How to use Autocrafting in Minecraft Farms - The Iron Farm

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when Golems are pumping through your Minecraft iron farm your storage is going to fill up in no time with ingots and poppies but why if they dropped iron blocks this is your storage before this is the same storage after the poppies have even converted to D this is how you do it using autocrafting in Minecraft this is the crafter I introduced this in my last video and people wanted me to show you how to use it to convert drops into blocks on a farm that produces more than one drop and the Farm came out top so here's how the first thing we need to understand is the crafter gives out a redstone signal depending on how many of its grid are taken up and it doesn't matter how many are in that slot just that the slot is taken up so if I were to click let's say five of those slots you'll see we get a redstone signal of one two three four and five coming out but if I was to click all of them like this that gives me a signal of nine and you can see here I've put different numbers of blocks a whole stack half a stack a single block plus also a different type of block that's non-stackable we still only get five signal out of it and we can use this to our advantage we also need to be careful on how we power this because the crafter does need power to craft something if we just shoot a redstone signal in there you go leave it on Redstone signal in we can see that that is powered which is brilliant that means it'll craft something however the one next to it is powered as well which is going to give us problems if we want a compact design however if we power the block next to it I'll put that redstone on top there just to show that the block has got power you'll see it's little red ears there have turned on but the one next to it is not so that hasn't powered the block next to it and this is how we're going to use the crafter in this design and this is the module you are going to put underneath the collection chamber of your iron farm it looks complicated but I promise you it's a lot less complicated than it looks to make this in its entirety this is what you're going to need those two stacks of 44 red dye they could be any block that is not going to travel through the system red dye should never travel through this system however you might want to rename a block use a different block whatever you like I don't mind just make sure it's never going to go through the farm let's get on with it it is also worth mentioning that this does not include what it would take to make the iron farm itself I've got plenty of iron farm tutorials on my channel maybe go and check one of those out there'll be some links in the description so starting where you want to do your crafting you're going to place two Crafters like that and next to them you're going to place a block you're going to leave a gap Place Another block leave a gap place another block you're going to get a comparator you're going to place it between those two blocks in that direction between those two blocks in that direction so it's kind of going out that way and out that way right click on both those comparators because you want them to go into subtract mode then next to the comparator coming into it you want to face another comparator like that and there you want to place another crafter like that it doesn't matter what the orientation is going to be they're not going to do any crafting and then finally pressing Shift Place Another block on top top of that comparator and another block on top of that comparator you're going to place redstone there Redstone there Redstone there and similar there there and there so you've got a setup that looks like that you can then place your chest in front of that as a double chest now if you didn't want to craft four Crafters maybe you've only got the resources for two you can use a composter that is filled to level six you can check that press F3 and it tells you what level it is when you're looking at it so that is two dots before it's completely full with the white on and that will give you exactly the same effect as a crafter with six of its buttons pushed because that's how many buttons we need to push on these ones so come into your crafter and click any six of the nine buttons like that and then do it the same on the other one any six of the nine buttons like that and then on these two craft at the front on the one on the left leave them all unlicked the one on the right click all of them except for just one the one in the middle it doesn't matter which one but just keep one open so if you're interested I'll explain what's happening here and if not just skip it this crafter has got six which means there is a signal strength of Six coming out into the side of this comparator which I've put on subtract mode you can tell it's on subtract mode because the little light at the end is on that means whatever signal is coming out of it it takes six away from if I got rid of that it would take five away from it but we're getting rid of six now if I have six things inside here that means that's going to give a signal strength of zero here High have seven things inside here that gives a signal strength of one which will light that up if I have eight things in here that gives a signal strength of two which you light that one and that one up and then if that is completely full that will light that one that one and that one because it'll be a signal strength of nine in short the signal coming out the back of the craft arm stood on which is six plus the three that go over the top of those blocks make nine which means a signal strength of nine coming out of the block that's crafting will loop back and craft the things that's in the grid so in the iron crafter we need nine iron ingots to give that signal strength of nine however in the poppy craf we've already got a signal strength of eight because we've clicked all of those in we just need one poppy to go into the middle to make nine hopefully that makes sense but if you want more detail about how comparators work do let me know in the comments and maybe I'll make a quick video on it we now need to create the machine that feeds the iron ingots into that crafter and the poppies into that crafter and I'll go as slow as I can so as you can follow it along place a h ER there and a hopper there you'll need to shift click same on top of that and on top of that again you need to shift click you're then going to get a temporary block and place it on the back of one of the bottom two Hoppers block on the back of that and a block next to it get rid of your temporary block and place a redstone torch there and there you're then going to get another temporary block and place it there and a block on the back of that get rid of that temporary block and put a block next to that you're then going to get one of your slabs and you need to place a slab temporarily on the underside of that block and then Place one there take that slab back because you're then going to come around and put it next to that then get your repeater put one repeater going into that block and one repeater going into that block just going to fill in that hole we're then going to place a block on top of that block a block on top of that block a block there a block there and then another block next to both of those we then need to get our comparator and place a comparator there and a comparator there and some Redstone placing one 2 3 4 5 and six it doesn't matter that they join up we have four more Hoppers to place the first one is shift clicked into that comparator you can see the little nub goes into the comparator this one is shift clicked into the next comparator again the nub goes into that we're then going to place a temporary block I'm going to put it on top of that we're going to place our Hopper there we're going to place a chest here and then we're going to get rid of that block and place a hopper into that this chest is our overflow system the Overflow is really important that is going to catch anything that might fall into the farm that doesn't get filtered through so anything that is not a poppy and is not an iron ingot will go into the Overflow system and very occasionally you'll also get a poppy or an Ingot going there depending on how fast they feed through depending on how fast your farm is so now we set the filter system itself into The Hoppers that are going into these comparators we need to place our 42 D so I'm going to place one there one there one there and one there notice I've left the first slot open going to come to the next one same again second slot third slot fourth slot and fifth slot now they have all got 44 in Now 44 isn't enough power to to get to this bit if it was then this would open up that Hopper and allow it to reduce the stuff through and into that crafter what we want is two more things for that to happen so on the poppy side I'm going to place two poppies in there that is going to allow one poppy to go through which will appear in that bottom Hopper right there and in this one we're going to place two ingots one of them falls through and goes to that bottom Hopper there every time we now put an Ingot into this one or a poppy into this one that will flow through but it'll only allow poppies or ingots to flow through so if we get stuff in here poppies will go there ingots will go there if we get stuff in there then the ingots go through to that right we're going to put a chest on here and we're just going to test it to make sure that it works I'm going to place 20 iron ingots and eight poppies into here like that that is going to start this working you can see that one is flashing and we've already got some Dy going through there that has just flashed and we've already got our first block of iron these are filtering through beautifully we haven't lost anything into our chest yet what I am going to do is I'm going to place something that doesn't belong in the system just to check it goes into our filter chest including this mace that comes from 1.21 which I love so let's flick all these bits in poppies iron ingots some jungle planks some more poppies some more iron ingots and let's see what we end up with at the bottom we should get perhaps an iron block and some dye yeah iron block and some dye then we come up to the top and we've got our jungle planks and our mace back so everything's working beautifully all you need to do is stick your iron golem spawning chamber on top of this so I've created an iron golem spawning chamber and I'm going to spawn some golems in we've got the standard kill system there with the lava they're going to be collected through that Hopper down in the corner and pushed into the corner by the water just like any other type of Golem Kill Chamber let's just try it with one first just going to spawn one Golem in oh let's just that's just not one that's a number of Golems okay you've got a very fast iron farm with this one that's fabulous those iron Farms are going to go through there when they die we're going to end up with stuff spawning into that's very loud we're going to end up with stuff spawning into our chest and we should end up when we get close enough we should be able to see that we've got stuff going through what we're going to do is let's empty out that chest completely so as we know for sure that everything coming through is brand new so those Golems again are pushing against each other and they're going to get themselves dead in that lava this system is going to pull it through and eventually we're going to see these lights flashing as those Iron Golems die popping our poppies through to become red dye and our iron blocks to become these blocks here and just for Giggles let's pretend that this iron farm is the most efficient iron farm in the world and it's lobbing in a load of Golems that's probably plenty I don't know any iron farm that's going to get that many Golems all at the same time but I've also managed to throw my sword in by mistake cuz let's face it we've all pressed Q when we meant to press W haven't we oh no There Goes My Sword I don't want to lose my netherite sword that' be terrible but it's okay that will flow into the system and into the Overflow you see we've got loads of puppies coming through so we've had an overflow of one extra puppy as well and inside the collection we've already got 13 blocks of iron and 27 red guys thank goodness they're all dead now now obvious ly if you wanted to keep the poppies and not turn them into red dye well all you need to do is take that second crafter out and feed that into a barrel or a chest they'll just come through as poppies like normal they'll still get sorted out and your iron will still turn into blocks I think that is a pretty cool system and not that difficult either you could use this with any Farm or any combination of farms you like maybe on a gold Farm perhaps you want to do it on a kelp Farm maybe you want to join up a creeper Thum and a sugar cane Thum to make rockets it's all sorts of possibilities and it uses EX exactly the same principle let me know what you think I'd be really interested to know what you have been doing with this brand new crafter Block it's absolutely amazing definitely my new favorite block so many possibilities and I will look forward to seeing you in another video you take it easy now bye
Channel: Avomance
Views: 3,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron farm, minecraft iron farm, minecraft update, minecraft 1.21, minecraft crafter, autocrafting in minecraft, autocrafter, minecraft autocrafter, autocrafting in farms, autocraft farm, farm autocraft, how to, how to use a crafter, iron farm crafter, iron block, easy farm, convert iron to blocks, minecraft java, minecraft bedrock, bedrock edition, java edition, farm iron, how to farm iron, iron golem farm, golem farm, automatic iron farm, avomance, PC, Java, bedrock
Id: 29yGE3vIeU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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