How to use Bigin by Zoho CRM: Zoho’s Dedicated CRM for Small Business

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are you looking for a light and edile CRM designed exclusively for small and micro businesses well bigan by Zoho CRM may be the perfect solution for your business ban is a simple yet powerful CRM that embodies more of a multi-dimensional model that understands how all operations in your small business work together to drive success so in this big in CRM tutoral I'm going to help you get familiar and up and running with this impressive customer facing small business CR M by Zoho okay so before we go ahead and launch into bigin consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to help your small business Thrive online and with that happy note out the way let's go ahead and dive into this bigan CRM tutorial for small business okay so to get started with ban by Zoho CRM simply head over to your browser and type in and that's going to take you here even better what you can do is click the link in the description below this video and that's going to give you a 50% discount up to $100 on your annual subscription plus a 15-day free trial then navigate down and sign up for free simply add your details and you'll be instantly taken inside of your bingin account now before we dive in I just want to say a big thank you to Big in by Zoho CRM for sponsoring this video and supporting our Channel I talk a lot about Zoho products on this channel that are suitable for small businesses however I've yet to talk about the bigan CRM and for the purpose of this Bing in tutorial I'm going to get started with a completely fresh account so that I can show how small business owners can quickly get up and running with Bing in so go ahead sign up and I'll meet you inside bin and here we are inside my fresh b account now this dedicated CRM for small businesses was launched in 2020 now what I like about ban is its focus on Three core aspects which is first the quick setup and implementation process and second the robust customer facing functionality and third a simple yet powerful user interface what exactly is Ban and who is it for well like I mentioned earlier ban is a CRM that's dedicated to small businesses and focuses on a bit way that small businesses can manage customer facing teams ban actually understands how small businesses operate and offers an interconnected CRM approach that brings customer facing departments together such as onboarding support training delivery and more what ban has done really well with is the unification between important operations that are involved in running a business and we'll talk more about how this works in this tutorial when you first arrive inside the CRM you'll notice these modules over on the left hand side and these modules are a collection of data that you can customize so first we have pipelines and this is where you can create and manage team pipelines so think about the types of pipelines that work together in your organization you can create and manage those here and we'll talk more about this shortly then if we navigate over to contacts this module is all about managing contacts here we can manage all our contact records then below contacts we have our companies and similar to contacts this is where we can manage all our company records below companies we have products and this is where you can add and manage your own product that you sell then below products we have the activities module and here we can manage all our activities within our calendar activities can be tasks events and calls again we'll talk more about this later on then below this we have dashboards and dashboards allow us to Monitor and analyze our data within our CRM okay so let's navigate back up to pipelines you can see that bin has a minimalistic user interface making it easy for small business owners and their teams to adopt begin okay so before we dive into team pipelines what we want to do is navigate up to settings we want to make sure that our account is set up correctly and the first thing that we want to do is connect our emails navigate over to email under channels and this is where you can connect your email service B allows you to engage in all your email conversations directly inside binging meaning you do not need to leave and jump into a different email service a different tab all your communication can be done inside Bing in so what I'm going to do is quickly go ahead and connect my Gmail account and all I need to do is sign in with Google to connect my Gmail account here's my Google account and all we need to do is click on continue then choose your email sharing permissions I'm going to keep private on keep my customer email conversations private we also have the option to add an email signature and then if we navigate down back under channels you can see that we can click on messages which allows us to connect our WhatsApp business account to begin in again you want to take the time to do that if you use WhatsApp in your business if we navigate down to phone this is where you can connect a number so that you can make calls directly inside of B we also have social here you can manage your customers Twitter conversations inside of B and then we also have signals and this is where we can enable or disable specific notifications that we want to be notified for and then we have other important settings like users and controls here you can set up specific profiles and roles however if you want to dive deeper into settings what I'll do is add a beginners tutorial down below that will help you with the initial setup and understanding all these settings however just quickly this is where you can add new users and you can assign profiles and roles now I want to briefly talk about customizing our modules and Fields simply navigate over to the left hand side and locate Fields you'll notice that up here under module fields we have all our different modules over on the left hand side that we can customize based on the way that our small business operates so if we navigate back across we can change the name of these modules so as you can see we have contacts companies and products if we navigate over to our modules here we've got contacts companies and products now I'm going to keep contacts and companies the same but I want to navigate over to products and I want to change this to Services because my small business sales services and for the purpose of today's tutorial we'll be using a small business that is a digital media and marketing agency so I'm going to navigate over to this pencil icon and then change this to web services and then web service and then hit save and as you can see products has now changed to web services so again depending on the nature of your business you can navigate through these different modules and you can customize these modules now the same goes for Fields so if I navigate back over to web services I can customize these fields if I like to do that simply navigate down and click on customize fields and here I can drag in a field from the rightand side into my module or I can create a custom field now I'm happy with this default field so I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and I'm actually happy with all my different modules and their fields so I'm going to navigate up to pipeline fields and this is where we can customize our pipeline fields at the moment we only have one pipeline so I'm going to leave this for now and head over to pipelines now one of the standout and unique features that bigin has to offer is team pipelines and sub pipelines essentially this is where you can create multiple pipelines depending on the nature of your business and all your pipelines and teams are interconnected meaning that your different pipelines and teams can work together to streamline operations so at the moment you can see that we have a sales pipeline built by default what we're going to do is navigate up to team pipelines and click on create team Pipeline and then here we have two options we can create a new team pipeline or a new sub pipeline now we'll talk more about sub pipelines shortly so we're going to select new team Pipeline and then if we come down here we have the option to create from scratch or we can clone from a template for now I'm going to go ahead and create from scratch go ahead and add your pipeline name and then down here you can choose how you would like to name the records in this pipeline I'm just going to add deals for plural and deal for singular then down here you can select pipeline permissions and then go ahead and click on next and every pipeline is going to be different and have different stages so this is where you want to add your custom stages I'm going to quickly go ahead and add my open stages as well as my closed stages and here are my open stages and my closed stages now because I'm a web design and digital marketing agency one of our pipelines is going to be about training and this training is all about helping our customers become self-sufficient with editing their website so these are the different open stages that we want to take our customers through before they are self-sufficient with managing their own website okay so I'm going to navigate down and click on next and here we can customize the pipeline field just like I showed you before in settings I'm going to navigate over to description and drag this and place that down here and then I don't need this amount field so I'm going to navigate over here and remove this field and I'm happy with these fields I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and as you can see I now have two team pipelines what I'm going to do is navigate up here and create another pipeline this time I'm going to pick a template and I want to add a customer support pipeline for us this customer support pipeline is dedicated to helping our customers with their technical website issues so I'm going to navigate down and click on use this template and as you can see if we navigate up here we now have three pipelines sales pipeline training and Customer Support I'm going to navigate up here and add one more team pipeline through a template and this is going to be website launch because we want to have a pipeline dedicated to the process of launching our client websites then I'm going to navigate down and click on use this template and just like that we now have a website launch Pipeline and again if we want to customize any of these pipeline simply navigate up to settings and then navigate over to Fields then click on Pipeline field here we have all our pipelines and this is where we can customize our pipeline fields okay so I'm going to navigate back over to pipelines and then select sales Pipeline and then navigate down to the bottom and here we want to add a sub Pipeline and sub pipelines are different sets of stages in a specific process so this is my sales pipeline for my web design clients however I want to create a sub pipeline that has a similar sales process but instead for SEO projects so I'm going to navigate up to sub pipeline name and add SEO projects and this is one of our marketing services that has its own sales pipeline I'm going to quickly go ahead and add my open stages and close stages and I'm happy with that now again if I create a new stage like I did in the last pipeline I can see those stages down here and you can also select from the default stages down here if you like I'm going to navigate out of here and remove the stage and I'm happy with the stages in the sub pipeline I'm going to navigate down and click on Save save now if I navigate over here you can see I have SEO projects and then for this substage I have my sales pipeline standard what I'm going to do is change this to website projects by clicking on these three dots and then clicking on manage stages and then what I'm going to do is navigate up to the pipeline name and then navigate over to edit and change this to website projects and I'm happy with this so I'm going to navigate down and click on done and as you can see if I navigate over to training and then click on sales pipeline you you can see within my sales pipeline I have two sub pipelines website projects and SEO projects now we can also quickly access templates for teams here or for Industries to add a new deal simply navigate up to add deal and you can manually enter in your deal here so I'm going to cancel out of this for now and before we get back into team pipelines what I'm going to do is navigate over to companies so as you can see we currently only have one default company now what we can do is navigate up to this plus icon and here we we can create a new record I can quickly create a record for one of my pipelines or I can create a new contact company web service one of my products I can add a task event or call I'm going to go ahead and click on company and then quickly manually add a company so I've quickly gone ahead and added basic company information I can also add address information and I can also customize these fields if I like I'm just going to go ahead and add this company for now and that's going to open up the company's record if we navigate up here we can view the time timeline these are the different activities that are relevant to this company to this record then we have notes this is where we can manage and add notes then we also have activities these are the activities in terms of tasks events and calls that are related to this record if we navigate across we can view email conversations as well as social interactions this is in terms of Twitter profiles then next to that we have pipelines you can see that this company record is not part of any of our pipelines we can also quickly go go ahead and create a new deal if we navigate across we have contacts and then we have files if we navigate up here we can edit the record we can click on these three dots we can clone delete and find and merge duplicates of this record okay so let's click out of here and then navigate up to this quick action and then quickly manually add a contact I'm going to quickly go ahead and fill out this information and as you can see I've quickly added this contacts information and under company name I've gone ahead and selected the company that we just added if we navigate down we can also add the address of this contact but I'm happy with this for now I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and as you can see that's going to open up this record now I'm going to navigate over to contacts back inside contacts you can now see we have two contacts if I click on a contact record that's going to generate the record information okay so now let's navigate over to companies and the same is said with companies and again you can manually add records or you can import records from a spreadsheet if you want to learn how to do this I'll add a link below in the description now inside settings what we can also do is access workflows if we navigate over to workflows this is where we can set up and Trigger automatic actions that are important to our workflows for example let's navigate over to new workflow then I'm going to navigate over to the module and I'm going to select customer support then navigate over to workflow name and this is going to be called new issue I'll add a brief description and then come down and click on next and over here we want to set up a trigger that's going to trigger this automatic workflow inside the customer support pipeline so at the moment we have created selected so trigger this workflow when a ticket is created I'm happy with that I'm going to navigate to Next and then over here we need to set up conditions I'm going to select all tickets because I want this workflow to trigger when any ticket is created inside this pipeline then I'm going to go ahead and click on next then here we have specific actions that we can set up for this workflow so when a new new ticket is created so a new issue that a customer has what is the action that we want to automate do we want to send an email create a task upload a field create connected record or add tags what I want to do is I want to create a new task so I want the ticket owner to see that there is a new task that they need to execute on to do that I'm going to navigate up to task name and I'm going to add website issue and this task is for the ticket owner the due date is workflow trigger date I'm going to add zero and then click on notify owner and Mark as high priority and then come down and click on Save again I can navigate up to actions and I can add additional actions if I like however this is a simple workflow for the purpose of today's tutorial so let's go ahead and save this automatic workflow now let's navigate over to pipelines and then locate our customer support pipeline then what I'm going to do is quickly go ahead and create a new ticket let's quickly create the ticket information and as you can see I've quickly added this ticket information the website is not working and the contact name is Sam Smith the company shark Roofing the stage is a new ticket because this is a new issue in our customer support Pipeline and then we have the Clos date as well as the description I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and as you can see within this record and under activities we automatically have this new task that needs to be executed on again if I navigate over to activities on the left hand side you can see that we have that new task down here if I click on the three dots I can edit Mark as complete and delete so let's navigate back over to our pipelines and you can use workflows to connect your different pipelines together and the different actions that you and your team need to execute on okay so let's navigate over to web services I'm going to go ahead and add my service offerings remember this used to be products but we changed the module name I'm going to go ahead and quickly fill out this information okay so as you can see I've added the record information for this product this week web service this is a basic web design package that we offer and you can see the web service code the web service category the unit price as well as the description now we can also navigate down and we can further customize these fields if we like I'm going to go ahead and click on Save and that's going to open up the record information I'm going to navigate back and similar to the process I just showed you I'm going to quickly go ahead and add a few more services and as you can see I now have three services that I offer okay so what I'm going to do is navigate over to pipelines and then go ahead and add a new deal and that's going to be under my website projects sub pipeline I'm going to quickly go ahead and add the deal information and as you can see I've quickly added some basic information like the deal name the company name that's associated with this deal as well as the contact name then I've added the sub pipeline which is website projects and then the stage of this deal now what I'm going to do is navigate down to webit services and then select a service I added earlier this this is going to be a web design standard deal and as you can see the amount is automatically added and then I'm going to quickly add a closing date I'm going to navigate across and then click on October the 6th I can add a description if I like but for now I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and that's going to generate the record information now up here you can see the current stage in the sales pipeline it's currently under needs analysis and we want to move this deal through the sales pipeline until they are closed and one to move this deal through the pipeline I can click here and then select the stage and that's going to move that deal if I like I can add an activity for example I want to add a task which could be called payment followup and then add a due date and this is going to be a reminder I can also add repeat tasks if I like I'm going to come down and click on on due date and then click on a day before due date so this is a payment followup and we need the payment to be process before we can move this deal through our pipeline you can choose which deal that this task is associated with I'm I'm happy with shark roofing project and then we can add these other details down here if we like I'm going to navigate down and click on Save and now what I can do is navigate over to activities and I can view all my tasks events and calls associated with that deal as well as with any other contact company and deal if we navigate down here you can see that task down here okay so I'm going to navigate back up to pipelines and we can also move these deals by simply dragging and dropping those deals and with each of these deals I can view edit I can navigate down and click on this email icon and that's going to open up an email inside of Bing in I'm going to navigate down and click on cancel and then navigate back up here and then click on this icon here and that's going to open up all the activities associated with this deal I can also go ahead and create a new activity now I want to briefly talk about toppings if we click out of here and then navigate over to settings and then click on toppings over on the left hand side we can activate specific toppings and these are add-ons that essentially help you get the most out of begins capabilities for examp example with email in email in automatically creates a record in your pipeline whenever a new email is received so let's go ahead and install this and then agree and authorize and then go ahead and click on install now so if you want to automatically create records in your pipeline whenever a new email is received to a specific email Alias then you want to go ahead and add that email Alias here so for example if I created an email Alias like salesy and if receive an email to that email then automatically a deal will be created in a pipeline so if we navigate up to new email Alias here you want to add the email Alias then down here add a name and these are the pipelines and sub pipelines that you want to add that record or deal to as soon as that email gets an email and you can choose who to assign records to as well as ADD tags so I'm going to navigate down and click on cancel so as you can see this is a powerful feature topping that you can enable Okay so let's now navate back over to settings and then head over to toppings again another important topping that you might want to install is file cabinet this allows you to send and receive files from contacts easily through secure external links essentially this add-on enables a two-way cloud storage and file sharing activity both your customers and your team can share and add files to your records this is via a specific and secure link all you need to do is navigate down to install then agree and authorize and then click on install now and then now what we can do is navigate over to contacts and let's go ahead and click on this contact then navigate over to files and then click on enable file cabinet and then you want to make sure that your work drive is set up which is where you and your customers can store files so as you can see file cabinet is enabled for Sam Smith now if I copy this link and send that to Sam Sam can now upload files that will be added directly into this record as you can see an email has already been composed I can navate down and click on send and as you can see this is an effective way that you can quickly upload files from your customers simply copy and send a secure link and your customers can upload those files okay so I'm going to exit out of this and then navigate over to settings and then navigate down to forms this is where you can easily create a form inside of ban so that you can easily collect different types of records and here we have two options we can create a contact form so create a form with fields from contacts and companies mod modules you can also create a form from pipeline forms and the fields that are associated with your pipelines it depends on the type of record that you want to collect so for example if I go ahead and click on create a contact form and this is where you can build out your form with the different fields over on the leand side and this could be a form that collects contact records or I can click on companies and create a form that collects company details and it's really easy to build out your web form for example I can navigate down and click on email drag that over here as well as the first name I want first name I'm going to add that above the last name and let's go ahead and drag phone and put that below email and I'm happy with that then you can also customize your form if you like and when you navigate through the steps to set up this form you then have the option to embed this form on your website or you can share the link to capture your contacts information okay so I'm going to leave this for now and cancel out of this and what I want to do is navigate back over to pipelines okay so before I finish up why do I like bigan and who do I believe that bigan is best suited for well bigan for me is an ideal solution for small and micro businesses because it's one of the most affordable CRM options on the market that offers all the fundamental features that you need in a CRM software and I like that bigin does not just focus on sales you have a team pipeline that allows you to create the different types of pipelines that are important in day-to-day operations and the fact that you can interconnect them together with different workflows in order to streamline collaboration and communication regarding your pipelines I think that is invaluable again ban is light and agile but has everything that a CRM should offer the user interface makes it incredibly easy for anyone to adopt so if you're looking for an affordable CRM that's easy to use lightweight and agile and allows you to create multiple integrated pipelines to streamline all your different micro operations then the Bing in CRM by Zoho could be the right solution for your business now if we navigate up to the top right hand corner and click on our profile you can get in touch with begin support 5 days a week either talk directly with them or send an Email down here there are also some helpful resources to help you on your journey for example you can get started with the help guide you can join their Community you can also join their webinars okay so let's exit out of that and that is everything that I wanted to cover to help you get up and running with a big in for your small or micro business and and there we have it guys that is it for this big in CRM tutorial for small and micro businesses now if you have any questions about big in by Zoho CRM make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this tutorial all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with that said Thank you guys and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 9,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoho crm, Bigin crm, bigin crm reviews, how to use bigin crm, bigin crm tutorial, free crm for startups, free crm for small business, best free crm for startups, crm tutorial, best crm for startups, best crm for small business, best crm for local business, bigin by zoho crm, zoho crm tutorial, stewart gauld
Id: eM8q0SOKyKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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