctrl L and follow active quads now it's possible that even without straightening that would have been fine so I may have tested it as it was but this will probably be better I'm going to bring uh not that bring everything else back save so uh as far as I know everything has its own material now and it has a UV map as well so we're ready to go we take this now and we create an fbx for this all right so make sure it's saved and Export an fbx of this so I'll come in here door text your video was good selected objects export export in substance painter I will go new I will switch this to opengl compute select and dorm video texture or whatever is it don't text your video okay okay and there is it you can see all my materials back knob metal plate trim and wood I hide that sort yeah okay all right so bake the mesh mops big mesh Maps we'll do this at 2K uncheck ID and Let It Go the unwrap is done and now we'll have a quick look at this it's looking okay to me so before I begin I will turn on anti-aliasing and that'll make it look just a little bit better all right so let's start with something easy let's start with the knob and the metal plate to do this I'm going to use a material I'm going to search for metal and I'm going to use iron rough I'm going to drag that in and we'll zoom in here so we're looking at the knob there all right I'm going to come into the properties and I'm going to change the color I want it to be a darker metal like that okay and that's going to be fine to start the next thing I'm going to do is add a fill layer and just color whitish color we're going to do some metal edges so I'll add a black mask and uh what am I calling the generator and for the generator generator I'll just choose metal edges and I think that will probably be good enough for what I want to do I'm just going to reduce this quite a bit and I want to get this kind of white kind of stain kind of stuff there and that's fine with me we could try to break this up if we wanted to um we could look at changing grunge scale and seeing what that's like but no I don't think I really want to do that if you did want to paint on there um let's just see this and the dirt's going to go in there uh well let me get that back there you go oh by the way you should have a look for seams and I'm not really seeing any so that unwraps seemed to work well in substance painters sometimes plays very nicely and sometimes you have to struggle with that a bit what I could do is I could add a paint layer here and I could come to my brushes choose something like dirt I'll try this dirt one I'll just scale it down and just to show you getting out of there if I do that you see I can I can paint if I press X I can sort of cut away that so if I didn't want it like that I could you know I could do this kind of thing and then I could come back in and maybe decrease the flow and just just put it in myself and I'll probably end up doing just just leaving it like that I'm not going to see it very close up but it doesn't look like a solid line all right so uh I'm going to label that as edges and now I'm going to add another fill layer and I will use a color and roughness we're going to do dirt so roughness all the way up and I think I'm just going to be lazy and just use a dark color instead of going for a brown kind of dirt color I had a generator and I probably will just use dirt like that and as you can see some of the dirt has gone in there anyhow it's a little bit heavy on the box so I'm just going to bring it down we're not really going to see in there so I'm just going to leave it like that and that is my that's my doorknob right there you could try different masks if you if you didn't want to so for example I'll I'll clear that and I've got a black mask there so you come over to Smart masks and you could search for dirt if you wanted to then then you could try like dirt cavities and see you know and then adjust the balance um dirt soft edges but I I think I'm going to stick with the uh the generator the one and just uh scale it down just leave it like that and uh I could put some scratches on there I suppose so let's do let's try that all right add a fill layer and I'm going to use I'll try hiding color for the moment I'll drop this down a little bit so they're indented I'm going to add a black mask and then a fill go into the fill on the grayscale I'll search those scratches and use this last one here and you can see it's put some scratches in there and then I can adjust the balance sheet and a number of other things um um when I up the resolution they will become a little bit more evident let's have a look at doing that all right I'm at 10 24 let's bring that up to 2048 and see what the scratches look like okay not too bad kinda want them a little deeper I don't know but my nuts you know something like that and then you can come back here and you can have more or less change the tiling you're not going to see them very well so they're just there maybe I'll just uh all right let's see that was good now what I might do is take all this and Ctrl G that'll put it in a folder and that's I'm just going to leave it like that I think ah and I think I will copy that and I'm going to come over to the metal plate delete that and paste that in and see how I like it and I do like it unless I'm missing anything even with the scratches and that's kind of what I was hoping for you can put you know I'll probably put grunge actually on this you'll see that in a bit when I do that on the wood so I'm going to leave that for the moment all right so I'm on the wood layer and I'm going to start with the fill layer and I'm going to come in and try to get a dark brown kind of color starting with something like that I'll bring the roughness up to about there okay I'm gonna add a black mask and to fill and in the fill I'm going to search for a directional noise to that one there directional Noise two drop that in that's starting to look a little bit like wood and I'm going to be changing this in a moment maybe I'll change it right now let's try this multiply and lower that I'm just going to leave it like that for the moment and I'm going to call this noise I'm going to add another fill layer and this one I'm going to make a light brown I'll I'll start with that and see how it goes okay I'm gonna add a black mask and the fill and go in the properties and this time I'm going to search for wood and this wood zero one I'm going to add that I'm going to bring the knots down to actually zero I think and I'm actually going to change this back and I'm going to try this one we'll try multiply here I'm gonna lose it do it up here change this to multiply and drop the intensity down so I have that pattern in there and I have the other noise if I slide it you see that one and that one and I can adjust these and this one I'm going to call Uh Wood pattern that's not going to be exactly how it's going to look yet so I'm going to add one more fill layer and I'm going to change this color to a dark brown and I think I'll come to here I'm going to lower this down and I'm going to put this on multiply thank you and just play with the color and bring the roughness up I'm going to start with that actually I might make this one a little darker what you're going to notice is that the grain is not going in the correct direction so we're going to account for that and then we'll make this look a little bit nicer all right so just before we do that let's come over here and let's uh maybe decrease the height of that a little bit we get a little bit more texture to that okay so we need to adjust that this is going to be color [Music] all right I'm going to create a new fill layer and I'm going to call this change direction and I'm going to alt click on color and then turn it off so no channels are turned on but up here I'm going to change all of these to pass through so I'm just going to cycle through them height is going to be passed through roughness has passed through all of them are passed through and the last one normal pass through I'm going to switch this back to base color all right so I've done that now I'm going to add a filter right on here and the filter is going to be the transform filter I'm going to change the rotation to 90 degrees that's done already but I'm going to add a black mask and now I'm going to look at my word and say okay I want this one to go across like this this one I don't want vertical so I'm going to click on here and I'm going to leave it on this polygon fill I'm going to click here sometimes you'll have to click in a couple places so this one goes across I want this one changed it's going to be up and down across up and down across up and down and across these ones I want up and down so I'm going to click there that height might be a bit too much but I may have to sort of box select here to get everything there I'm going to come back and we'll have a look it looks like all of my wood grain is now going in the direction that I want all right I just want to come back here and change this to minus zero you know what minus 0.03 let's say just a small amount all right so far so good all right so that's my wood and I've got the change direction I think I will Control G put that in a folder and I'm going to call that wood all right now I'm going to add some Edge wear or metal edges really I want just uh I'm gonna I'm gonna try just white we'll see how that looks had a black mask generator metal edges bring it down so I just have just a little bit and maybe even on the very top just like that so this is going to be edges and now dirt color and roughness roughness up dark and this will help black mask generator dirt so that darkens the wood up a little bit and then you know you can go back in and and tweak the colors if we don't like them and I redo that a little bit later I don't spend all your time now I'm liking that so far so I'm going to take this in fact I'm going to take all of these I'll take all of those copy them and I'm going to come to the trim delete that and paste but I will come into uh which one this this change direction One and I'm going to clear the mask I'm going to focus just on the trim and you can see here that some of my trim it goes sideways I think I want this stuff to go up and down well let's have a look so I'm going to select in box select and just have a look and I think I'm going to like that better so it'll go horizontal on these pieces in vertical on those so let's do all of that so I sort of box select those and that's the bottom ones or the middle ones actually and these will change direction you can see them changing as I do this very easy to do instead of going into individual layers you know and try to change the rotation which you sometimes can do but when you have more than one layer it could be a pain all right so there's that so I now have some dirt on those the same color now I can still go and I can change colors on this wood if I don't like it I do want a little bit more stuff on here and so I think what I'll do is I'll go back to the wood and let's put it uh I can put it above let's add one more fill layer and we'll go for color and roughness and the roughness will be quite High sort of a dust kind of layer it had a black mask and a fill and in the fill I'm gonna add a grunge and just search for a grunge that might work let's see what that does I just want this kind of a thing to just a dirty grunge I think I'm gonna make this a little bit more Brown the wood just something like that oh there or I just let it go that's what I like right there grunge now that I like that I'm going to copy that and I'm gonna put that on top of the trim as well so I've got it there okay and um Maybe not quite as intense and same thing on this wood would I do this on camera I don't take as much time as I would normally all right and by the way I might actually add some height a little bit of height so it's like on the surface almost like Splash paint you can't really tell very well there now I want this grunge oh I want that back I'm going to copy that I also think I want to try it on the knob so I'm going to paste that and I think it's on there a little bit and on the metal plate yeah little bits on there and of course I can come in here and I can [Music] let me change the scale on there that looks fine it's just a little bit of something on there okay so so far so good initially I was thinking of taking this wood here let's take this wood I'll take all of it actually and I might not need the edges let's let's have a look at this on here foreign and I was thinking of doing that but now that I think of it I think I want to use like a glass but not a transparent glass just a reflective so without even changing the Shader to Alpha blending and opacity I'm going to try smart materials gloss and I have this glass dirty glass film you know some of them come with substance painter like the visor ones and some of them you have to you know find it download let's try this glass dirty and that reflects whatever hdri I have in the background and it's already got some dirt and that is actually the look that I want to go for instead of instead of the wood now whether it makes sense to have glass all throughout there I don't know yeah I could go with that we can have a look at looking in different lighting and that will you know give you a nicer review and that's kind of what I like right there okay um I think what I'll do is I'll come back to the wood and I want to have a look at this color one here foreign just play with this a little bit anything you drop the roughness a bit you could do a roughness variation that would be nice but I want this Old sort of dry looking door so let's have a look at upping the resolution now for these things I'll bring this to 2048. you should get a little bit more detail in here let's try adding scratches to the door and let's do this uh with uh let's use color and height drop the height down we'll leave the color like that for now and see how it looks we'll add a fill coming here and choose scratches okay that's a little bit much just a touch of those and again you know it kind of mixes with the grunge uh look and you know you can look at trying different colors you'd say I'm gonna try it try black does that look any good not as visible I don't believe it as much you try red blood I'm gonna leave it like that though all right and since I kind of like those [Music] I'm going to copy that layer and try it on the trim as well and to see if it's over the top or just adds a couple more here and there uh to look a little bit more consistent all right let's go back now to the texture settings so we got that on the trim we can up the the resolution as well and we'll have a final look at it okay um metal plate doesn't really need it there's not much going on doorknob probably doesn't but I could I could do that it's already at 2048 and let's see this is the glass or these now you could you could come in here you can change it now that you know that it's called let's have let's just have a look at 2048 the the crack might look a little bit better in the dirt all right so that's what we have there's our door okay you could then decide if you like the blending if you need more of the first layer and less of the second all of that kind of stuff and then of course test it out with different lightings [Music] which will give you a good idea of how it might look in blender I'll just cycle through a few of them so you can see okay well I think that gives you a pretty good idea so there is the door I I'm not worried about the direction of the sides you could change that as well all right so we've got our own little procedural wood we've got some grunge in there we got some dirt and uh We've made our own metal as well all right cool so hope to see you in the next video if you do make the door good luck and hope you enjoy it take care
Channel: zerobio
Views: 15,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorials, blender beginner, blender modeling, substance painter, blender door, blender wooden door, blender door knob
Id: mQXi6EyKb5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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