How to Use Apple Music Family Plan on iPhone (explained)

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welcome again to another video on the foxte YouTube channel you can see that this time we talk about the iPhone and the topic is how to use apple music family plan on an iPhone now a family Apple music subscription is like a group pass for the music that means that it lets everyone in the family use apple music on their own devices without each person needing to pay separately you'll share one subscription which is a little bit more like a little bit higher but it's much more cost effective and each person can have their own playlist the music everything can be set up on your own but you have like one subscription so it's easier for families to enjoy music together basically you can start the uh Apple music subscription on any device you know you can see you can sync it across devices so it doesn't have to be done through the iPhone it can for example be done on your Mac it doesn't matter for example if you click here you can see you have three PL available you have individual you have family and University student so you can see for me I have the family plan selected it is up to six people this is the price and this is how you can actually pick it you have to CH click on that in case you actually get in here you have to like uh switch from one type to the other and that's how it's going to be using that however if you want to change that on the iPhone it's very simple to do so you can uh of course open up the settings so go to the settings page and as you are in here you have to go all the way to the top and click on your name right there so you can see there's your name and what you can do in here is click on subscriptions so you can see subscriptions right there now this is internet base so you're going to have to wait a bit until it loads up so you're going to go like this and you can see I have so many subscriptions available and the second one on the list is already the Apple music so I'm going to click on Apple music and I have the option to cancel the subscription in case I wanted to but I already already have the family active in case you don't have it you can click on see all plans and you can switch from Individual to family or individual per year or student you can see right here there are even more options like one more option compared to the version on the mag which is a little bit interesting so that's very good now okay once you switch to family that's not going to be basically everything you're still going to have to set up the family sharing so this is something to of course you have to do uh as as well I'm going to continue with the video but before I need to show you this because it's the foxtech educational platform which I've been working on you can join it for free the link is going to be down below in the description and here you can find other people learning as well but if you go to the classroom section you can find free video editing courses all apps explained course I've just added multiple new apps which you can learn like full guides you can see 19 minutes everything explain in a depth so if you want to you can check it out it's free to join so definitely go ahead and do that right now anyways once you have the family subscription ready on your iPhone you're going to have to set up Family Sharing as well so you can see in the settings under my name I can also see I can also have my family right here so these are the people which are part of your family if you don't see this you still have to click on your name at the top and there is the Family Sharing option if it's not going to be set up then you can always just click on it and set it up in my case it is already set up and you can see that these are the members I am the organizer and there are some things which pertain to to the section so if I want to I can click on the upper right corner and add an invite like invite new people to be part part of my family sharing to be part of my family within Apple so I am the organizer and I'm invited others so that's how it works and within the family section you can also see one subscription is shared within us so if I click on that you can see that Apple music is a subscription shared by me and I can allow others to actually do or join my my plan my my group and we can all enjoy music together so I have to set up the family right here switch your subscription from a regular Apple music to Apple music family and then invite members and of course you can invite them through iMessage email whatever they have to accept the invitation and then they're going to be part of your group so it's going to be good this is how you're going to be able to use apple music family sharing plan on an iPhone so I'm going to wrap up this video right now hope you found it useful make sure to leave a thumbs up if you did and definitely subscribe down below so you never miss future tutorials like this one thanks lot for watching see you guys later
Channel: Foxtecc
Views: 20,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: use apple music family plan, how to use apple music family plan, how to use apple music family plan on iphone, how to use apple music family plan with friends, how does apple music family plan work, apple music family plan review, apple music family plan, how to work apple music family plan, how to buy apple music family plan, foxtecc, apple fox, how to use the apple music family plan, how does the apple music family plan work, how to add family to apple music family plan
Id: 2BeOWQm7Fz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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